Picture Perfect Family

When Life Gives You Lemons

It was a nice summer evening when I was 8 years old where the temperature wasn't killing anyone at that moment. I could remember vividly how a girl was playing some soothing and relaxing classical tune from the old grand piano. Her hair was long, straight as an arrow. Her eyes followed the notes partiture carefully, not wanting to miss any melody.


A man, who sat on the couch while reading the newspaper, was enjoying the performance. Yep, he's my dad. And next to him, my mother was knitting some wool to make a syal for the upcoming winter. She tapped her foot gently to the rythm. This could be the most perfect condition in a family. Almost perfect that it seems like a beautiful picture. Almost.


But where was I?


So there's me, playing toy cars under the coffee table. I am the reason why the family wasn't picture perfect, in fact I destroyed it. Despite playing toy cars and robots, I am a girl. And yes, it was supposed to be surprising.




The girl who played the piano was my elder sister (or you can say the first child of the family). She is the definition of perfection and sophistication coombined. I am not joking. She is always so good in everything


Let's start from the arts and music category.
She knows how to play violin, playing piano was her hobby and, strumming the chords in the guitar becomes her obsession. Compared to me, I could only play a triangle ( if it is still considered as a musical instrument). My sister had taken a liking towards paintings and making sculptures with clays and I am not surprised that she could do it well. While I could only stack stones until it's 30 cm tall, at least I'm proud and it's still work of abstract art.


Next category : Physical comparison.
My dear sister is not tall, she could barely pass the 155 cm border, okay she is still on average height. She had a petite body that made all guy on this planet want to protect her because she looks so fragile. I kid you not, just looking at her you would feel suddenly overprotective and whatnots. Some might even think that she could fly when I sneeze and that was insulting. Pretty doesn't even cover half of her existence. She was the goddess in the entire school and nobody in that place had ever thought that I was her blood-related sister.

How about me? Men would probably hire me as their bodyguards by looking at my face. Or in other scenarios, they might scamper away in fright because I ressemble a yakuza.

Yeah, basically I am nothing compared to my sister. If I were to be standing right next to her, I would totally look like a giant freak. She's skinny while I on the other hand cover my body with a coat named 'fat'. 

Say hello to miss perfect, and my elder sister, Hwang Jin Ae.





My mother supported everything Jin Ae does because she would make her proud. That snappy woman also supported the idea that Jin Ae became an accountant or accounting manager or basically anything related to business. If Jin Ae wanted to be a singer, my mom would totally agree and immediately sign her up to audition in a company. If Jin Ae wanted to be a potato couch all her life, my mom would buy her a 70 inch TV with a life-time supply of food to keep her living. If Jin Ae wanted to become a monkey, mom would visit her every day at the local zoo and feed her bananas. I am not kidding around.


'Jin Ae is so smart' , 'Jin Ae is accountable and responsible' , 'Jin Ae is friendly, bubbly and also cheerful' , 'Jin Ae is the best' , Jin Ae is bla bla bla bull. I do not care. She would alway be the sweetheart everywhere she goes, and she herself is used to the attention everybody gives her.

I used to think like that too once. I trusted her because she was my sister. I did. But not anymore.



There are perks and disadvantages by having an elder sister, but in my life I found more the negative feeds.

If your sister is on par with you, consider yourself lucky. Because if you had a sister like mine, you could find yourself stuck in a never-ending road to shame because your sister can do basically anything and you just sit at a corner and try the best to convince yourself that eating a piece of pizza in less than 5 seconds is a gift from God. I did that, don't judge.

When I was around 10 years old, I was the bratty kid who wanted her parents to notice her existence. So because I saw that Jin Ae was taught piano by mom, i got jealous and told my dad that I wanted to learn piano too.


I spoke too soon.

A few weeks later, I ended up playing piano in a cold dark room with a stern private tutor behind me while holding a ruler to hit my hand if I made any mistakes. Not to mention the tutor had curly hairs like Beethoven. She would glare every time I did any miss touch. She would practically say that I'm not good. She biased my sister though, as usual. And that's the turning point of my mental breakdown.

Enough of this , I sound like a y girl that needed a shoulder to cry on.


A few years later, I found myself being an elder sister to a little baby who soon turned out to be a pain in the neck and a demon in disguise as a little girl. She was named Hwang Moon Ae. That kid is the true meaning of hell, trust me. Raise your hand if you had an annoying little brat at home. Thank you. As I said, she would wake me up in the middle of the night. I woulnd't really mind if she had a nightmare or something but, SHE WANTED ME TO ACCOMPANY HER TO WATCH A KDRAMA AT 3 ING AM WHEN I HAD JUST FINALLY SLEPT. The next morning I found myself getting grounded with no fast-food for a week because of that devil. She is cute, I had to admit. And I finally had someone to bully for the rest of my life. Having a younger sister had it's perks. When Jin Ae pampers that little bundle of poop, I swore to make her life a living hell. You should understand me.




My name is Hwang Shin Ae. I am the second daughter of Hwang Joon Hyung and Min So Ra, I am also the younger sister of Hwang Jin Ae. Surprisingly, I became an elder sister to Hwang Moon Ae. I don't have any talent whatsoever. I basically stayed at home and watch TV or sleep until noon. Most of my precious time is spent in front of Computer monitor and my phone screen. I HATE exercising and studying, mark my words. I have one of the most absurd and weird personality (rude is included). School makes me cry in the middle of the night. And, last but not least, I hate socializing.

It's not that I hate talking, but rather people make me feel suffocated with their fake smiles and nonsense praises. I am an introvert, just that.

Welcome to my picture perfect family














Hahahahaha, first chap of yet another fic. When the rest of my fic had many dark sides to it, I managed to make this one with more happy tone Sorry for the crappy grammar and short knowledge of vocabulary. Do enjoy, and thanks for commenting @mimina

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Michelle_GMK #1
Chapter 4: Lanjutttt
Continue it plsssss
Michelle_GMK #2
Chapter 1: Hai bebehhh!
Chapter 4: For the story, I think it'd b cool for all 12 2 fall head over heels for our lovely main OC
Chapter 4: Wow a shoutout to the amazing me.. I do appreciate it :-D
I wonder what the biased mum's happy about... I don't trust her....
Chapter 3: I liked it... This is gonna b gr8! XD i love this OC bcuz she's so normal, she's not drop dead gorgeous and perfect! Lol can't wait for her 2 meet Kyungsoo ;-p
Nice fic I like it much much ^_^ ... keep up the good work