Chapter 19

Wrong Star, Right Prize


Kuroi took out her phone and started to dial a number. It rang a few times before a voice answered and said, "hello."


"Hello. Are you Sehun?? I am Kuroi. One of Mina's eonnis."


Sehun started to sit up straight on the sofa when he heard that it is one of Mina's eonnis calling him. He is a bit strange as to why she is calling him but he just listen on. Kuroi had ask him to exchange numbers with her the day when he had send the asleep Mina home after their extra lesson. Kuroi said the reason for doing so is that in case she had anything to ask him about Mina, she can drop him a message and he didn’t ask much and just quietly follow along.


"I have called to ask you for a favour. Are you free for the whole day today??" Kuroi asked.


"Ya i am free i got no schedule for today. Why??"


"Ermmm you see we are actually on our way to the airport right now and we need you to help us babysit someone."


"Huh?? You guys are on your way to the airport!! Including Mina??!! Where are you going and who am i supposed to babysit??" Sehun suddenly raise his voice in shock by that news. “Strange Mina didn’t tell us anything about going overseas…”  He thought.


"We are going back to visit our parents for about a week and no Mina is not with us and actually the person we want you to babysit is Mina."


"Huh??!! But why??!! I think she can take care of herself right??"


"Ya she can but then you see she is sick and we are kind of worried and we feel bad for leaving her alone at home when her condition seems pretty serious and when she is alone she tend to starve herself which is the most important reason as to why we want you to help us. We want you to make sure that she at least eat something so that she can recover. She barely eat anything this morning. It will be great if you can help us and if not we understand and we will just hope that she will really be okay when we are gone. Please Sehun. You are the only one we can count on now."


When he heard that she is sick, he had immediately jump up from the sofa and he can't help but shout in the phone saying, "WHAT?? SHE IS SICK HOW??!!"


Kuroi had to hold her phone a distance away from her ear so as not to destroy her eardrums while listening to Sehun shout. "Calm down. I think she has been giving herself too much stress lately and she has been over thinking a bit too much, therefore she can’t fall asleep and hence that is why she is sick. So will you do it or not??"


"No worries i will do it. You guys can go for your vacation in peace. I will take care of her don't worry." Sehun agreed without even thinking.


"That is really nice of you and we really owe you one. We don't know how to thank you for this. Thank you so much. We know we can count on you."


"It is nothing. I am just doing something that is within my ability."


"Then i will count on you then. Goodbye."


"Bye." With that Kuroi hang up the phone.and Sooin asked, "so how is it??"


Kuroi smiled and said, "all done!! He agree to do it like i predicted hehehehe!! I have taken this chance to allow Sehun and Mina to have some time alone and develop some feelings for each other hahahaha~~ it us fun to be a matchmaker."


"Ya!! If Mina is to know about this, she will kill you." Vannie said.


"No worries. I think she will thank me instead of killing me hehehehe~~" kuroi laughed.


At the other side, the rest of EXO members were in the living room of the dorm playing around as they all had no schedules for the day and they were doing the homework on composing and they were halfway through when Sehun got the phone call. They were really curious as to who is calling him so they all crowd around Sehun trying to eavesdrop something and looking at how worried and panicky Sehun is, something must be really wrong and they all got a shock when he suddenly just stood up like that, causing some of the other members to lose their balance and fell. When he had ended the call, he looks about ready to sprint right out the house and into his car but Suho stop him and asked, "Sehun what's wrong??"


"Hyung!! It is Mina!! She is sick and she is alone at home right now with no one taking care of her!! Her friends are all on their way to a vacation and they were really worried about her being alone at home and sick so they ask me to go take care of her. I am going to go off now!!"


"How come she is sick?? Is it really serious??" Lay asked.


"It sounds pretty serious and so I am really worried about her."


"Do you need anything?? Anything we can of help to??" Kyungsoo asked.


"It is okay. I will manage. If i need help i will call you."


