a secret is revealed


                                                                                            Reader's POV

you are behaving as if you are in love”  He said holding his stomach, unable to control his laughter.

I swallowed a lump that had formed in my throat. “No. I am not.”, I said as I looked down to stare at my cold hands. I could feel the throbbing of my heart and tried my best to keep myself composed. I knew I couldn’t lie to him for a long time. Somehow, I managed to convince myself that it was not the right time to let him know anything.

“its getting late” he said looking me in the eye. “ you should sleep”

Scared that he might find out that there is something wrong with me,  Istood up almost immediately and went back to my room.  I entered my room and locked the door behind me, giving out a sigh of relief as ii sat on my bed and clenched at my fiercely beating heart.

“coward!” I snapped at myself, “ you need to tell him that you love him.”

“ You need to tell him that you love him” I repeated the words to myself as I felt my heart thud in my ears deafening my auditory power.

I fell flat on my back, hitting the soft mattress of my bed. I switched off the lights and  put on my headphone. I  played my favourite song as I closed my eyes and gave in to the darkness around me.



                                                                                                HIS POV

“ you are behaving as if you are in love” I said to her as I tried to act like I was genuinely laughing.

She said that she was not but I could tell that she was lying.  I asked her to go to sleep as it was getting late and she easily obliged which was unusual. i could feel my world shatter around me. She left me behind and rushed to her room and I felt a teardrop roll down my cheek.

“you are acting lame” I said to myself angrily as I unsuccessfully tried to hold back my tears. I rubbed my eyes vigorously and looked up.

“ She is in love” I said to myself and felt a knot form in  my heart as more tears rolled down. “ I wish I could tell you that I love you.”

I wiped my tear stained cheek with the back of my hand and got up, I halted as I reached her room and leaned on it with closed eyes. I gave out a low sigh and continued to walk towards my room. I locked the door behind me and sat down on the floor and rested the back of my head on the door.

“ I love you”  I said under my breath and closed my eyes.



                                                                               Reader's POV

I woke up to the sound of loud music and I knew what that meant. I got up lazily and walked towards His room.  he wore a black tank top and grey trousers and was rehearsing his dance routine. I saw sweat roll down his neck to the already wet tank top and my breath hitched. I looked down to stare at my feet and bit the inside of my cheek as I controlled myself from running to him and hold him in my arms. I saw him smile at me and I realised that he is all that matters.  Just like his name, he was the sun. My Sun. I smiled back andsat down on the floor as I watched him practice.i wrapped my arms around my knee and rested my chin above it. I scrolled down the list of music he prepared for the routine and smiled when I saw my favourite song pop up. I clicked on to that song and saw him frown as he turned to look at me.

“ not again” he whined and I flashed a broad smile.

“you know how much I love to see you dance to this song” I said and he rolled his eyes.

I was not lying. This was the song he was dancing to when I first met him and it has been my favourite song ever since even though I had convinced him that it was a song that I loved even before I met him.

He turned his back towards me and started dancing to the song as yet again I fought the urge to hug him tight.


                                                                                            HIS POV

I tried to sleep but my heart ached so much that I couldn’t even close my eyes.  I twisted and my bed till 5 in the morning after which I decided to get up and calm my heart. I went to the stereo and played a dance track. I let all of my thoughts to escape as I felt the beats to the music and my body responded to every beat automatically.  i don’t know how long had I been dancing but snapped back to reality when I saw the door to my room open.  my heartbeat sped up when I saw her yawn cutely. Scared that my face conveyed my feelings, I immediately turned my back at her but stole glances at her direction from the corner of my eye.

All of a sudden I heard that song. The song that I was dancing to when I first met her. The song she claimed to be her favourite. The song that she always made me dance to. I acted as if I was irritated when actually I was not. I loved that song. The song brought back so many memories. But today it brought pain. The pain I felt since last night. The pain that reminded me that my love was in love with someone else.





                                                                                                        Reader's POV

“ enough of your silly excuses”  I said to myself as I drove my car back home from work. “ you are going to confess as soon as you reach home.”

I took the long way to our room and stood in front of the door staring at the knob for a long time. I inhaled sharply as I rubbed my sweaty palms on my pant and turned the knob to enter the house.

