part 2

Ruin(ed) Anniversary

The first adventure they’ll do on the next day is sightseeing around Shibuya and have lunch on the most popular sushi restaurant based on the travel guide book Sehun had.

Sehun excitedly took a lot of photos with the camera he brought from home (actually it's his hyung's camera but since his hyung is away, he just brought it without permission) and sometimes he took some of their photos together to proof that they are there; that they are really there before.

In the evening, Jongin suggests to visit dance centre nearby to observe their dance style, which Sehun answers with a nod while eating taiyaki for the first time in his life (although in the end a half of it was eaten by Jongin because he kind of steal it from Sehun). They enter one of the practicing room and secretly observe their moves and got excited to think I wanna learn that move!  so badly when in the end they nicely asked to get out since they'll close soon.

When they arrived home, Jongin pulls Sehun for a spin hug before he prepares for dinner while the younger male makes the table and sits to wait for Jongin with checks the things they bought and the photos he took. Sometimes Sehun will steal a glance to Jongin before the older male realizes and just smiles it away before continues what does he left and leave Sehun somewhat twisted feelings.

It’s weird yet soothing.

"Make it as tasty as possible." Sehun demands while he propped his chin and eyes towards Jongin, give him a look. "Or, at least edible for us."

Jongin just roll his eyes and answers "Then you should help me."

"Don’t want to." Sehun firmly answers while crosses both of his arms in front of his chest. "We agreed that I do breakfast and you do dinner."

They talked about it last night after Jongin finally woke up of his nap and Sehun was in the middle of ordering pizza for their dinner since they don't really know what they should have for it. At first Jongin almost against it and insist he will be the one who cooks, but he was late when Sehun said he already ordered it.

While they were waiting for the order, Jongin suggested they should cook by themselves to suppress their budget to the fullest. Sehun agreed, but in condition they should split the chores evenly and he asked to do breakfast

Which that automatically makes Jongin is the one who do dinner.

"Hey, if we do it together then it'll be done sooner!" Jongin groans but his hands keep chopping kimchi with a knife.

Sehun frowns. "Why so inefficient? Just cook nabe and we'll be fine."

It's Jongin's turn to frown. "What's nabe?"

"Or sukiyaki?" Sehun suggests. "You know what's sukiyaki right?" Jongin nods, but he looks somewhat disagree with him. "What are you planning to make anyway?"

Jongin replies with a frown, "Something like we usually have at home?"

Ah, how hopeless.

"Fine, I'll help you." Sehun finally gets up and walks to the kitchen counter. "Go look for a portable stove and a clay pot."

Jongin huffs, somehow upset by Sehun’s late rescue. "Why don't you help me from the start?"

"You didn't ask me nicely." Sehun rolls his eyes while he takes some meat from the fridge and hands it to Jongin. "Never mind that. Take some soy sauce and boil this with that. I'll chop some vegetables for us."

Jongin does as he told although the pouts stay still.

Sehun chops some vegetables and mushroom for them before he puts all of it to the clay pot that Jongin has prepared. He takes two raw eggs from the refrigerator and gives one to Jongin, instruct him to crack it on his bowl and beat it evenly.

He can feel Jongin is watching him in awe before the older male asks, "Have you ever cook this before?"

Sehun cracks the egg on his bowl before he beats it and answers, "Well, Minzy-ssi ever invited me before to have sukiyaki in her house with some of dancer friends, so she taught me there."

"Wait, she invited you but I didn't?"

"You were having a summer dancing camp, remember?" Sehun puts some pepper in the clay pot to strengthen the flavor. "Well, it won't hurt to have free food so why not?"

Jongin hums while flips the meats. "No wonder."

"Anyway," Sehun gets up to get kimchi Jongin chopped earlier on the kichen counter and continues, "Then it makes you'll be the one who do breakfast, isn't it?"

He sighs in defeat before reluctantly agree, "Since you can cook dinner better than me, okay then."