"Okay. Just calm down a bit and drive carefully okay?? We don't want you to get into an accident or something. Call us if you need help and take care of her and update us on her condition because she is our maknae." Suho said.


"I will then i will be off. Goodbye hyungs." Sehun quickly took a few items he need before rushing out of the house and into his car.


"Hmmm our Sehun is behaving rather strange isn't it??" Baekhyun said and everyone nodded.


Even though everyone tell him to be calm down but his heart just can't seem to do so as he kept on worrying about her. He starts to drive more and more faster towards her house in panic, worrying that something might happen to her during this period when she is all alone. Finally he reach her house after driving way past the speed limit and he didn't even care about that not even if that could have land him in some really bad accident. He quickly stop his car and sprinted all the way up to her door and press the doorbell urgently.


"Open up the door hurry!!"


Mina who finally manage to get some rest was piss off by the doorbell that had woken her up from her sleep. She thought that maybe if she ignore the person, the person will walk off and she can continue to have some peaceful sleep but then the person is really persistent and instead he is pressing the doorbell much more than before and that got Mina sitting up on bed, "Aish this stupid person urghh!! Now i have to answer the door great."


With that she slowly made her way down to the door and is all ready to yell at the person as the doorbell isn’t  making her condition any better but then the moment she open the door and saw who is the person standing there, she immediately lost all the thoughts of wanting to yell at him and instead her heart started to beat faster than before.


"Se... hun... oppa... what are you doing here??"


Seeing her standing there right in front of him, looking all weak and pale breaks his heart tremendously. It hurts him to see her like this, so weak and vulnerable. He has to fight back all his urge to just pull her into his embrace and give her a hug. He also sees that she is wearing his cardigan which looks way too oversize on her body and her hands kind of disappear underneath the sleeves but she still looks cute in it. Looking cute in his cardigan.


"I heard that you are sick and alone at home and I was really worried so I came over and to take a look..."


"Aish... must be my eonnis that tell you that. I am going to kill them when they are back!!" Mina said as tremendous about of anger boils inside of her. “Damn the eonnis!! They knew I have feelings for him and they still purposely set up this kind of situation for me!! Omg what am I going to do??” Mina thought.


"Hey don't say that... they are just really worried about you and they feel bad especially when they are out to enjoy while you are stuck here suffering."


"Haiz... i know but you see I am thankful to you for coming down to take a look at home I am doing. I appreciate that a lot but I am fine and now that you see that I am fine you can go back now. I will be okay by myself." With that Mina wanted to close the door but Sehun quickly stop the door from closing with his hand and said, "No you are definitely not fine. Look at how pale you are. I am not going to go off with you being like this."


Mina open the door and started to shove him out of her house and at the same time saying, "Nooo!! Just go okay!! I don't want you to catch my viruses and you yourself end up getting sick as well." As Mina continues to shove weakly at him to try to get him out of the house but then suddenly her headache became worse and it hurts so bad that she lost her balance, almost falling onto the floor if not for Sehun who has manage to catch her before she fell.


Sehun did not say anything but instead just carry her up bridal style and close the door. Mina is  shocked at what he is doing and started to struggle in his arms, while saying, "Ya!! What are you doing??!! Let me go!! Let me down!!"


"Can you just stop struggling for a while?? For a person that is sick, you are really strong. I am not going to let you down and I am not going to go let you walk around and risk getting yourself hurt especially when you are still so sick and your sense of balance is clearly not there. Don't you dare fight with me." With that Mina calm down and Sehun carry her up to her room. She didn't dare to look up at him and just look down at her hands. This has to be the first time Sehun sounds so fierce towards her. Somehow she felt oddly safe in his arms and it is oddly comfortable to her, making her want to sleep. Sehun sees that she is slowly falling asleep and hence he gently said, "Take a rest. You need the sleep." Mina nodded and they reached her room where he entered and put her gently lay her down onto her bed. He gently pat her on the head and said, "Just have some rest okay?? I will go get you some food."


