The Do family

When Life Gives You Lemons




I had made a conclusion that the universe detests me.


After all the formal introduction and light chit-chats with my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Do took their respective seats and began reminiscing old times with my parents. Moon Ae would join the conversation once in a while, chattering about pink unicorns and butterflies but that is better than being total loner who had no one to talk to, (me).


After ordering the dishes, I was left alone in my own little world of loneliness. I should have taken the phone with me so that at least I could read some novels on the internet. So, here I am, sitting right next to Moon Ae and eavesdropping to the 4 elders’ boring conversation in the room. I have taken a few major points though:

  1. Mr.Do had been my father’s best buddy since high school while my mom was childhood best friends with Mrs. Do. What a coincidence…
  2. Mr. Do and his wife had a son , whom I wouldn’t want to know about even though they were both gushing about him all the time like how my mom would gush over Jin Ae
  3. They used to be my neighbor before moving to somewhere in Cheongdam, which is very weird because I literally had no memory of them. Maybe I was too antisocial to actually make friends with neighbors, I swear I never saw them before tonight’s meeting


“So, how is Jin Ae doing?” Mr. Do asked while my mom gladly explains about the situation. Just hearing my sister’s name makes me wanna puke. I don’t have anything against her actually, I just feel so unsettled. I could see the sparkle in mom’s eyes whenever her first daughter is mentioned, but those eyes would turn into disappointment when people mention me. Until now I don’t know what I did wrong to made mom despise me so much. Maybe I was just being too sensitive.



I had a nasty feeling that Mr. Do, who I prefer to call as ‘Mr. Owl Eyes’, is going to set up his son with my sister. Family meetings are always about arranging marriage or setting people up, don’t you think? I stared blankly ahead to the plain wallpaper as my stomach was rumbling in hunger while I tried my best to keep the volume of growling at a minimum. My soul had left my body in search of food and muted all talking surrounding me.


A knock on the door turned everybody’s heads to pay their fullest attention and the chats were put to a sudden pause. I hope the grilled black pepper beef is here.


The mahogany door swung open, revealing a young man with jet-black hair wearing a complete casual attire and he walked into the room with a polite smile. What a disappointment, I thought my food was here. HUNNGGGRRRYYYYY.


I sipped my mineral water from the wine glass and he offered a warm smile as his big round eyes met mine. What is your problem dude?


“Sorry mom, dad, Mr. Mrs. Hwang. There was a sudden change in schedule and the traffic was really busy so I arrived later than expected.” He bowed to the mentioned 4 people.



Mom? Dad? He’s their son?!
The owl eyes doesn’t lie, he really is their son. I glance around the room as my parents dismiss him saying that it was okay and we were just about to start. My eyes landed to Moon Ae because she had been uncomfortably silent and… why are her cheeks so red?


I followed her line of sight and found that she was admiring the young man. Is she blushing? I am so gonna make fun of her at home. The guy took the empty seat beside Moon Ae and I could visibly see that my dear little sister turned a shade redder and transforming into a boiled crab. This is so fun.




Have you been so bored that you start counting the density of steak grease combined with the mass of beef? Have you been so bored that you start imagining an alternate world where you were a powerful ruler and command everyone to pay tax with pizza and tacos? That was what happened when all of us had eaten dinner together and I was once again left out from any conversation.  And the dinner had ended like an hour ago and I need my beauty sleep.


My parents seem to have taken a liking to this Do Kyungsoo boy. Yeah, Do Kyungsoo is the guy with big owl eyes just like his father’s and have this funny smile. My mother is already obsessed with him. Sometimes Mrs. Do would engage a small chat with me and I will offer her polite answers. She’s trying to be nice, so I returned the favor.


I felt like a living dead. I’m bored out of my wits and everything becomes such a blur until a waitress came in and brought a plate of something with her. “Shin Ae- ah,” Mrs. Do said in a soft tone. “It’s your favorite black forest ice cream cake. This place serves it like the one you usually eat at home. Even though it doesn’t taste exactly the same but trust me it is similar.”

How the hell did she know that I like the dessert?


