
Imaginary Friend


Sunlight touched her face. With little effort in waking up, Marie opened her tired eyes before sighing and slowly rising from her bed.
After doing her morning routine which consisted of: stretching, brushing teeth, washing face, eating breakfast, taking a 30 minute jog around her neighborhood, and then coming home for a shower, Marie was ready for the day.

Stepping outside her apartment, her eyes wandered to the sleeping scenery before her. I don’t want to do anything today.. Suddenly having the urge to write something, she looked around for her journal. She sighed when she realize she forgot to pack it along the way. I’ll be late if I turn around for it now. Upon arriving to her destination, she quietly sat down on her assigned seat before the usual stampede of classmates greeted her.
“Waaah! It’s Marie!”
“Hey, Marie!”
“Good Morning!”
Forcing a smile on her face, she greeted her classmates quietly before looking outside the window.
I really want to go back home..


“Marie! I’m back!~”
“~~~~~~~! Wah! You’re back!!”
A little girl jumped in enthusiasm as she crossed her prettily made up room towards her precious friend. A boy of 7 greeted her with a huge dimpled smile as he opened his arms letting her know that she was welcome.

As both children separated from their hug, Marie’s mother stepped inside. Frowning, the mother kneeled and questioned her daughter gently, “Marie, why are you shouting?”
“Umma! ~~~~~~~ is back! Look!” The little girl of 6 pointed to the space beside her.
Recognizing that Marie is at the stage where children normally had imaginary friends, Marie’s mother gently smiled and nodded, “Okay sunshine, you can play with ~~~~~~~. Just don’t make a lot of mess okay?” Giving a pat to her little daughter’s head, she straightened up and calmly walked out.
“It’s almost time for lunch too, so no more snacks okay?”
“Ne, Umma!” Marie cheekily smiled. Turning to her friend, she asked, “~~~~~~~~, wanna play with the doll house? You can be the appa again today! I’ll be the umma!”
Marie’s mother softly smiled at her child’s preciousness through the open threshold. ‘What imagination..’
Hello again.
I would just like to say thank you for reading this story.
Until next time. 
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KPOP_survivor #1
im confused i dont get whats going on T_T daebak work anyway