Bonus: The One Where Seungkwan Nearly Finds Out

Boy Next Door

Seokmin and Soonyoung were in various stages of undressing each other when they heard “Hey guys!” and their front door loudly closing.

The couple break apart from their kiss and Soonyoung stares down at his boyfriend who is laying under him on their couch, his eyes fearful and his expression hopeless.

It's only with some quick thinking from Soonyoung that they end up under the couch, still both only in their boxers, but hidden from view at least for the moment.

Soonyoung and Seokmin had been dating for a couple of weeks, but this wasn’t known by their friends and at least for the moment, they wanted to keep it that way.

“Jeonghan hasn’t done the grocery shopping yet so,” Seungkwan calls from the front door.

“And I just really wanted to see you guys!” he adds, trying to make it not completely obvious that he only showed up for food.

His voice was still far away, but the couple could hear his footsteps beginning down the hall…the hallway that the living room was right at the end of.

“Oh my god,” Seokmin whispers, not quite believing what was going on.

“Who gave him a key!?” Soonyoung whispers, his voice angry despite the hushed tone.

“Uh, you did?”

“Oh...Dammit past me.” Soonyoung scolds himself.

The conversation stops as they hear Seungkwan drawing nearer. Soonyoung looks at his boyfriend, who looks just as clueless as him in this situation. Soonyoung could hear both their hearts beating loud enough that he was worried Seungkwan would hear. Not only was their secret going to be out, but it was going to happen in a very embarrassing and slightly traumatising way (for all three boys.)

Soonyoung for once is at a loss; normally he’s very quick at thinking on his feet, but this situation was one that he never once imagined he would find himself in. Seokmin goes to talk but Soonyoung just puts his hand over the boy’s mouth, his mind whirling trying to come up with any possible way out of this.

His mind keeps coming back to one idea, and while Soonyoung can admit that it’s an awful plan, it’s the only one he has and one look at his boyfriend makes it clear that Seokmin won’t be of any help.

Soonyoung quietly swears to himself and rolls out from under the couch, quickly straightening up just as Seungkwan reaches the end of the hall.

“WHA-“ Seungkwan yells and turns away from Soonyoung.

“WHY ARE YOU DOING LUNGES HALF ?!??! MY EYES!! MY BEAUTIFUL EYES!!!!” Seungkwan is covering his face with his hands now not allowing himself to even get another small glimpse at his friend.

“It’s just so free,” Soonyoung replies as he internally cringes. Seokmin is going to be paying him back for the rest of his life for this, “it’s the only way to do exercise. You should join me.”

“Please go and put clothes back on! Oh my god! Gross!” Seungkwan says horrified.

“Alright, just keep your eyes tightly closed okay?”

“What?! Like I’d want to open them?!”

Soonyoung warily bends down to look under the couch, motioning to Seokmin that it’s safe. Seokmin rolls out from under the couch, his mouth stretched in a tight smile as he tries to contain his laughter. He goes to open his mouth to say something but Soonyoung lightly hits him, motioning his head towards Seungkwan who was standing completely still, his head thankfully remaining in his hands.

“Okay, I am now exiting the room…” Soonyoung says slowly, pulling Seokmin along behind him, “don’t open your eyes until I say you can.”

Seungkwan just scoffs at the idea that he would willing open his eyes and keeps his head fully concealed.

The boys’ hearts were beating in their chests as they inched past him and down the hall, scared that Seungkwan would open his eyes at any moment, despite his promise. 

Soonyoung just hoped that Seungkwan was too busy trying to burn the image of him in boxers out of his head to pay attention to the fact that there was more than one person’s footsteps echoing off the wooden floors.

The couple basically collapse into Soonyoung’s bedroom, as they quickly shut the door and let out a sigh of relief.

Soonyoung heart was still beating in his chest. He couldn't believe how close Seungkwan had been to finding out. How could he have forgotten that he'd given the boy a key to come and go as he pleased? This means the couple would have to be more careful from now on. 

“Okay you can open your eyes!” Soonyoung calls to Seungkwan. 

“Also help yourself to any of our food!” He adds, hoping that that would keep the boy busy for a while.

As soon as Soonyoung turns to face Seokmin, the boys break out into the nervous laughter of relief.

