Chapter 11

Can I trust You with My Heart?

What the is he doing here?

    Although Baekhyun’s heart threatened to leap out of his chest and he was struck with bolts of terror, he willed his exterior to appear calm, and even a bit bored. Oh how hard that is when your biggest nightmare is right there, in front of you.

    “Children, you should feel lucky that Mr. Byun is here,” Mrs. Woo chirped.

Haha, hell no

     “Because of his busy schedule and sudden request to visit, he was only able to come and join our class, thanks to our class being the only one who had no tests or finals, he was able to speak with us! Isn’t that great!”

      Does fate hate him that much?

Baekhyun would’ve laughed at his own idiotic question if he wasn’t in the middle of class, wasn’t the answer already obvious?

    “Hahaha, oh Mrs. Woo, it’s not that thrilling, I’m quite flattered by your words.” Mr. Byun flashes the teacher a brilliant smile, making the teacher blush despite having a husband already, but to Baekhyun it resembled a demon baring its fangs. To everyone the man’s voice sounded as smooth and calm as water, but in Baekhyun’s ears, all he could remember was the devil’s whispers of: “You worthless piece of , you should’ve been the one to die.”

    It took all of his willpower to not bolt out of that suffocating room and keep running, and running until he was miles away from the home he considered hell.

   But for some reason, other than his will, something was stopping him, someone…

That’s when an image of a person came into his mind. Those big eyes filled with concern, that deep voice that would ask him if he was ok, a hand out stretched towards him, offering to help him up. The image in his mind seemed so realistic he was tempted to fit his hand inside the taller male’s hand.

     Baekhyun snapped himself back into reality.  Why the hell was he thinking about him? But what confused Baekhyun most was not the fact that he was thinking of Chanyeol (although that’s a bit strange) or the fact that the random vision Baekhyun had seemed so realistic (although that’s a bit ed up) but it was how he felt like he wanted to take Chanyeol’s hand, without even the slightest feeling of hesitation. Why?

   Was it possible that, Baekhyun was beginning to trust Chanyeol?

Baekhyun mentally slapped himself. No! He can’t start trusting people.

  Because the only person he can trust is himself- no not even himself. Baekhyun bit his lower lips. How could he? After the monstrous thing he had done.

    Even though it was years ago, the memory was cut clean into his mind, the day of his mother’s death.




    Baekhyun smiled as he looked out of the window, the sun was shining brightly.

‘Mom, is it alright if I call Kris and go hang out outside?’ Baekhyun asked cheerfully, already knowing what his mother’s answer was going to be.

   ‘Of course Honey,’ His mother smiled, her eyes twinkling, ‘But only if I can come with you.”

   Baekhyun grinned, he loved his mother unconditionally, and so this request was something he didn’t mind at all.

   “Sure, mom! I’m going to call Kris now.” Baekhyun rushed off to the kitchen to where the phone lay. Baekhyun’s mother smiled as she saw her son bounce off happily. Baekhyun may not know it but he was pretty much her savior, her angel; when she felt depressed at home because her husband was so busy at work, and the big house made her feel even emptier, but Baekhyun was always by her side, smiling and that smile was so infectious, she always smiled along with him.

   That smile, which brought her so much happiness, who knew that would be that last time she would ever see it?


    They had walked to the park, at first they were just laying on the soft grass, the two mothers talking with each other, and Baekhyun singing softly while Kris looked up at the blue sky. Kris grinned as he tossed up a ball. ‘Hey Baek, let’s go play soccer!’

   Baekhyun grinned back. ‘You’re on Kris. I’m totally gonna beat you!’


Mrs. Byun smiled as she watched the rowdy boys start their game of soccer. ‘My my, isn’t it lovely to see our boys have so much fun together?’

  Mrs. Wu just shrugged. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, but my son can get a bit too rowdy.’ Mrs. Byun giggled and playfully pushed the other woman. ‘Oh you know you love it.’ Mrs. Wu put up her hands teasingly. ‘Oh oh, you caught me! I love my overly rowdy, bad attitude, annoying boy who has the hots for some kid names Tao.’

