part 1

Ruin(ed) Anniversary

Tanobu, watashi ni tasukete kudasai!” (Please help me!)

Sehun can saw Jongin was in confusion before replied with his limited Japanese, “Nandesu … ka?” (What … is it?)

The Japanese girl—who is tugging Jongin’s shirt—pleads on him, “Atashi ni tsukiau kudasai!” (Please go out with me!)

He frowns before he pokes Sehun in confusion, “What does tsukiau mean?”

“She meant she wants you to be her boyfriend.”

Next he can saw Jongin’s eyes widened as large as his cousin—Kyungsoo—usually does.


Ruin(ed) Anniversary

ruin /ˈruː.ɪn/ verb [ T ]

  1. to spoil or destroy severely or completely
  2. to cause a person or company to lose all their money or their reputation

anniversary /ˌæn.ɪˈvɜː.s ə r.i/ /-ˈvɝː.sɚ-/ noun [ C ]

the day on which an important event happened in a previous year

[sc: Cambridge]

in order to understand this AU, i recommend you to read the main story, the second sequel, the third sequel and the bonus sequel first.

“We have a problem here.”

Sehun and Jongin were in the library, in the middle of looking for their material, when Jongin suddenly spoke up.

He frowned while pulled an old book of shelf and speaks, “We can’t found the book that we’re looking for? Great. We’re doomed.”

“That’s not it.” Jongin huffed. “Do you still remember about our planned vacation?”

Sehun nodded while his eyes still eyeing the books; still focused to searching the books that their professor told to borrow to. He really wanted to finish it fast because it’s already late and tomorrow he still has papers to be done for—actually the papers had been given weeks ago but well, you know, Sehun is a highest-level lazybones ever.

In another means he didn’t really pay attention of Jongin who still in the middle of his speech—erm, yes.

“Sehun.” Jongin sighed.

“I heard you.” He finally got the book he wanted and put it on the table. “What is it?”

Jongin put a pile of books on the table—Sehun thought that maybe he has found the book he wanted too—and sits down before got his chin propped on his hands, “Our saving’s not enough for book a hotel for a week there.”

Sehun’s eyes widen, “Even after we saved money for a half of year?” Jongin nodded. “Is there really that expensive?” Sehun asks in disbelief.

“If you’re just planning to stay in hotel for a whole week then no, it’s more than enough.” Jongin calculates in air with his fingers and continues, “But if we go as planned like the places that we have marked on your travel book, we should saving a lot more.”

Sehun sighs—but he felt his heart a bit sting because of disappointment—and responds, “Well, maybe I should unmark some of it then.”

Jongin frowns. “You okay with it?”

He nods. “We can just visit some popular places and buy some souvenirs there.” But Sehun’s mind said otherwise.

“Uh, okay.” Jongin carried his books and stands up before speak, “I’ll try to make something work.” Sehun replies with a small nod. “Let’s go home?”

“Sure.” Sehun followed Jongin with his hand carrying the book he was looking for nonchalantly. “Let’s go.”

“I’ll ride you home.”

Sehun thanked him with smiles.

(And he regretted it because suddenly Jongin pecked his cheek and they got shouted by staff with can’t you guys just get a room please!

Sehun kicked Jongin’s calf in return instead.)

“You looked more lifeless than usual.”

Luhan’s comment flies away from Sehun’s right ear to his left ear who in the middle of having lunch in peace (not really, he has been thinking about how to cuts the expenses of Jongin’s and his trip later so they can visit all of the places they has marked on his book; he just can’t waste his opportunity).

He sighs and rolls his eyes, completely ignores the Chinese male who begins to sit beside him and place his food on the cafeteria’s table. Luhan begins to stares Sehun nonstop and left his food untouched, which makes him so uncomfortable because damn, his stares are so sharp that makes he thinks that the Chinese male could flay his skin off with it.

“Where’s Yixing-hyung?” Sehun decided to change the topic (and not decided) with food in his mouth, which makes Luhan shoots him a glare but he just shrugs him off. He chews and swallow his food in a flash before asks, “Is he in library again?”

Luhan nods but soon he puts the younger male back to the track, “You don’t spend your lunch with Jongin, again?”

Hyung,” Sehun sighs. “How many times I should tell you that I don’t—I can’t have lunch with him?”