“I can’t believe you did that! That was amazing,” Seokmin gushes.

“But you know you will be in debt to me for the rest of your life right?! That was mortifying!” Soonyoung shakes his head in embarrassment as he starts to dress himself, also chucking clothes in the direction of his boyfriend.

“Come on, it was kinda funny,” Seokmin teases as he once again breaks into laughter.

“You're not being very supportive,” Soonyoung pouts.

“I’m sorry,” Seokmin walks over and wraps him in a hug, but Soonyoung can still feel the boy shaking in laughter.

“Seungkwan is going to tell everyone about this, 10:04 will never look at me the same again. I’ll be “that weird cook who does lunges in his underwear”” Soonyoung moves into the embrace, burying his face into his boyfriend’s chest in embarrassment.

“But okay, maybe it was a little funny,” Soonyoung mumbles into his boyfriend’s chest.

 “I mean that’s a pretty cool title to have, now that I think about it,” Soonyoung steps back and raises his arm in the air like a superhero, “Kwon Soonyoung: saving the world one lunge at a time.”

“And I’ll be your faithful sidekick; Lee Seonotwearingclothes,” Seokmin says with a grin, also striking a pose.

Soonyoung just gives his boyfriend a high five, seeming to have forgotten about the embarrassment for the moment.

“But don’t worry, I have a feeling Seungkwan’s going to be too embarrassed to tell anyone about this,” Seokmin chuckles.

“Are you done yet? You cook better than me!” The boys hear Seungkwan call.

“I should hope so, I am a chef!” Soonyoung calls back.

Soonyoung then looks at Seokmin, “you stay in here and while I’m busy with Seungkwan in the kitchen you can pretend you’ve just come home, okay?”

Seokmin nods in agreement as his boyfriend gives him a light peck on the lips.

“And you still owe me. Big time,” Soonyoung says as he leaves the room.


Soonyoung nervously walks around the corner, not quite sure how he was going to be able to look Seungkwan in the eye.

Seungkwan looks up and lets out an over exaggerated sigh of relief, “Oh thank god you’re dressed. That is a sight I never ever want to see again!”

“If you didn’t just let yourself into our apartment whenever you wanted,” Soonyoung says with a smirk, pushing aside any left over embarrassment.

“It’s not like you expect to walk in to someone doing exercise in their underwear?! Like what the hell, do you do this all the time?! Please don’t tell me Seokmin joins in too?!”

Soonyoung turns away from the flustered boy to start collecting ingredients so he can easily hide his amused smile.

“No, Seokmin does not join in.  Besides he’s at work right now,” Soonyoung answers.

Seungkwan opens his mouth the say something else but immediately closes it.

“You know what, I don’t want to know,” he says, waving away the topic.

Soonyoung is surprised at how quickly the normally inquisitive boy dropped the topic and he wonders if maybe his boyfriend was right about Seungkwan keeping his mouth shut. Soonyoung would be far too happy if that was the case.

“I’m home!” Seokmin calls.

“In the kitchen!” Soonyoung calls back.

“How was work, sweetie?” He asks when Seokmin walks around the corner.

Seungkwan just rolls his eyes, believing the pet name to be yet another lame joke between friends.

Soonyoung shoots his boyfriend a sly grin and Seokmin just replies with a chuckle. They were acting so domestic, really all that was missing was a kiss on the cheek; it was funny how little of an idea Seungkwan had.

Soonyoung divides the food he quickly cooked up into three and they all go over to the couch to eat.

Before Seungkwan sits down he lingers nervously infront of the couch, “uh you didn’t lay on the couch or something during your exercise, did you?”

Soonyoung’s eyes widen in shock as Seokmin snorts and hides it with a well placed coughing fit.

“Wha-what?” Soonyoung splutters. Did the boy somehow know? There was no way he could possibly know?

“Well you were doing lunges next to the couch…I was just making sure.”

Seokmin was still next to Soonyoung, trying his best not to crack up laughing and Soonyoung shoots him a sharp glare as he’s definitely not helping the situation.

Soonyoung knew that the boy wouldn’t have be able to let this go and that Seokmin had just fed him false hope.

“So does this mean you know about his exercise routine? How are fine living in an apartment with him and his…nudist tendencies?”

