The Wall

Imaginary Friend



With the wind gently caressing the things on its way, little Marie found herself standing all alone their secret place. A secluded hill at the edge of the forest, a magnificent tree overshadowing her existence from the world. The fragrance of the lingering flowers that surrounded her carried her melodious voice to the unknowing space between her and her most precious friend. Both of them were just staring at each other, longing to close the space like they always did before.

“You’re leaving?” she cried, her tears lingering on her cheeks while her voice broke her friend’s heart.

“Yes, I have to. I can’t stay here anymore or they will find me and take me away from you forever.” Her friend replied. She could tell from his voice that he was dreading it too. They couldn’t leave each other for longer than a minute. They just grew up like that together, needing each other like air.

“What do I do now? You’re leaving.” Only her tears were silent as her tiny body quaked under the pressure of her broken heart.

He also was heart broken, but he couldn’t help it. If he does not leave, there might be a possiblity that he can’t come back for her if he was caught. Trying to step forward, he trudged only to be stopped by an invisible force separating him and his best friend. After failing all attempts to break through, he gave up, only looking at her with very sad eyes. He told comforting words across the space that separated them, not one went to her. His eyes widened. She can’t hear me anymore? With that in mind, he started banging at the invisible wall, his face contorted with pain while his screams were unheard by the crying girl.

Marie looked up from her tears. She found her best friend doing something very ridiculous. Walking forward, calling out to him on what was wrong, she suddenly hit a wall. What? What’s this? Groping around for a way out, she looked back at her best friend with terrified eyes. She couldn’t hear his cries. What is he doing? Still looking at him, she felt her eyes once again swell up, becoming hysterical, she looked for things to throw at the wall. I can’t lose him! NO!! With her eyes set on him, she continued to thrash around. He’s disappearing!! No!! With one last attempt, her hands found a large rock. With all of her strength, she threw that rock towards the wall. Glass flew, but her friend was gone.

Hmmm... Hello.
I'm not particularly used to this site yet, so....
Enjoy? I guess. 
I am only pointing out that I do not really know when I can update this story but I will try my best.
Thanks for reading.
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KPOP_survivor #1
im confused i dont get whats going on T_T daebak work anyway