Frankly speaking, he would be lying if he doesn’t want to have one with Jongin, but he already with Kyungsoo anyway—and he has no heart to disturb them; they are childhood friends, unlike Jongin and him who just met in this university less than two years ago.

Actually, or rather unexpectedly, he is (a bit) afraid of Kyungsoo. His eyes are scary and he is really scary when he is mad—Sehun has saw him mad when Chanyeol was fooling around with Kyungsoo and the latter was raising his voice so loud to the giant while his arms were both choking and smacking his head with full force before trampling him well.

He never felt that frightened before; his voice was terrifying him so bad.

“You just scared of Kyungsoo, don’t you?” Luhan begins to dig his food in without look at Sehun’s reaction—he knew him to the bones so he doesn’t really need to see him to know the younger male’s expression—and speaks, “Actually, he’s cute you know.”

Sehun shoots him a look, silently.

Luhan huffs, “What.”

“I don’t think it is right for you to say that to anyone but not Yixing-hyung.” Sehun frowns.

The Chinese male sarcastically laugh before speaks, “I’m better than him; he has obsession to being all touchy with—”

He interjects with reflexively closes his ears with both of his hands, “Hyung, too much information!”

“—Minseok.” Luhan nonchalantly finishes his words. “What.”

Sehun sighs. It’s not like you’re much better than Yixing-hyung if it’s all about Minseok-hyung anyway, Sehun minded. “You’re the one to talk.”

“Mine’s in considerate, Yixing’s is excessive.” Luhan interjects.

“Both of you are in worst amount.” Sehun rolls his eyes.

“He has kissed Minseok’s cheek before without me knowing!” Luhan grumbles, “Is he really in relationship with me? Even I, Minseok’s best friend, never did that to him!”

“Or he is getting sick of your anomaly characters.” Sehun propped his chin on his hands and stares Luhan firmly. “You were scolding him too much after all.”

Luhan rolls his eyes. “Anyway,” Luhan is the second who changed the topic. “What’s with you? You’re a bit off earlier.” Sehun groans, doesn’t really want to remember his problem right now, and unfortunately Luhan is understand him too well. “Is it about your—yours and Jongin’s—planned trip?”

“Yeah, we’re tight on money.” Sehun sighs. “Heck, I never thought it’ll be this expensive.”

Luhan hums and starts to eat his lunch while Sehun lean his head on the table, watching the older male who in the middle of having lunch right now. He swallows his food before speaks up, “What did Jongin say anyway?”

“He said he’ll try to work something out.” Sehun bites the inside of his cheeks. “Our problem is only where we will stay though. Hotel’s too expensive.”

“Well,” Luhan stares on the ceiling before look at Sehun and continues, “Just believe in him. He knew what he is doing.”

Sehun hopes so.

Sehun was in Tao’s dorm and laid his head on the older male’s laps when Yifan came with his hands full of plastic bags.

Right, it must be truly a shocking exposure for Yifan.

“Hello Hyung.” Sehun casually greeted Yifan and Tao followed while his left hand still caresses the younger male’s head. “Did you buy foods?”

Yifan’s facial face darkened (well, of course he is, he was greeted by his boyfriend who was caressing someone else on his laps after all), but he just throws a sigh and instead of answering, he just put the plastic bags on the table and slumps himself on couch beside Tao’s.



“Yes, ge?” but his hands still caressing Sehun’s head without being asked.

Yifan sighed before speaks, “Why don’t you prepare the foods that I have bought?”

Tao nodded before moved Sehun’s head and headed towards the table to do as Yifan told, left Sehun and the oldest Chinese male alone.

He glances at Sehun before pokes him on his head and groans (and asks), “What are you doing here?”

“I’m visiting my best friend, why?” Sehun looks up while frowns. “Don’t say that you were jealous with what was Tao doing to me a while ago.”

Yifan face-palmed Sehun and begins to scrunch his face with his hands in annoyance. “You little—“

“OhmyGodI’msorryhyungouchouchouchletgoofme!” Sehun struggles and begs so the older male will let go of his hand away but Yifan scrunches his face harder instead. “ACKTAOHELPMEHMPPH—”

Yifan demands. “Shut up.” When he felt Sehun’s reaction weaken, he let go of his hand and retorted, “Hell, you even began more annoying than Jongin.”


“You used to be so quiet with that nonchalant face of yours.” Yifan sighed in defeat. “Anyway, what are you doing here?”

