
Be the music in me.

It's been three weeks since the day everyone planned on the activities their classes would be doing for the school festival. The event would be held at the end of the week on Saturday from 8am to 9pm. It was one of the most important event for the school other than open day and graduation day. Everyone was busy preparing for their respective classes and clubs. Many students stayed after school to set up and to prepare the stuffs needed for their classes. The school were hectic with people running around trying to get the supplies they need from the student council or from the outside stores, painting the board for advertising, building the stalls for their classes or clubs to sell food, drinks or crafts and having a test run with cooking together with other preparations.

Sehun was standing lazily with an annoyed face in his classroom. One of his classmates, Siwan was putting on Sehun's butler suit for him and trying to take measurements needed to make sure the suit would be perfect on him as he was the main character of the butler cafe. 'Hey, Sehun! Stop moving around! You're making it harder for me to get this done with faster.' Siwan hissed at Sehun as he kept on moving and shifting his position. 'Why do I have to do this? I don't even care about the after-party' Sehun sighed. 'This is what we call teamwork Sehun. You're one of us, so you have to include yourself. Don't be a douche, Sehun~ ' nonchalantly Chanyeol replied to his question. Sehun eyed Chanyeol at his reply.

'What kind of scene am I seeing right now?! I can't believe it! Sehun is suiting up like a gentleman. Awhhh~~ ' Baekhyun snided at the scene he was seeing. 'Great, now you're here. You guys are killing me.' said Sehun. 'Why are you even here? Go to your class!' 'Ergh I don't know how to say this but it's so boring that I couldn't even bear being in the class for any minute longer' Baekhyun replied. 'You're exaggerating Baekhyun. Stars aren't that bad' said Suho from the corner of the class. Baekhyun rolled his eyes. 'Anyway, you're looking good Sehun! Can't wait to see girls flocking at you this Saturday' Baekhyun laughed evilly. 'I don't want to think about it at all' said Sehun to his friends. His classmates felt bad for making him do this but it's a school festival. They wanted to get the most money they could since preparing for a festival was a hassle so why not they made the most out of it but the main sacrifice was sadly, Sehun. Moreover, the best activities would get some kind of reward from the school. Everyone wanted that.


In Ana's school, her track and field team just received an invitation from Anam High for two teams in 100m relay competition, a woman's team and a man's team. 'Wait, we received an invitation for the woman's team from an all boys' school? What?' said Yejin shocked. 'It's normal for Anam High to invite other schools in the area to their school for a sports competition. It's a different competition every year, like last year it was football, and basketball the year before. Although it is weird for them to invite the girls as well this time, we'll seek this opportunity as a trial run for us for the upcoming regional competition and to see the other schools' strength whether we should improve our training regimes or we're good as we are now.' replied Ms. Kim, the track and field team advisor. 'since we need two team, I'll be choosing the best runners from the girls and the boys to represent our school. I'll announce the names after today's training. There'll be a timed 100 meters run after this meeting for those who are interested to join in the competition but this does not mean there's an exception for anyone to take advantage and not participate in the run. I want to see your time whether you are improving or not.' ' So technically everyone has to participate right?' whispered Yejin to Ana. Ana nodded. 'Damn she's a tough one. I was planning to skip it because I want to roam around Anam High instead of having to run when there's a huge festival just next to you.' Yejin sighed. 'Not that I'll be chosen' Yejin grinned at Ana. Ana just blinked innocently at her. She didn't get what Yejin was trying to say.

At the end of the training, the best runners' names were announced. Ana and Yejin were included with another 3 girls with one as a substitute in the case something unexpected happened. Ana was so happy that she was chosen and what's made her even happier was that Yejin would be running along with her. At least she won't be alone when she's at another school where she barely knew anyone, and it's an all male school too. Ana was thinking hard and smiling happily on her own.


Time flew by and it was the day of Anam High School's school festival. Ana was standing in front of the school and stared ahead. 'This festival sure is fancy.' she thought. 'What are you waiting for Ana? Let's go!' Yejin said to her. 'We still have few hours to waste before the relay, so let's look around. I bet a boys' school's festival would be different than our co-ed school's festival. I hope there are lots of handsome guys here because I'm bored with the guys from our school.' 'You sure are looking forward to today weren't you?' Ana grinned to her friend's comment. Yejin just smiled sheepishly. There were so many people in the school even though the festival just started. The school was decorated to attract the attention of the public. There were many stalls outside the buildings and there were signs saying there were more activities inside the buildings. In the middle of the courtyard was a stage, a group of students were currently performing. The performance made the festival more hype. Many of the students of the school were dressing up too. Ana saw someone cosplaying as Sasuke, a character from the manga Naruto, another as Garaa. Ana believed they were dressing up for the manga or anime club. She couldn't believe she knew the names from a manga. She sighed. This was all his brother's fault, kept on pestering her about Naruto. She couldn't figure out how in the world they were able to find the sand container which she coudn't remember the name that's always behind Garaa. That thing was huge and looked real and she didn't think it was easy for the boy to make it on his own. She stopped thinking about the boy and then saw a guy dressing up as a butler talking to Yejin and left after few moments. She walked closer to Yejin. 'What are you reading Yejin?' asked Ana. 'Oh! He was promoting his class's cafe. This is the flyer. They are doing a butler cafe and he said that there are a lot of handsome guys to look at there' laughed Yejin while saying the last part. 'Oh.' Ana replied unaffected by the mention of handsome boys. 'These pasteries and cakes look good though.' added her. 'You're all about food aren't you?' Yejin said. Ana just shrugged.

