Chapter 10 - The photoshoot

Reversed Cinderella Story

“Let’s go.” – I tell my master who is waiting impatiently on the couch.

He looks at me from head to toe then frowns – “What are you wearing?”

“Clothes” – I respond, looking at myself in a casual T shirt and jeans.

“Where is your uniform?” – He asks

I roll my eyes at him, feeling ridiculous that he even has the gut to ask that question. Is he really expecting me wearing a maid uniform in public? It is embarrassing enough to walk around the house with that ridiculous outfit. I was happy for a moment earlier thinking that I could free myself from that stupid uniform for a day. And now he has to take away my hope.

“Are you insane? Who is wearing that kind of thing out of the house? It’s not even Halloween.” – I yell, frustrated.

“You are my maid inside or outside the house and a maid should of course wear a maid uniform” – He says, stolidly.

I only can laugh from ridiculousness.

“Yah, remember I am doing you a favor? At least give me the choice of wearing what I want.” -  I try to reason with him but he is totally not at all reasonable.

“Nope. Either you go change by yourself or I will help you to change.” – He says and looks at with his ert eyes.

“You are crazy.” – I angrily scream at him and return to my room to change to that ridiculous uniform. I know he is not going to back up. Keeping argument with him is only a waste of time. It will be faster for me to go change. But I am really angry. I throw my clothes on the floor then step all over them, imaging they are my master.

I finally done changing and walk to him with the stupid maid outfit – “Are you happy now?” – I frown.

“Let’s go.” – He says, ignoring my question. I walk behind him and really want to choke him on the throat so he can stop being arrogant.

His car is waiting for us readily in front of the house. We quickly get inside the car to avoid unnecessary attention. This is actually my first time in a celebrity car. It’s pretty different, very spacy. The chair is designated to be able to fold flat down. I guess this is where he sleeps after a tired show. It seems like being celebrity in Korea is very tiresome.

“Annyeonghaseyo Ji Hyo” – Park Ji Soo – my master’s manager greets me brightly as always.

“Annyeonghaseyo Ji Soo oppa” – I nicely greet him back.

“Since when did you two become so close for you to call him oppa?” – My master asks with the most annoying voice.

I can’t believe that he can make a problem out of nothing like that. I and Ji Soo oppa actually get along really well lately. Since he is my master’s manager, he spends most of his time at my master’s place. He even helps me to do house chore sometimes. He is the only one I can complaint to about my master since he understands my master’s terrible manner very well. Whenever we talk, the main topic is always about how horrible my master is. We have great pleasure making fun of my master and we not at all feel a bit guilty about that. My master deserves it.

“Since we have to serve the same annoying master.” – I answer, cunningly.

“Good one Ji Hyo.” – Ji Soo oppa laughs and gives me a big high five.

“Yah, the two of you.” – My master yells, glances at me and Ji Soo oppa, annoyed.

“Thank you for helping us today, Ji Hyo.” – Ji Soo oppa nicely says to me.

“No problem oppa.”

“What is on schedule today?” – My master asks Ji Soo oppa.

“We are going to Star Magazine now to do front page photoshoot with your bandmates. Then you will have a filming later for your drama.” – Ji Soo oppa reads from his notebook.

The car arrives at the studio quickly. My master makes me carry a bunch of heavy stuff while he is freely walking in front of me. I have to cover my face from embarrassment since people keep looking at me like a weirdo. I knew it is going to happen. I hate my master so much. I walk behind him and cursing him with each of my step.

I breathe hard after putting down all the heavy stuffs. The studio is busy and people seem to walk around in panic. I am not familiar with the entertainment world but I can tell this is not a good atmosphere. Something seems to be wrong. But I don’t really have time to worry about that because my master is already calling my name from his chair.

“Yes, master?” – I run to him and report.

“Master? Did she just call you master?” – The orange hair guy next to my master laughs hard. I recognize him. He is one of my master’s bandmates. Jun Su is his name I think.

“Yeah. She is my maid.” – My master tells Jun Su. – “Say hi to my bandmates” – He turns to me and demands – “This is Jun Su” – He points to the orange hair guy. – “And this is Yoo Chun.” – He hands at the black hair one next to him.

“Annyeonghaseyo”  - I bow lightly at them.

“Nice to meet you.” – Yoo Chun reaches out his hand to me but my master quickly smacks his hand away.

“No touching.” – My master demands.

Whoa! Just what kind of attitude is that? Am I some kind of display product that just for look not for touch? This guy is always able to surprise me with his weird behavior.

“Yah, what is that about? I just try to be friendly.” – Yoo Chun scolds my master.

Go Yoo Chun! Scold my master! He deserves it.

“He gives you a lot of hard time, doesn’t he?” – Jun Su asks me nicely.

I nod immediately. – “Of course he is” – I answer without hesitation.

“If he keeps giving you a hard time, come work for me. I’m looking for a maid too, especially a pretty one like you.” – Jun Su tells me with a sweet smile.

“Why do you need a maid for? You live in a one bedroom apartment.” – My master rudely asks Jun Su.

