MIN: My pride...

It Started With 5 Dollars

Another tiring but successful day at work. I think I did really well today, I might even get promoted to assistant manager by next week. As I was throwing out the trash outside, there was a customer outside of Go Lucky that was contemplating whether to eat here or go to Hop-and-Burgers. You won't believe how cool I looked. I politely guided him in with my smooth talk and pulled out his chair. Thanks to my professionalism, Go Lucky completely won over a customer. But I hope he won't come back and expect us to pull out his chair. We don't do that here.

''Good work today!'' Manager called out from the kitchen.

I left Go Lucky in a bliss. The night air was so calming and refreshing. It felt good to be outside after working ten long hours near a hot stove and fryer. Go Lucky extended their working hours to midnight, to the employee's dismay. I didn't mind though - I need money, I can barely pay rent. But the issue with Hop-and-Burger's curly bacon fries hasn't been solved yet.

''Oh. There you are, Ahjumma.''

I turned around to see Jungkook...still in his school uniform. It's midnight. ''What are you doing at this time? Are you going to the arcade? You should be at home studying! now SCRAM!''

''I already went,'' he muttered, stepped closer and looked into my eyes seriously. ''I wanted to see you.''

I took a step back in shock. Has he got the hots for me? Is he into old women? Not that I am old. But still.

I cleared my throat. ''What?''

He leaned in closer, eyes unblinking. I can feel his hot breath touching my skin. ''What did you think of the purple elephant I showed you this morning?''

I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

''Answer me!''

''Err. It was really nice?''

''Were you too impressed for words?''

''...Yes, I guess?''

All of a sudden, tears formed in the corner of his eyes. 

''What the heck!!?'' I cried, taken aback.

He wiped his tears graciously. ''When you didn't say anything, I thought you didn't like it. I was devastated, you know??'' he whispered and looked away dramatically. ''You woudn't understand!''

I hurriedly strided away. This kid is weird.

A hand stopped me on the shoulder. There was a light chuckle. ''Okay, okay. I'll stop.'' Jungkook stepped in front of me and grinned.

I stared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh. ''I'll be honest. I was impressed with your work but I...''

Jungkook waited patiently. I looked at the ground, my face reddening in embarrassment. Thank goodness it was dark so he couldn't see.

''...I don't know how to knit so I was going to ask you to fix a few of my shirts and pants...hehe...'' There goes my pride again; I really dislike asking for help. If only I knew how to knit. Actually, in elementary school, I did learn how to knit but now I refuse to touch a needle again after getting my finger stabbed.

I'm not embarrassed about the state of my clothes but the kind of clothes I wear. I buy all my clothes second-hand at a charity shop near Go Lucky. If he sees the clothes I wear at home or when I go to the grocery stores, I will forever be an ahjumma in his eyes. It didn't matter before, so why now?

He abruptly grabbed my hands and pulled me towards him, his eyes determined. ''Of course I'll help!''

My eyes widened at the proximity between us and I shoved him away. He didn't seem to realise though. He's really touchy, isn't he?

''Just give me your clothes tomorrow on the bus.'' He shot me a thumbs up. ''Oh and you can ask me for help anytime. I can knit, dance, play sports, cook, clean--''

''Now you're just being a show off.''

Jungkook laughed, his eyes forming little crescent moons, reminding me of the night we first met - the night I was looking at the crescent moon when he appeared and gave me five dollars.

Oh God. I think my heart fluttered.



Hello everyone! It's pretty short and there's a lot of talking but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! And guess what? Love is in the air :))) Hahahaha. I'll be back with another chapter soon!




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bananaswag #1
ohmy this is so good
Chapter 3: Hahahahaaha cutest story ever.
Kookie's so adorbs
misheri #3
Chapter 2: this