Mina nodded but then he was just about to turn and leave when she suddenly stretch out her hand and hold on to his. "Please don't leave me alone please." At that moment her tears started to roll silently down her face.


"Hey hey why are you crying?? Don't cry." Seeing her cry breaks his heart totally and he soften up and turn back to her and started to wipe her tears gently with his fingers trying to comfort her.


"I am... so... alone... and and it... hurts..." Mina says in between her sobs as her illness gets more and more serious.


"It is okay. Everything is okay. I won't leave you okay?? I am here. Everything will go away soon. Just get some rest. I will be here with you. You are not alone." With that Sehun pull her into his embrace, giving her a hug and at the same time gently pat her on the back, calming her down, whispering to her that everything is okay.


She continue to sob for a while, soaking his shirt with her tears and slowly she felt really tired from all the crying and hence drifted to sleep in his embrace.


He looked down and saw that Mina is leaning against his chest and is sleeping soundly and even though he doesn't want to let go of her and let her leave his embrace but he has no choice as he had to go get her some food so that she can eat when she wake up. He gently lay her back down onto her bed and tug her in. He gently pat her on the head and wipe off the tears that is still glistening on her face. He raise his hand and feel her forehead.


"Still hot." He sigh and continue to stare at her. He look at her distinctive features on her face and he suddenly stop at her lips. Her lips are slightly ajar and it looks so kissable. "Why do I have a sudden urge to kiss her so bad??" He thought to himself while he continue to stare at her and he started to shake his head violently. "Omg!! I am such a ert!! How can i be thinking of such a thing when she is sick and so vulnerable?? I am such a beast. Haiz. I should just get her some food."


He give her one last look before he left the room. He wanted to go out and buy her some food but then he doesn't want to leave her alone so he decided to see if there is anything he can make for her. He went into the kitchen and check her fridge for ingredients and it is filled with food so he manage to find some fish and he decided to make some fish porridge for her. But then he have a problem, he doesn't know how to make it and his cooking skills are like practically zero. He starts to panic for a while before he suddenly eureka!! He knows a person that can help him and he quickly take out his phone and dial a number.


"Bang!!" Mina jolted awake after hearing that loud noise. "What is going on down there??" Mina thought and she looked around her room, no sign of Sehun. She sigh and decided to get off from her bed to investigate what is causing all that noise. She is starting to feel much better after getting some much needed sleep.


She slowly went down the stairs and she can hear voices coming from the kitchen. "I wonder who is the other guy..." As she moved closer and closer, she can make out a bit of what they are saying.


"Ah hyung... why does it looks so weird?? I followed everything you did..."


"How does it look like now??"


"Ermmm... some parts of it is like brownish black while the rest are still white..."


"Aish you have burn the porridge!! I thought i told you to stir properly!!"


"I did but i don't know why it became like this!!"


"That is why i told you i will cook it and deliver over or go over to cook but what did you say... she would have woken up by the time you are done!! Now see what you have done!!"


Just then Mina had already entered the kitchen and saw Sehun standing by the stove cooking a pot of something and wearing a floral apron that her eonnis always wear when they are cooking. She quietly laugh to herself seeing him in an apron before she asked, "Sehun oppa... what are you doing?? Are you trying to destroy my kitchen or something??"


Sehun immediately turn around and saw her standing there, looking much better and he felt really relief but then he doesn't know how to tell her that he's actually trying to make something for her... "haiz what am i going to tell her?? Someone help me??" Sehun thought and he can feel his face burning up and it is definitely not because of the heat.


"I... ermm…”


“Oh Mina you are awake!!" Just before Mina can say anything else, a voice started to speak from Sehun's phone. "Mina?? Are you there??"


"This voice sounds so familiar... oh Kyungsoo oppa!!" She recalled and she walk towards the stove and there on the kitchen counter was Sehun's phone and he had been calling Kyungsoo for help and have left the phone on speaker mode so that it is easier for him to cook with both hands.


"Oh Kyungsoo oppa!! Hello!!" Mina said.