"Don't pouting your lips like that," Sehun laughs and pinches Jongin's pursed lips, which makes Jongin grunt but it pursed further. "Just fry some bacons and make some toasts and that will do."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Don't sulk."

"No, I just feel my pride is crushing right now."

"Don’t worry, your pride still in in a piece and no crack on it." Sehun sighs before takes a slice of meat and put it on Jongin's bowl. "Never mind that, now, let's eat."

Jongin sighs and they begin to eat their dinner comfortably after the older male's sulk instantly disappeared when the meat enters his mouth, peacefully and deliciously.

Meats always bring happiness to Jongin after all.

Sehun’s smile is endless on that night.

On the next day, they go to the Tokyo Disney Resort at Chiba for an hour ride with train.

At there, they spent their noon on looking around the castles, go sightseeing the garden that designed like Disney Characters such as Lilo and Stitch and many more. There are so many things that Sehun never seen something like that before back in South Korea that makes his mouth always wide in agape because such amazement flutters his heart.

It feels like he is in the fairy world the girls in his class always bragged back then when he was in elementary high school.

Although he knows that Jongin is kind of embarrassed because most of the visitors are girls, Sehun just laughs and still dragging him around with such excitement pumps his mind.

“Sehun.” Jongin calls Sehun when they are resting on a long bench near the huge fountain. “I have an idea.”

Sehun blinks and turns his head to Jongin in confusion. “What is it?”

“We both know that mostly Japan celebrate Christmas Eve on 24th right?” Sehun nods and murmurs so?. “Let’s celebrate our anniversary on that date.”

“And your point is?”

Jongin shuffles his seat so he can face Sehun properly before replies, “I have two options: do you want to stay at the apartment to celebrate or go outside to spend the night?”

Sehun’s mind wanders.

It would be nice if they spend their anniversary at the apartment better since Sehun thought spending the night with a couple mug of hot chocolates together while watching the busy night of Tokyo through the window is sounds good for him than drags his legs to spend it outside.

Call him romanticist and all blames could be directed on his last project before exams that demanded him to read a ton of Shakespeare works and make the analysis to the tiniest detail (and Jongin too, yeah, blame him most and he wouldn’t mind at all).

“Although if I picked to go out, it wouldn’t really comfortable, isn’t?” Sehun rationally explains Jongin’s options. “I mean, we’re both male and Japan is kind of conservative so I don’t think the last option can be choosen.”

Jongin sighs. “You have a point.”

“Maybe stay indoors will be good for us though.” Sehun suggests although he sighs because he thinks he will be envious on those couples that will be wandering on Christmas Eve later but that’s okay, as long as there’s Jongin. “If you don’t mind.”

“Or,” Jongin speaks up, again, “We can visit Tokyo Tower at midnight right on the Christmas Eve. Aren’t the apartment close to it?” Sehun mumurs and somewhat agree with the way he saying now that you mention it. “What do you think?”

“Sure, we can do that too.” Sehun grins. “Although I prefer cuddle and watch Tokyo’s night through the apartment’s window though.”

It’s Jongin’s turn to grin mischievously. “Oh Sehun-ssi, now you’re being so bold, aren’t you?”

Sehun shoots him a look. “What, don’t you like it too?”

“No, I love it.” Sehun rolls his eyes but Jongin smiles wider before gets up and stretch his arms on Sehun, silently asks him to get up. “Shall we continue? We have one more place to visit tonight, remember?”

He nods and reaches Jongin’s hands with a smile secretly plastered on his face. “Sure.”

They don’t forget to take photos of them and the place before move to continue their little adventure.

In the evening they visit Showa Kinen Park which famous of its light illumination.

Jongin was the first one who suggested them to go there, following Sehun’s travel guide book that suggest it in one of ‘the most popular a-must-visited place’ on its article. Sehun was doubting Jongin’s taste at first, but he just shrugs it off because well, it’s Jongin who he facing right now and nobody can’t stop his wish.

