
My crazy pince, I love you!
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“Amber, the prince ask for you now. He’s not really in a good mood”

I keep walking back and forth inside the pigsty after that prince force me to be his pet two days ago. What is he gonna do now?

“Hey, Henry” I call him, the kind solider secretly give bread to me every day. We get along really well but he still keep a good distant between us.


“Is he gonna kill me?”

“No one what is in the prince’s mind” he sign, half smile to cheer me up “You need to see yourself”

“And what put him in the bad mood?”



“Try ask him yourself” he put me out of the pigsty “let’s go”

We walk quietly until we reach the prince’s room.

“He’s inside” he point to the big room in front of us “go”

“Henry, wait” I call him when he about to walk out

“…..” he turn and look at me silently like he can read my mind

“If I’m not gonna make it, please take care of my father” I grab his arm tight, look up to force out the promise from him.

“I will try” he pat my head and smile “take care”

“Bye,” I smile back at him “You really are a good man”

I take my hands back and push him softly as the sign for him to go. I look at his back as he walk out. He suddenly turn and smile at me, I wave back.

I want a brother like him.


I took a deep breath in and push the bedroom door and walk in. He’s not really gonna kill me…right?

I get inside and see that everything is not as bad as I expected. The prince sit on the sofa, stare at me with his emotionless eyes. Or he just want to see my face? Or he has a crush on me?


“What are you doing?”

I yell out in shock when a group of giant men who are all dress up in solider uniform pull my hand backward and tie up my wrists. What the hell?


“Was the cage arrive?” the prince get up from the sofa and walk to me

“Yes, your highness” on solider reply

The silver cage that is big enough to fit ten people was take inside the room. That solider push me inside the cage. Hey?!


“What’s with the cage? Why did you push me in here?” I look up at the prince in fear. He’s not gonna sell me out right?


“No, that’s for your own safety” he heartlessly reply and turn to order the solider who stand beside him “bring it in?”


He take the baby tiger in a solider hand and walk back to sit on the sofa. I was about to ask what ‘it’ that he referred to but my jaw drop on the floor and freeze on the spot when someone brought a wild giant tiger inside. And it’s two time bigger than human!


“Why did you bring a tiger here?”


“I order someone to catch it. This is one is a wild tiger. What do you think?” he turn to smirk at me like the tiger is not affect him at all


That tiger growl loudly make the whole room shake. The saliva drooling from the tiger’s mouth as it look around the room looking so hungry. The tiger spot me and growl again, looking so ready to tear me in the spot but can’t because its legs are all tie up with strong chain and I’m inside the cage.


“What do you want?” I look at the prince in fear


“I’m not in a good mood today” he pat the baby tiger lightly


“So why did you bring the tiger?”


“I want to see tiger and pig fight, maybe it can make me feel better” he look up at me and smirk like what he just said is the normal thing he like to do in his free time instead of watching T.V


“What?” I yelled in disbelief


“I want to see how can you survive, I will give you a gun but it’s can only shot once” he walk up to the second floor, with a baby tiger still in his hand “I will be up here and watch”


“…..” I’m too shock to speak back


“If you kill that tiger, her kid will be soon die after her”


He throw the gun down, and look at me like he had so much fun. This prince is psycho!


“Why did you do like this to me?”


“I want to know what will a human will chose, kill two innocent life or to keep their own low life” God! Did he just said that?!


“You are so cruel!” I speak out between my grind teeth


“If you kill the tiger, you will be crueler”


“My dad will be also had hard time living if I shot myself”


“Oh, about that…” he tap his chin softly, look so deep in thought before turn to smile brightly back at me “I will release your dad if you’re die”


“…..” never in my life would thought a human can be that cruel.


“See” he point my face and laugh his off like a psycho he is "No one can kill themselves for other, human are all the same!”


“Don’t think everyone in this world are all cruel like you, my prince” I said it firmly and point the gun to him. His lips twist up into his emotionless smirk again. Oh how I want to wipe that smirk out of him


“Do it, shot me” he lift his face up, daring me to shot him “If I’m dead, your dad, this two tiger and also you, will be free”


“Don’t you dare me, because I will definitely shot you”


“But if I’m not dead” he narrow his eyes and chuckle “everyone here especially you will be all gone”


“Even I’ve never really go to school before, just a purse stealer or a low life pig in your eyes but I still has heart which is you don’t” I point the gun to my head “don’t forget your promise. If I die, this two tiger and my dad will be free”


“You wouldn’t dare killing yourself” he smirk like he can look through me. He wrong!


“Wait and see”

I push the gun button…..





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Aidakachi #1
Chapter 8: I've been waiting for the new chapter until now but you haven't update yet ):
Aidakachi #2
Chapter 8: I've been waiting for the new chapter until now but you haven't updaye yet ):
Sina_neiyz #3
Chapter 8: Next plsssss... its an interesting story.... pls do update soon enough.... cant wait
Leonicograce #4
Chapter 8: Interesting story! Pls update...
quynh_neko_loveamber #5
Chapter 6: Yay finally! Welcome back author-nim
Mariaduong #6
Chapter 5: Omg can't believe you made chanyoel a character:) lol
Chapter 5: Lol... Poor Amber XD
adelliaar #8
Chapter 5: you better pair amber with chanyeol, not kris... ㅠㅠ seriously, i want to kick kris's -_-
Mich517 #9
Chapter 5: This is hilarious xD