Chapter 30 - Because he loves me

Reversed Cinderella Story

Phew! We finally escape from the crazy crowd. I want to go home and take some rest but of course life with Jae Joong is never easy. Ji Soo oppa drives us straight to the agency. CEO Baek is very eager to see us. I already smell trouble. I have been too happy since yesterday to forget that Korean entertainment industry is way more complicated than American. It seems like celebrities, especially male celebrities have to be overly careful about whom and where they date.

Why the fans are so selfish? I mean if you like the celebrities very much, you should wish the best for them right? If dating someone can make them happy, then fans should support their idols. Why do fans give themselves the right to choose who good or not good for their idols? Celebrities are still human after all. They need love to survive. Just because the fans dedicate their time to support the celebrities, doesn’t mean they can take away the right to love of celebrities. Celebrities need love more than anyone. They are lonely, the most lonely type of people. They can’t go to public freely, can’t have friend as normal people. Whatever they do, they have to watch public eyes. They are so pitiful. Love is the only thing can get them going. Why even take that away from them? I really can’t understand that.

Anyway, we arrive at C-Jes. Just as last time, the reporters are standing in front of the agency anxiously. Some of them probably follow us from the airport. I can recognize their faces. With the same questions, they keep repeating even though we already told them no comment. They really don’t know when to stop. I am almost at my breaking point but luckily, my Jae Joong has been next to me the whole time. He holds my hand tightly even in front of the reporters. People may be surprise to know a cold person as him has such a warm hand, very warm that even touch my heart. Even with just a hand grip, I feel protected. He is protecting me even by the slightest gesture. All eyes are on us but my eyes are only on him, my prince.

“What the hell did you do again?” – I have no personal issue toward CEO Baek but I think he yells too often. I know Jae Joong acted recklessly but still, doesn’t need to yell at us first thing when we arrive like this. I am even startled for a moment.

Jae Joong keeps his careless attitude, just as expected of him but it only makes CEO Baek angrier.

“Why do you keep causing one trouble after another? Do you know how crazy your fans are right now?” – CEO Baek keeps on yelling.

“What was wrong about what I did? I confessed to the woman I love. Is it prohibited?” - I stare at Jae Joong in surprise as he coolly tells CEO Baek without hesitation. It is so unexpected and so crazily cool at the same time.

First, did he just say he loved me? Yes he did. He totally did. Even though he asked me to be his girlfriend but he hasn’t said the “love” word yet. Now he said it, in front of everybody, loud and clear, without hesitation. I can’t help but curl my lips to a big smile and look at my Jae Joong with admiration. He can’t stop being cool the last few days and it drives my heart insane.

“It is not prohibited but you should know how sensitive your fans are. Don’t you think it is better to keep your relationship in dark for a little while before telling the world?” – CEO lowers his voice a little bit but I still can see frustration in his eyes.

“Why should I hide my relationship in the dark? Love is not something to be ashamed of. We don’t do anything wrong. Why should we hide?”- Jae Joong starts losing his patient but I am on his side this time. This is the wisest thing that he has ever said since I met him. I didn’t know that my man can be this deep. He honestly keeps on surprising me every day.

“How about JYJ? Do you even think about your band?”

“I don’t mind.” – Jun Su quickly responses.

“Neither do I. It only means more fans for me ,right?” – Yoo Chun jokes but I can tell their sincere support toward Jae Joong. They are great men. I guess that is why they have been able to stick together the last few years despite the personality differences. They are brothers not by blood but by choice. They choose to support each other as sibling. And now I feel as I am a part of their family too. They welcome me because I am their brother’s choice.

“Fine, whatever you guys want to do. The press conference will be in two hours. The four of you should attend and please try your best to not lose any more fans.” – CEO Baek throws the statement at us then leaves.

Press conference again? Why do I have to do that? This is the downside of dating celebrity. There are only two options, keep the relationship as secret or have to explain the relationship to the world. I guess we have no choice but attend the press conference. I can’t hide my sigh just imagining the questions from reporters.

“Are you ok?” – Jae Joong notices her tired expression pretty quickly. Since when has he done that? Now I think about it, he actually has been caring about me the entire time. When we were forced to go through the press conference last time, he got mad and CEO Baek and at me. I thought he was serious about his words but now I feel like he tried to protect me that time. I did tell him how much I hated being in front of camera. He probably didn’t want me to do what I disliked because of him so he got angry at that time.