Sehun sighed and moves his head on Yifan’s laps—the older male immediately shoved him off but he insisted and Sehun grabs Yifan’s legs instead—before replies, “Just seeking for comfort.”

Yifan snorts, “Seek on your boyfriend, not mine.”

“I don’t want to disturb him.” Sehun replied with a long sigh.

“I don’t want you to disturb Zitao either.” Yifan finally shoves Sehun off to his laps and ready to choke the younger male if he tried to lean his head on his. “Oh right, I heard that you’ll go with Jongin to Japan right?” Sehun silences. “When will you go anyway?”

Sehun pouts but it has no effect to Yifan which makes him a bit dejected before replies, “Maybe on winter break. We’re planning to spend one week there.”

Yifan frowns. “Do both of you could make it?”

His eyebrows scrunch hard in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I didn’t intend to middling your business okay, but Luhan was the one who told me that both of you are tight on money.” Sehun internally cursed Luhan for his sassy mouth. “So he asked me if I have connections there that could help you.”

Sehun is flabbergasted. “He did?” How rare!

Yifan nods. “Same goes with Jongin, he asked Kyungsoo if Joonmyeon has apartment at Japan and asked his permission to borrow it for a week.”

Wow, so he really tried to work something out.

Ge, I’m done!”

Both of them flinched before spins their head on Tao who already prepared the food that Yifan bought earlier on the table, with his innocent smiles shines brighter and sweeter.

“You come for dinner?” Yifan invites him with a grin.

Sehun would never could rejects for free foods, though.


From: Kim Jong-out
are you on for a date?

Sehun frowns.

To: Kim Jong-out
what’s with you? it’s almost midnight!

Sehun sighs before puts his phone back on the table and continues to study his material for tomorrow. He can’t slack off his study anymore; he should study hard or he should say goodbye for their trip and spend his winter break on the supplementary class instead—it’s not that his previous result were disappointing though; it’s rather good in Sehun’s opinion.

His lips still murmuring formulas when his phone buzzed again and shows Jongin’s nickname which means he is calling him, in his study time, in the middle of nighttime.

Sehun taps the screens to answer before automatically greets, “Good evening?”

“Look out at your window. Now.”

He frowns but his body reflexively gets up and heading towards the window’s room curiously. “What do you mean—” he gasped. “—you must be kidding me.”

It was Jongin’s figure that he witnessed when he looked out at the window, with his -eating grin plastered on his face.

“Am I surprising you?” he said with his grins wider, Sehun can saw that, while his hand is waving in excitement.

Sehun face palmed. “What are you doing?” He asked in disbelief.

Instead of answering Sehun, Jongin asks other things instead, “Are your parent home?”

“Well, they don’t but—”

“Can I come over?”

“—I’m in the middle of my studying right now.” Sehun ended with a groan. “Don’t you have classes to attend too?”

“I’m in front of your door right now.”

“ Jongin are you kidding me.”

“If you don’t open the door, I’ll press the bell like crazy and it’ll drawn neighborhood’s attentions and you’ll—”

“Goddammit okay! Wait!” Sehun groans and hangs up the call before stomps downstairs and opens the door, which found Jongin was smiling like crazy (and he doubt that the person who in front of him right now is the same Kim Jongin he knew). “Okay, so what now?”

Instead of answering Sehun, Jongin hugs him tight and spins the younger male like crazy before speaks, “We got a place to stay! Sehun, we got it!”

Sehun left dumbfounded (and dizzy).

“So…?” , he still feels dizzy because of Jongin’s sudden spin hugs.

“We don’t have to lessen the list of visits anymore as planned.” Jongin smiles brightly. “Isn’t that good news for you?”

“You did?” Sehun’s eyes widen. “Seriously?” Jongin nods in excitement. “Did you rent it?”

Jongin foolishly grins before gradually murmurs in whisper, “Well, I’m not that rich yet but you can say that I… borrowed it butifyoumindaboutitthenIguessI’llhavetocancelit.” and ended up averts his gaze away of Sehun while his index finger awkwardly scratches his cheek in embarrassment.

Sehun left stunned (or rather flabbergasted) there.

“Jongin.” He tried to call Jongin.

NotthatImindbut—yeah, Sehun, what is it?” Jongin stopped murmurs and looks at Sehun in confusion.

