chapter 4



The hotel room was not much but it made me feel home with Summer. I drew the curtains to let the sunlight enter the room and Summer made an irritated groan.

“Why do you love the sunlight so much?” she groaned and I could hear the annoyance in her voice.  I ignored her complaints and walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner. I was never good with Korean food. It was always Him who prepared the food back then. I closed my eyes and shook my head to let the thoughts out of my mind.

“Oi” I heard summers voice behind me and nearly jumped out of my skin. She let out a chuckle and peeped over my shoulder to see what I was cooking. She sniffed and let out a satisfied smile.

“It smells really good” she said and I couldn’t help but feel a little irritated.

“Yes. But I wouldn’t mind a helping hand, Your Highness!” I said bowing down to her. She rolled her eyes and walked to the cabinets to take the plates out.

As we ate dinner my mind raced back to the past once again. I tried shaking it off but it was stuck to my mind like a leech. I felt Summer’s eyes on me but couldn’t bring myself to look at her as the fear of being questioned lingered in my mind.



It was almost 2 in the afternoon when I woke up the next day. To my surprise Summer was already up which was so unlike her.

“Has Korea brought the best out of you?” I asked her with a smirk when I saw her come out of the bathroom.

“We leave in an hour for the concert” She said and it was her time to smirk.

“! I totally forgot!” i jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. I hurriedly cleaned myself up and rushed out to wear the first thing I found in my bag.

“ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO WEAR THAT?” Summer exclaimed and i scrunched my nose at that high pitched voice of her. I

“It doesn’t matter. No one’s gonna look at me” I stated matter of factly and walked out of the main door before she could argue. She followed me but gave me a that-attire-is-a-no-no look and all I could do was look away to avoid that look.



The queue was long, WAY TOO LONG and I was this close to forget all about the concert and go back to our room.  That oh so evil friend of mine had excused herself to go to the restroom and made me switch places with her only to return when I was near the entrance. She stood by my side with an evil grin plastered on her face and I swear I would have murdered her had she not been my best friend. A gush of hot air hit us as we entered the hall and I looked to my right to see a thrilled and equally scared friend of mine

“Oi” she spoke to me above all the screams and cheers of the people present inside and grabbed my hand. “Don’t get lost” she said and I let out a laugh.

“I think I should” I said “As a revenge for making me suffer on the queue outside.”

“Yah!” She screamed and flicked me on my forehead. “Evil doesn’t suit you.”

“Let’s go” I said and pulled her with me to find our seats.



“It was so awesome” Summer spoke in a hoarse voice due to all the screams she let out during the 4 hours of concert.

“Yup. I am glad I came” I answered with an equally hoarse voice.

The hours went by really great. I let myself free and screamed out loud singing all the songs along with the crowd, cheering out in the end of each song and jumping up and down to the beats.

It was only 8 and I was too happy to end the night so early.

“Oi Let’s go clubbing” I said to Summer and saw her snap her head up to look at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. The surprise in her face was so visible that I found myself laughing hard.

“Though you are not acting like yourself right now, I think club is a great idea.” She said with a smile on her face.




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ashtami01 #1
I am glad you liked it.. :)
militaryBrat #2
Chapter 1: One word. BEAUTIFUL!!