No. 3

Woozi AU Series
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“We’re here,” Sungcheol yelled from the driver’s seat, dragging out the E’s for a whole 3 seconds.


“Shut up, Sungcheol,” Junghan groaned, hitting him with his neck pillow.


“But we’re here,” exclaimed Sungcheol, putting the car into the driveway and shutting it off. “We have to unpack,” he argued, already hopping out of the car and fleeing to the back to grab the bags before he got hit again.


The house was beautiful, it looked antique, like it was made in the 1800’s, fully equipped with a lake and boardwalk. It was a calming dark red, with two stories and five rooms. It was perfect for you guys to take over for a week to relax. You all knew how much you needed it.


Everyone woke up, one-by-one. Fitting 14 people into a family sized van was not easy, but they folded down the middle seats and made enough room for everyone to lay down comfortably.


“Sungcheol, calm down,” you said cautiously, careful not to get in the way of Sungcheol throwing bags around from the small trailer in the back. “You should have let me drive that last stretch, you haven’t slept in like, 24 hours, and you’re hyped up on Red Bull and Skittles,” you observed, a bit freaked out because he was so hyper.


“How else would I get rid of this energy plus I’m so excited it’s hard to calm down this is so great I can’t believe we got a whole week off to do this and I can’t believe you got to come with us, now we have a another person to take care of us because god knows we need it hey have you seen my bag of Skittles, I don’t think I finished them I want more,” Sungcheol said, fast as lightning, with not a single breath in between.


You backed up to the rest of the group to just observe Sungcheol losing his mind with them.


You leaned over a bit to whoever was next to you and whispered, “Do you think we should be worried,” you asked, not realizing it was Jihoon next to you.


He leaned over to you and got super close to your ear, “I think he’ll be fine,” he whispered, voice a little husky.


You whipped your head to see Jihoon straightening himself up and scanning the area for his bags. Why does his voice do that?! You shivered a bit, biting your lip and looking down to hide your blush. Why did he have to be so…so…..attractive? It messed with your head because it seemed like you both were affected by each other, but neither said anything. There was so much tension between you two, no matter where you were.


“Okay guys! Bags are all here! Grab yours and let’s get a move on and get into our rooms,” Sungcheol yelled, louder than before.

You were stuck sharing a room with Jihoon alone. When roommates were being decided, obviously by rock-paper-scissors, the first person to win was Minghao, and he picked Sungcheol and Junghan to room with. The next person who won was Jisoo, and he was kinda annoyed that he wouldn’t get to share a room with Junghan, but he picked to room with Hansol and Seungkwan. Soonyoung picked Seokmin and Chan. Wonwoo picked Mingyu and Jun. That left you and Jihoon to share a room. Little did you know, everyone planned for this to happen. They agreed beforehand, that they all would do anything it took to get Jihoon and Soohyun in a room, no matter who they got stuck with.


Before you knew it, everyone rushed to their rooms, already claiming beds and spots. Jihoon and you were the last ones to pick a room, and unfortunately, the room had only one bed.


“Um,” Jihoon started, “You can have to bed, I’ll take the floor,” he offered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.


“I-I think there’s enough room for both of us. I mean it is a queen mattress,” you pointed out.


“Are you..Are you sure,” he asked. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he confessed.


“I know your back gets ty when you sleep on anything but a bed, so it’s okay, there’s enough room, we can share,” you assured him.


“Okay,” he said, placing his bag on the left side of the bed and starting to unpack, while you took the other side and did the same.

A comfortable silence filled the room, with both of you shuffling around and placing things here and there. A few minutes later, you were done and grabbed your clothes and shower caddy.


“I’m gonna go take a shower,” you announced.


“Cool, I’ll go after you,” Jihoon said from the other side of the room, trying to fit some clothes into the dresser.


You made it into the shower and felt the warm water run down your back and it immediately relaxed you. It made you feel a bit better about having to share a room with Jihoon. You lathered your hair and rinsed, twice. You used your best smelling body wash, hoping to attract a little bit of Jihoon’s attention. You shut off the water and reached your hand out to feel around for a towel.


“,” you said under your breath, realizing you forgot to bring in a towel.


You creeped over to the door, cracking it open a little bit. “J-Jihoon,” you called out, hoping he hadn’t left or fallen asleep.


“Yeah,” he called out from the bed.


“I kinda, accidentally forgot my towel outside. Can you pass it to me,” you asked, a little embarrassed.


“Yeah, sure, where is it,” he asked, and you heard a little shuffling.


“It should be right on top of my dresser,” you said.


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Omg Woozi as a high school teacher???? The cutest, smollest, strictest teacher ever
Eddiej07 #2
Chapter 6: These are all so amazing, this is so cute and my heart cant handle help
OMG OMG OMG I literally could cry. These were all amazing.