One Last Time


Junior regrets it so much all mark did was all  he could to prove his love to junior but maybe it just isnt good enough....why did it have to come to this for junior to realize how much his love is for it to late did he lose mark forever or will he be able to gain marks love back 


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ChoiKimNa #1
Chapter 23: Jinyoung i think you better tell mark...just forget it the idea to make surprise or being romantics plz....poor mark being all sensitive and jealousy..
Chapter 21: Someone is jealous!!!! XD
Bi_Abi #3
Chapter 20: Mark jealous with yugyeom?
Exoticfangirl2011 #4
Chapter 15: Awe this is so cute I see markbam more as siblings and markson more as best friends than actual couples. I love this
anny212 #5
Chapter 13: yes jinyoungie, u love mark more n better than bammie
Chapter 11: Noooo Mark say nooo!! My poor Jinyoung T__T
ChoiKimNa #7
Chapter 10: Jackson-ah why don't you try to make mark jelouse when you with jinyoung...I think it can help..hehe
markbam9793 #8
Chapter 10: But.... no! ;;;;;;; why Mark? stop loving Junior(?) MarkBam forever, ah. :v hahaha... :c
karambir #9
Chapter 10: Markjin noooooo, dont give up!