Is it the reason why girls always fall over this guy who now is in front of him? He never knew that Jongin could be this… coughsweetcough and coughcutecough (and not that he will say that to Jongin, never going to happen).

“Thank you,” Sehun smiles and continues, “And I don’t mind at all, it’s not like you steal it though.” Sehun naturally kisses Jongin on the cheek before smiles wider (and maybe his action is really unexpected because he can saw Jongin was looking at him in horror—literally, and in disbelief) and laughs because of Jongin’s expression whose falls of its place. “What’s with that face? You look so weird!”

Jongin stares him in disbelief. “Did you just do that?”

Sehun stops laughing before blinks. “If you were mean about before, yes, I just kissed you on your cheek, why?”

“Um, can you please do that again? It seems like I can’t really process what happened—”

“Or,” Sehun interjects, “You can go home now because it’s really late and we both knew that we’ll have classes tomorrow.” He let his arms go with a sigh. “I’m not intending to be rude, but we really should.”

Jongin murmurs now that you mention it, you’re right before kisses Sehun’s palms and speaks. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Sehun nods.

“Can I have a goodbye kiss?”

Jongin get kissed by Sehun’s fist instead.

“Hajimemae. Boku no namae wa Kim Jongin desu. Anata wa?” (Hello. My name is Kim Jongin. You?)

“Boku wa Oh Sehun desu. Kimi, ichiban desuka?” (I’m Oh Sehun. Is it your first here?)

“Hai, nihon ni ikko ga ichiban desu.” (Yes, this is my first time of coming to Japan.)

“Nani ga gohan no nihon ni suki desuka?” (What is your favorite Japanese food?)

“Etto—” (Er—) Jongin awkwardly scratches his nape before continues, “Takoyaki wa suki desu. Sore de ii n desu ka?” (I like takoyaki. Is that okay?)

Sehun quietly nods before speaks up, “Okay, so far you’re decent. Don’t be too rigid; just speak up like you speak Korean. About your pronunciation—”

Jongin interrupts, “It’s weird, right?”

“Don’t interrupt me.” Sehun shoots him a look. “You’ve gotten better so you don’t have to worry anymore.”

Jongin sighs in relief and quietly lean his chin on top of Sehun’s head while his arms begin to wrap the latter’s neck and murmurs, “But I still have a lot to learn.”

“No worries, you still have time to learn, and,” Sehun sighs. “Jongin.” Jongin looks at Sehun with a frown. “Get off of me.”

“Why should I?” he can feels Jongin was frowning at him even without him looking.

“We’re on public for God’s sake!” Sehun tries to get Jongin off of him but the older male tightens his arms instead. “Jongin—“

Jongin rolls his eyes before pinches Sehun’s cheeks in annoyance and scoffs, “Please remember that someone has kissed me in public on Valentine but he didn’t look ashamed of it.”

Oh. Right, he ever did that before.

“But—” before Sehun finishes, Luhan interrupts with a scowl, “Excuse me, you guys are hurting my eyes. Get a room please.” which makes Sehun rolls his eyes instead.

He sighs before he looks at Jongin who naturally steal some meats on his plate (not that he mind, he is full anyway) while his arm begins to sling on Sehun’s waist, either doesn’t care about Luhan whose his face begins to plastered by mischievous smirk or he just drools over Sehun’s lunch because he is hungry.

Wait, why did he come here? Isn’t he usually with that scary owl?

(And he imagines himself merrily flies sorrys to Kyungsoo because, why can’t he? It feels good to mock that scary male although it’s only in his imagination.)

“What are you doing here?” Sehun asks with a frown. “Shouldn’t you with Kyungsoo-hyung instead of me right now?”

Jongin stares Sehun with his mouth full of his (Sehun’s) food and keep stares him until he swallows all of it in a flash and answers, “He was ditching me.” and sighs. “I was abandoned. I was left alone. I felt so cold. Sehun, I’m so lonely.”

Maybe he embarrassed of your way of eating, Sehun wonders. “And yet I was wondering why they see you as a kingka though.”

“Why did you bring that up all of sudden?” Jongin looks offended.

“Because, well,” Sehun takes his chopsticks from Jongin and continues, “I remembered some of your fans said that you have charming smiles, gentle attitude towards girls and women, fun to play with, and list A to Z wouldn’t be enough for them to listed your charms’ s  like that but what did I see are really opposite.” He ends his speech with a really deep sighs instead.

