Wedding (Part 1)

Code of Love


Now without hiding, would you show your everything to yourself,
I can trust anything that is of you, whatever it is.
We don't need to hurt any longer,
Because I am now by your side.



“People could’ve mistaken you as the groom for being so restless.”


Seokmin meekly groaned.


As much as he wanted to wipe the smug off the elder, Soonyoung was right.


For the past hour, the younger of the two had been twiddling with the boutonniere on his vest, his trembling fingers unable to keep still. There was approximately one hour left on the clock before Jihoon would have to strip both his ‘Lee’ surname and Indigent status behind. And to be honest, Seokmin was half excited, half worried; for he too would soon to be ‘upgraded’.


He felt as if he were by the shore, getting hit by small yet frequent waves of nerves. Tickling only his feet at first, they were now up to his waist as he threaded further, giving into the whirlpool of never-ending anxieties.


Seokmin was never the one to overthink since he believed in positive thoughts. But then again, it was a wedding after all. Not just any normal wedding, it was an Opulent-Indigent bonding ceremony at that.


There was more to a wedding between an Opulent and Indigent; more so on the latter, being the change of both marital and social status. An Indigent would have to go through many processes, rituals even to be a certified Opulent. Yet Seokmin was too anxious to think of anything further than the wedding itself.


So when he threw a look over his shoulder at his brother, who had nothing but a consistent composure on, Seokmin could only click his tongue in annoyance.


Yes, Lee Jihoon was recognized for being calm and collected. Heck, he was one of the few who wouldn’t go screaming his head off when a spider randomly popped out of nowhere. He would instead trudge towards the heinous creature as if he owned the world and pick it up like was mere dust; none at all affected by a freaking monster with 8 hairy legs. Unlike others in the group who would flee to the nearest elevated object while yelling; mostly from Seungkwan, usually along the lines of - kill it with fire.


Nonetheless, it was still indecipherable as to how Jihoon managed to look so unruffled despite being at his own wedding.


So calm.


So collected.


Just like their mother. Or Jihoon’s mother to be exact.


A complete contrast to Seokmin who possessed his father’s lack of composure, as he teetered from left to right, bouncing on his elevated heels with the tick of the clock. The rhytmic click-clack halted to a stop when he felt a pat on his already styled hair, causing him to frown in confusion.




Soonyoung nodded, pointing down to Seokmin’s boutonniere, all tilted from the excessive movement. With a smile still intact, he proceeded to fix it and Seokmin instantly broke into a blush. Thoughts recurring at how he previously nagged Soonyoung for being unkempt just literally few minutes ago.


“I guess I’m not the only one who needs to be taken care of.”


- - - - - - - - - - -


Seungkwan had been leaning against the frame of the white door, watching a band setting up, evidently sour from the fact Jihoon wouldn’t let him perform. “Friends should be present, not performing,” Jihoon said on a cold night sometime around last week, yet Seungkwan was never the one to take a ‘no’ as an answer.


Hence why he was huffing his way inside to meet Jihoon, demanding (or begging) for few seconds on stage. That was until a strangely familiar voice from behind stopped him in his pursuit of the groom.


“What’s with the stinky face?”


“Not the time, Hansol,” Seungkwan further scrunching his already sour face, hand half-heartedly waving at the said person. “You better run along before I mess up that perfectly styled hair of yours.”


A playful smile then graced Hansol’s lips instead, one of his eyebrow raised, “So you’re saying my hair looks perfect?”


Seungkwan almost let out a groan.


The thing with Hansol was that every time Seungkwan tried to one up the annoying Opulent, Hansol would even out the score. To the point the boy rendered him speechless.


Unfortunately, due to his foolish proposition in getting to know one another the day Jihoon broke the news (seriously, who the would announce their engagement out of nowhere at brunch?), Seungkwan stuck with having to meet up Seungcheol and his friends every week. Which meant having to deal with Hansol and his ing clever comebacks on Sunday mornings.


Moody. Sunday. Mornings.


So when the wedding which at first scheduled in May was brought forward two months earlier instead, Seungkwan nearly got on his knees to thank the heavens. His curiosity almost got the best of him, wanting to probe Jihoon as to why the couple rushed the wedding. But he was content enough to know that he only needed to it up until February.


Then again, even if the wedding planning were to prolong, he was never the type to back down anyway.


So when Hansol, who was looking all too complacent as he threaded his fingers through his hair, all strands slicked back in luscious waves, Seungkwan swung the bat almost immediately.


“I’m saying that your stylist did a perfect job. She should’ve fixed that face of yours though,” he then beelined into the room, not bothering to look back, whispering “idiot” before the door closed with a click.