Soonyoung sighs, he can’t believe Seungkwan tells him that he’s too embarrassing when that just came out his friend’s mouth.

He knew at this stage that the only way to get Seungkwan to shut up was to embarrass him to no end, and Seokmin seemed to have had the same idea as the two boys share a knowing glance.

“You’re bringing this up a lot, are you sure you don’t want to join me next time?” Soonyoung nudges Seungkwan teasingly.

Seungkwan just scoffs and continues eating, “I couldn’t think of anything worse.”

“But it would be so fun,” Seokmin says with a smirk.

“Oh my god, Seokmin. I just had to best idea!”

“What Soonyoung?” The boys now were over dramatizing every word as if they were in a really cheesy commercial.

“Next Sunday dinner?”

“You’re right! It would be the perfect time for some group exercise. We can be exercise buddies!” Seokmin directs his gaze to Seungkwan, who is still completely immersed in his food, deliberately deciding to ignore them.

Soonyoung and Seokmin share sly smirks, knowing that they’ll have to take it one step further.

“Why wait?” Soonyoung says loudly, hoping that they will finally get a reaction out of the boy, “let’s do it now!”

Soonyoung starts pretending to strip, not quite believing that Seungkwan had managed to contain himself for this long. He must have been holding in several sarcastic comments by that point.

Soonyoung was actually getting fully prepared to strip again if it meant Seungkwan would react but then suddenly Seungkwan stands up and walks to the kitchen to dispose of his plate.

“Okay, next time I’ll make sure I’m about to die of hunger before I set foot in this weird house,” Seungkwan says.

Soonyoung and Seokmin just shake their heads at the boy as he leaves.

“You’ll be back!” Soonyoung calls.

“That kid dies of hunger after two hours of not eating,” Soonyoung says turning to his boyfriend.

“I think we’re losing our touch, it’s usually so easy to embarrass him,” Seokmin pouts.

“He was probably still too mentally scarred. Maybe he will never be the same again?” Soonyoung laughs.

“Ah yes, because you’re so horrible to look at,” Seokmin teases which only gets a light hit from Soonyoung.

“All I know is that you’re not allowed to let me give anyone else keys to this apartment.”

“Couldn’t agree more. Now where were we?”  Seokmin says with a grin.


So you guys seemed to be keen for the extra chapter so here it is !!!! I've finished exams and it only needed a tiny bit of editing so I decided to upload quicker than usual :) 
Honestly this scenario is so weird and turned out longer than I was expecting but it was alot of fun writing it so I hope you enjoy !!! (I'm also thinking that after I've finished Boy Next Door I may write a Soonseok fic, I mean accidentally confessing to someone seems like it could be really entertaining to write so we'll see) 
I just want to say thanks for your comments on the last chapter! I appreciate it alot!! 



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princessswan #1
Chapter 20: Omfg JIHAN here was sooo freaking CUTE! <3 But honestly the real winner has to be Seungkwan LOL. Bestie boo was hilarious & almost did all the work in getting my fav couple together. XD Loooved it!
Chapter 11: Seungkwan nagging at Jisoo's emoji choice (completely fair, I also only accept actual emojis or kaomojis as valid human-like communication tools) kinda made me recall a post that said, "y'all remember when 'lol' meant 'laughing out loud' and not 'this is here to show that this brief text is not hostile' lmao"
Anyway, I feel ya, Jeonghan. Waiting for a text message can make us unbelieaveably anxious!
Chapter 10: This is totally something that would've happened IRL with them I FEEL IT IN MY SOUL

Kinda out of nowhere but I ship them so no complaints from here 💞
Chapter 8: The whole time I was thinking, "but what if someone else walks past, gets curious and calls Jeonghan instead? And what if this person turns out to be a harrasser?"
I may be too paranoid for my own good—

Anyway, nice chapter too. I actually love slowburn so you going slowly is not a problem for me, OP. 💞
Chapter 6: Tag yourself, I'm chocolate starving gay Jisoo
Chapter 1: I can feel the awkwardness through the phone screen 🗣🗣🗣 To be honest? Same, Jeonghan, same. Though I certainly wouldn't be caught eavesdropping the neighboor's household antics 👀