And he knew Jongin will never disappoint him, though.

“Don’t tell me you know this place through my book.” Sehun firmly stares at Jongin, somewhat dubious.

The older male shakes his head by a twisted frown hangs on his face, clearly objected Sehun’s assumption. “I didn’t; Joonmyeon-hyung was the one who told me.” He looks like he remembers something before put a big grin of his face. “He also told me that he confessed to Kyungsoo-hyung here.”

“He sure is a romanticist, huh.” Sehun snickers.

“Although I think being confessed on a hot spring in the night is more romantic—“

Sehun quickly shuts Jongin’s thick lips with a baked sweet potato he bought a while ago.

They are wandering mindlessly around the park while chatting about Luhan and Yifan who will graduate soon on next year’s fall, Baekhyun who looks like slowly getting Chanyeol’s attention, Kyungsoo and his big plan of getting double-degree, and things around their college life that will never end if it talked overnight.

And then it hits Sehun when he realizes that his life as a college student won’t last long and he needs to find a job he wants soon to so he can prepare himself better.

A job, huh…

He doesn’t really about it before.

The reason why he picked English Literature are the subjects he mastered the most are Languages and he doesn’t really want to be a stiff desk worker like his father (albeit he knew his father has a stable income but still, it doesn’t really look challenging to him). Luhan ever recommended him to pick Dance as his degree but Sehun refused and reasoned that he sees dance as nothing but as his runaway; he doesn’t want his dance to be tied as a subject he should learn, he prefer his dance to be tied as a part of him, to be felt by him.

One of his closest teacher back then when he was still in high school was the one who suggested him to pick English Literature and coaxed him that he can be a paid translator or a paid traveler since his language range is quite wide and he a fast-learner when it comes about it.

His parents just let him because they believed that Sehun knew what he’s doing and they knew Sehun isn’t type of a person who doing something half-heartedly when it comes about his future.

But unfortunately, he hasn’t think of any job that he really wants to do.

“By the way,” Sehun sighs before he lightly pats Jongin’s shoulder so the older male slows his walking pace. “What will you do after graduated?”

Jongin hums. “I’m planning to take a job that has something to do with PR.”

“What kind of PR?” Sehun frowns.

“Well, you see,” Jongin sneezes before continues, “I do well on all subjects, but the only subject that I can master is writing. I really like writing since Kyungsoo-hyung always take me on bunch of musical theater since I was on junior high school.” He harshly wipes his almost-fall snort with his sleeve and receives a disgusted stare from Sehun. “And I like to socialize with a lot of people so maybe someday I can be a TV Producer and make my own show.”

Somehow, Jongin’s casual answer taken Sehun aback a little bit.

He has been knowing Jongin for almost two years including their before-in-relationship times, and Jongin he used to know is a snob when it comes to picking fight with him in their practice club room, saying s about his lisp and picking each other by questionable A to Z weird nicknames that sometimes Sehun wonder where the hell he got all those nicknames to be spat on me (it gradually changes to awkward physical contacts and Jongin didn’t bring Sehun’s lisp anymore although he still often picking on him exactly three months before the older male asked him to go out).

This Jongin who already thought about his future is new for Sehun—it’s annoying to admit, but he found it admiring that the older male already thought it far ahead, compared to him who even haven’t had thought about what he wanted to do in the future.

He felt beaten up.

“What about you?” Jongin seems like he can’t stand Sehun’s disgusted stare so he uses his handkerchief to wipe his snort. “You have something in mind?”

“I—” Sehun was about to say something when he realizes something is running into them—into Jongin to be exact—in a full speed and snaps, “Jongin, watch out!”

But it was already late when Jongin realized, he already bumped into something (or someone, who knows) in a loud crash.