- - - - - - - - - -


“Okay, great. I’ll let you know once it’s done.”


“Who?” Jeonghan stretched his neck over Jisoo’s right shoulder just as the latter slipped his phone back into the pocket of his pants. Startled by a familiar hot breath ghosting his neck, Jisoo turned around, almost losing his grip on a clipboard he had been holding. Seeing the wide smirk dancing on Jeonghan’s lips, Jisoo realized that the man was doing it on purpose.


“Just the band,” Jisoo shrugged, desperately trying to appear nonchalant despite the light dust of pink staining the highest point of his cheeks.


Unfortunately for Jisoo, Jeonghan never missed a thing. How the corner of his lips trembled as he spoke, or how his voice went up a millioctave higher; the boy could never fool almighty Yoon Jeonghan. Noticing the traces, how flustered Jisoo was, made him even more endearing. Being the mischievous one of the two, Jeonghan took a step forward.


As expected, Jisoo took two steps back.


Jisoo cleared his throat instead, one hand firmly set on the broad chest belonged to Jeonghan as he warned, “As much as I want to give into you right now, Jeonghanie, we can’t. They might see us.”


“Let them."


Taking in the all-white surrounding - white chairs, white daisies, white decals - Jisoo felt guilty of the thoughts that were unfolding in his head. They were battling, trying to reason out one another. For some reason, there was something so oddly pure about weddings. However that wasn’t entirely the reason why his hands broke into cold sweat. He couldn’t pinpoint exactly why, but the laughter and few smiling faces around him seemed eerie. Almost too happy.


Too staged.


And it did little to calm his heart either when he managed to catch a man minutes ago, oddly standing by one side of the hall. The unknown face was a little out of place, seemed ill-fitting among the growing crowd. It felt wrong, so wrong. Only when the man bowed to him from the distance that Jisoo instantly pushed the nagging feeling aside. It was wrong of him to cast such judgment on someone he barely knew of. Besides, nothing could go wrong on a wedding day.




Pushing his worries deep into a chamber to save for later date, Jisoo turned his attention back to his pouting boyfriend. “Says the person who wanted to keep this,” Jisoo’s slender finger danced back and forth, motioning to them both, “- a secret.”


“That was like months ago, when I was worried of Seungcheol. He’s gonna be married in few minutes anyway.”


Which then invited a soft chuckle from Jisoo, his free hand reached for a strand of hair and tucked it behind Jeonghan’s ear, “Exactly. It’s a wedding - Seungcheol’s wedding at that. Let’s just focus on the groom of the day, shall we?”


And Jeonghan rolled his eyes, eventually cracking up a small smile.


“Fine. But Seungcheol better not be messing up today, or else I’ll freaking ruin his honeymoon.”


With that, Jisoo could only shake his head, eyes crinkled by the corners.


- - - - - - - - - - -


Jihoon had to stop himself from losing his chill only because he for sure did not want to walk down the aisle with a ing frown on his face. Let alone crinkles on his clothes. Although he at first was against the whole idea, it’s already happening; and Jihoon wasn’t going to let anyone, not even himself ruin such special day.


But Seokmin had been tapping his foot against the marbled floor for a good 15 minutes, while Mingyu kept pacing as if he was on fire. And it was not helping either when Seungkwan suddenly burst through the door, muttering things to himself that were unfortunately still loud for Jihoon to hear.






ing Chwe Hansol.


Taking a deep breath, Jihoon strained his eyes at the mirror, smiling to the person before him who was too different. Too foreign. He looked dashing; from his hair down to his polished black shoes. A pair of dress shoes he never would’ve thought he would walk in. He did catch another slouched figure in the corner of the mirror, causing Jihoon’s reflection to be missing one final touch. A smile.


And that’s not good.


So he called for Mingyu; the boy went still for a millisecond before he trudged closer, confusion written all over his face.


“What’s wrong?”


“Get yourself a drink or something. Take Seungkwan with you.”



One thing Jihoon had forgotten was that there’s a great flaw in his plan. A clueless Kim Mingyu himself. So when Mingyu blinked a little too much, Jihoon knew he had to brace himself for what’s to come.


“But I’m not thirsty? Seungkwan doesn’t seem to be in the mood either.”


“Just…” and Jihoon need not to say more.


Mingyu pulled Seungkwan along with him, the younger whined at the sudden pull. Only after the two left that Jihoon felt as peace again, his mind now focused on a very troubled Lee Seokmin in one of the chairs.


“Hey,” Jihoon whispered as he took a vacant seat beside his brother. “Are you okay?”


