
Imaginary Friend


Opening the door to her home, Marie quietly stepped in and looked around. Everything was very posh and neat, just like how she left it.

When will mother be home?

Dropping off her handbag in her study room, Marie padded her way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she gave a sigh out.

Why is there always nothing inside this darn thing?

Picking up a bottle of water, she went back to her study room. Looking around once again at her surroundings, she could not help but notice the picture standing alone in her desk top. In the picture was a little girl of 7 smiling brightly at the camera showing a toothless smile. Beside her was an image of a boy doing the exact same thing except he had his arms around her in a kind of protective way. Tilting her head, she wondered who the boy was. She clearly recognized herself in the picture, but not the boy.

Do I remember having guy friends back then?

“Marie! Come outside and play with me! Look! I need to show you something!”

Hearing her name being called, Marie looked around with a confused face. After some time, she spotted her friend beckoning her towards him. With a big smile spread across her face, Marie ran giddily towards the boy.

“~~~~~~~! You’re back again!”

“Yes I’m back slowpoke! Took you long enough! Now come on! I don’t have that much time, I just snuck out so be real quiet or else they’ll find me again okay?”

“Mm!” Marie nodded, she did not want her friend to leave again. She’ll be lonely and sad until he comes back, which he rarely does since his family is so busy and super strict.

Looking down at their molded hands, she smiled happily yet again. She was really happy he came back for her.

“Ne, ~~~~~~~, when you leave again, promise you’ll be back sooner? Where do you always go? I thought I was your best friend.” She looked down, her frown setting in and not letting her catch the path they were going through. Little flowers bloomed alongside them as if to welcome them but she could really careless right now. She was glad that her friend came back, but the thought of him leaving her made her sad again.

“Marie, you babo. Stop doing that and look around already, have you forgotten that I was taking you somewhere? Geez.” He scratched the back of his head while looking at his best friend. He hated seeing her frown. Gently, he mussed up her pigtailed hair making her look up in annoyance. One thing he knew that made her peeved was her hair getting messed up.

“Yah! Stop messing with my hair! You’re the ba--” Marie gasped. Looking around, she was mesmerized with the scenery. Little bits of light were peeking through the trees giving their surroundings a majestic feeling. Insects of various sorts were chirping along with the birds, their hidden orchestra echoing throughout the whole place. Flowers bloomed and sparkled in her eyes, while butterflies full of color and vigor danced amongst them.

Laughing with joy and happiness, she looked back at her best friend. He was smirking clearly pleased that he made her smile.

“~~~~~~~~! How could you hide this place from me? You’re so unfaithful!” She exclaimed, smacking him in the arm.

He grimaced, “Yah! You hit hard! That hurt! You should be thanking me for bringing you here in the first place slowpoke.”

Marie only stuck out her tongue and nudged him.

“Come on! Let’s play with the butterflies! Race you!”

Exhausted from their previous fun, both friends continued to gaze at the fairytale-like place.

Marie looked up, “Hey, can we come back here again? Maybe next time? Please? I really like it here.”

He looked down at her. Smirking, he replied, “Sure, as long as you see me okay?”

After hearing his reply, she smiled a broad smile. “Is that a promise?”

Raising a pinkie and hooking it with her tinier ones, he replied back.

Hello again. 
Dropping by with this update and to thank the following people for subscribing:
-Ashley- and prisena
Until next time.
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KPOP_survivor #1
im confused i dont get whats going on T_T daebak work anyway