"Hello Mina!! You sound better!! Are you okay?? We were all so worried about you..."


"I am feeling better now!! Thank you for worrying so much about me!! So what are you guys doing actually??"


"Ermm... our Sehun here called me to ask me for help in order to cook something for you but i guess he mess up. I am so sorry you have to eat something like that. I will make you something better the next time."


"Hahahaha!! Thank you oppa~~ i will look forward to that!!" With that Mina turn towards Sehun and look at him for a while before looking down at the pot of white, brownish sticky stuff.


"He did mess up... real bad..." Mina say to Kyungsoo.


"Aish i don't know why he keeps insisting to cook it for you when he actually have zero cooking skills and why he doesn't just allow me to go over and cook or something. He is becoming so strange." Kyungsoo said and with that Mina look towards Sehun and see that he is blushing slightly.


“Aish okay hyung. Enough!! We will be going off now. Thanks for your help. Bye.” with that he hurriedly hung up the phone before Kyungsoo can say anything else. There was an awkward silence in the air and not until Sehun broke the silence.


“Come on you need to eat.” With that he carry the whole pot to the dining table and motion her to sit down. She went over and took a seat while Sehun scoop some of the porridge into her bowl.


Mina take a look at it and tried some and Sehun who is watching her eat saw her expression start to change a little from looking at it feeling disgusted by it to kind of enjoy it and then she said, “it is actually not bad if you don’t eat the charred parts.” She continue to eat another mouth. Sehun smiled happily when he heard that and said, “See i don’t have zero cooking skills like what Kyungsoo said. I can cook… maybe just a bit…”


“Ya you do just a bit but still got to work on it.” With that Mina look over towards Sehun and they both look at each other and smile before they continue to eat.


After eating a few more mouth, Mina push away the bowl and said, “I am full… i can’t eat anymore.”


“But you still have so much left… just have a bit more… come on…”


“Noooo… i can’t eat anymore.” Mina said shaking her head and pouting. She looks so cute pouting that Sehun almost gave in to her cuteness but then he cannot let her have his way, not if he wants her to recover fast.


Sehun took her bowl and scoop up a spoonful of porridge and held it up to her. “Come on!! Just a bit more.” and held it closer to her while she just move further and further away and kept on shaking her head and wince at it.


“Oh come on!! One more mouth!! Just One more!!”


“But i don’t want to…”


“Come on!! Just do it for me. I can feed you if you want.” Sehun tease and seeing how Mina still doesn’t want to give in, he suddenly say, “Look it is an airplane.” and he started flying the food towards Mina.


Mina laugh at how he is literally treating her like a kid. “Ya what are you doing?? I am not a kid anymore” and she laugh.


“Ya your age says you are not a kid but you look like one and behave like one especially now so I have to use the kid method if I want you to eat up so come on.” Mina couldn't believe what he had just said because it sounds just so out of this world. She started to laugh and said, “Fine one mouth.” With that she lean forward and eat the food Sehun is holding. Sehun gave her a pat and said, “Good Job. Now one more.”


“But i already did what you say before and that you say that was the last one so why are you asking me to eat more??”


“I am doing this for your own good. You need the food in order to recover fast. Come on!! Please!!” Looking at Mina with pleading eyes, Mina soften and sigh.


“Fine… i will try…”


“Yes!! Thank you so much!!” With that Sehun suddenly gave Mina a hug and Mina’s eyes widen and her heart starts to beat faster and faster. He release her gave her a smile and a pat on the head before continuing with his food. Mina continue to blush while she start to slowly force herself to eat, with Sehun constantly checking on her to make sure she is eating. Finally she finish it.


“Yay!! Finally i finish!! I am so full!!” She turn and look towards Sehun and said sulkilng, “You have to take responsibility for making me so full.”


“No worries I will.” He said smiling towards her. She look at him for a while feeling her face burn up not because of her illness but because of him. They kept quiet for a while before he said, “Maybe you should go take a rest or a nap.”


“I am not tired and I have already sleep so much today. I think I am just going to watch some tv.”