“Yeah, I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”


But it was a lie. Seokmin may have a smile on his face, both eyes curved into a set of half-moons. Yet Jihoon knew better than to believe it, for he could see straight past his brother’s mask.


Seokmin was nervous, more nervous than the groom himself. Jihoon even had to hold onto one of the younger’s thigh to stop it from bouncing, “Tell me.”


With a light laugh, Seokmin shook his head. He did however reach for Jihoon’s hand, still rested on his thigh as he gave it a pat, causing Jihoon to frown.


“It’s nothing, Hyung. Really.”


“Perhaps, is it because of-”


And that seemed to be the trigger when Seokmin suddenly bumped his head with Jihoon’s head, wringing out a short yelp from the groom. He then laughed, “It’s not so stop being so hung up about it.”


But Jihoon couldn’t. How could he when Seokmin almost got ran over by a motorcycle when the year barely turned 2016?


If it wasn’t for Seungcheol who managed to pull Seokmin in time, Jihoon would’ve probably blamed himself for working at one of his part time jobs instead of tagging along with the two. He wouldn’t have known if not for Seungcheol; he burst into the Lee’s residence the next morning, urging Jihoon that it might have been probably the best for them to get married as soon as they possible could.


And Jihoon easily complied because it scared him to see such urgency, given he had never seen Seungcheol being so scared before.


So then there they was, in the middle of February, all prepped in his wedding tuxedo, his dream of having a small wedding granted. Mrs. Cheol was disappointed to say the least, but she gave in because she could never be mad at Jihoon anyway. Besides, she was given the honor to choose the overall theme which may have explained the white decals all over the hall.


But it didn’t necessarily mean that Seokmin should be as white as the theme itself, blending into the background. The boy was too pale. Too vulnerable. Jihoon was about to shake some colors into Seokmin when Soonyoung walked in, announcing that, “Seokmin-ah, it’s time.” and the groom could only nod, his hand giving Seokmin’s thigh a last press.


“I’ll talk with you later.”


“See you at the altar, Hyung,” and with that Seokmin left, trailing after Soonyoung. Leaving Jihoon to tend to his own thoughts.


- - - - - - - - - - -


Jihoon had heard of weddings before and the magical tales people had spoken of. It was supposed to be beautiful, a fairytale of some sort.


Yet when Jihoon stood at the altar, with Seungcheol by his side, he abruptly went numb all over. It was as if his five senses had become restricted for he could only see and hear Seungcheol. Not even the officiate, neither Seokmin who slipped him the rings, exchanging from one hand to another. Though he did remember experiencing the weird sensation again in his chest as he slipped the ring into Seungcheol's fourth digit, but Jihoon only had himself to blame when he shivered. It could have been the overwhelming anxiety for all that he knew. It terrified Jihoon to be so unaware of what was happening around him.


In the midst of silence, he swore he saw Seungcheol’s lips moved, mouthing “you’re beautiful” to him, but it could have been his mind playing tricks on him. And yet he knew for sure he had heard the man’s gentle “I do”, to which he replied with his own. All of a sudden, everything crashed upon him in one swift motion.


They said their vows, their fingers were now occupied with rings. They had gone through all the procedures of an official wedding; and if Jihoon were to memorise Jisoo's planning correctly, then all that's left was a kiss.


A kiss to seal the deal.


Within seconds, Jihoon felt the bubble around them thinning and slowly it burst. He was bared, given the protective walls were no longer around him. And for once, he stood there in the middle of the room, stark of emotions. Eventually, he felt the weight of hundred eyes on him, simultaneously drowned by voices that didn’t belong to neither Jihoon nor Seungcheol. Jihoo was overwhelmed by so many things in such short time, but nothing could beat the sudden dip Seungcheol made.


He was now trapped. In the hold of Seungcheol and under the eyes of many others.


It was too much. 


Jihoon did not have time to let it all sink in when his now supposed husband leaned closer without any notice and truth to be told, it scared Jihoon. For it was his first kiss and he was nowhere ready to kiss neither to be kissed.


Little did he know, Seungcheol was already one step ahead of him. Like he always did. Instead of aiming for the lips, the elder brought his lips near Jihoon’s ears, a calm whisper invadin his drums, “Just trust me on this one.”


The question was: could he trust Seungcheol?


Well, Jihoon didn’t know. Seungcheol had been a stranger, yet this was the same person who saved him twice. This was the guy who triggered nothing but laughter from him. This was the guy Jihoon had agreed into marrying.


And most importantly, this guy before him - kissed or not - had now become his husband.


