
Pretty Boys Café
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Hansol's POV

My father is displeased with my grades in school and decided that I need "punishment." I snorted and rolled my eyes as I walked around the sheets. I was planning to just go to my friend's house every day and pretend that I was going to work, but my father figured out my plan.

So here he is, with me, searching for a job. My eyes squinted as I walked closer to a new cafe. They have a board outside their cafe with their menus and a word saying hiring.

I frowned and pointed across the street. "Let's go across," I said and I can see my father frown back.


"There're no jobs over there," I said quickly, hoping that he didn't see the cafe's sign. But of course, with my luck, he saw it.

"Hansol, there's a cafe over there that is hiring. You'll have to deal with it for the rest of the summer okay? Besides, it's hot and I don't want to walk around with you anymore."

I groaned in frustration. "I can walk around by myself."

"I don't trust you," He said and walked toward the cafe with my dragging my feet behind him. 

Sooner or later, we arrived in front of the cafe and I let out a sigh as my father opened the door to the cafe. I entered with him and I noticed it was a nice and quiet cafe. Probably because it is still new. 

"Come, Hansol," My father told me as he dragged me over to the cash register.

I took glances at the workers and saw a pink-haired guy making coffee. The guy looked back at me and I looked away, whistling. I stood behind my father as he was talking to a lady with long hair. 

"Hansol, say hello," my father says as he grabs my shoulder and forces me in front of him. I met eyes with the lady and bowed slightly. 

"Hello Hansol. Nice to meet you," the lady says as she.. Wait, he, flashed me a warm smile. 

"Please sign these papers for me. I'll have one of my workers help me out," He said while handing me an application form and a pen. I took hold of it and sat down on one of the chairs and began to answer the questions.


Jeonghan said we need new workers—at least one—he told me over the phone one night. So, he left me to job to train the newcomer and to pick them too. I sighed a bit and leaned against the wall in my bedroom.

"This is gonna be hard.." I mumbled as I flipped through the applications for the job.

I stopped suddenly in front of an applicant. "Chwe Hansol.." I read out loud and read through his application. "Interesting name."

"So he's my age.." I said out loud again after I've read through his full applications. He has a pretty messy handwriting too, I thought to myself and sighed.

I continued with the applications but it I couldn't forget that one application. I sighed and looked u

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Oh my lord- I just logged back in and realized that I have this incomplete story laying around haha
would any of you guys like me to finish it in the end chapter and end it once and for all? Please comment and let me know your opinions!~


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Yeol177 #1
Chapter 11: I don't have a good feeling about hansol female friend at all poor Mingyu don't worry of she can't love you I will... Woohoo Joshua showed up...we just need diva Boo, papa S.Coups,wonwoo, Jun, Minghao, Hosh,and DK
ichigoYuu #2
Chapter 10: I enjoyed it! A lil puppy with pink boots? how cute~
Poor Mingyu tho :Y second lead sindrome....
DidiBlackheart #3
I reallyy like the title! i'm kinda curious so... i really can't wait to read it ^_^
Seventeen_Minghao #4
Chapter 9: Dangittttt cliffhangerrrrsssss TT-TT Please update faster cause i really like this fic and its killing me to get small updatesss please do a long one pleaseeeeeeeee
ChoSaku_ #5
ichigoYuu #6
Chapter 9: Josh is in da houseeeee (well u know, school. But on the house sounds better lol)
Dangerous church oppa has appeared!! Will Mango-...Mingyu save the day?
ichigoYuu #7
Chapter 8: Indeed! They are sooo adorable~
Waving to each other until being out of sight ains
Jasinda98 #8
Chapter 8: Seeing stars made measy feel all fuzzy!
ChoSaku_ #9
Chapter 7: Woozi don't have to do aegyo at all, firrst he doen't like them, second he's already cute AF <3
ChoSaku_ #10
Chapter 5: You're AN is a little too late, I'm already dead from fangirling from the beginning of the story lolxD