“ Hey!we need to ta-“  I entered his room without knocking only to find him kissing someone. A certain someone we both knew. He stopped, but didn’t let go of her hand. I apologised and hurried out of the room when I felt my body go numb, seeing what I saw, finding it hard to believe. I slammed the door a little too loud and ran back to my room.  My legs gave up as soon as I locked the door to my room and I felt my whole world crumble in front of my eyes.  I covered my face with a pillow, scared that the sound of my cries would escape the room.  I didn’t realise that I fell asleep on the ground still holding the tear stained pillow.  I got up and sighed at the sight of the swollen  face that was reflected back when I stood in front of the mirror.

“ he is in love” I said to myself and saw a fresh trail of tears fall from the swollen pair of eyes  that were staring back at me from the mirror.


                                                                                      HIS POV

“are you sure you want to do this?”sasha asked

“ this is the only way” I said in a low voice and felt the guilt in my voice

“  don’t you think you should let her know even once?” she tried to make a point  “ she has been your best friend for about 6 years now.”

“ That is one reason I can’t let her know” I said “ I don’t want to lose her even if that means that I need to see the one person I love in someone else’s arms.”

“Shes here. Please lets do this” I begged her “ please”

I knew that she would directly enter into my room without knocking and I made sure she saw what i wanted her to see. I felt my mouth go dry when I saw her look at us. I tried to remain calm and parted my lips from that of the girl I was kissing but intended to not let go off her hand. She left without a word and I felt the tears roll down my eyes.

“ thank you” I said to sasha as I gasped for air between my cries.

“ I still think you should tell her” she said before leaving the room.

 I felt my body go numb as tears trickled down my eyes and I helplessly tried to stop them.





“OI!” she snapped and I held back my laughter.

“Excuse me miss, but don’t you think you should address me as oppa?” I said to her. I saw the gush of blood that made her cheeks turn red and felt my heart beat louder.

“I cant” she said and looked the other way around.” I am saving it for the guy I fall in love with.” She added shyly and I eyes widened at her words.

“Really?” I asked in disbelief. “ so you are someday gonna use it to someone?”

“mmhmm” that was all she could manage to say and nodded in agreement .



                                                                                                             Reader's POV

I tried my best to not cross paths with either sol or sasha but it was impossible  with sol and I living in the same house.  I faked a smile when I saw them together because all I wanted was for him to be happy and he looked happy when she was around. Though I secretly wished they would break up but I also wished for him to be happy which was only possible with sasha in his life.

“ stop being selfish” I said to myself under my breath “ you have to do it”

He turned 26 today and I knew what exactly I wanted to gift him this year. I placed the gift in a box and wrapped it. I had been planning for the past month to give this to him but then decided to give it to him on his birthday. I hoped for his birthday to never come but it did and it was the day I gave him that thing.

I knocked on his door and opened it when he permitted me to get in. 

“Happy birthday” I said to him with a smile even though my heart was about to explode because of the pain it held.

“Thanks” he said with a smile and stepped forward but stopped when he saw that I didn’t make a move.

An awkward silence spread across the room and I felt the urge to run away. I reminded myself that I had to do what I intended to do this day and that kept me from running away.

I stepped forward and lifted the hand on which I held his gift. He smiled at me and took the gift from my hand. Chills ran down my spine when his fingers brushed against mine as he took his gift away.

“Open it” I encouraged him and he smiled back at me. He quickly started to unwrap the paper. His smile vanished and I could swear I saw him blink back the tears that were about to roll down.

“ you need your privacy now” I said as I stepped forward and hugged him, faking  a smile. “I will miss you….”


                                                                                          HIS POV

As time passed I saw the least of her. She stopped coming over my room and watch me practice. I missed her, I missed the morning moments that we always had during my dance routine. I missed her so much that I repeated her favourite song over and over again and let my body move along with the beats of it. that song was all I danced to recently.  My dance Routines didn’t seem complete without her.

I heard a faint knock on the door and directed whoever it was to come in. She opened the door and walked a few steps forward.

“Happy Birthday” she said with a smile and all I wanted to do at that moment was engulf her into a tight hug.

“ Thanks” I said as I smiled back and took a few steps forward to hug her but stopped when I noticed that she didn’t move another step.

I hated the silence that lingered in the room. this never happened before. I knew she was drifting away from me and as much as I wanted to stop her from going away, this was the only way I knew to keep my feeling hidden. She hesitatingly took a step towards me and lifted her hand that held a gift. I moved towards her, intentionally brushing my finger against her as I took the gift from her hand.  i managed to smile at her as she asked me to open the gift.