Awe! My weirdo Jae Joong, even the way he protected me is unique. Maybe that is what makes him special to me. He is truly one of a kind.

Even though I am not really ok at the moment but I don’t want to make him worry – “I’m fine.” – I say with a smile.

He softly caresses my head - “I know you don’t like press conference. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

He still knows me best but of course I can’t do that. We are in it together. The situation probably will get more complicated if I am not there. So I shake my head – “It’s ok. Let’s do it together.”

“Kool, let’s do it.” – Jun Su excitedly squeals.

We have a quick lunch from the take over that Ji Soo oppa bought, just black bean noodle but very delicious probably because we are all very hungry.

“Do you like it?” – Jae Joong asks and gives me a piece of his dumpling.

 Awe! What a sweet boyfriend!

I of course happily nod in response. I not only like the food but also the way he takes care of my eating. He has potential to be a good boyfriend.

“This place has the best black bean noodle. I will take you there when we have time. It tastes even better as it is fresh made.”

“Really?” – My eyes are lightened up. Since it is very rare for me to go out and eat in Korea, so of course I am supper excited with his promise.

“Of course.” – He answers me with a smile.

“Time to go guys.” – Oh well, I guess our relax hour is over. We have to head to the press conference now. I hope this one will not as long as the last one.

As he read my mind, he holds my hand and pulls me closer to him – “Don’t worry too much. I will be right next to you” - He whispers.

Darn it! Even in my nervous stage, he still manages to pull every little hair on my body up with his whisper. But I do feel a little bit calmer though because he is right next to me.

We walk in the press conference room together with Jun Su and Yoo Chun. Jae Joong is still holding tightly on my hand. This time I am more comfortable in front of the camera. At least I don’t have to cover my eyes from flashlight any more. Plus I am not alone any more. Jae Joong, Jun Su and Yoo Chun are next to me. I know they will protect me this time.

The moment we sit down on the chair, the reporters immediately attack us with their questions.

“How did you two meet?”

“How long have you been together?”

“How does it feel to have a public confession?”

“Why do you decide to public your relationship?”

Those kinds of questions are predictable. We are able to answer them smoothly. Mostly the three of them. I only answer the question that relate directly to me. Whatever Jae Joong can answer for me, he does. However, the last question ticks the bomb of Jae Joong’s patient. A young female reporter asks Jae Joong – “Don’t you worry that dating her will damage your career?”

First, I am very offensive of that question. Why dating me damage his career? I didn’t do anything wrong. I am single and never commit any crime. Why would I become an obstacle in his career? I didn’t know that reporter can ask those kinds of cruel questions. Did she discard my existence? I am sitting right here when she asked that question. I want to stand up and scream on that reporter face but Jae Joong already handles that.

“Why would it?” – Jae Joong asks, frustration is visible in his voice – “I believe my girlfriend is a very great girl. She is smart, pretty, talented, understanding, and very caring. I haven’t fallen in love for a long time until I met her. I hope that fans will support our relationship. It they don’t, there is nothing I can do. But I will never give up on her even it means my career gives up on me. Because I love her.”

The whole press conference is in awe with his answer and so do I.

Oh dear, please stop making me fall in love with you over and over again. I think I love you too much already.

Thank you, my prince.

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Huhu, I just wrote a saddest chapter of my writing career. Prepare tissue my dears. You may cry


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
dagshs #2
Chapter 38: omg awesome story!!!!
sweetmiele #3
Chapter 38: Wow treat story i Like the characters
ahmefrance83 #4
Chapter 38: Another masterpiece!
izkadewi #5
Chapter 38: Really great ending. I hope you can make another fanfic about songjihyo and exo
Awe thank you all for a warm goodbye and your great support.
Love ^_^
mikeysoo #7
Chapter 38: Wow...can't believe it the end of the story
Good job
Will always support u other stories
N2Wint #8
Chapter 38: Thanks authornim^^. Happy Ending. Fighting! Keep going other stories.
Foreverminho #9
Chapter 38: Wow...such a beautiful ending ~(^з^)-
Looking forward for ur new ff ^^