
Waiting for you to love me

All the sudden another man’s face appeared in my mind. I immediately opened my eyes only by finding my date changing in to another man. It was the man I have in my mind, more like in my heart. My heart skipped a beat as I saw him standing so close to me instead of my date. Earn! Yeah, now I finally accept it: The person I dated today can’t make me forget my crush. I love Earn too much but tried to forget him and the pain he gave me by dating another man. I shoud’ve know that I can’t espace from him, I can’t banish him from my heart.

The face of my crush Earn disappeared, my date was again before me. His lips were almost on mine, I held my breath. A thought dawned in my head: I’m about to make a big mistake by denying my heart, I'm hurting the two who confessed their love to me, the two who love me from all their heart. I turned my head aside to avoid the kiss.

  „I’m sorry“, I faintly mumbled. He’s making a sad expression, right? Somehow I didn’t want to see his pained face but I have to face him since I have to end everything between us before I hurt him more by forcing a relationship with him.

I waited, took a deep breath before turning back to him, only by finding a surprise. He wasn’t sad or made at all. Instead he smiled, tried to hide his hurting feelings but his brown eyes gleamed something, it was the sadness he was feeling inside. This look in his eyes broke my heart. Everything was my fault, I shouldn’t have wait long with my reply for his confession.

  „I’m sorry, Fee“, the words faintly came out my mouth.

He’ll scream at me and curse me, right? I braved myself for the worst but to my surprise he suddenly hugged me. I didn’t expect him to be that calm about my rejection so I remained flabbergasted for a moment. His warm arms around me felt so good, it eased my mind that was filled with worries about Earn and about him too.  

  „Earn confessed to you, right?“

My eyes widened from shock, I couldn’t reply to his question.

  „You don’t have to deny it, Pete. Earn told you how he felt about you a few days ago, am I right?“

I decided not to lie to him anymore. He deserved to know the truth. I freed myself out his grip to prepare myself for the insult he would throw at me soon. I’m sure he’ll never forgive me for using him to forget Earn. „How did you found out about it?“

  „It wasn’t that hard to realize. Your behaviour today betrayed you. During our date I noticed you was happy to be by my side but sometimes you was absent-minded. Even now you rejected my kiss, it made me realize that Earn was the whole time in your mind.“

  „It’s not that I don’t want to be with you.“

  „I know. You wanted to try it with me but your heart refused to listen to you. It want somebody else, right?“


  „Don’t worry about it. Before I came to you, I prepared myself to accept it if you reject me. You gave me a change but I promised myself to let you go if you decide for Earn“. He scratched at his head, his face blushed from embaressment. „I too did wrong to you. I knew all along you don’t love me like you love Earn but I told you not to give me your reply yet when you wanted to reject me few weeks ago.“

His confession replayed in my head. That time I wanted to tell him the truth that I don’t feel much for him, I really was about to reject him but he refused to hear me.

  „There’s a reason why I shutted you up that time. With that I wanted to have time to make you fall in love with me but I ended up frustrating you. I’m sorry.“

   „You don’t need to apologize to me“, my heart calmed down a little bit because of his gentle way toward me. I know Fee’s a lovely guy but I didn’t expect him to be so understanding. I’m angry at myself for hurthing him by not telling him the truth about my feelings toward him sooner. Finally I can breath at ease, this time I hugged him, let myself be happy in his arms for one last time.

He returned the hug, feeling happy to be so close to me again. A silent moment went by, he freed me out the embrace, laid his arm around my back then continued with me the way back home.  

  „That guy wanted to hide his love for you but his behaviour betrayed him. He couldn’t restrain himself from touching you whenever you was around“, he giggled for a moment then took his arm from me.

Is he talking about Earn? All the sudden I noticed that we took a diferrent direction. This wasn’t the way back to my home or to his house. I looked aside to Fee but didn’t find him next to me. I searched for him but when I turned back, I found him staring at me with a sad face. He didn’t even budge an inch so I went to him.

  „Why didn’t you tell him that you love him too?“

  „I couldn’t.“

  „Was it because you pitied me?“

  „It isn’t like that. I just had the feeling that maybe it could work with you. You could make me forget him and I could be happy with you“, this answer sounded stupid in my own ears. I watched at the ground, „I’m sorry.“   

He put a big grin on. „You don’t have to feel sorry for me. It’s not your fault for loving him instead me“. He rummaged in his pocket then fished something out. It was the black genuine leather bracelet I laid my eyes upon in the store, he wrapped it around my wrist and looked at it. „I knew it would look great on you“.

  „Thanks. I love it but". I mumbled silently by myself, "I’m sure Earn won’t like it since it's from you.“

His happy expression changed into a sad one.  „I have to let you go, Pete… You love him too much. Your happiness is more important to me so it doesn’t matter who’s by your side, the main point's that you’re happy with the person next to you...", He sighed and continued the sentence, "Even if this person has to be Earn“. He pointed his finger behind me, „You see this house ? Earn’s there.“

I turned behind me and noticed a house a few meters ahead of me.

