
First Frost


 A young man in a black suit walked silently across the streets, no one seemed to take any notice of him. Though if they had, the would've been surprised by the sight of his pale skin with traces of blue on his cheeks and nose. As well as the snowy hair with frosted tips and the striking eyes. A slight breeze rustled through the man's hair and a small smile played across his lips, the chill sending a delightful shiver down his spine. He stopped at a nearby coffee shop and watched his own reflection in the window, piercing blue eyes staring back at him.

A group of children ran past, brushing against him carelessly. As if he wasn’t even there. He sighed and gently touched a finger against the windowpane. A white crystallized substance began to form under the touch of his fingertip as he removed his hand, continuing his walk down the street. Before he had even turned the nearby corner, the entire window was frozen over.

The first frost of the season had begun.


A little boy and his friends slid down the icy streets rather carelessly, slipping and glidding as they went. One of them fell backwards and landed on his bottom, laughing at himself as the other two tried to pull him to his feet again. The youngest of the three friends brushed past a strange man as they ran down the streets excited by the first signs of winter. He looked back at the man as he stared into a cafe, finger pressed against the window. He thought the man to be very curious, but was quickly thrown from his thoughts when he slipped on a patch of ice, laughing as he caught his balance by grabbing onto another friend.

The trio parted ways as they came to a dirt road. The youngest of them waved goodbye and turned up the steet, running the familiar path towards his home. On his way, he slowed, tired from trying to carry himself all the way to the house by sprinting. He kicked a pebble for entertainment when he noticed it. The gleam of the pond shining almost directly into his eyes and inviting him to take a look. The boy all but ran towards the edge, letting out a giggle at the sight. The sun's slight rays reflected off of it's glassy surface, water frozen over.

The boy took one hesitant step, exclaiming in glee, "It's frozen over!"


The man leaned back against a tree, most of it’s leaves gone by now from the autumn. He looked up between the branches and watched the sun hiding behind the grey clouds. He let out a breath and watched it take form in the crisp air, a puff of white vapor dancing away. He smiled at the sight and gently drummed his fingers over the roots of the tree. The frost from his fingertips slowly crept up the tree, spreading a cool iciness over the remaining leaves.

A slight glimmer in the distance caught the man’s eye and he couldn’t help the gummy grin from spreading on his face. It was a pond, catching the light of the sun across it’s surface. He stood on his feet and began his walk towards the the water, all too tempted by the creating the perfect, glassy surface. There lay an icy trail in the wake of each excited step he took.

He leaned over and looked at his reflection in the pale waters, a small ripple caused by the chilly wind that took him by surprise. He reached down with a gently hand and let the water slip through his fingers. He took contentment from the cold touch. As he took his hand from the pond, the water on the top began to freeze over with a beautiful white ice, swirling around the edges and slowly whirling towards the middle.

The man past cold fingers through his snowy hair, pleased with the sight. It was just as beautiful as he’d pictured it in his mind. He turned his back on the pond when he heard it. The sound of sweet laughter belonging to that of a young child. The giggle was like a melody in his ears, a familiar one.

The sound of the small voice’s excited yelling, “It’s frozen over!” brought joy to the man’s heart.

However, the giggling ended abruptly after the sound of a crack. The laughter replaced with a sharp intake of breath and a panicked cry as the ice beneath the small boy began to break under his weight. The ice was too thin, it hadn’t had the time to form entirely yet.

The man in the suit turned quickly and saw a young boy struggling to keep himself balanced on the ice. He was so small and defenseless against the harshness of the cold. If he fell in, surely he would die of hypothermia. He bit his lip and looked away, he wasn’t supposed to get involved with the humans.

There was a loud crack.

Then a shrill scream.

And finally a strong splash.

The man fisted his hands into the hem of his jacket. He would not involve himself in the affairs of a mere mortal. ‘Stupid human boy’ he thought to himself.


The boy coughed hard and coughed again until water forced its way out of his lungs. He wheezed, taking in a deep breath and blinked into the dim light of the white sky. There was a force on his chest, cold hands pushing against him. He turned his eyes and stared into bright blue ones, a smile spreading across his lips in his daze.

“Mister, you have blue eyes.” he spoke hoarsely.

The man was taken aback, “You can see me?”

The boy nodded and then shivered, “I’m cold.”

The man removed his hands quickly from the boy’s chest, “You should go home and warm up.”

“Did you save me, mister?”

The man sighed, “You’ll die if you stay out here soaking wet like this.”

“What about you?” the boy asked sitting up and brushing his fingers over the man’s cheek, the man stilled under the touch of gentle fingers, “You’re cold too.”

“Don’t worry about me.” the man said gruffly and stood up, water rolling off his body in half-froze drops.

The boy pouted, “Where are you going, mister?”

“I have work to do.”

“Will I see you again?”

The man looked down at the boy who looked back with wide eyes. He pat the boy’s head, “Maybe next year, kid.”

“Jongdae!” the boy exclaimed, “My name is Kim Jongdae. What’s yours?”


First update! Very short, I do apologize for that. However, I'm just testing the waters on this AU so please try to bear with me ^^; 

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Chapter 4: So cute! I love it
TalosBlade #2
Chapter 4: This is the cutest! I love the frost
Katira_Elise08 #3
Chapter 4: Awww that was honestly so beautiful
Yaone_L #4
Chapter 4: This story has a soft touch to it. Just like winter.
Chapter 4: Wow, love how the circle closes and they can put the past behind and yeah I'm a sap for happy endings and baby panda ^^
Chapter 4: Holy moly, this story was so fantastic. I'm a er for fairytales and you managed to write one efortlessly, and with happy-ending too. It brought me happiness reading it, so thank you. And I will definitely check out your other stories