Arriving in Seoul, South Korea

A Trip To Seoul



Jen was sitting in her room packing the last couple of things for her long awaited trip to her favourite country, South Korea.

As she had put the last thing in the closed her suitcase and sat it in the middle of her room. She looked at the clock. It showed 7PM. Her flight was at 6:30AM the next morning so she figured it was best if she got something to eat and went to bed early.

The next morning Jen woke up at 4AM to make herself ready to take to the airport. As she left her room after getting clothes she went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. In the kitchen she was met by her parents who were already up. Both smiled to her and gestured her to sit at the table. She smiled and sat down. Her mother was standing by the stove making breakfast while her father was sitting by the table reading the newspaper from the yesterday.

“Here.” Her mother smiled to Jen as she gave her a plate with eggs and bacon.

“Thanks” Jen said smiling and began to eat. Her mother went to give Jen’s father some food too before settling down at the table herself with her own plate of food.

As she was done with eating and where ready to leave together with her parents who where driving her to the airport, they went to the car.

As they came to the airport she got to the check-in and registered her luggage and also got her ticket checked. Soon after she said good-bye to her parents before going to the waiting area. She had to wait about 1,5 hour before she could get on the plane to Korea.

The time went by fast as she listened to her favourite kpop artists on her iPod.

“All passengers who are going to South Korea with the AA12Y54F airplane, please leave for gate 9 for departure.” An announcement was heard and Jen stood up from the seat she had been sitting on and went towards the gate. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach because of her excitement. She smiled to herself.

It took about 12 hours for the airplane to arrive in South Korea and Jen had been sleeping most of the time while listening to her music. As soon as the airplane had landed and the passengers where able to leave the plane she smiled and excitedly left the plane while looking around taking in all the new surroundings.

“I’m finally here!” She muttered to herself happily. She proceeded to get her suitcase so she could get her stuff to the hotel before going out to get some food as it was already in the evening in Korea.

She soon found her suitcase and then got out of the airport and got into a cap.

“Where do you want to go?” The cab driver asked in Korean, luckily Jen had learned Korean almost at a fluent level so she understood the driver very well and where able to answer.

“I would like to go to JW Marriott Hotel in Banpo-dong Seochu-go.” Jen answered and leaned back in the seat while the cab driver started the car and drove off towards the desired destination.

As they arrived at the hotel Jen got out of the cab and took her suitcase before she paid the driver. She then went into the hotel to get a room. She was lucky that she already had paid for a room since it seemed like there was many people at the hotel.

She went to the front desk and got the key for her room; room no. 78.

As she entered the hotel room she silently went around and looked at the stuff. It was a very big room and it looked very high class. In the room there was a big king sized bed, a table with some chairs, a small refrigerator and a closet. The bathroom to the room was very big as well and both had a shower and a bathtub. She smiled at the sight.

She unpacked her suitcase fast before leaving the room again to go get something to eat as she was beginning to be hungry.

“What to eat?” She asked herself as she went to get the elevator down. As she entered the elevator and it went down it stopped a floor under the floor she had her room at, and 3 charming young men entered the elevator.

Jen was in so deep thoughts she at first didn’t notice them or who they where. It was first when one of them spoke up that she fell out of her thoughts and noticed them.

She secretly looked at the 3 guys all flustered and didn’t really know what she should do. Before her, stood 3 of her biggest idols.

She calmed herself down as she thought they didn’t want any fans around and that they probably had some free time and thus had met up.

Coincidentally they where going to same way as her. As she went out of the lobby they followed.

She stopped up and looked around not really knowing where to go and search for some food, as she still hadn’t decided on what to eat.

She suddenly noticed that the 3 idols where looking at her. They silently went up to her and inside her mind she was screaming for help as she was panicking a bit, not exactly knowing how to react.

“Silyaehaeyo, you need any help?” One of the guys asked and for some seconds you just stared at him and his two friends before you got back to reality.

“Ehm…if it isn’t too much trouble, could you help me by giving direction to a place to eat?” Jen asked unsure about the whole situation.

“Sure, anything in particular you are searching?” He continued.

“Not really other than it being Korean…” Jen answered.

She didn’t know how it happened but she was suddenly being showed to a restaurant by the guys, who seemed to have a big interest in her and her background. The more they asked her questions and the more they talked together, she started to relax more and open up.

As they got into a traditional Korean restaurant and had ordered their food they continued talking. To her it seemed like they where really laidback despite them already knowing that she was a fan of them.

“So it’s your first time here in Korea?” One of the guys asked curiously. Jen smiled and nodded.

“Yeah it is.” She then said.

“Then how about one of us tour you around Seoul a bit tomorrow?” Another said smiling while the other two nodded agreeing. Jen thought for a bit.

“Aren’t you busy with schedules and such?” She asked unsure.

“We have free tomorrow.” They answered.


Who would you choose between these ‘mysterious’ 3 idols? Where to go?


A: A trip to Namsan tower and a walk by Han River?  (Go to chapter 3)

B: A trip to the old Gyeongbok Palace? (Go to chapter 2)

C: A trip to Cheonggyecheon and Bongeunsa Temple? (Go to chapter 4)


The airplane name is fake. I made it up myself XD

All the places said in this chapter is real.


Jen hope you like the first chapter XD Choose a trip and see which idol you get ;3 (or read all 3 XD)

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Omo omo omo who's the person who have the loveliest friend, oh yeah you guessed right, that's me <3<br />
Thank you so much honey-bun, I sat like a fool in the bus smiling all by myself even giggling by myself doh XD<br />
Well as your probably know because of our list, it's hard for me to choose hehe<br />
when reaching the end I just hoped it would continue XD it was so sweet <br />
Best birthday gift eveeeer <3<br />
Before I knew it was about me I was excited to read this, then I reached the character list, and you really got me, I was really stunned hehe <br />
<br />
Thank you thank you soooo much <3