
A Trip To Seoul



Hope you liked it though it was really short >.< 

I did my best writing it with you in my mind. 

And sorry it's a little late birthday gift ^^''


Jen, you have been a VERY good and important friend of mine for a couple of years now,

and i honestly think that my life would without you so THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND <3 

Hope the story bought you some happiness and a smile on your lips ;3

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Omo omo omo who's the person who have the loveliest friend, oh yeah you guessed right, that's me <3<br />
Thank you so much honey-bun, I sat like a fool in the bus smiling all by myself even giggling by myself doh XD<br />
Well as your probably know because of our list, it's hard for me to choose hehe<br />
when reaching the end I just hoped it would continue XD it was so sweet <br />
Best birthday gift eveeeer <3<br />
Before I knew it was about me I was excited to read this, then I reached the character list, and you really got me, I was really stunned hehe <br />
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Thank you thank you soooo much <3