Jongin rolls his eyes. “What, you regretted it now?”

“Yes.” He sighs. “I really do.” Before Jongin even has a chance to cuts him off, Sehun has a better idea, “I really do after I reflect myself after being with you.”

“Long story short,” Jongin slyly grins with his chin propped on his hands. “Unfortunately, you have fallen for me.”

Sehun moves his head to Luhan and points his index finger on Jongin in feigns disgust and snorts, “Hyung, why did you introduce this guy to me from the start?”

Luhan frowns. “I wasn’t the one who introducing him to you, you prick. It was Yixing.” Oh right, it was Yixing. “Stop being all sarcastic and just accept his love already; he’s already that dying you know.”

“You should have lunch with me too; I’m tired for always getting ditched by Kyungsoo-hyung without any reason.” Jongin adds with whines but Sehun pretends to not noticing the change in the latter’s tone. “And those facts were exaggerated; what am I, a gary sue?”

“Well, I do really agree about that because frankly speaking, now you’re eating my leftover lunch like you haven’t eat in ages and it looks horrible in my innocent eyes.” Sehun sarcasms and receives (feigns) offended stares from Jongin. “That’s not so kingka.

Jongin feigns himself hurt but his -eating grins plastered tight on his face. “At least I got you fall for me, hard.

Sehun can’t bring himself to not agree and he goes silent instead.

(He rather keeps his mouth shuts than faces Luhan’s teases about this if he did.)

“Let’s make a deal here.”

Sehun frowns on the behind of his papers but he looks up and speaks in confusion. “What.”

They are in Sehun’s room with Jongin is planning to have some study group kind of things while Sehun is thinking if is it really okay to visit his room because he feels that Jongin is planning something else without him knowing, something that makes him feels a bit off about everything.

He feels vulnerable out of blue.

Jongin leans closer on Sehun with a smug grin before suggests something that really unexpected for the latter, “If I can translate Korean in Japanese perfectly, take your clothes off.” Sehun stares him incredulously but he quickly adds, “I didn’t mean that way okay; underwear is off limit.”

Sehun throws Jongin a dirty look and begins to steps backward from him.

“Sehun.” Jongin sighs.

“Jongin, we are here for studying, not for stripping.” Sehun groans in disbelief. “Are you really that craving of my body? Oh my God I can’t believe I have fallen for someone like you who only chasing for my fragile body—”

Jongin looks so exasperated but he waves it off with sighs instead. “I don’t, okay? Stop being sassy like Luhan; you’re bad at being a drama queen.”

“Then what did you suggest that for?” It’s Sehun’s turn to be exasperated.

“Well, for fun?” Jongin deadpans when Sehun stared him in disgust. “Okay, sorry, I was kidding. I just tried to lighten up the mood—”

Sehun interrupts, “You won’t take any picture of me right?”

“—so you don’t have to take it seriously—eh, what? Sure, I won’t, why would I?” Jongin abruptly replied in confusion.

So this kind of thing has finally come huh. “Sure.” Sehun really sure that he can see a glimpse of disbelief on Jongin’s face but he frowns instead. “What, you changed your mind?”

“Are you really sure?” Jongin asks in rather disbelief than happy.

He nods. “But,” Sehun stares Jongin intently and continues, “Don’t do anything funny.” I’m not ready yet, he wanted to continue but he shoves it down on his throat since he is too embarrassed and not that he will tell Jongin that, not a chance.

Jongin nods, looks dumbfounded.

Sehun inhales a deep breath before begins to throws Jongin questions, “Okay, first question: what is ‘I am 20 years old’ in Japanese?”

“Um,” Jongin silences for a moment before answers, “Boku wa ni juu ichi-sai desu?”

“Wrong. That’s 21 years old.” Sehun sighs (rather in relief because he doesn’t have to strip right away) and continues, “Next, translate this into Korean: ‘Kimi, onaka hetta? Nani ga taberu?’”

Jongin slumps his head on the table, trying very hard to answers (Sehun can saw that in the way Jongin frowns so hard), before looks up to answers, “Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?”


The older male abruptly stares Sehun in disbelief (rather than happy which makes Sehun a bit annoyed since Jongin is so noncommittal right now) before speaks up, “You know, you don’t have to force yourself. I was really kidding before.”