It’s dark tonight and Sehun forgot to bring his glasses (it was left on the apartment), but he can saw pretty clearly what was crashing into Jongin a while ago. He wipes in eyes in disbelief and hoping what he saw wasn’t real, like, no way, but no matter how many he did it until his eyes hurt, the picture is still the same.

Jongin was bumped into someone, hard.

The one who bumped into him is a girl and she’s hugging Jongin tightly and chants help me! in desperation (and in Japanese).

“Are you calmed down now, Miss?” Sehun asked in Japanese while gives a can of a warm tea when he finally grasped the situation and helped the lady get up although confusion still hangs on his brain.

She nods and murmurs thanks before receives the can and speaks, “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into your friend.”

Well, actually he’s my boyfriend but whatever. Sehun shakes his head. “It’s okay.” He politely smiles before frowns. “I’m sorry, but are you being chased by someone that made you ran like that?”

“I’m not, actually—” She looks hesitant a little while with the way she bites her lips but she keeps answering, “Actually, I ran away from my boyfriend.”

“Is he doing something bad to you?” Sehun doesn’t intend to meddle someone’s business but he feels like he should know. “Oh, I’m sorry, but what’s your name?”

“I’m Tomohara. Tomohara Yuuko.” She answers although she looks intimidated with Sehun’s firm stare on her. “It’s not like he does something bad to me, it just…” Sehun is listening intently. “I saw him cheating behind my back at here, so I was like, running away from him.”

Jongin frowns, looks like he half-understand what do Sehun and the girl are talking about.

Sehun hums. “So it was an impromptu action.” Yuuko nervously nods.“By the way I’m Sehun, Oh Sehun.” Sehun notices the way Yuuko frowns of his name before he continues to explain, “I’m Korean,” he points his index finger to Jongin, “And so he is.”

She exclaims, “But your Japanese is so fluent!” Sehun just smiles it away. Yuuko stares him in awe before she stops and asks, “I’m sorry, I know this is our first time we met, but I need your help.”

Yuuko gets up and walks slowly towards Jongin and reaches his scarfs, lightly pull it so Jongin’s height won’t be too dominating to her and she pleads, “Tanobu, atashi ni tasukete kudasai!” (Please help me!)

Sehun can saw Jongin was in confusion before replied with his limited Japanese, “Nandesu … ka?” (What … is it?)

The Japanese girl—who is tugging Jongin’s shirt—pleads on him, “Atashi ni tsukiau kudasai!” (Please go out with me!)

He frowns before he pokes Sehun in confusion, “What does tsukiau mean?”

“She means she wants you to be her boyfriend.”

Next he can saw Jongin’s eyes widened as large as his cousin—Kyungsoo—usually does.

“WHAT?” He snaps and immediately pull Sehun away from Yuuko for a little while and continuously whispers in disbelief, “Yah! What is actually her intention? Isn’t it sounds suspicious?”

“But I feel somewhat sorry for her…”

But she’s targeting me!”

“Your pheromone is at fault.”

“That’s not the problem here!”

Sehun sighs. “Then ask her why she wanted you to be her girlfriend.”

Jongin groans but he does as told although his Japanese isn’t as fluent as Sehun’s. “Demo… nande boku desu ka?” (But… why me?)

Yuuko shrugs. “I don’t know, but I think you can help me.”

“Tomohara-san,” Sehun speaks before Jongin ever has a chance to reply her and continues, “What’s your intention if I may ask you?”

“I will tell you,” Yuuko smiles (and it’s cute for Sehun but he pushes that kind of thought away) before she pulls Sehun closer and explains, “I want to prove to my boyfriend that I can find better man than him and crush his pride, hard.

Japanese women are scary. Sehun feels horrified but he forced his ears to keep listening. “Should it be him?” Yuuko firmly nods. Somehow Sehun feels his chest is tighten for no reason. “But why?”

“He is kind of my type.” Yuuko smiles brightly before she continues, “But no worries! It’s only temporary, so no problem!”

… is this what does girls always say as a rival?

