Chapter 12

Wrong Star, Right Prize


The next morning, Mina woke up to the sunlight shining at her face, and she tried to cover her face with her arm in an attempt to get more sleep but failed so she sat up and look around.


"Strange... the last thing i remembered from yesterday was that i am in EXO K's van and I was feeling really tired so I decided to nap a while but then how did I magically appear back into my room?? Did i sleep walk or something?? Think Mina think!!" So she sat there trying to remember what happen yesterday but she can't seem to remember anything at all, except that it has been really warm and comfortable.


"Aish i can’t think anymore. Maybe some food will help me with the thinking!!" Mina said and exited the room to wash up.


When she is coming down from the stairs, she saw that all her eonnis are sitting very solemnly in the living room, none of them speaking and when they noticed Mina coming down from the stairs, Kuroi said, "Dong Mina please come here for a moment."


"Something is definitely wrong..." Mina thought to herself. Kuroi won't used this very stern voice at her or call her by her full name unless something has gone really wrong and if she has done something really bad. This is even worse than her screaming her full name at her, at least even though that is scary, at least it is so much better than this. "Must be related to how i came back home yesterday night!! Did I sleepwalk in and in the process broke something precious?? Omg that sounds ridiculous but it might just happen because we are talking about me. Oh well here goes nothing."


Mina prepares herself and walked to the sofa, facing her 3 eonnis and while taking a seat, she said, "Eonni is there anything wrong??"


"Do you want to explain what you have done??" Kuroi asked.


"What do you mean by done?? Is it about how i came home yesterday night??"


"Partly but then we want you to explain about the thing that you are hiding from us."


"What thing, eonni, i am not hiding anything from you." Mina said but in her heart she is like "Don't tell me they already knew about the composing stuff?? No worries act blur first."


"Oh come on stop acting blur, we knew about how you are doing composing outside that is why you always refuse to let us go to your workplace for a visit because there is no cafe for us to visit in the first place."


“How do you know about it?? Did the guys tell you about it??”


“No they didn’t tell us at all. They thought we already knew about it. So why Mina why… You knew how much your father hated you doing this but why are you still doing it?? Don’t you know that you will be in really deep trouble if he were to knew about it??”


“But then I have been keeping this very well haven’t I?? I kept it so well you guys didn’t even know about it so if you guys never know about it, my dad will of course not know about it.”


“But that is not the main thing right now… Tell me why did you even keep it from us?? We could have help you keep it a secret.” Vannie said.


“Be.. be.. because… I don’t want to get you all into trouble so that in case my dad were to know about it, at least I am the only one to be blame and he won’t scold you guys too for not telling him even when you guys have known. At least if i keep you all in the dark, you will be save and it is my own problem anyway, my own problem to defy the words of my own father and nothing can stop  me anyway since this is the thing I want to do for life. I am so sorry, Kuroi, Sooin and Vannie. I hope you understand.”


“Ya you pabo, why do you have to keep everything to yourself?? Why do you always have to consider others first before your own?? Why do you always have to be so nice…??” Vannie said almost breaking down.


“Ya we could have help you solve your problems, keeping it inside won’t help. You cannot keep bottling it all inside of you, at least speaking it out will make you feel better. Rather than facing it yourself, saying it to us, we can face it together as 4. 4 is of course better than 1.” Sooin said.


“But i don't know how to break it out to you guys. I have been keeping problems to myself my whole life, and now that i want to say it out, i don't know how. There are a lot of times where i really want to say everything out to you guys but i was really scared you all won't understand and you guys were innocent, you all don't need to get involve in my own selfish behaviours."


"You silly girl, if it is something you want to do, of course we won't stop you. We have been friends for so long, we are so close, as if we are like sisters and we have been through thick and thin together, this kind of small thing how would we blame you?? Sometimes human can get selfish when they are out trying to protect the little things that make them happy. You have every right to go pursue your own dreams and passion and with that we will protect your little secret. Right Sooin and Vannie??"