Sehun shakes his head. “No, I’ve promised you.” His fingers begin to ing his shirt while he is holding himself to not feel embarrassed. “A man should keep his words.” He ing the last button before takes his shirt off and left a t-shirt on his body. “Okay, next, what kind of questions will you ask to a person when s/he looks struggled or needs a help?”

“Um, wait, wait, wait a minute.” Jongin looks up on ceiling like searching an answer behind the tiniest part of the ornament before not-so-confident answers Sehun with a murmur, “Nanika… tasuke ga hitsuyona nodeshou… ka?

Sehun nods and quickly takes his t-shirt without any warning before asks another question (which maybe it could be final for them because the next thing he should takes off is his pants), “Next—”

“I changed my mind; put your clothes on.”

“—this will be the last… pardon?” Sehun looks up and found Jongin is trying to avert his gazes away off his body. “But we’re not done yet—”

Jongin throws Sehun’s clothes on the latter while murmurs ‘just get dressed already’ before turn his body away with his back faces Sehun, with his noticeable red ears that could be seen although the older male doesn’t realize it.

Sehun chuckled. So someone named Kim Jongin who used to be kingka can feels embarrassed too, huh…

He put his clothes on with comments, “You do really love me.” before he chuckles softer when Jongin groans—or whines to be exact—and continuously chants shut up in reply.

After Sehun was fully clothed, he tugs on Jongin’s shoulder and the older male turns his back on him, the blushes has disappeared from his face (which is what a waste for Sehun since Jongin never be seen so shy for him).

Too bad…

“Anyway,” Jongin coughs a little before he continuously speaks, “When will we reserve the tickets?”

Sehun propped his chin on his backhands and replies, “Your thoughts?”

“I’d rather reserve it tomorrow since we don’t have enough time today; it’s already evening.” Jongin hums while he plays a pen on his hand. “How’s that sound?”

“Sure.” Sehun nods. “And talk about time, it’s already evening right?” He glances to the wall clock; it already is 7 pm. “You don’t wanna go home?”

“Are you kicking me out?” Jongin feigns to be surprised but Sehun doesn’t buy it that can be seen with his eyes rolls like please duh. “Well, I think I don’t.” Sehun plans to ask why but Jongin fishes his phone out of his pants pocket before he shows something on the monitor. “Your parents asked me to accompany you.”

Sehun frowns, “Since when you and my parents became this close?”

Jongin shrugs, but his face says otherwise. Liar.

Although Sehun looks like he doesn’t pay attention of everything, he knows it perfectly when it comes about human expression and how it changes depends on the situation, and he knows Jongin is hiding something from him right now.

But, well.

“Then you cook dinner for us tonight.” Sehun stares right on Jongin’s eyes, sharp, and points his index finger on him. “My house, my rules, my rights. Thou, my servant that under the holy control of my greatness, shall be cook for the greatest man in this kingdom like I told thou.

Jongin sighs and flicks Sehun’s forehead before comments, “You read too much Shakespeare.” and drags Sehun to downstairs.

“So,” Jongin hands Sehun a file when they has lunch on their usual café. “This place temporary will be our house in Japan for one week.”

Sehun’s hands stop slicing his chicken and put his knife on his plate before take a look on the file Jongin handed.

“Joonmyeon-hyung gave me this a while ago; oh, right, he gave me the key too.” Jongin shows the key off after he took it out of his pocket before return it again and continues, “He said that we’re allowed to use the ingredients in the fridge as long as we keep the place clean when we leave.”

He nods while his fingers are still flipping the files in front of him. “Okay, will do.” His eyes trailing on every detail that written on it and begins to spark before speaks, “Whoa, this place is really close to Shibuya!”

“It’s included on our planned destination.” Jongin smiles and sips his coffee—Americano, Sehun remember it by heart—while his left hand’s finger points to one of the details. “And it’s accessible because it’s close to train station.”

A smile begins to bloom on Sehun’s face but his eyes never leave the file. “As expected…” He continues to read it in excitement before looks up. “Anyway… Jongin?”

Jongin replies with a hum, but his eyes still on Sehun.

“Thank you.” Sehun smiles softly.

The older male’s eyes curved into a perfect crescent moon and grins, “My pleasure.” before he adds, “We’ve reserved the tickets anyway, so what do we need right now is pack our stuff and there, we can go to Japan like we have planned.”

Sehun grins and nods in approval, have no objection with it.

