Chapter 5


I tried to scoot as far as I could from the continuously shouting best friend of mine as her ‘Woo Hoos’ and ‘Best Night Ever’ shouts caused the people to look in our direction as if we were crazy. Well I couldn’t deny that I felt the same way about Summer then and was beginning to regret my proposal of hitting the club. I was on my 1st glass of vodka while Summer had already gulped down 4 shots and was nowhere near quitting.

“Hey, Get down the table Mer”  I  tried to pull her down but failed as she jerked off my grip from her hand and went far away to continue her dance.

This was the first time I went to a club with Summer and it was far from being a good experience so far. All I wanted to do at that moment was head home and give that girl a piece of my mind. She was behaving like a teenager all of a sudden and that didn’t fit right with her. Who am I kidding; it fitted exactly right with her. The ever so chirpy and quirky friend of mine had no idea what she was doing neither did she feel the weird looks that a few guys were giving her.  I successfully pulled her down when I saw two guys approaching the place we were sat and grabbed her hand against her protests and led her to the washroom. The guys left as soon as we disappeared into the crowd and I mentally thanked my fate for letting us out of an unwanted encounter with strangers.

An hour later and I was still there in the club but now with a sulking Summer. So, I jerked my head towards the dance floor and asked her if she wanted to join me.

“You don’t dance” She said with a surprised tone

“I can make an exception tonight” I said and headed towards the dance floor.

After what felt like an hour we were sitting at a couch nearby and were laughing hard.

“I told you dancing is not what you should do” she laughed harder and I had to admit that she was right. It was definitely not my thing.

It was only when 3 other girls joined us had I realized that Summer had already started to befriend strangers and I had to spend the rest of our time in the club with them as well. The girls were sweet and I don’t blame them for the foul mood that started to replace my happy mood. Summer should have known better that I didn’t like talking to unknown people at all. I was stuck with them and couldn’t leave Mer with those girls alone.

“Hey! Let’s play truth or dare” the curly haired girl suddenly said.  I didn’t even bother to memorize their name.

They were all shouting and clapping at the suggestion made by that curly haired girl and how I wished to run away from that place.

“Why don’t you go first? You don’t mind, do you?” The girl with the pink dress looked at me and asked.

Summer looked at me with a smirk and I mentally thought of ways by which I could murder her right there. I turned towards the pink dressed girl and nodded my head indicating that I didn’t mind at all.

“Truth or Dare” Summer asked me and I could see the glint of mischief in her eyes. I was stuck. Totally stuck. A truth was something I would never choose, at least not in front of strangers.

“Dare” I said and Summer let out a chuckle to the already assumed answer.

“Ookaayy! SOoo.. I dare you to go to the dance floor and do a chicken dance” The curly haired girl said and laughed who was soon joined by the others.

I felt the blood leave my face. That was a ridiculous dare but I had to do it. I couldn’t take the punishment which was to drink 4 glasses of tequila not because I had to take my drunken friend home.

I took a deep breath and got up to complete the dare. I reached the dance floor and could feel the eyes of the girls on me. I had no choice so I closed my eyes and danced the chicken dance. I heard a few people laugh around me and I had never felt that embarrassed. I headed towards our table with my head hung low to avoid the gaze of the people around me. As I reached the table i saw he girls rolling with laughter. Giving, what i felt like, a death glare to Mer I sat down on my sit and took a sip of my drink.

“Summer had already chosen dare” The brunette said and smiled naughtly “So, I dare you to Kiss a guy on the lips for 2 minutes but, you cannot tell him about the dare.”

I watched with an open mouth as Summer readily agreed to the challenge and got up to find her prey. She walked passed a few boys but suddenly stopped and headed towards a group of guys. She placed a hand on the shoulder of the boy with a weird hairstyle whose back was faced towards us and whispered something in his ears. The boy got up from his seat to leave but she grabbed his wrist and smashed her lips on his. The boy struggled to free himself but slowly gave in and placed his hands on her hips. After what i thought was 2 minute i walked passed the people and stood behind the guy, facing towards Mer.

“I think its enough Mer” I said with gritted teeth and she snapped out of the daze of kissing a guy and looked me straight in the eye.  I couldn’t suppress my anger because of  the way she so willingly agreed to kiss a complete stranger.

“Lets’ go”

She nodded her head and turned her gaze towards the guy silently asking him to move his hand from her hip. The guy murmured a sorry and removed his hands.

“You are so dead when we reach the room” I said without hiding my anger and she looked down.

The guy turned to look at me and I felt my whole body go numb as everything around me began to fade away except for that one person, whom I wanted to forget for all these years, but who now stood in front of me with his eyes opened wide with surprise.




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ashtami01 #1
I am glad you liked it.. :)
militaryBrat #2
Chapter 1: One word. BEAUTIFUL!!