See You Soon

When Life Gives You Lemons

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe that my baby girl is flying out of her nest,” my mom sobbed in Jin’s embrace. I almost cringed at the sight but said nothing to destroy their little farewell party.


“All of us are proud of you. Be good and always try your best. We don’t need you to achieve the extraordinary, we want you to have the new experience, the journey of meeting new people and having fun in a new environment.” My dad on the other side is way calmer and more careful when expressing his feelings. Which father wouldn’t be sad when one of his daughters is going away? I know he cried last night but I’ll keep his secret for now.


“Thanks dad.” Jin cried beautifully like in one of those kdramas with tears rolling down her cheeks slowly. She managed to cheer them up with a small smile and scooped Moon Ae in her arms because that little devil is crying out loud while I was standing on the sides, trying my best not to slap that kid’s head. The urge is strong, I swear.


Jin Ae graduated from high school two weeks ago and now she is leaving Korea for further studies abroad. At first she didn’t want to leave but mom convinced her that she had to spread her wings and manage her potentials outside of her comfort zone.

Honestly they looked like a perfect family right in front of me. I stared at their group hug and couldn’t help but feel left out. But who wouldn’t?

Crossing my arms, I looked away to find something else that could clear away my head.


I never really realize that Incheon International Airport is this huge. I mean, I had seen it thousands of times on tv but I never paid any attention to all the tiny details until now. The ceilings were high, temperature room slightly cold, and painted with contrast colors of white, grey, and black. The tiles under my feet were shining brightly and the flower pots were aligned by the wall very neatly.

A flock of gorgeous stewardess and a pair of pilot walked pass by me and geez why are they so tall? Ahjummas that had their hair so freaking curly were clapping happily after they entered the waiting room. Kids were pulling their own luggage to different gates to wait for their flight.
International airport is always busy, don’t you think?


I suddenly snapped out of my little observation when a surprising shriek scared the hell out of me. Beside me, there were a group of teenage girls, maybe my age, reading a kpop magazine. Rather than doing nothing and be an outcast, I peeked to the cover discreetly and found a huge picture of male artists. 

… EXO…


Ouh, EXO huh? So, these are the boys that mom and Jin Ae kept on talking about? Never in a million years had I expected my mom to be a fan of them… Wow the magazine was full of those exo boys.

Finally, I realized that the girls are now looking at me, and I am not surprised when the stares turned into terrifying glares that are probably warning me to move back. While giving them a sheepish grin, I took careful steps backwards.



I felt a hand on my shoulder just to turn around and found Jin Ae grinning widely at me. Her small button nose was red, cheeks turned rosy and eyes become slightly puffy because of the crying party just now. We both hugged tightly without a word, without any sweet talks, without the empty promises. Moments later I felt my T-shirt was soaked now because of her tears. Why cry now? This is my favorite shirt out of all my other fashion item.

“Gonna miss you, you little dip,” she sobbed.


“It’s only 3 years, dude. Besides, there are still Christmas holidays and we could spend it like old times.” I tried cheering her up.


“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she whispered quietly. “See you soon, Shinnie.”

 Soon, she was called into the waiting room and boarded the plane not long after that. Mom, dad and Moon Ae shed some more tears before deciding that going home to rest would be a better option. They cried, why didn’t I?





Without much thought about it, 3 months had passed uneventfully without Jin Ae’s presence in the house. Mom tends to video call Jin Ae late at night and complains about anything but mostly it would be about my weird eating habits (she didn’t see me eating cheesecake at the background though).

And I had one more bad news: Moon Ae is now my roommate. Why. Is. Life. So. Unfair???


Sharing a room with that kid is worse than with Jin Ae. She keeps on jumping on my bed, ripping a piece of paper of my book (and she once tore away my homework without me knowing and I was in detention the next day), stealing my money and keeps it under her pillow, and would stick bubble gum under my study table. Isn’t that just disgusting. iuew





It was Saturday night and the whole family was excited. Why? I had no idea. Mom pleaded me to wear something ‘presentable’ in the meaning that I had to wear dresses. Maybe she knew that I would go with the usual plaid shirt and a pair of ripped jeans so the moment I opened the door to my closet, I could only see one, only 1, uno,  一, een, satu, один, ein, just 1 simple dress in the huge empty space. The sweatpants and jeans suddenly vanished to thin air, the T-shirts and sweaters disappeared like magic and my other stuff went missing. No matter from what angle I look at the closet, I could not find my other clothes.

I will not underestimate my mom’s power anymore.

So, back to the main problem. I was forced to wear a shocking pink, floral, mini-dress. Mom managed to combine all the three things that I hated most. 1. I hate shocking pink, it kinda hurts my eyes.   2. I hate flowers, even fake ones.   3. I hate dresses, especially mini-dresses. They are so tight, I can barely breathe.