Ana and Yejin went around to check out the school and also the activities and stalls they have for the festival. There were art exhibitions. movie showing and even a play performed by the students. The play was about Cinderella.They had the time to watch it and it sure was fun as few of the guys had to act as a woman. Seeing guys dressing up and talked like a girl were not something that you can see every day. They shared a serving of spicy rice cakes and fish cakes after they were tired of checking out the activities held. They tried eating takoyaki, candy apple and also patbingsu. As Ana loved eating despite the fact she's a runner, thanks to her high metabolism, her body was still slim. Yejin had to stop her as she was trying to eat everything she could find. They made a stop at the butler cafe they were promoted to when they first arrived after they were done screaming and laughing at the Haunted House. The Haunted House was scary because of the unexpected ghosts appearances but it was hilarious as both of them saw each other's reactions in the House.

The class was decorated cosily like a very formal cafe. The waiters were wearing a butler suit and the people who worked in the kitchen at the back were wearing a proper chef clothes too. One thing they didn't expect was that the class was full with other customers. They had to wait to get their seats. 'I know why this class is full. Look at those guys! They're gorgeous!' Yejin pointing at some guys. Chanyeol was pouring a tea neatly with his mischiveous smile which made the ladies he was serving blushed and Kyungsoo was looking embarrassed when his lady was asking whether he had a girlfriend. 'Yeah, they're not bad I guess.' replied Ana boringly. 'You're such a boring person Ana' 'Oh well~' After some time, their names were called. They were greeted and treated like they were a lady from a rich family. A butler came to their table and gave out the menu to each one of them. 'My ladies, I'll be the one who'll be serving you today. Can I start by pouring a glass of water for both of you?' The butler gave a very sweet smile to the both of them. 'Sure' said Yejin shyly while looking at him. 'Why not' Ana replied without looking up from the menu. 'Do you mind giving us a moment?' Yejin asked. 'Certainly' replied the butler. Then he walked handsomely to the corner of the class waiting to be called. 'This is a different kind of cafe than we used to! This is going to be so exciting! The guy serving us is so good looking too' Yejin said excitedly. 'Oh my god! Look at these food! They have curry puff, eclairs pretzel, macarons, lava cakes and many others! Can I have everything?!' Ana answered. 'You became really ignorant of your surrounding when you see food, aren't you?' 'Hm, did you say something before?' Yejin just sighed at her best friend's reaction. They called the one who serves them, and ordered some pasteries, iced caramel macchiato, and iced latte. Both of them were unable to order much since they would be running soon. 


It had been few hours since Sehun started working. He greeted the ladies and the gentlemen who came into their cafe. Smiling sincerely even though he was not, and serving the customers with pasteries and drinks. Apparently people would not stop coming in their cafe and he just could no understand it because there were so many other activities and stalls around their class. Sehun was positive that he wouldn't be able to take any break until the cafe is closed. He then decided to make a bet with the class leader that if he did not get any break after noon, he would stop helping them altogether. Most people came for him apparently although he just could not understand why because he thought that his friends were more handsome than him to be honest. Sehun was tired of smiling at strangers, girls particularly as he was not used to them. Luckily everything went well and it was not obvious to anyone that he was definitely awkward around girls. The cafe's success did not really matter to him anyway because his classmates were the ones who wanted to make a profit out of the festival. 

It's almost 2 pm and at last Sehun got his break. He was on his own since Yixing, Baekhyun and Jongin were busy helping their respective classes and his classmates, had their break before him. His class leader did not give him the same break as the others because he said 'No. The sales would be affected if you guys go together so yours will be different.' 'He was so mean.' Sehun thought in his head. Sehun walked towards somewhere with less people after grabbing some food because he could not stand people's staring when he was walking because of his outfit. He was tired and he just needed someplace peaceful. When he was strolling. he saw a crowd at the track field. He remembered that there would be an invitation relay competition. As he was doing nothing, he headed towards the crowd. They were looking at the field as the next relay would start anytime soon. Apparently there were girls on the track. 'No wonder there are so many people here.' Sehun thought. Suddenly a gunshot was heard. Sehun stared at the first runner with the red jerseys leading the other runners. In less than 15 second, she passed the baton to her teammate, the second runner and they started to increase the gap between their team and the other schools. Sehun felt the crowd was getting more intense as the baton was passed to the third runner and the last runner. The last runner was sprinting, leaving the other runners way behind and she seemed like she was having so much fun running in just the few seconds she had on the track. The last runner then reached the finishing line and the red team won the 100m relay easily. 'How come I feel that I've seen the last runner?' Sehun was thinking so hard then he realized, he served the girl when he was working just now. 'Who would've thought a big eater like you would be a sprinter?' Sehun smiled to himself.




yehet. At lasttttt I managed to update my story. I was so busy with school that I wanna wept ;;

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! 

Here's some gifts for you 

Sehun in suits

Chanyeol in suits!

and Kyungsoo ><

Sehun is the perfect groom?

and thats why I love Sehun hahahah

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