Jongin looks like he realize the sudden change on Sehun’s face before he faces Yuuko and politely smiles, “I’m sorry though, but he’s my boy—

Sehun immediately covers Jongin’s mouth and shushes him while whispers shut it and speaks, “—best friend!” He can feel Jongin’s stares jabs him hard behind his back but he tries to ignore it. “But in exchange, you should help us too.”

“I don’t even remember that I agree with this!” Crap, Sehun doesn’t realize that Jongin’s Japanese has improved that much. “Yah! You can’t do this to me!”

“It’s only for one day, Jongin.” Sehun groans. “One hell day.

“Yeah, right! One hell day—”

He pulls Jongin closer and whispers, pleads, “I’ll make it up for you later, okay? So just, just, help her.” He doesn’t know why he feels so desperate but he really wants to help her. At first, Jongin is so reluctant to agree with Sehun but when the younger male pleads more and more, he finally sighs and murmurs whatever and looks away, half annoyed half reluctant.

“Well,” Sehun face Yuuko with a smile before he fishes his phone out of his pocket and asks, “Can I have your address or your e-mail so I can contact you?”

Yuuko smiles and nods before she takes her phone and give him her contact.

They bid a farewell and Sehun immediately pulls Jongin out of the gate and go home (or apartment).

What’s strange is, his chest suddenly tightened, making him difficult to breath for some reason.

In the morning, Sehun is woke up by his phone who suddenly rings that incoming message has arrived.

He rubs his eyes several times although he still nuzzles under the warm blanket before he struggles to let go of Jongin’s arms and searches for his phone that he remembered he placed on the bed table last night, trailing his fingers while his eyes are closed, still reluctantly to wake up.

When his fingers found something wide and cold, he immediately grabs it and pull his arm to in front of his face and reads the message with half-asleep. At first, he feels unfamiliar because the on the message is not straight like Hangeul but less curvy and a lot of character are in boxes-look alike that’s makes him frown in confusion.

Wait, this message is not in Hangeul.

Sehun let out a big yawn and get up before get his glasses and heading towards to the kitchen counter, intending to make some coffees and pull some conscious into him by patting his cheeks. Right after some of his soul somehow gathered in him, he checks the message one more time, makes sure that the message is really not in Hangeul or it was only his imagination.

He hums, however, when he realizes that the message was in Japanese and Yuuko was the one who sent it, which makes him sighs in relief since there’s nothing wrong with his eyes.

From: Tomohara Yuuko
good morning! >  w  <
sorry for disturb you in the early morning, but I want to make sure that Jongin-san is on plan and we can work out of this plan.
can I talk with both of you later?

Deep down Sehun sighs in relief that he learned Japanese alphabets whenever possible so he can read some kanji on her e-mail.

To: Tomohara Yuuko
sure, but maybe I’ll contact you a while later since Jongin’s not wake up yet. Is that okay?

He send the message and leave his phone on the table, slowly heads toward the kitchen counter to take his coffee before back to the dining room and checks his phone again.

She replied after 5 minutes.

From: Tomohara Yuuko
sure! I’ll wait for your call!

“Is she contacting you?”

Sehun looks up and found Jongin was on top of his head with his hand is holding his coffee, sips some of it before grim and murmurs too sweet.

He nods and shows his phone to Jongin, snatches his coffee away of the older male and groans, “Go make your own.”

“But your coffee tastes best.” Jongin grins and takes Sehun’s phone before frowns and return the phone. “Yah, I can’t read this.”

“That’s why I told you to learn at least hiragana.” Sehun rolls his eyes but Jongin shush it away with sheepishly grins. “She said she wants to talk with us about her plan.”

Jongin silences but his hand scratches his hair, somewhat still feels annoyed with what happened yesterday. He speaks up with a frown. “Are you really okay with this?”

Instead of answering, Sehun just shrugs and sips his coffee in silence, neither answer or gives responses.