He would never doubt the way Jongin planned things; it always been perfectly planned and well-scheduled that sometimes makes Sehun wonder how did he manage something that far in such short time.

When he faces Jongin, he found the older male too grins and speaks, “I’m looking forward for it.” before says they should go home right now since it’s already evening.

He just smiles and silently murmurs “Me either.” to reply Jongin.

“Say, don’t you think it’s weird that you are always sleeping when I’m coming to pick you up?” Jongin suddenly speaks up when he is picking Sehun up on his house like usual and found Sehun was still in bed, warm and comfy under his thick blanket.

Sehun slightly take a peek under his blanket before comments, “But it’s cold.”

But we should go right now or we’ll be late.” Jongin sighs. “I’ll tell uncle to report that his son already dead because he prefers blanket over his trip with his boyfriend—”

He rolls his eyes and throws a pillow on Jongin, which the older male could resist it easily, before forces himself to wake up and stretch his hands to Jongin. “Pull me.” And I’ll lure you, interestingly.

The older male sighs, clearly refused. “I’m not gonna fall for it.”

A grunt comes out of Sehun’s lips before he kicks his blanket and heading towards the bathroom, ignoring Jongin who begins to take his luggage to downstairs, somewhat already used to Sehun’s lazy nature by heart.

It should be a touching action for Sehun but he is really annoyed right now—he doesn’t really like someone to disturb his beauty sleep, although the one who did it is his boyfriend.


“I hate you.” Sehun groans for one more time while dragging his feet to bathroom.

“Oh dear, I love you too.” Jongin sarcastically replies and throws a towel to Sehun, automatically turns his back when Sehun throws off death stares. “Hurry up, Baekhyun-hyung is already waiting for us downstairs.”


He hates morning and Jongin (yeah, Jongin, especially when he disturb his morning sleep).

After Sehun is finally done, Jongin greets Sehun’s parents and says goodbye to them; they replied with please take care of Sehun well, we know that he is such a lazybones—Sehun stares them rather fiercely—but we’ll leave him under your care. Be careful! and Jongin nods and politely smiles before they sent them to front, with Baekhyun greets Sehun’s parents politely like Sehun expected.

It feels like he is being sent for a military service.

They arrived on the airport after a half of an hour drive. They take care of everything like tickets, luggages, and such before they take off after waiting for an hour in the waiting room, flies to Japan or exactly to Haneda International Airport.

Sehun takes the one hour fly for sleep on Jongin’s shoulder although his head got smacked afterwards.

“Violence is prohibited, Sir.” Sehun smacks Jongin’s forehead in return.

Jongin rolls his eyes before grabs Sehun’s hand and bites his fingers, “I have to.”

Sehun groans and pulls his hand back before pinch Jongin’s cheek annoyedly.

The plane lands on Haneda International Airport right when they finally calms down and ended with both sighing of their idiocy.

A bunch of Japanese people greets their sights after the finally get their luggage for an hour of waiting and walks out of the airport. Sehun is excited; both of them are excited, when they finally achieved what they dreamed for almost eight months long.

It’s like a dream comes true to Sehun.

He pulls Jongin for a hug and chanting “We’re finally here!” in excitement, ignoring people’s confused stares that softly stabs them. “We’re here!”

A smile forms on Jongin’s face before the older male ruffles his hair and whispers, “I know you’re excited but,” Sehun looks down on Jongin in confusion (well, sorry to be taller). “We need to look for Joonmyeon-hyung’s apartment soon.”

Ah, right.

“And people staring us right now.” Sehun blinks. “Well, not that I mind though.”

He slowly realizes that he unconsciously hugs Jongin in crowds and slowly let go of his arms, awkwardly murmurs sorrys while Jongin just laugh it off and drags him to the nearest train station as Joonmyeon-hyung told them to.

But Sehun still can’t help but feels excited.

They arrived at Joonmyeon’s apartment after they took a train for around an hour.

The apartment takes place around Tokyo Tower, based on what Joonmyeon told Jongin and what did Sehun read back then. Sure, Sehun have seen what does the apartment through the files Jongin gave on the other day, but seeing it for real right now….

It’s kind of weird feeling he can’t describe well.

“Just how rich is Joonmyeon-hyung?” Sehun exclaimed when Jongin finally unlocks the apartment and his eyes meet the inside of it for the first time. Damn, he thought, even the mat looks pricey.