“So what? I still need someone to clean and cook.” – Jun Su answers, annoyed.

My master is really good at pissing people off. I wonder how they have been able to work together for such a long time. Jun Su and Yoo Chun seem to be well manner, unlike my rude master.

While my master and Jun Su are heating up with their argument, the magazine editor runs to us in panic. “We have a problem. The female model is not going to show up today. Her face suddenly has allergic reaction.” – She says then looks at me. Her face suddenly brightens up. - “Are you a model?” – She asks me.

I am surprise from her question and shake my head. – “No, I’m not”

“Don’t lie to me. You even dress for it. How can you know today concept is maid and masters.” – She asks me, brightly.

I look at her in daze. – “I really don’t. This is my work uniform. I work for Mister Kim Jae Joong right here.” – I point at my master and say.

“Really? What a shame! Can you take a few pictures with us? The situation is very urgent and we have no one to replace at the moment.” – She asks me, desperate.

I definitely don’t want to do it at all. The last thing I want to do is appearing on a magazine. My father will go crazy. – “I’m sorry but I don’t think I will be able to do that. I never appear in front of camera.” – I excuse but I am not lying. I hate camera. Except the portrait with my father, I barely stand in front of the camera voluntarily.

“Please help me this time. This is my first day and if I fail this photoshoot. I will probably get fire.” – She begs me desperately, her eyes are about to cry.


 I hate this. I can’t stand seeing people crying. I may appear to be arrogant but I have pretty soft heart. That girl is so pitiful. What can I do? Her begging eyes don’t seem to want to leave me. I want to close my eyes to avoid that pitiful look.

Darn it!

“Fine, I will help you.” – Yes, I just say it. I have no choice. I can’t handle seeing a girl getting fire because of my selfishness.

“Thank you very much.” – She happily gives me a big hug then runs back to the photographer to talk about me I guess.

“Are you really going to do that?” – My master asks in surprise.

“Do I even have a choice? You saw how pitiful she was.” – I scowl

“It is not a bad idea. Maybe you can quit being a maid after this Ji Hyo.” -  Jun Su tells me.

He isn’t wrong but I am not planning on quitting my maid job anytime soon, not until I fulfill my Cinderella dream. This modeling is definitely a onetime thing. I am not planning to do it again.

The editor quickly comes back to me. – “Let’s get you doll up.” – She says and drags me into a make-up room.

The make-up artist and hair stylish quickly attack me with their tools. I hate this the most. People would think that a big heiress like me would get used to those stuffs but not me. I don’t really like make-up very much. I prefer bare face and only get make-up when I need to go to big events.

After an hour of torture, they finally release me back to the studio. My master and his bandmates are already posing in front of the camera but they all stop when I walk out. All eyes are on me. Even my master can’t hide his surprise face. I think his cheeks turn pink a little bit. Just what is it all about? Do I look weird?

“You are so gorgeous.” – Yoo Chun compliments with a big smile on his face.

My master is still speechless. I think he freeze. His eyes haven’t moved a bit, keep staring at me.

“Let’s start the photoshoot” – The photographer demands.

A stylish quickly runs to me and pull me to a chair in the middle of my master, Yoo Chun, and Jun Su.

“Pose” – The photographer keeps demands me but I swear to God I don’t know how to pose.

I am supper flutter, don’t know what to do.

Suddenly, my master turns to me, moves my hand, turns my shoulders, and positions my face. My heart thuds hard as his hand freely moving around my body. “This is what people call posing.” – He tells me.

I shyly nod.

After a few shot, I start getting a hold of posing and I can do it more naturally.

“Now Jae Joong, please do some intimate pose with Ji Hyo. Ji Hyo please acts shy. Yoo Chun and Jun Su please pose as you two are jealous.” – The photographer demands

Did he just tell my master to be intimate with me?  


That is the last thing I expect to happen. I can’t do that. I can’t do that. – I am screaming loud in my head. But before I can escape, my master already hold my hand with his right hand and his left on is on my waist. He pushes my body down, dancing pose I guess. I am flustered. Even if the photographer didn’t demand, I am still acting very shy right now. I am not really acting. I am actually shy. My cheek turns rose and my heart beats fast. He is too close to me, too intimate to me.

OMG my head is about to explode. 

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Huhu, I just wrote a saddest chapter of my writing career. Prepare tissue my dears. You may cry


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
dagshs #2
Chapter 38: omg awesome story!!!!
sweetmiele #3
Chapter 38: Wow treat story i Like the characters
ahmefrance83 #4
Chapter 38: Another masterpiece!
izkadewi #5
Chapter 38: Really great ending. I hope you can make another fanfic about songjihyo and exo
Awe thank you all for a warm goodbye and your great support.
Love ^_^
mikeysoo #7
Chapter 38: Wow...can't believe it the end of the story
Good job
Will always support u other stories
N2Wint #8
Chapter 38: Thanks authornim^^. Happy Ending. Fighting! Keep going other stories.
Foreverminho #9
Chapter 38: Wow...such a beautiful ending ~(^з^)-
Looking forward for ur new ff ^^