MIN: 5 Dollars

It Started With 5 Dollars

''Would you like fries with that?''

The college student thought for a moment. ''They're only $1 today. Special price,'' I encouraged.

''I'm fine. Thank you.'' She smiled politely.

I grilled the patty. Its juice was bubbling around it and the smell made my insides growl. I'm so hungry. Just an hour left till my shift ends. I flipped the patty over. Ah...that sizzling sound of the meat being cooked is music to my ears. Just wait for me, my honey. I'll order you with extra large fries.  I'll top you off with cheese and onion and sandwich you between two fluffy breads. 


I looked at my co-worker then to my shirt, blankly.

''OhmygodohmygodOHMYGODOHMYGODDDDDDDD. MIN IS BLEEDING!!'' she screamed hysterically and ran around the kitchen like a chicken on fire. The other co-workers lunged at her and knocked her to the floor, trying to calm her down. The customers began looking to see what the ruckus was all about. Her breathing slowed down to even breaths and blood rushed back to her pale face after the co-workers said, ''That's not blood, silly yoohoo. That's tomato sauce!''

The manager walked up to me. ''Um. You can leave early. Good work today.''





I didn't get to order that holy hamburger and extra large fries because of that idiot woman; she ruined my appetite. I don't own a washing machine so that's why I'm mad. I have to scrub extra hard to remove the stain. What kind of person accidently squirts tomato sauce at someone and thinks it blood? If I remember correctly, she just started work a week ago. She's always fidgeting and overreacts to little things and looking around nervously as if she committed murder and was waiting for someone to arrest her. I guess I will forgive her, I remember my horrible first day at work.

I let out a deep sigh. My stomach growled, constantly reminding me that I'm starving. I have no energy to make it home. I should stop by a convenience store and eat some cheap ramen. Yeah, that's a good idea. 

My legs gave out though. I dropped to the floor and grunted. The dark skies were sombre, I can only see the bright crescent moon. All of a sudden, the moon disappered and was replaced by a dark standing figure. I furrowed my brows in confusion. Slowly, a face came to focus. It was a bit blurry but I could see his lips move.

''Here. Buy yourself a nice meal.''

In a blink of an eye, the moon returned and the figure sauntered off. I looked at my hand - a $5 note. What in the world? I jumped to my feet and ran towards the ash brown-haired boy who seemed to be heading into an arcade. 

''Excuse me!'' I called out. He didn't turn around. ''EXCUSE ME, PERSON.''

He turned. His skin was fair, eyes were fairly large and lips rosy pink. I was startled by how clear and smooth his skin was. Self-consciously, I reached for my face and ran my fingers over my dry, flaky skin. 

''What moisturiser do you use?''


I walked up to him and placed the $5 note in his hand. ''Thank you for your generosity but I don't need this. I have a job and it was pay day.'' I shoved my hands in my pockets and pulled out my money.

...20 cents...

...50 cents.

''I forgot to ask my manager...''







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bananaswag #1
ohmy this is so good
Chapter 3: Hahahahaaha cutest story ever.
Kookie's so adorbs
misheri #3
Chapter 2: this