The presentation of the cake doesn’t really intrigue me at first. Everyone’s eyes were on me, so I took a deep sigh and picked up the spoon. As I cut the cake in 2, a strong scent of chocolate hit me like a tidal wave and I almost cry in gratitude. The spoon contains around a bite of cake entered my mouth.


I felt like the heavens suddenly open up in the sky while angels descend while playing the trumpets with the tune of ‘Ode to Joy’. The first bite of the cake makes me want to curl in my bed and wail because it was SO GOOD. I hummed in delight as I kept eating it again and again. I really want to hug Mrs. Do for eternity because she had been too nice to order this for me. I love you.

“ I want to have it too!” came Moon Ae’s whining which ruined the perfect atmosphere I had. Did she have to do it? I dejectedly gave her a small piece while she giggled at the amazing taste.

“I want moreeee!!” I shook my head in disapproval. She pouted and began stomping her foot on the floor as a sign of rebellion. Trying, Not, To, Scoff, Right, Now.

She had uncovered her true nature.

“Play with me then,” Kyungsoo said with a tiny smile. “Don’t disturb your sister.” The guy did not seem to notice that my younger sister is a spawn of devil.
Great job, Kyungsoo. Now you guys can have quality time playing with each other and I could spend some quality time with the love of my life (the cake). Both of them left the VIP dining room and I took another heavenly bite of the cake that sent shivers down my spine. , this is so good.



“Why don’t you join them and play together?” my mom offered as soon as the couple had left the room, flashing her infamous hidden glare that only I could see behind her lovely smile. “But I’m not done yet,” I tried reasoning my way out and pointed at the unfinished cake. “Go. Play,” she hissed behind gritted teeth, warning me that I had to leave as they are about to have an important discussion. I look for some help from Mrs. Do but she could only give me a small smile of pity. So that was how I left my cake unattended and began searching for the two idiots somewhere in the restaurant.





I knew it, they must be talking about the arranged marriage for Jin Ae while I’m gone.  


The restaurant provides a small outdoor garden where guests could relax and children playground was also placed there. I could see Moon Ae waving at me from the top of the slides while Kyungsoo was accompanying her at the side. The night air was really chilly and I should have worn something warmer like a sweater. Jeez, I’m cold! I waved back lazily and wandered off to the corner of the garden where a bench was provided. Sitting there, I could feel the super cold breeze hitting me right on the cheek. I hate sleeveless dress. I stared at nothing in particular and start thinking about the video games I would want to buy tomorrow.


“Someone’s in a deep thought?”


My head snapped up to see Kyungsoo looking down at as he was standing there with a curious look on his eyes, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. “Yeah, deep thoughts” I replied half-heartedly because I don't really like new people talking to me.

“You must be Shin Ae,” he said as he took a seat next to me. “My mom was talking about how I should meet you in person for the last few years. She was right, you've grown up.” Really? Mrs. Do talks about me? But I barely even know her. Maybe he misheard my name as Jin Ae’s.


“The one and only,” I sigh while holding the urge to start a camp fire because it was ing cold. I think he noticed my hardened expression because he shoved his hand inside his jacket pouch and retrieved something. He grabbed my palm and placed a hot pack on my hand. A hot pack. Who carries hot pack around in the middle of spring?

“Thanks,” I whispered and indulged myself with the warmth.


“You’re welcome. But anyway, do you not notice me? Aside from my name you don’t know who I am?” He asked, pointing at his own face comically. I shook my head because I barely even remember what I had for breakfast, dammit. He nodded and looked somehow disappointed. Should I have remembered him?


He started humming a slow tune, maybe ballad, and I suddenly felt a feeling of anguish and sorrow. The song was oddly familiar and I swear I must have heard it somewhere. I took a tentative glance at his serene expression and at that time, maybe it was the effect of moonlight reflected at a perfect angle, he looked like a true prince.



Did I just say that? There must be something wrong with the cake and I’m suffering food-poisoning. But still, I had to admit that his overall looks are attractive.


The song ended earlier than I would have liked but I’m quite satisfied with listening to his voice. Geez, now I know why Mrs. Do was always praising him. “Do you know that song?”