It’s not like he doesn’t think of Jongin’s feeling on this, but he can’t help but wants to help her because she looks so desperate, so needy in taking revenge to her boyfriend—it’s just, he really wants to help her.

Sehun sighs, finally answer after his heart tingles in guilt when he saw Jongin’s eyes demand an explanation. “I can’t help but feels okay about it.”

“Learn to say no you dimwit.” Jongin groans before heading towards kitchen counter, left Sehun on the dining room to prepare to make breakfast and make a coffee which the bitterness is in his tastes.

The younger male pouts while he taps his phone to call Yuuko like he promised. After he takes some sips of his coffee, he patiently waits Yuuko to take his call while his nose smells Jongin’s cooking that slowly strikes his hunger.

Is he really okay, he wonder?


Her voice snaps Sehun to reality and makes him immediately responses which makes him flustered, “He-hello!”

“Sehun-san, what’s wrong?”

“Uh, about a while ago—”

“Ah, that?” Sehun can feels that she looks so excited. “Yes! I’ll explain the plan but first, where’s Jongin-san?”

“He’s—wait, I’ll call him.” He put his phone a little bit far away and calls Jongin out, asks him to hurry. “He’ll be here in seconds. But, can I ask you something?”

Yuuko answers, still in delight. “What is it?”

“When will you start this plan, I wonder?” Sehun finally asks which he’s been bothered by it since last night.

“Well,” the delight on Yuuko’s voice suddenly disappear. “You see, my boyfriend seems like he haven’t realize that I know what was he doing behind my back but he suddenly cancel our plan on Christmas Eve.”

Sehun’s pupils slowly dilates.

“So I’m planning to—“

“I’m sorry!” Jongin suddenly jumps in the conversation with his hands full of plates. “I was cooking for breakfast before but it’s okay now!” Sehun saw Jongin’s grin smoothly plastered on his face, looks somewhat proud that his Japanese improved a lot. “So, what do you want to talk about?”

“Ah! Jongin-san!” Yuuko’s voice seems brighter than before. “Well, you see, we’ll have our plan on the Christmas Eve. Can you come?”

Sehun’s expression falls.

“Um,” Sehun unconsciously hold his breath and looks up to sees Jongin’s facial expression is no different than him. Okay, great. What a great situation to start their morning. “Jongin?”

Seems like he understands the situation, Jongin quickly responds. “Can you please give me an hour to think about it? I need to talk it out with Sehun so…”

“Sure! I’ll call you one hour later!” and she hangs up the call, leaves Sehun still in silence.

Jongin returns Sehun’s phone before sighs. “So, what now?”

Sehun doesn’t know either; he never expected her plan will goes this far. “I… don’t know.” He tries to coming up with some solution but he ended up blank. “I really don’t expect to be turned out this way either.”

“That’s why I told you to learn to say no.” Jongin sighs too but he just shrugs and put some bacon on his mouth. “But why are you so desperate on helping her?”

“Well,” Sehun suddenly lost his appetite although Jongin is eating the bacon deliciously in front of him. “I just, you know, I kinda understand her feelings.”

“In which aspect?” Jongin frowns.

She reminds me of my past. Sehun thought, but instead of that, he is replying different, “… just because.”

Just because?” Jongin repeats.

Just because.” Sehun nods. “Yeah, just because.

But Jongin’s displeased grunt keeps coming out of his thick lips, “Then what about our plan? About Christmas Eve—” He stops to sip some coffee before continues, “—we can’t just cancel it right?”

Although he is agreeing with Jongin inside of him, but he can’t think of anything since Sehun already promised he’ll help Yuuko and he can’t help but not break his promise. “Just go then.”


“I know you’re so disagree with this but listen,” Sehun sighs. “You should go. We’ve promised we’ll help her so there’s no turning back.”

You did.”