  ‘Haha…wait what?’ Mrs. Byun gave Mrs. Wu a strange look upon hearing Kris’s apparent crush. But smiled when she saw her friend’s smile indicating that she was joking…maybe. Comfortable silence was shared between them, until Mrs. Wu broke the silence.

   ‘So, have you and your husband been able to spend time with each other?’ Mrs. Wu asked cautiously. Mrs. Byun shook her head, smiling a bit sadly. ‘No, he’s always to busy and only comes home late, but we always talk when we can, and I can always tell he still loves me very much and I feel the same, so it’s all good.’ Mrs. Byun’s eyes twinkled. ‘Plus my little angel, Baekkie is always there for me so there’s no reason for me to feel sad.’

  Mrs. Wu smiled. ‘That’s good.’ Mrs. Byun nodded in agreement. ‘Yes it is.’

Suddenly Mrs. Byun eyes widened in horror as a scene just screaming impending doom, unfolded right in front of her eyes.



While Baekhyun and Kris were playing a competitive game, Kris had kicked the ball astray, and it rolled straight into the street.

  ‘I’ll get it!’ Baekhyun announced, seeing that the street was much closer to him. So he leaped on to the paved concrete unaware of a moving vehicle slowly coming clearer into view. Smiling, Baekhyun picked up the patterned ball. He was about to run back to Kris when a sound pierced through his ears.

   Confused, he looked up to see a red car coming straight at him. The street went downhill, and the driver couldn’t seem to get the breaks working. Baekhyun was frozen in place, he couldn’t move even as the car was coming closer, even as the driver was honking his horn hysterically, Baekhyun just couldn’t make his legs work. He remembered how he would laugh at people on variety saying how unrealistic it was for someone to be stuck in place when a car or train was coming straight for him. But now experiencing it first hand, it wasn’t as unrealistic as he thought.

   Was this where he would die? He closed his eyes waiting for the burst of pain yet to come, but all that happened was a shove and his shoulder hitting the pavement. He heard Mrs. Wu’s screams of terror. Baekhyun opened his eyes, only to see red. Dark red that littered the pavement, and all that came from a broken and crumpled figure.


The rest of the day felt like a dream, the baring sirens of the ambulances, people in white clothes asking him if he was all right. But all Baekhyun could think of was his mother. Why weren’t they helping his mother, who was most likely dying cold and alone.

   Next all he remembered was the singular wave on the heart monitor become a straight line, the usual beeping just becoming a never ending hum. His father was beside his mother’s deathbed. His father was sobbing so hard; his handsome features were now twisted with pain and despair.

   They went home in silence, and when they did, his father went up to Baekhyun’s room and snapped. He got violent and that scared Baekhyun. He screamed for his father to stop, but his words were drowned out by the anger, which flooded his father’s eyes.

   ‘You killed her! If it weren’t for you then she would still be here! You were just a mistake, I knew it was the wrong time for a child; you ruined everything! I wish you never born!’ Words filled with anger, bitterness, despair, cut through Baekhyun, even with the pain coursing through his body, he assumed his parents must’ve gone through worse, how tired they would look but still try to make Baekhyun happy, how selfish he was.

    He out with the image of his mother’s crumpled figure on the ground.


After that he needed help, he needed someone to talk to, so the first person he went to was his friend Kris. But every time he would try going up to Kris, but people, Baekhyun never met, would always surround the male he didn’t know. He ignored Baekhyun, for a reason unknown. But it made Baekhyun feel more desperate, more alone. And the abuse became more consistent, then daily.

   It wasn’t long after when Baekhyun’s emotions broke, his trust for other faded away after his so called friend had moved on from him, and Baekhyun became more alone than ever. But that was just a small price to pay for the sinful thing he had done.




    Baekhyun snapped back to reality when something cold and wet trickled down his cheeks.

    It was tears. Tears were trailing down his face. Annoyed Baekhyun wiped away his darkened tears before it stained his cheeks a musky black color. But thankfully no one seemed to notice because they were all absorbed in Mr. Byun’s speech about taking the definition of fashion to a whole new level, whatever that meant.