In all due respect, Seungcheol deserved a chance to reserve a small amount of trust in Jihoon's wary heart. So Jihoon looked into Seungcheol’s brown orbs, searching for anything, any excuse for him to say “no”. But all he could find was comfort and sincerity, that he unknowingly nodded yes.


And with that Seungcheol wasted time no time as he dipped into Jihoon, lips finally closing in and instantly the crowd erupted into a cheer.


Even with Seungcheol’s thumb lodged in between their lips, hidden from the public’s eyes, Jihoon was getting drunk from the warm breath on his skin. Never had he ever been this close to anyone in proximity and truthfully, he was getting intoxicated. Their lips were nowhere in contact and the only thing Jihoon could feel was the padding of the thumb. Molding against the curve of his lips and that alone was still too much for him to handle. He didn’t expect for Seungcheol to pull out such trick, but the man did.


And he swore he could hear his loud thumping heart, because for ing sake, Seungcheol was close. So ing close.


For once, Jihoon did not know what to do. He wanted to hold onto Seungcheol for dear life when the latter suddenly broke off, lips soaked with smile.


“Didn’t I say that I’ll protect you?”




I am so sorry for the late as I've been busy with assignments and all.
This chapter is rather rushed too as I finished it off around 3 in the morning.
So pardon my grammar mistakes or any incoherent sentences T^T

I'll upload Chapter 12 asap.


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Trailer is up in the 'foreword' section! Do check it out! xoxo


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Chapter 20: such a good story!!!! i know u went mia but thanks for writing this gem
waaaa i miss thiiis authornim don't tell me you already leave this?? ?
Exosebong12 #3
im still waiting for an update even if it takes yearsssss. this is the very first jicheol fic ive read thats why this is so special for me. thank you for sharing your story to us. we'll wait for u too comeback. fightingg
Chapter 20: wow its been years since I last read this story and i tried to re-read again from chap.1 (cos i kinda forgot the flow of the story loool;;) until here and I kinda noticed the changes of some chapters and yeah, as I read your note, it is! (changed) haha but its totally fine. I still love this story sooo much <333ㅠㅠ I really missed this story, actually. This is one of the story I anticipated so much to be updated for and tvbh honest i thought this already have a lot of chapters now but... yeah, being a author is not easy, duhhh. heheh. But thank you, thank you so much for giving as an assurance that you wouldn't leave this story hanging for the sake of your readers. Thank youuu sooo muchhh~~ ❤❤❤ I will anticipate for your next update authornim! More power to you and your story! Fightiiing!!~ ❤
Chapter 20: A little late but welcome back!
Chapter 19: i'm still here after years!!
saymansae #7
Chapter 19: thank youuuuu!!!!!!! I really love CoL!!!!! thank youuuuu !!! thank youuu!!!<3 <3 love youuuu;o; !! RISE JICHEOL
sapphireblue27 #8
Chapter 19: I'm really so glad to hear that you are considering to finish this story <3 I loved it with all my heart, but I do definitely understand the real life commitments, so as I said am really glad that you decided to finish this amazing story. From time to time I came back to see if this story was updated hehe. Thank you for giving it a second chance, and do let us know if you plan to put it on ao3 as well <3 Much love, from a fan of CoL :D
Chapter 19: I'm glad your back.
Chapter 19: Chapter 15: hi! even though some of this is not related to the fic, i feel like i need to tell you.

i found jicheol first through aff and ended up reading an ongoing fic in 2016. that's how i discovered my new ship. i ended up going through the tag on aff. i started reading all the jicheol fics i could find at that time. that's how i found this fic, too. reading the story and i thought it was a really new concept to me as i had never read something with a 'barcode' concept before.

and why i want to tell you this is because i didn't even know how they looked when i first read their fic. after i tried to search jicheol gifs on tumblr, i slipped into the jicheol life really hard. your amazing gifs made me fell in love with jicheol, of how their moments are rare but very heartwarming... ever since predebut they've been going at it.

thank you for making me a jicheol shipper. i'm really thankful that i get to discover this amazing friendship/relationship.

also, i'm really happy you decided to continue this fic till the end. it's one of my favorite from back in the days when i just discovered jicheol and i hope i can see the ending that they deserve after all the pain they have to go through...

i suggested posting the fic on ao3 to ranasungmin too on twitter. i think due to time... people kinda grew out of aff? i mostly see more updates and active readers/writers on ao3 now. i really hope you will post there too since i feel like this story needs to be read by all the jicheol shippers and of course, it deserves all the love it can get.

thank you for wanting to continue this. despite everything else you mentioned, i still love this fic a lot.
