∇ the cheatsheet

∇ oblivion // a soulmate au. apply closed! message me about extensions
the cheatsheet
welcome to oblivion. i will be your guide.
oblivion is a soulmate au applyfic inspired by this tumblr thread. in this au, instead of the first words your soulmate says to you tattooed to the inside of your wrist, it is the last words you'll ever hear them say. these words are visible only to you. the main plot of the story will be five (or four, the free plotline is subject to change depending on what i see) people struggling to come to terms with the fate of their love lives, how they deal with the thought of a soulmate (or lack thereof, for the doomed plotline), and what may happen if they lose the one they love. if you'd like to know more about the story in general (because i probably forgot something god i'm such a scatterbrain), please comment or pm me, i'd love to talk more with you about this. :)
back to the basics: subscribe to this fic so you know what's going on (duh). if chosen, try to comment every few chapters (i get it if you're busy, lives are a thing). no bashing. i will kick your if you do. you can apply with either a male or female character up to twice. 
suspension of disbelief: now, this is a realistic au taking place in seoul, south korea. these are regular people going about their regular lives. if your character is foreign you need a plausible story on how they got there. this also means that no, it is highly unlikely that your character is fluent in four languages and is five different ethnicities. idols do not exist in the sense that there is no b.a.p, seventeen, snsd, etc, but if you want to make an oc singer for whatever reason (love interest, perhaps), feel free.
profile: i'm super not picky about age, but i'd like them to be between 16 and 28 (1987-1999). everything else should be pretty self explanitory, pm me if you have any questions
face: please please please try to match your age to your faceclaim (at least for my character, yes i know iu is not 17 but at least she looks it. i don't want no kyungri on some baby 16-year-old). faceclaims are idols, actresses, and models only. galleries are not needed if the faceclaim is an idol, but are appreciated. omg's arin is taken
soul: please try to match your character's personality to their plotline. for background,  a little background on their parents (how did they decide to deal with their words?), but anything relating to their fate can be addressed in the later sections.
quirks: likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. include relationships with those around them (family, friends, ex-lovers, their favorite ahjumma who sells them awesome rice cakes) and how they are living their lives - are they more like the bold, aggressively seeking out their soulmate, or are they more like the timid, locking their heart away? minimum of two relations (at least their parents, please, but i'd like to see a bunch of relationships)
fate: ahh, the words. this can either be a singular word or a phrase, for their reaction, try to include the following - how they felt about their fate growing up, childhood, how others as they were growing up decided to deal with their words, etc. whatever you want. include their feelings about the words and about their soulmate. the timid plotline is taken.
heart: love interests can be anyone, but please remember that because this is a realistic au, nobody is a boy/girl group member anymore (make up something they're doing now). no more that four years in either direction. heteroual relationships only please. please include a brief background on the love interest (same guidelines as the above background). the older guys are adults, so anything can happen in their relationship. if they're younger then 18, though, imma have to shut you down on that . seventeen's seokmin is taken.
feel free to pm me if you have any questions! the example app should hopefully clear stuff up as well.
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iisMoMo #1
just a heads up i'm moving to a new place and there is no internet there so i might be here and there once in a while only until i can get internet at my new place
I'm SO sorry for taking so long, seriously! My wrist is finally healed (I think) so I can finish soon. T_T
Is it possible for me to apply next week Saturday I have finals all next week.
Chapter 5: Please allow me an extension! I hurt my wrist so I can't finish on time.
strybk #5
omg this is late af
but i just found this and i am in love
gidaryeo im coming soon
omg i wanted to apply but i've forgotten all about this story ; ;
i'm going to apply for sure this time
Chapter 5: ho boy i gotta pick up the pace
iisMoMo #8
Chapter 5: happy thanksgiving and holiday break! chyea! so excited
Chapter 4: Finished my app! Hope you like it <3