That was it. I knew everything was over now. I knew I wouldn’t be seeing her around anymore. I blinked back my tears, trying to calm myself down, and picked up the familiar key that she gifted me.

I couldn’t move. I tried to atleast fake a smile or make a joke but my voice was caught on my throat and refused to leave.

“you need your privacy now.” the words kept repeating in my mind. “I will miss you…” she said and I felt my breath stop when she hugged me. I knew this would be the last time and I didn’t want it to end.

I followed her with slow steps, scared that my legs would give up at any minute. I saw her luggage being carried away.

STOP!  I DON’T WANT YOU TO LEAVE. I DON’T WANT MY PRIVACY,IDIOT! YOU ARE ALL I WANT.  I wanted to yell those words at her but the lump in my throat was so big that I only opened and closed my mouth several times without being able to form even a single word.

Don’t Go! Please! Don’t leave” I kept on repeating the words in my mind as my heart raced faster and faster with every step she took away from me towards the door.

i kept on standing at the place I stood when she left and stared at the now empty hallway. I slowly took a few steps forward and closed the door. That was finally when my legs gave up and I sank on the floor as I let the tears trickle down my eyes and land on the key that she gave me .

 I dragged myself to my feet after what seemed to be like ages and slowly started walking towards the one place that greatly held her scent.  I stood in front of the door to her room as I thought of the promise I made to her.


                                                                                                          Reader's POV

“ I will miss you…” I said as I hugged him and quickly turned away to grab my luggage and walk towards the door. “OPPA” I said under my breath as I let a few tears drop down my eyes.  I did not dare to look back at him and walked straight to the cab I hired that would take me to the airport.

“Please oppa, I need you to open that door. Now that I wont see you, now that I dont have to be a coward, I want you to know what I truly felt” I said to myself in my mind and got down the cab when the driver parked the car in the airport’s parking lot.




“DON’T” she growled as she placed her hand above mine that was holding the knob to her rooms entrance and I could swear I never heard her sound so angry.

“What the hell are you hiding inside that’s so damn private?” I asked her irritated at the secret that she kept.

“ Theres something really very important and very private in there and I want you not to see ituntill I ask you to” the sincerity in her voice made me remove my hand from the door knob in defeat.

“Thank you” I heard her sigh in relief and decided that we shall never bring up her room again.


                                                                                                   HIS POV

I took the knob of the door in my hand and twisted it with shaky hands.  All I could hear was the drumming of my heart in my ears as I looked around to see the paintings, the photographs and small messages present all over the room that only conveyed a single message.

“NO! This cantbe true. She said she was in love with someone else. She lied to me. She lied to me. She said she loved..She SH-SHE said she loved someone.”

I saw a folded piece of paper that was carefully placed on the table and unfolded it to see the familiar handwritings that were scribbled on it.




do you know? I love you..Tch..you probably don’t, do you? I wish you did. I wish I could tell you that I fell in love with you more and more every passing day. I wish I could tell you that the song I claimed to be my favourite was only because it was the song I saw you dancing to when we first met. I wish I could tell you how I had to stop myself from hugging you every morning when I saw you exhausted after your dance.

Oppa, did you know? I came in to your room to confess my feelings but had my heart broken when I saw you kissing someone else. I decided to love you from afar and wish for your happiness which now I know is sasha. I am sorry I secretly wished for your breakup with her as I couldn’t bear to see you with her. I am sorry I stopped talking to you all of a sudden. But how I wished you would come and ask me ‘Whats wrong idiot?’ but you didn’t and that hurt. I am  sorry I had to leave. I tried my best to bear as much as I could but I don’t think I could have taken in anymore. I really hope, that you find this letter someday and find out what you mean to me. You always wanted to be the sun,right?.. well! you succeeded. You were my sun. my shining star that brought me happiness. The star that made me fall in in love.

“come back” I cried as my words echoed in the now empty room. “ I am so sorry baby. I am so sorry I couldn’t see the things you wanted to say. Please. Come back” I held the note tightly against my chest and let all the tears to flow freely down my face. 

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ashtami01 #1
I am glad you liked it.. :)
militaryBrat #2
Chapter 1: One word. BEAUTIFUL!!