On the journey to the dinner destination, I fell asleep in the car and missed the whole conversation about who we were going to meet and where we would be eating.



The car stopped moving and my sleepy eyes scanned for a clue to where the hell I am. The car was immediately taken care of by the valet boy when the four of us had jumped out of the car and walked into the grand restaurant. This place looks like a mansion, a very nice-looking fountain was placed in the center of the garden and the whole place screams out professionalism. Moon Ae came running to me and intertwined our fingers. EEIuww, this is so disgusting. As I was about to push my sister away, mom turned around and glared at me.

“Be nice,” she mouthed dangerously between gritted teeth.


Great. Now I’m stuck with this… this… this animal. As we entered the restaurant, I felt totally speechless. The interior design looks like one of the Greek building structures combined with the modern art which is very intriguing and fascinating at the same time. The furniture was very cutting edge and neat. The waiters and waitresses bowed a perfect 90 degrees at our arrival. All of them were wearing suits and formal clothing as the uniform and I really like it here. But what made me don’t understand is that, why is this place named ‘COCO ISLAND’?? Which part of the paintings or even flower vases could describe a tropical fruit in an island? Why, why…

I nodded in acknowledgement to every bow I receive while Moon Ae… I can’t even describe her anymore. She let go of my hand almost immediately and began running around like she owned the whole damn restaurant. Do you know the level of embarrassment I am? Above 1 million. I followed my parents into a huge VIP room. The table was placed in the middle of the dining area.


“What are we going to eat, daddy? Why is our room so BIG?? I wanna eat some spaghetti bolognaise! And I want lemon tea too! You said we’re having friends for dinner, when are they coming??”

Moon Ae chatters away as soon as she sat down at one of the seats and the complimentary mineral water I received looks really good as a weapon to throw right into her face.


Pizza & tachos. Pizza & tachos. << my way to calm down. I chant this 3 times and I feel immediately relieved.

But before I go on with the thought of drowning my sister in Han river, I noticed something weird. I actually never listened to any of Moon Ae’s babbling but her last question keeps on bothering the hell out of me. My father ruffled her hair slightly and chuckled.


“Excuse me, sir,” a waitress opened our door after knocking twice. “Mr. Do is here.” My dad immediately beamed, “let them in!”

Then, 2 people entered the room while the waitress closed the door and left. I stood up and bowed lowly as usual. When I look back up, I could see a middle-aged man, a woman beside him who happened to be his spouse. They had this aura of sophistication and elegance radiating. Moon Ae just ran to them and hugged the man’s legs as she was still very short for a 6-year-old.

Why is she acting like an uneducated kid?
Don’t. Slap. Her. Head. Shin. Ae.   Must. Control. Anger.


“Long time no see, Moonie! You’ve grown taller,” the man who happened to be someone named Mr. Do lifted that devil and hugged her tightly.


What did I miss? Moon Ae is like infinitely younger than me but she knew more people than I do.


“Shin Ae, you’ve grown beautifully like I expected. I miss you so much,” the woman came up to me and hugged me.

Who the hell is she? Why is she hugging me? Do I know her? What the hell.


She broke the huge but remains at a very uncomfortably close distance while examining my face with her sparkly doe eyes. She may be middle-aged woman but there is literally no wrinkle on her pale face. She still looks pretty at this kind of age and I bet she looks prettier in the past. Her pearly white teeth were aligned very neatly and her lips look plump. Her eyelashes were long as hell. She played with my hair for a few moments before smiling at me with a lovely grin.

“I bet Kyungsoo will notice you even after all these years. You didn’t change at all,” she continued examining my top-to-toe appearance. Who da hell is she talking about? ‘After all these years’?

What is actually going on?











Finally, someone relatable to exo showed up. Sorry for the y chapter i kinda lost inspiration midway and cried last night while watching the youtube fanmade video for Promise. My kokoro couldnt hold it in T-T. #feels

So yeah, thank you for reading my idiotic story and i welcome any kind of comments and suggestions for the story...


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Michelle_GMK #1
Chapter 4: Lanjutttt
Continue it plsssss
Michelle_GMK #2
Chapter 1: Hai bebehhh!
Chapter 4: For the story, I think it'd b cool for all 12 2 fall head over heels for our lovely main OC
Chapter 4: Wow a shoutout to the amazing me.. I do appreciate it :-D
I wonder what the biased mum's happy about... I don't trust her....
Chapter 3: I liked it... This is gonna b gr8! XD i love this OC bcuz she's so normal, she's not drop dead gorgeous and perfect! Lol can't wait for her 2 meet Kyungsoo ;-p
Nice fic I like it much much ^_^ ... keep up the good work