   Baekhyun was never the type to cry, even as a child before his hell began, he rarely cried. But after his father turned into something even worse than the devil himself and put Baekhyun through his eternal torture, all of tears seemed to have vanished. All his emotions were wiped seemed to have been replaced with just emptiness and darkness.

   But now it seemed as if some of that darkness was being blown away and was being replaced by the feelings that Baekhyun had thought was gone forever, his shattered emotions were miraculously being but back together, piece by piece.

   Then a thought hit him. He realized that this sudden change had occurred after he had met…Chanyeol that day.

   On instinct Baekhyun turned his head to face where Chanyeol was seated, just a few rows ahead of him. Baekhyun was expecting to be met with the back of Chanyeol’s fluffy head, but he was instead met with, those round sparkly eyes, as if he was expecting Baekhyun’s gaze. Baekhyun felt his heart speed up when they looked eyes.

  What a foreign feeling. This was not the fast pace which resulted from fear, or fatigue from working out, so what was it? Why did it make him feel so…alive?

   He felt confused, even nervous. Was this a change in him? Was it good or was it bad? It confused him.

   What are you doing to me Park Chanyeol?


Mr. Byun…Mr.Byun…Byun. Chanyeol felt his fist clench. This had to be Baekhyun’s father. There was no mistaking it, their last names being the same, similar facial features. This was the guy that keeps hurting Baekhyun.  This was the guy Baekhyun mentioned this morning.

   But it struck Chanyeol as strange how no one was even having any suspicions about how this man and an unpopular student have the same surname. In fact Chanyeol didn’t even notice until this man was right in front of him. And his name was announced to the world several dozen times.

   Baekhyun just never struck him as the son of a wealthy CEO, but then again normal children of CEO’s don’t get abused. Then Chanyeol remembered the wounds on Baekhyun’s body, and the fear on his face. Anger flooded Chanyeol’s mind once again.

   He turned his head so that he could look at Baekhyun. And he was met with Baekhyun’s eyes. But he noticed a small difference. The sparkle, that Chanyeol loves to see, had grown a bit bigger; it was more visible than before, and it made Chanyeol’s heart flutter with joy. But there still more to be broken down, that sparkle could be so much more. And he was determined to break down the wall that hid it.


  After that period had ended Chanyeol was determined to go up to Baekhyun and demand to tell him everything. But when he turned, he found that Baekhyun was no longer there. Chanyeol began to panic, what if he was with his dad?

   ! He needed to find him now! Chanyeol practically flew out of the classroom, ignoring the calls from his friend.

    Even though it was possible that Baekhyun had already gone to his next class, but Chanyeol didn’t want to take any chances.

  As the hallways grew emptier, Chanyeol had assumed that Baekhyun had already gone to his next period, until he heard soft whimpers just ahead of him. Panicking once again, he turned the corner to see Baekhyun with his knees to his chest, and face buried in between them, blocking himself out from the rest of the world.

   “Baekhyun.” Chanyeol whispered, as if he would scare the smaller boy away. Baekhyun looked up, fear plastered over his face, but softened a bit when he saw it was Chanyeol.

    Chanyeol kneeled down in front of Baekhyun and hesitantly touched Baekhyun’s face where a bruise was forming. Baekhyun flinched at the sudden touch.

    “What happened?” Chanyeol asked. But Baekhyun only shook his head as if he was too scared to say anything. “Was it your dad? Did he do this to you?” Even though the smaller male didn’t say anything, the look in his eyes gave away everything.

   “That bastard! I’m going to beat the out of him!’’ Chanyeol was about to get up and charge like a raging bull, but was stopped when trembling fingers wrapped itself around his wrist.

   “No, please Chanyeol don’t. You’ll only make it worse.” Baekhyun’s voice was so quiet. Chanyeol stopped getting up but it didn’t stop the anger flowing through his veins. “But, he’s just going to hurt you more! I can’t stand to see you get hurt and I’m just sitting here doing nothing!”

   “Then how else am I going to receive punishment for what I’ve done?” Baekhyun asked, sounding desperate.