"Of course!! So long as you're happy!!" Vannie said.


"Your secret is safe with me!!" Sooin said.


"You guys... thank you for being so understanding and thank you for helping me keep a secret!! It feels so good to finally let it out!! Group hug guys!! I love you so much!!"


"Okay group hug is fine with me but the i love you is too cheesy you can take it back!!" Kuroi said.


"I will just go with the group hug too!!" Sooin said.


"Me too!!" Said Vannie.


"Okay fine just get over here!!" and with that they all gathered for a hug.


Just when they were hugging, Mina's stomach grumbled...




and everyone broke down into a very long laughter. "Guys this is so not funny."


"I guess it is time to feed our maknae hahahaha!!" Kuroi said in between pearls of laughter.


"Ya we should!! Come on that new waffle place we didn't get to check out together the last time??" Sooin asked.


"Sure why not." Vannie replied.


"Ayeee you guys haven't go there to eat yet?? I thought i ask you guys to go without me."


"Ya but we said to check it out together, as 4 not 3, so since you weren't free that day so we thought we might just wait for you to be free to go together. Plus it is more fun to go together as 4 instead of 3. We need you to make some weird jokes when we are together if not the atmosphere is weird." Vannie said.


"Awwww guys that is so sweet..."


"Ya we have always been this sweet!! Just that you don't know but can we hurry up i am hungry too!!" Kuroi said.


"Fine fine let's go my eonnis!!" Mina said and they exited the house together, feeling more happier than usual now that there are no more secrets in between them.


The atmosphere in the cafe is soothing, with the soft gentle music playing in the background and the smell of coffee the moment they step in, it is great, just the way Mina likes about a cafe. She loves it when a cafe smells like coffee, even though she is not really a coffee person but she really love the smell of coffee, it just smells extra good and extra soothing.


Although by the time they have reached, it is rather a time for brunch than breakfast but none of them mind because when they are together, they don't care about this kind of details because they can eat breakfast related stuff for dinner and that is counted as normal for them. They are just weird like that but they are happy.


They had just finished ordering their food and they started chatting. "Soo how did you get into the company??" Kuroi asked. "I am really curious... Did you apply for it or something??"


"No i entered based on a competition that the company had organised."


"I see. What is the competition about??" Sooin asked.


"It is to compose a song for f(x) and that song will be put into their upcoming album!!" Mina said happily, her inner fangirl is coming out.


"Ya!! I knew it i knew it!! I knew she wouldn't anyhow attend a competition without any reasons especially when her father is so against it. So in the end it is all because of f(x), f(x)!!! Aish you little fangirl!!" Kuroi said and they all broke into a laughter.


"Ya you know how much i like them so since there is a chance for me to compose a song for them so why not!! Plus they say i might have a chance to work with them but then somehow the people i am working with is not who i wanted..." Mina sigh while she absentmindedly play with her drink.


"Hahahahaha you poor thing, but based on what i see yesterday night, they are actually really nice people." Vannie said.


"Oh.. real... Wait what!! You guys met them?? Met EXO??!!"


"Yup!! They send you home yesterday night and we let them in." Sooin said.


"Wait what you guys let them into the house??!!" Mina asked slightly raising her voice.


"This has to be all your fault!! We wouldn't have let them in if you didn't show them your demon side when they try to wake you up and because you showed them your demon side and you fell asleep in the van so they didn't dare to wake you up, afraid that you will scream at them again so they decided to carry you into the house." Kuroi said.


"WHAT THEY CARRIED ME INTO THE HOUSE??!!" Mina shouted, and in the process stood up from her seat and everyone turned to look at her, she shot everyone an apologetic smile before sitting down again.


"Actually not all of them carry you in. That will be ridiculous. Only one of them carried you and the rest just kind of tag along. But they are all really handsome. Damn you are really one very lucky kid." Vannie said and shoot her the "you are surrounded by cute guys so are you in love yet" kind of look.