“Sorry, but I don’t know. It is familiar but I can’t pin-point a certain time I had heard it,” I replied, getting more and more confused. I am a very curious person and I need to get my answer. “What song is that?”

“It’s a secret,” he whispered while placing his index finger in front of his lips. We both lapsed into a moment of uncomfortable silence because I am certainly not good with talking to a stranger and stayed that way before he spoke again. “Have you heard about Exo before?”


“Yeah, both my mom and my sister like them to the moon and back. Heck, they love Exo more than me and I’m not even joking,” I said as a matter-of-factly, remembering the time when my mom decided not to cook dinner because she was too immersed in watching EXO concert on TV and left me and my dad in food-deprived state so we both survive with ramen. Kyungsoo laughed and his lips resembled the shape of a heart which looks really endearing in some ways.

“Would you believe me when I tell you that I’m one of the members of Exo?” he offered while playing with the hem of his T-shirt beneath the jacket.


“Wait, are you trying to pull a prank on me?”

“Nope, have you not listened to anything this whole dinner? My parents couldnt stop mentioning me and my career. I sing, I dance, I perform on stages, I attend concerts, take care of a bunch of grown men who act like a 4-year-old. I’m in EXO.” He pointed to a billboard nearby with a humongous picture of EXO promoting electronic appliances. There he was, Do Kyungsoo standing beside a kimchi refrigerator, smiling the same grin as he did before in the dining room.

Oh boy.

Suddenly Mr. Song, Mr. Do’s most trusted chauffeur came up to us. “The family discussion is done. They wanted the three of you to come back inside,” he said in a very respectful manner. I nodded and smiled gratefully to the middle-aged man. I still haven't recovered from the shock knowing that this guy sitting right next to me was some sort of a public figure in South Korea. Maybe next time I should be more attentive to people talking to each other.


I stood up from the bench and called for the hyperactive demon.

“Moon Ae!” I hollered and the said antelope came running to where I was standing after leaving the swings. She immediately intertwined our hands and I think I shall wash my hand a thousand times later with acidic vinegar.

 “Kyungsoo oppa, lets hold hands,” she said rather innocently while offering her other unoccupied hand and Kyungsoo obliged before I could stop him. I internally face-palmed and huffed in anger. He ruffled her hair affectionately and I personally should get a blood pressure check because my blood pressure might have sky-rocketed in a matter of minutes. Other guests were looking at us with those scrutinizing eyes as we made our way back, thinking that we were a family which is not entirely false because Kyungsoo might become my brother-in-law soon.


I almost ruined the dining room door into half as I kicked it open with all my might because the door was freaking heavy, I kid you not, and because I am still not in my best mood. Inside, my parents were looking very happy as they gush over something I cannot comprehend and Mr. Mrs. Do had been glancing at our intertwined hands with suggestive looks. I immediately let go from Moon Ae’s tight grip and slump back into my original seat and began eating my cake.


This isn’t going to end well.

Trust me.












So yeah, hahahaha, i had no idea what i am writing. lol
The past few days had been a hectic week filled with mid semeter exams and i went nuts studying in the middle of the night.
My parents are basically against me writing stories about guys i never met before but YOLO, i need a runaway from burden
Thank you once again for reading my story, and to ElectricBlu for upvoting and subscribing and commenting at the same time.
I didnt know wat you see in the story but please enjoy hahahahaha, just kidding

im open for suggestions just comment below what you want to see in the story

ciao :)

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Michelle_GMK #1
Chapter 4: Lanjutttt
Continue it plsssss
Michelle_GMK #2
Chapter 1: Hai bebehhh!
Chapter 4: For the story, I think it'd b cool for all 12 2 fall head over heels for our lovely main OC
Chapter 4: Wow a shoutout to the amazing me.. I do appreciate it :-D
I wonder what the biased mum's happy about... I don't trust her....
Chapter 3: I liked it... This is gonna b gr8! XD i love this OC bcuz she's so normal, she's not drop dead gorgeous and perfect! Lol can't wait for her 2 meet Kyungsoo ;-p
Nice fic I like it much much ^_^ ... keep up the good work