
Be the music in me.

Ana was running swiftly along the river bed. It's been about 20 minutes since she started running. The bright sunlight before has changed to Ana's favorite color, orange with different shades and soon it'll be gone. She found her favorite spot to sit and she marveled upon the beautiful sight in front of her. By the river bed was always the best place to watch sunset and she would go there every day when the weather allows her. It showed her how the world would still run its course no matter what happened to her. When a horrible day ended, a delightful day might be coming in her way if she tried her best and so such thinking saved her so many times when she was stressed about something or when she felt like giving up . It was one of her ways to cool herself down, by enjoying the beautiful scenery or by running.

Ana started running when she was in middle school which was quite late if she was compared to other people. She never ran before that. This was all due to her parents. To them, everything else other than studying was a waste of time. In kindergarten when her friends were playing at the playground, she would stay in her class, improving her alphabeticals recognization and reading them which was nonsense to her when she thought about it now because that was the age when she should be enjoying games and companions without thinking hard about anything but things happened. She just stared ahead with an empty mind and she felt at ease at the moment. She looked at her watch and it was already time for her to be home. She did not want to worry her parents because she hated being nagged at by them. She had a younger brother which had a different vibe than her. She had a gloomy air around her and she was a very private person. She found friends through her track and field club and that was how she met her close friend now, Yejin. Her brother was a very friendly guy and he's in the soccer team. Like a cliche story, yes her brother was handsome as well and had a lot of admirers but he just loved to make friends with everyone so he did not have a girlfriend and he enjoyed his life like that. Ana kind of admire her brother actually because he was tortured mentally as much as she was by their parents but he still stayed positive.

When she arrived home, her mother was already making a face since she was home later than she should. Ana just said sorry and went upstairs to change. Her brother was already home and was watching the television leisurely. She put her bag down and just lied on the bed and sighed loudly. She was tired living in stress like this.

- - - - - -

Sehun and his friends were at the arcade game center. They would hang out there or somewhere else until dinner time when one of their parents would call them home or when they were just exhausted from playing. If not, they would just waste their money and time playing or hanging out around the city. At the arcade center, Sehun loved to play the basketball game where you have to shoot as many balls into the hoop in the given time and he would defeat all his friends in that game. It was his skill to shoot stuffs into their respectives targets. He was shooting the balls into the hoops and repeated the cycle again and again. Baekhyun, the loud one was screaming at Yixing at the other side of the arcade center because he was defeated so badly in the dancing game. Yixing was laughing hysterically with his dimples showing off on his fair skin. He asked Baekhyun to stop making a scene because it was driving him crazy and he could not stop laughing from his reaction from being lost. Kyungsoo was singing in the karaoke box at the back at the arcade place on his own like he always do. He loved to sing out loud without anyone listening to him. He sang all sort of songs from ballad to rock, nothing escaped him. Jongin and Suho were just sitting around watching the others play. Suddenly Suho was thinking about asking the others about what their classes will be doing for the school festival. 

It was almost 9 pm at the time. Everyone was already exhausted from playing their favorite games. They went outside the arcade and just sat at the bench near the arcade center. Then Suho blurted out what he was thinking. " Our class will be doing some sort of exhibition about science which obviously not something I care about " said Baekhyun. Yixing added " It is going to be about astronomy and they will make the classroom into an astronomy center. There will be shows about constellations and phenomenons like the Blood Moon and the eclipses. They'll make the class into a dark room so that it would be easier to introduce the planets and constellations. I think it will be fun! " with some excitement showed on his face. Baekhyun was just making a face because he was not interested in stars and such. ' What about you Jongin? Is your class is doing anything fun?' ' We have decided for a haunted house. I think it is going to be exciting since we'll dirty everyone who come with blood that's actually just red paint and seeing people scream their hearts out just from touching the cold huge tofu that will be hung in some blind spots and by looking at our ugly make-ups as ghosts would give me so much fun.' said Jongin with an evil smile.

'But it would be troublesome to prepare for them though but at least people can't find me and annoy me... ' The others were just smirking at him. They understood what he was trying to say. He had a lot of fans outside of school which annoy him so much as they were just looking at him and squealing without him doing anything. He wished they made friends with him instead of looking at him like he was a celebrity as he was just a normal guy with a slightly better looks than the average. He just could not understand those girls. 'Chanyeol would be so jealous if he heard this since he's dying to do it but our class has chosen to do a butler cafe instead' then he squinted at Sehun. 'It was all because of him! He is so good looking and everyone was looking to find the best way to get the highest profit so that they can have a party after the festival, so they decided to make use of Sehun.' he sighed. Sehun just blinked at him. 'Why is this the first time I heard about this?! I didn't even know we're doing a cafe and it's a butler cafe?!' his voice was higher than the usual. ' Blame yourself for sleeping throughout the discussion. Chanyeol and I could not do anything since the others insisted. We know how much you hate attention but just bear with it okay?' said Suho while patting Sehun's back. 'Damn it.' Sehun thought in his head.

After chatting for a while, all of them went on separate ways to go home. Sehun walked home as his house was near. His mind was on the thoughts of having to dress up as a butler and having to serve all those people especially girls. He did not hate girls but he was not used to them since he was always in a boys' school and he could not remember when was the last time he had a girl as a friend. He hoped that he would do well and just get it over with without any problems. He really hated attention on him. Yes, he was friendly but that was because all of his friends were boys and he did not have to bother about anything. Heck. He did not care what people think of him because he was living his own life so why would he bother about other people.

He halted his step when he arrived in front of a small basketball court. He was smiling to himself when he saw a basketball near the basket. He walked there and put his bag next to the basket. Then he began dribbling the ball and shot a three pointer ball. How he felt good about himself after leaving the court for such a long time and still be able to shoot that.





such a long week for me... I'm sorry for the late update but i hope you enjoyed reading it! 

few days ago was Yixing's birthday. I felt so happy when I saw his delighted face and did you guys see his dance? the one he was  ing on the floor? hahahah Omg I was screaming!! 

I am leisurely putting this here :>

my apologies to the underage *smirks*

It's 10/10/15 so its been a year since Luhan left Exo... can i just cry here? ㅠㅠ

 look how good he looks with those injuries. *tears of blood*


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