"Oh damn i didn't even know about this omg..."


"Huh you cannot remember anything from yesterday??" Sooin asked


"Ya i guess i was really too tired this week that i fell into such a deep sleep i cannot even remember a thing. So who is the guy that carried me??" Mina asked


"Oh are you that curious about who is that?? Hmmm by some sort you like him or something?? Kuroi teased.


"Of course not!! I am just curious that's all..."


"Hmmm don't need to deny. Your eonni here will support you even if your parents don't okay!!" Kuroi said.


"Ya eonni how could you!! So who is that guy!! Tell me faster!!"


"Aish we would tell you if we would but then we can only remember his face as we didn't know their names and plus by the time they send you back it was really late so we quickly asked them to go home. Of course after we know what is the situation." Kuroi said.


"Here how about this. Maybe this will help." With that Mina started to dig through her bag in search of that stack of polaroids that EXO have given her and she found it at one corner of her bag and she took it out and placed it on the table. "Okay which guy is it??"


"Wow maknae ya, are you sure you are only a fan of f(x)?? I mean you even have a full set of EXO polaroids with their profiles inside your bag!!" Sooin exclaimed.


"Noo of course not!! They gave this to me so that it will be easier for me to remember all their names and faces. So hurry which one is it??"


"Damn i really like this guy. He gives off this really cool aura but i feel there is something funny hidden under all that coolness." Kuroi said while pointing to Kris's polaroid. "Min ahhhh any chance you can set me up with him??"


"Ya eonni can you be serious here??!!"


"I am serious!! I am thinking of finding a future boyfriend here!! Of course i have to be serious."




"This guy is cute." Sooin said pointing to Kyungsoo's photo.


"I like this guy." Vannie said while pointing to Baekhyun's photo.


"Ya you guys!!! Urghhhh!!"


"Sorry hahahahaha it is fun teasing you plus there are cute guys we can't resist hahahaha~~" Kuroi said. "Your reaction is the cutest. Sooo which guy was it again Sooin and Vannie??"


"Which one which one??"


"Hmmmm..." Kuroi said while scanning through the photos, and then she stopped. "This, this guy, Oh Sehun."




"Ya Mina calm down everyone is staring again and please take a seat." Vannie said.


"But but but why is it him... ahhh why??" Mina said going into a mental breakdown, the sentence that Kuroi has said is replaying over and over again in her mind. "How am I going to face him..."


"Why is he like your PEC or something??" Kuroi teased.


"What PEC??"


"Possible eye candy."


"Ahhhhh noooo... it is more complicated than that."


"But then why don't you consider him as a PEC?? He is really handsome and from the way he is carrying you yesterday, he seems really nice." Vannie said.


"Wait how did he carry me in?? Piggyback??"


"Ah no... bridal style." Sooin said.


"Br...bridal... style... oh gosh..."


"YA!!! It looks so extra sweet helps~~ People who don't know your real relationship with him, might think that you guys are a couple or something." Kuroi said.




"Okay fine fine but why are you so against the idea of you and him together?? I mean you are in an acceptable age for you to date and stuff." Kuroi said.


"It is because you don't know what has been happening. Haiz. Let me tell you." So Mina started telling them all of the things that had happen all the way to now, all the things that she had hidden from them, how EXO ship Sehun and her together and how Tae In had openly declared that Sehun is hers and it seems that she would do everything in her control to get him and how Tae In is always sticking to her, means she is starting to get cautious of Mina too.


After listening to the story, Sooin said, "Now I know why you are so against this. Look at the amount of problems you will have. I mean the EXO part is not a problem since they are obviously just fooling around but the Tae In part, sighh it just means trouble."


"So any idea on what you are going to do about it?? About Tae In??” Kuroi asked.


“I absolutely have no idea but maybe just, in the meantime, allow her to think that we are close friends so that she won’t suspect Sehun and I are having a thing together. So long as there is nothing to suspect between us, i think she will just give up on her own and leave me alone. Plus there is nothing to suspect between us anyways, we are just simply a person guiding another person that’s all….”