  „Why… Why are we here?“

  „I brought you here on purpose. I thought if you reject me I could at least bring you to the one you want wo be with.“

  „What if I didn’t reject you?“

  „Then I would lie your cuteness made me forget the right path“, he giggled, he smiled but his face looked too sad. „Earn’s waiting there for you.“

Before I knew it, my feet moved forward on their own. By the fourth step I returned to Fee then hugged him tightly.

  „Thanks“, was my farewell to him.

He put his arms around me, „Thanks for spending the day with me… I heard Earn was pissed off the whole day and sulked that you went out with me. Now he’s trying to drink his frust away... You should go to him before I change my opinion“, his last words encouraged and urged me to search for Earn.

I went in the direction to the one I love, the one I want, the one whom I belong to. The loud Music could be already heard some meters away from the house. Some students from our school were partying in the garden, my two friends Por and Card were among them. I searched for Earn but didn’t find him between them. I asked Por and Card about his whereabout, they told me that he must be in the living room. I rushed there where I finally found him, the one who could make me happy, sitting on the sofa. Four guys from the angel gang touched all over his body but he didn’t even realize it. It was just 10:30 pm but he was already so dead drunk that he didn’t feel them molesting him. How could he sleep that defenselessly between this bunch of guys? I was boiled with jealousy when I saw them caressing him, touching between his leg. They tried to pull him upright.

This scene looked like a Deja Vu. It reminded me of the scene when Earn was drunk because of Noh and the angel gang tried to pick him up. Thanks to my fast reaction, I could save him from being kidnapped. Now they’re repeating the same game again, this time too I won’t let them kidnap my crush.

The four angel gang were about to lift him up, I suddenly grasped the wrist of one of them.

  „Leave him alone!“, I ordered them with gritted teeth.

  „You again“, one of them agitately mumbled.

  „Why do you have to disrupt us again? Are you his wife?“, another asked angrily.

  „Yeah, I’m his wife“, I yelled at them.

They stepped back from shock. „There’s something going on between them. I was right after all“, one of them muttered to the others. 

  „He really admitted that they’re going out“, the other muttered.

As I realized that I said something stupid, I immediately blushed. „Maybe his husband“, I corrected myself. I laid one arm around Earn then helped him to stay straight on his own feet. He slowly opened his eyes, saw me for a few seconds but closed his eyes right away.

The angel gang glanced at me from the corner of their eyes and gritted their teeth. They seemed to be jealous of me. Earn and I staggered out the house. I called for a taxi. We get in the taxi, the driver finally drove away. Earn mumbled something then rested his head on my shoulder. He looks cute like a big baby when he’s sleeping, he scratched at his face. I smiled at his sweet reaction.  

The driver parked the car in front of my house. I brought Earn in my room, he threw himself on my cozy bed then fell asleep. I sat next to him, with the back leaned against the wall. He suddenly leaned his head on my lap, chew in his sleep as if he was eating something in his dream. I gently shook on his shoulder but he won’t woke up. To be honest I don’t want to interrupt his peaceful dream so I let him be. Now I have to sleep in this uncomfortable position. His hair fell in his face, I caressed his strand of hair aside.

All the sudden I remembered something. As I was drunk and he brought me home, something like that happened to me. Somebody caressed me but I was too tired to open my eyes. Could the person who touched me be him? What did he do to me this night?

He snorted a little bit. His snort even sounded sweet. I giggled like a teeny girl that is pleased to observe her first boyfriend in his sleep.

  „Good night“, I faintly wished him.

I watched his sleeping, beautifully face. My heart skiepped a beat. Now that he confessed his love to me, my heart can’t calm down anymore. Hurry up and wake up so you can confess your love to me again. The three words „I love you“ you told me wasn’t enough for me. I want to hear more of it.




My long comment: Finally the thing that should happen happened. Now Pete's by whom he belongs to :D Sorry that it took long till he cleared up his mind and went to his crush Earn. Yeah all of you guessed right that his date was Fee. Did I made it too obvious? :P

Sorry that I disappointed some who wanted Pete to end with Fee but this is a story between Earn/Pete and I wanted to built a world for them where they can be happy, like I wrote in the description.

I'm sure everybody saw the sweet special scene between Pete and the angel gang fighting over Earn. If you didn't then you can ask me for the link :)

Actually I wanted to update at sunday but I decided to do it today. This is my X-Mas gift for everyone who encouraged me to write. Thanks a lot again, Happy X-Mas,  Hope you get lots of gifts, see you on sylvester :)

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Chapter 23: Oh that's awesome I will read your Sotus story :D And I will wait for you to update this story whenever you have time :') ❤❤ Thank you for still writing it ~~~ ❤
Kiykie #2
Chapter 23: Sorry ask do you have wattpad ? .. I want follow you and read your story ...
Cutengern #3
Waiting for you to update this story .... Please update ... Like your work hope can read your story soon ...
Chapter 22: I am still waiting that you will update soon. Thaks for writing. I love it! #earnpete
Chapter 18: I was stuck and wasnt able to finish this yet... please continue! I am off to read the next chapters~ <3
Miss_Pumpkin #6
Chapter 22: I read all those chapters without a pause! can wait to see the next !
Chapter 12: Gahd. Is Pete pregnant? Hahahaha
Chapter 10: :'( damn i cried
Chapter 8: Hahaha you just gave a hint in what have happened when he was bought home. Now im excited to read that part! :D