“Okay but don’t push yourself. I will wash the dishes first and I will join you later but first take your medicines.” With that he went over and got her medicines and a glass of water for her.


She winced in disgust as the better taste of the medicine hits the taste buds on her tongue. “Yucky” and stick out her tongue in disgust.


Sehun laugh at how she is behaving like a kid and gave her a pat on the back before pushing her out into the living room. He heard her switch on the tv as he starts on the dishes and heard her laughing at the show she is watching. Her cute high pitched laughter. After he is done, he join her at the sofa sitting very close to her. They were so close to each other to the point that their arms and legs are touching. Mina just continue to laugh at the show she is watching, not even noticing that they are so close to one another.


“Don’t you have any schedules today??” Mina asked Sehun suddenly during a commercial break.


“Nope not that I know off.”


“Okay. What time are you leaving??”


“No idea… What time do you want me to leave or how about i don’t leave your house at all.” Sehun teased and Mina just angrily slap him on the arm and shouted, “YA!!! How could you say something like that?? It is wro… wrong…” and Mina started blushing


“Then what time do you want me to leave??” Sehun continue teasing her.


Mina started to stutter and said, “I ermm you ermmm… Aish!! You can just leave whenever you like!! Don’t talk to me I am going to focus on my variety show!!” With that Mina turn back to her variety show which have just returned from the commercial break.


Sehun laugh quietly to himself and as the show goes on and it gets increasingly harder for Mina to keep awake because the medicine is making her drowsy. Sehun who has been constantly looking at her to make sure she is okay saw that and cheekily said, “If you ever need a pillow, my shoulder is of service to you.” and started to pat his shoulder.


Mina laugh and threaten to hit him again and ignore him. But as it continues it gets more and more harder for her to keep her eyes open so Sehun saw it and laugh quietly to himself before he reach out to her head and gently push it and place it on his shoulder. She widened her eyes in shock at his sudden action and he said, “You need it so just use it.”


“Okay but just for a while…” Mina said as she snuggled closer to him and trying to be as comfortable as possible before she slowly fall asleep. He smiled lovingly at her sleeping and kept on staring at her and keeping as still as possible so as not to startle her, causing her to wake up. He continued to stare at her until a vibration can be heard.


He fish out his phone from his pocket and look. He got a new message and it is from Suho.


leader_suho: My Sehun~~ Hi!! Sorry to disturb you but we are urgently called back to the company for a meeting. We need you back here as soon as possible. See you.


Sehun sigh and curse softly to himself. Just when he is enjoying himself. He sigh and look at Mina who is still sleeping soundly. He didn’t want to wake her up so he decided to carry her up to her bed and allow her to sleep more comfortably. He gently remove her head from his shoulder, letting her head lean against the back of the sofa. He stood up stretch a bit before carrying her up bridal style and up the stairs into her room. He gently tug her in, stare at her for a while listening to the sound of her even breathing and his heartbeat beating faster and faster. He turn almost leaving when he thought that maybe he should leave a note to explain that he had left and so he look around and saw some post its lying on the table…


hi hi hi~~ I am back with another update again!! damn I enjoyed myself so much writing this chapter becuase firstly my female lead finally knows that she has feelings for the male lead while the male lead is starting to recongise his feelings and no worries I am sure he will notice his feelings soon. I think hahahaha~~ I already have an idea of how the  confession will take place so please look out for it hehehehe!! I also enjoy how the other characters in this chapters are trying to be matchmakers and also knowing their feelings for each other more than the actual people themselves hahahaha~~ It is a really fun chapter and finally things are going to get more interesting hahaha~~ Next week chapter I will post it earlier because I will be going overseas for a short get away so I doubt i will have time to update so make sure to look out for it!! Thank you so much for everyone's support in this story and 600 views omg!! So happy!! Thank you so much!! I am really happy!! I will be leaving now and please enjoy the story and have fun!! take care!! :))))

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xin_wei20022002 #1
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