I did, yeah, right.” Sehun sighs. “But please? I’ll tell the reason after you help her so can you please…?” Jongin still reluctant to agree, Sehun can saw that, but he really wants to help her. “Maybe if she picked me I’ll do it but she picked you.”

Jongin sighs. “Yeah, right. Me.

“Just make it quick and confess to her that you have me; I’m sure she can understand that much.” Sehun sips his coffee, trying to avoid Jongin’s eyes which begins to sparkling and leans closer with mischievous smile plastered on his face. “I’ll tag along behind you without her knowing. So, deal?”

His smile grows wider while he takes Sehun’s glasses away, stares him directly and responds, “Promise me you’ll watch behind my back.”

Sehun places his coffee back and groans, “I will, I will! So will you stop leaning closer to me because—” Jongin pecks Sehun on the lips. “—listen to me!” Jongin pecks his lips twice. “You little—”

Jongin shuts Sehun with a kiss before throws a wink and asks, “Shall we have breakfast now?”

He rolls his eyes before snatch his glasses off Jongin and groans, “Don’t shove me that question after you kissed me.”

“Well, that’s my morning kiss for you.”


“Yeah, gross but you like it.”

Sehun can’t really deny that, though.

He hates the fact that yes, he did like it.

And he doesn't want to admit that.

After they discussed it, Jongin called Yuuko and he agreed, in condition he only can do it until 23 PM because he has another plan that day (or he has another date with Sehun to be exact).

Based on the tone of her voice, Sehun can pretty much say that she unbelievably happy and lightly agreed with Jongin, which makes him slightly dubious about a lot of things.

Is it really okay to let Jongin go after all? Sehun doesn’t know.

He really doesn’t.

“So, what was it again?” Jongin nudges Sehun’s side, snaps him to reality. “We’re going to buy wines?”

“Yeah, sure.” Sehun replied shortly.

Jongin frowns, but he doesn’t ask anything and drags the younger male out of the apartment. Sehun is being silent as usual when he walked together with Jongin to a shop nearby, but he knew, it’s not usual silence they always feel comfortable for these months but rather a heavy one—the one that makes someone actually difficult to breath but it’s too awkward to break the silence.

After Sehun silently points on the one of the wines on the display when Jongin asked him, the older male finally drags him back to the apartment and put the wine on the shelf before he forced Sehun to sit on the living room’s couch, but still, there’s no words fall out his thick lips.

The older male just leans his sides on Sehun’s and turn on the television without saying anything.

“You see,” Jongin finally speaks after they watched television for twenty minutes. “I’m not a fortune teller and I don’t have a crystal ball. I don’t know what tomorrow brings, I’ll leave that to you—”

Sehun reflexively shifting his body to a more comfortable position while he grunts by Jongin’s lame joke, “That’s Maroon 5’s.”

“So, you do know.” Before Sehun has a chance to interject him, Jongin immediately says, “Jokes aside, I’ll be frank here, do I have to choke you with beers till you drunk and spill everything?”

“It’ll dirty if I spill my insides here, though?” Sehun frowns, but a flick on his forehead by Jongin replied him. “Hey! What was that for?!”

Seems unable to counter Sehun’s questionable behavior since this morning, Jongin begins to sitting properly, forcing the younger male to face him as he asks, “Do you think it’s a right time for us to joking right now?”

Surely not.

“But you started first.” Sehun snorts.

“Riiight, that was me, I’m sorry, but that’s not the point now.” Sighing for God knows how many, Jongin rubbing his temples by his thumb and his little finger as he looks away, grows annoyed by how Sehun keep trying to change the topic as he says, “Just, can’t we have a talk about us now?”

Sehun tilts his head a bit, actually doesn’t get where this conversation will go. “What about us?”

“First, do you actually mind if I’m going with her?”

Is Jongin trying to interrogating him or something? “… of course I do.”

His facial expression still shows that he isn’t sure by Sehun’s response. “Then why did you help her?”

