No. 1

Woozi AU Series
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6:17 a.m. Like clockwork. Every morning, he jogs by your window when you make it out of the shower dressed for work. It’s really weird to see him jog by your window every morning, at the same exact time. But then again, you walk out dressed every morning to see him passing by, so who are you to say it’s weird. You’ve even worked out this system, nodding at each other as he runs by, and you thank god that’s as far as it will go because, GOD, he’s cute and you’d probably lose all sanity if you had to utter a word to him.


He always looks so cute, with his bright green runners (which you have in bright blue, by the way), his silver windbreaker and his massive, bright red Beats. He stood out even more with his bubblegum pink hair, which oddly suited him. Sometimes you wish that he would change his schedule a bit and run when you went out a half hour earlier. Maybe some freak miracle, would cause you two to bump into each other.


This morning you were running a little late, waking up 10 minutes after you were supposed to be back home from your jog, and already in the shower. It was unnatural to miss a jog, but today you have no idea what caused you to sleep through your alarm.

In your hectic rush, you tripped out of bed and ran into the restroom. To make things worse, you forgot to bring the clothes you set out last night into the bathroom with you, leaving you and angry after your shower. At least you had 2 towels to wrap yourself up in, and ran outside to the room, turning your back to the window and shimmying into your . Too bad you weren’t paying attention to the time, because as you grabbed your underwear, the clocked struck 6:17.


A second after you had your bra in your hand, you heard a small yelp, and the sound of bushes rustling outside. You whipped my head around to see the cute runner, trying to pull himself out of the bushes, with his face such a bright red, it could give his Beats a run for their money. Your eyes widened as you realized you had left the curtains open. Cute runner caught you . Abort mission. You grabbed your clothes and made a beeline straight into the restroom.


About a minute later, you opened the bathroom door and heard the doorbell ring. Oh god. It’s probably him.

You made your way to the front door, and looked through the peephole, seeing only cute runner’s bubblegum hair as he stared at the ground.


You slowly opened the door and poked your head out, embarrassed to no end about what just happened.


“Oh, no, are you still ,” cute runner freaked out, putting his hands over his eyes.

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Omg Woozi as a high school teacher???? The cutest, smollest, strictest teacher ever
Eddiej07 #2
Chapter 6: These are all so amazing, this is so cute and my heart cant handle help
OMG OMG OMG I literally could cry. These were all amazing.