No. 7

Woozi AU Series
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5 minutes into rehearsal and Lee Jihoon was 5 foot 3 inches of pure rage. Why the hell he had to deal with sweaty Neanderthals yelling and laughing, with their shoes squeaking on the court was beyond him. Didn’t they know a huge musical was coming up, and some big shot musical actors were to be in the audience during the opening show? What kind of an idiot built the gym right next to the auditorium anyways?

“Keep practicing! I shouldn’t hear a single titter of friendly laughter or a word of chatter when I get back,” he spat at his students, a bit apologetic for being so rude, but he had other things to deal with at the moment.




He weaved his way down the hall, making this turn and that, before he barged through the doors of the gym. He saw Coach Jang sitting on the bleachers, probably writing up some sort of game plan for the next game.

“Coach Jang,” Jihoon yelled, making good use of his strong lungs.

Every player, shirts and skins, stopped playing and turned his way, as Jihoon stomped his way towards the coach.

“Mr. Lee? In the gym? My eyes must be deceiving me,” joked Coach Jang, not even bothering to get up and greet him, but simply leaning back on the bleachers and relaxing.

“I’m not here to joke around with you Coach Jang. I’m trying to direct a very important production, and you and your Neanderthals are distracting everyone in that auditorium,” Jihoon spat at the coach, feeling even more frustrated at how they were so nonchalant about it.

“Well what are we supposed to do when the first game of the championship season is in a few days? I’m not going to sacrifice my players’ practice time just so your theater kids can get a bit of peace and quiet. What about us? We have to sit through all your singing,” Coach Jang retorted, smirk gracing their lips.

“All I need is for you to keep it down. And be a bit more respectful towards the arts. It’s bad enough that we’re underfunded. You would think we would be getting your left over budget money, seeing as practice is pretty useless for you all,” Jihoon noted.

“When was the last time you all won a game anyways?” Jihoon questioned, raising an eyebrow.

All attention was on the two bickering teachers. No one was offended by Jihoon’s harsh words, at this point, all anyone cared about was the showdown about to happen in front of their eyes.

“I don’t know, Mr. Jihoon, when was the last time you didn’t receive a budget cut,” Coach Jan

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Omg Woozi as a high school teacher???? The cutest, smollest, strictest teacher ever
Eddiej07 #2
Chapter 6: These are all so amazing, this is so cute and my heart cant handle help
OMG OMG OMG I literally could cry. These were all amazing.