Jongin shrugs and responds, “His father is a professor after all.” before both of them enters the apartment.

That makes sense though.

Sehun surely is in awe when they entered the living room. The furniture perfectly contrasted with the wallpaper and the arrangement is just, to put it in Sehun’s vocabulary bank, is beyond than gorgeous; the wooden floor that brings impression really Japanese yet combined with white sofas and another modern furniture that blends well in his eyes.

Joonmyeon’s dad sure has spent a lot of money to buy this apartment in the past (and anyway his taste is pretty good).

They bring their luggage and stops in front of a room before Jongin asks, “This apartment has three empty rooms, so do you want to have a room for yourself or do you want to be on the same room with me?”

“Either’s fine.” Sehun’s eyes still wandering around on the apartment. “It’s not like we never slept together though.” His eyes finally lands on Jongin before a frown formed on his face. “What, something wrong?”

The older male stares Sehun before sighs, “Then we’ll be on the same room.” and enters the room that in front of them right now, ignoring Sehun’s question.

Sehun tilt his head in confusion but he keeps tailing Jongin until the older male places their luggage and throws himself on the bed. Sehun silences for a moment before he asks to confirm his doubt, “Yah, what’s with you?”

“I’m fine by heart and mind.” Jongin buries his head on the pillow before he waves his hand, signals Sehun to join him. “C’mere.”

He has no choice but obey although the frown on his face won’t come off.

Sehun slumps his body beside Jongin before his pale bony fingers softly ruffles the older male’s hair and asks again, “You angry?”

Jongin lift his head a little with his eyes slightly peeks at Sehun, somewhat annoyed but he just sighs. “At least be more excited when you heard we’ll be in one room.”

A “yaaay” comes out of Sehun’s lips with his eyes sparkle and his hands waves in the air before speaks, “Like this?”

Jongin replies Sehun with covering the younger male’s face with his large hand in annoyance. “You little rascal—”

“What the hell?! I did as you told and this is what you give me?” Sehun exclaimed in disbelief before shoves Jongin’s hand off his face and pulls Jongin’s cheeks in reflex.

“You did it so insincerely!” Jongin huffs and shoves Sehun’s hand off his face before he hold the younger male’s jaw and leans closer to Sehun, “You should be reacting like this.” and plants a kiss on Sehun’s forehead.

Sehun rolls his eyes and hold Jongin’s jaw and quickly plant a kiss on the older male’s lips before let go of his arms and stares with a smirk paints on his face, “Or do you prefer that?”

“Riiiiight, I really like that too,” Jongin hums while slightly nods his head several times before speaks while ruffles Sehun’s hair, “But I like it better if you often do something like that too from now on.”

Sehun chuckles, “Maybe I’ll think about it.” He pats Jongin’s cheeks before gets up and asks, “Since it is still noon, wanna go somewhere?”

“We still have a week left, so no need to rush.” Jongin tugs on Sehun’s hem of sweater and murmurs. “Just, lie down and have a nice nap with me. I’m tired.”

The younger male ruffles Jongin’s hair and replies, “How much do you want me to have a nap with you?”

Really much that I’m so sleepy but I need someone to be hugged and the one that I want the most is someone named Oh Sehun who is in relationship with me almost one year long.” Jongin yawns before finally trails his hand on Sehun's left shoulder and push Sehun down to bed and put his arms around his waist, comfortably using Sehun as pillow and finally closes his eyes.

Sehun sighs.

He already used to it because Jongin always do something like that when they are sleeping together; no matter what he did for get off him, in the morning he’ll be stuck on Jongin in the same position over and over again.

But well.

That’s just the way they are.

okay, the places setting here actually aren't accurate but please slide those off for story's sake, pretty please? /puppy eyes/

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Kimjonghun #1
Chapter 2: I love ittt >…<
nusma90 #2
i like ur story hun
2015. I was only 20 and now I am 23. auchh
CuTAEpie #4
You ddnt come back for this fiiic ;;
Chapter 1: I need your update ㅠㅠ
JanetR #6
Chapter 1: this is so cuteeee
Chapter 1: *Q* awww they are so kawaii
Chapter 1: Cute! Too bad it's going to be ruined by a random girl! Anyways, see you next time!
Chapter 1: Yeay~ finally..
Eumm.. did you use google translate for the Japanese part?
Thank you and keep going..~^^