The XD Emoji

Boy Next Door

It wasn’t until Jeonghan absentmindedly looked up at the clock while he was clearing a table that he remembered about Jisoo. Jeonghan was surprised, even with the shock of Soonyoung and Seokmin, he didn’t expect that he could forget about Jisoo so easily.

However, he knows he should feel grateful that he was distracted at least for a couple of hours from the doubt in his mind; the doubt that has been plaguing him ever since he left his number at the door of 116.

 But the knot in his stomach was now back and in full force.

It was 9:20am. 10 minutes before the deadline.

If he didn’t have a missed message…he didn’t want to think about it.

He immediately placed the dirty plates in his hands back on the table before pulling out his phone from his apron in a flourish.

He sees the icon message at the top of his phone.

His heart starts beating in his throat.

Please don’t let it be Mingyu again, please don’t let it be Mingyu, Jeonghan repeats to himself.

Jeonghan clicks on his messages with a slight shake to his hand, and he didn’t want to acknowledge how ridiculous he was being. After all it was just a text and Jisoo was just a boy.

The number on the screen was unknown and Jeonghan hastily clicks open the message.


this number was left on my door im guessing this is jeonghan but if its not im sorry stranger XD


another text directly followed it


this is jisoo btw i probably should have said that


“Oh thank god,” Jeonghan sighs, his whole body feeling light with relief. His relief was immediately followed by a goofy smile, not quite believing that Jisoo texted him and the fact that Jisoo texts like such a dork.

“What are you smiling about?” Seungkwan asks.

But it only takes one second for the boy to look from Jeonghan’s smile and pink cheeks down to the phone in his hands for it to click. Seungkwan’s realisation was paired with a slap to Jeonghan’s arm.

“Are you texting him?” Seungkwan squeaks.

Jeonghan makes the mistake of hesitating too long without answering.

“Ahh, show me! Show me!” Seungkwan reaches to snatch the phone but Jeonghan holds it just out of reach. He watches his best friend scramble for a bit before finally giving in and handing him the phone.

Jeonghan watches closely as Seungkwan scans the texts, trying to gage any reaction out of the boy.

“Ugh, why?” Seungkwan mutters.


Seungkwan flashes him the screen, “you have a crush on a guy who uses these emojis!?”

Jeonghan just looks at Seungkwan and shrugs. Seungkwan was too caught up in the bad choice of emoji to even realise that for once Jeonghan hadn’t protested Seungkwan referring to Jisoo as a crush.

Seungkwan sighs, “you don’t use emojis, this is why you don’t understand.”

“Anyway…” Jeonghan tries to steer the conversation back to the real problem, “please help me with what to reply.”

Seungkwan eyes light up at the offer, “so are you going to ask him out?”

Jeonghan doesn’t even bother to answer, just giving a small nod that he hopes Seungkwan doesn’t register. But from Seungkwan’s giggle he knows he completely understood.

“Well you need to act casual and play hard to get so he stays interested. Playing hard to get is extremely-” Seungkwan rattles on as if he is an expert, while Jeonghan only half listens in.

Jeonghan goes to interrupt his spiel but Seungkwan notices.
“Don’t you dare tell me I don’t know about this stuff because I’ve never been in a relationship.”

Jeonghan sighs and passes Seungkwan his phone to show him the message he had been composing instead of listening to his best friend, “How’s this?”


yeah its jeonghan. i finish work at 5, maybe i can finally buy you that chocolate milkshake you didnt get last time?? :) 


Seungkwan just makes an approving noise, “well you must have been listening well to my advice then. You even added an emoji!”

“Sure,” Jeonghan knows it’s better to agree and let his friend have this small victory rather than admit he didn’t listen to a word.

Jeonghan hits send before he can start doubting his decision and prays that he was right in trusting Seungkwan with this. Because even though it seems like Jisoo might slightly like Jeonghan too, he also knows that he could also be very wrong.



I'm so glad you guys liked that extra chapter! Honestly I appreciated your comments so much!! But yay we are back to the actual story!!!! :) 

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princessswan #1
Chapter 20: Omfg JIHAN here was sooo freaking CUTE! <3 But honestly the real winner has to be Seungkwan LOL. Bestie boo was hilarious & almost did all the work in getting my fav couple together. XD Loooved it!
Chapter 11: Seungkwan nagging at Jisoo's emoji choice (completely fair, I also only accept actual emojis or kaomojis as valid human-like communication tools) kinda made me recall a post that said, "y'all remember when 'lol' meant 'laughing out loud' and not 'this is here to show that this brief text is not hostile' lmao"
Anyway, I feel ya, Jeonghan. Waiting for a text message can make us unbelieaveably anxious!
Chapter 10: This is totally something that would've happened IRL with them I FEEL IT IN MY SOUL

Kinda out of nowhere but I ship them so no complaints from here 💞
Chapter 8: The whole time I was thinking, "but what if someone else walks past, gets curious and calls Jeonghan instead? And what if this person turns out to be a harrasser?"
I may be too paranoid for my own good—

Anyway, nice chapter too. I actually love slowburn so you going slowly is not a problem for me, OP. 💞
Chapter 6: Tag yourself, I'm chocolate starving gay Jisoo
Chapter 1: I can feel the awkwardness through the phone screen 🗣🗣🗣 To be honest? Same, Jeonghan, same. Though I certainly wouldn't be caught eavesdropping the neighboor's household antics 👀