“Because…” Sehun contemplates whether to tell Jongin about his past that he almost forgot back then he was in high school, but he internally shaking his head, think that it won’t be a good idea to tell the latter now. At least, not in this moment. “I think it is okay for us to help her since it was only one-time thing.”

“Then second,” Jongin decided to skip Sehun’s obvious answer and asks him again, “If, if she was about to kiss me to prove that I’m her new boyfriend to his ex, what will you do?”

“I’ll stop her like this.” Sehun firmly replies Jongin as he demonstrates his plan by shoving Jongin away of him with both of his large hands. “And then I’ll pull you away from her before that happen for the second time.”

“Then after that?” Jongin’s demand sounds heavy on Sehun’s ears.

Doubt still linger on Sehun, however, but Jongin’s disappointment is the last thing he wants to face in this world. “Do you expect me to do the same thing like in the campus back then?” Sehun’s stare grown dubious as Jongin’s facial expression says that was the most rhetorical question he ever heard. “Hey, Jongin, if you expect me to do it again, I can’t.

He really can’t; kissing Jongin in public, in a foreign place like Japan is like taking his courage to another level by sending himself to the outer space (and he still wants to come to Japan again without such embarrassing memories linger on him thank you).

Jongin’s frown silently say that Sehun being ridiculous. “Why? Unlike back then in the campus who almost everyone knows you, there won’t be anyone who will recognize you, right?” Good point, but still…. “The idea of her kissing me itself already bad—”

“Are you only dating me just because you want to kiss me or something?” Sehun grows annoyed as he pulls himself away of Jongin, already ridiculed enough by the latter’s vicious circle of not wanting to go with Yuuko. “That won’t happen, okay? Japanese person isn’t that fierce, I’m sure she won’t even dare.”

A sigh audibly heard from Jongin as he tries to pull Sehun to him again, but the latter refused by pulling himself further that makes the older man actually dumbfounded by exclaims, tone harsher than he might thought. “Whoa, so you’re even going this far just for her?”


Fine, I’ll go, goddammit.” Jongin groans as he gets off the sofa, turns his head to scowling at Sehun for a quick glance before turns his back as grumbling in mute, seems too pissed to care the latter’s stare that still lingers on his back, and entered their bedroom without sparing any glance.

His cold shoulder somehow devastating for Sehun to survive the day even when the sky turns dark with stars, making them sleep by facing each other’s back unlike the nights before today.

He starts to wonder why, why from all of people, their biggest hurdles of their relationships should be girls instead of anything else?

Just, why?

(bcs I made it like that so that's why sehun. that was why.)

hello guys! I'm sorry for making you waiting this story updated for almost three years! :((( /deep bows/

the thing is.... I kinda confused how to end the story, actually. since I forgot how this story supposed to end and as a college student I'm kinda busy and kinda couldn't write other than assignments I had so... I'm sorry that I only updated this now. I really am :")

I don't expect much how you guys who subscribing this story will react; sure there will be some who would felt disappointed by this but all I can do is thanking whoever you guys who still willing to read this pieces of mine and thank you for you guys who commented, voted and subscribed this story back then when this story first released! I can't thank you enough!! :D

the next chapter would be the last chapter and the last part of the sekai/kaihun series of mine. I'm targetting that I'll finish it in this week and publish it in this weekend so I hope it'll do well!

see you on the next chapter!

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Kimjonghun #1
Chapter 2: I love ittt >…<
nusma90 #2
i like ur story hun
2015. I was only 20 and now I am 23. auchh
CuTAEpie #4
You ddnt come back for this fiiic ;;
Chapter 1: I need your update ㅠㅠ
JanetR #6
Chapter 1: this is so cuteeee
Chapter 1: *Q* awww they are so kawaii
Chapter 1: Cute! Too bad it's going to be ruined by a random girl! Anyways, see you next time!
Chapter 1: Yeay~ finally..
Eumm.. did you use google translate for the Japanese part?
Thank you and keep going..~^^