“I-I killed her. I killed my own mother.” Baekhyun’s voice trembled, as he began telling Chanyeol everything. “I did something horrible and she’s never going to forgive me.” Tears began flowing down Baekhyun’s face as he broke down. “It should have been me that died. Not her, but because of me she’s gone and I…I…” Baekhyun sobbed. His mask of emotionlessness just broke as he just poured everything out.

   He had expected for Chanyeol to think of him as a horrible person, and to just leave him in tears, alone in the hallway. But instead he found himself with lanky arms wrapped around him in a warm embrace.

   “Baekhyun, don’t say that, don’t say that you’re a horrible person or it was your fault, because if you’re so conflicted by this then it must’ve happened not because you wanted it, but because of a decision she made. And I’m sure by now she must’ve forgiven you by now.” Chanyeol Baekhyun’s soft locks in an affectionate way. “So don’t say that you deserve this, or you’ll just give your mother even more pain.”

    “How can you say all that so easily? You don’t know me.”

“I do know you. You’re Byun Baekhyun, someone who has been living in the past for a long time, with regret and loneliness gnawing away at him. You are someone who feels you deserve pain and punishment, when people just want you to see the light and experience happiness, someone who needs love, even when you don’t think you do. You’ve been living behind a mask, blocking everyone out, so no one else or yourself gets hurt. Someone who can’t bear to trust anyone.”

   Baekhyun’s eyes widened. And Chanyeol looked Baekhyun straight in the eyes. The walls were crumbling; he could see that.

   “But Baekhyun, you can trust me. I promise, you can trust me with all your heart. And I promise I won’t let anything hurt you.”


    Baekhyun couldn’t help but believe in those words. He fell onto Chanyeol’s sturdy chest, and cried. He let loose all of the emotions he’d kept bottled up over the years, and he couldn’t even believe how much he had kept inside.

   And Chanyeol had stayed right by his side, letting Baekhyun tears soak his shirt. the smaller’s soft locks.

  Baekhyun hadn’t realized how much he had changed, until that moment. And at that moment all the darkness, regret and guilt that had drowned him the past few years, had been replaced with a new light.

   A light which had been ignited by Park Chanyeol.



Author-nim deeply apologizes, for the late and not very good chapter. Ahhh~ I feel so bad ;A;

Also I'm 95% sure that the next chapter will be the last one, just a heads up :)

Again I'm sorry for this chapter, I decided to use the flashback technique, but it wasn't very good *creys*

(This chappie is nerve wracking!)

Anyway thanks for reading, please subsribe and comment (lovvveee comments~) if you're enjoying.

I'm happy that people enjoy this story even though I am such a rookie :P so very happy. 

Plus merry christmas guys! Hope you guys have a good one! I was planning to make a one shot but I never finished, so I'll just continue and hopefully post it tomorrow~


(have you guys seen my tumblr yet? I make random blogs on Chanbaek~ please check it out here! ====> ;3 )

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My cover seems to have dies XD sorry guys for a coverless story T^T


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Chapter 12: Please.. Please.. Update, this is so good. I hope that Chanyeol will help him. And Mr Byun is so evil. Really really a bad person. I hate him. It's 2019 already. Please update auhornim.. I really love thia fic.. So much love for u authornim.. FIGHTING.
Chapter 12: Update please this is so beautiful
Chapter 12: Please update
ssneul #4
Wow ive been waiting for an update since 2015 lol ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
BOI u be leaving ur fans hanging! As ur editor I am ashamed! Lol!
marieexoluv13 #6
Chapter 12: OMG update plzzzzzzz. I needs to know!
thelovelylam #7
Chapter 12: I have enjoyed reading this!
Likkkkeeeee ittt
Sooshi_luvs #9
Chapter 12: oh em geeeeeeee this fic is greattttt also, I cant believe that the next chapter might be the last one. you should continue it with their relationship and stuff... and then baek gets kidnapped or something and.... sorry lol
LuCandy #10
Chapter 12: Next chapter is the last one??
I Was thought this just the beginning o.o
Mmmmm .. :D