
Imaginary Friend


‘What a weird dream..’

I looked up at the ceiling. I don’t remember how I got to my bed.

‘Is someone home?’

Rising up, I looked around. Everything was the same as it was before, except for the stream of light passing through my window. I guess it was morning already.

‘Same morning, same things.’

Sighing, I walked out of to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Also being reminded that I have not eaten as my stomach grumpily chastised me. I looked around for anything to eat, only to find nothing...

‘I don’t want to go out,’ I pouted as I slipped on my boots and coat. ‘Its too cold.’ Realizing that it was only five in the morning, I was a bit giddy. Mornings were terrible, but I couldn’t help but love the fresh, awakening air.


“Wait for me!”

‘Hmm? What was that sound?’ I swear I heard something. But as I looked around my surroundings, my eyes were only greeted by the peaceful scenery. ‘I must have been imagining.’ I shook my head, continuing to trudge on to my destination.

Reaching the small, foreign convenience store, I picked up a basket and rummaged around. ‘Is ramen enough? How many should I buy?’ After looking around some more, I went on to the check out lane. A boy, or should I say a man? Welcomed my food and checked them out. He had an apathetic expression as he rung out the items, his facial features were very unique and eye-catching. His nose highlighted his whole face, while his eyes seemingly pierced whatever it is he is looking at. For a second there, I felt like I was a creeper.

Hands delivering my bagged food in front of me, I pursed inside my pocket for a few bills. All the while very aware of his constant staring. I could feel myself sweat a bit from under his crutinizing and relentless stare. Looking back up with money in hand, I carefully handed it to him, not wanting to accidentally touch his hand afraid that he might be angry.

“Look at the person in the eye while exchanging! Stop being a shy-buddy!” He laughed, showing his smile that made his eyes disappear into cute crescent lines. Patting my head, he carefully pulled me closer to him, his hands forcing my face to look at him in the eyes.

‘? What did I just see?’ My imagination is seriously running wild now, I think I need more sleep. Or actually do something productive in my life.

Shaking my head, I look back up to see the cashier smirk at my actions, making my face blush instantly. I lowered back my head and accepted the change before heading my way out of the mart.

“Please come back again.” That sentence echoed in my mind repeatedly as I made my way home.

“I’ll definitely go back there again.”

Smiling, Marie looked up to see the sun fully step out from the trees; her breath caught with the wind, and her footsteps echoing animatedly as she reminisced the cashier’s smile.
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KPOP_survivor #1
im confused i dont get whats going on T_T daebak work anyway