“No worries I am sure everything is going to work out fine.” Vannie said.


“Well at least now the thing we should worry about is… how are we going to finish all this food??” Kuroi said as the waiter started to serve all the food onto the table.


“We will finish it all right. Especially me, I got a bottomless pit for a stomach hehehehe!! Come on let’s eat let’s eat weehooo~~” Mina said happily and they started to dig in.


While Mina and her friends are enjoying their meal, Tae In at the same time is doing some shopping with her fellow friend who also worked at SM entertainment too.


Tae In was looking through some dresses and picking some of them out to ask her friend, “What do you think of this dress?? Will Sehun love me after seeing me in this dress or should I go for something else?? something more cute or y??”


“Hmmm this dress won’t work. Try another one.” So Tae In put back the dress and was still choosing when her friend broke the silence and said, “Hey you know what guess who i saw yesterday with the EXO members??”


“Who??” Tae In asked without bothering to guess.


“The new composing teacher.”


“Oh you mean Mina, ya i know that. She is helping EXO with composing and that lucky girl doesn’t even know how lucky she is to work with EXO and what did she say, she rather work with f(x) gosh you have no idea how much i wanted to slap her face at that time.”


“OMG!! She really said that. What an ungrateful person.”


“Ya I know right. I totally hate her and plus recently Sehun and Mina seems to be getting really close and I wonder what is going on between them. She better not snatch my Sehun from me because he is mine. If you ever see them being too close for comfort or acting super lovey dovey with each other, please tell me because I will make sure she won’t get away from it.”


“Then I guess I have to tell you what totally happened last night.”


“What happened??”


“Well I saw her entering EXO K’s van and EXO M van were following behind, when I have just finish work. I wonder what they were doing.”




“Aye calm down, everyone is watching us, what did she lied to you about??”


“Not only did she lied, EXO also helped her to lie too. What did she feed to my oppas to make them so obedient and listen to everything she say.”


“Omg tell me already!! What did she lie about??”


“She lied that she is not feeling well and went back home earlier so she cannot go out with me that night but then she didn’t say that out herself but she asked my oppas to say it on her behalf and what in the end she still go somewhere else with my oppas when she is suppose to be at home?? How dare she??!! I am not going to let this go, I am going to start taking actions. I am so sorry but I have someone important to meet right now.” With that she just left her friend alone and went off. Once outside the store, she fish out her phone and start to dial a number and said, “I have something for you guys to do. I need you to follow a person.  A person called Dong Mina.”


ho ho ho hello!! If you guys don't know i did a double udpate this week so do check it out hahahaha!! Currently streaming EXOluxion in Tokyo Dome right now and ahhhhh I am so happy to hear them awbfuabegoeabgouaghauo!! It will be better if i can get to see them though sobs... but it is okay i am happy just hearing them sing~~ I hope those who are streaming also have fun too~~ I will be getting back to my work now while I listen to the stream so everyone enjoy your day and enjoy reading too and thank you for following me and reading!! Thank you!! XOXO!! :)))


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xin_wei20022002 #1
Chapter 53: Omg can I just kill her right now ughhhhhhhhh
xin_wei20022002 #2
Chapter 53: Omg pls don't tell me tae in is be again oh my goddddddddddd
Chapter 47: Sorry but, I can't help but punch Mina to knock some sense into her. (But I still love this story!)
Winter8w #4
Chapter 46: Please update
Cuddly12 #5
Chapter 35: that Tae In should disappear with her delusional dream.
xin_wei20022002 #6
Chapter 32: Wow omg pls update soon again yay
xin_wei20022002 #7
Chapter 29: Pls pls update very soon I can't wait
wow, i need more, i read everything in one day
xin_wei20022002 #9
Chapter 28: Plsplspls update soon!
xin_wei20022002 #10
Chapter 25: Omg I was there at the concert too!! I went for the 9 Jan one