
Snow Globe

Harim's POV:

What should I do? Should I call him? Even if I do call him what am I going to say to Jungkook? Do I even like him the other way? Do I?

While reminiscing through our memories, I felt a strong stab through my stomach as I realized I just respected and liked him like a big brother. Only a sibling. I hadn't the slightest feelings of anything else towards him. All I saw him was as a caring, sweet and protective big brother.

Should I tell him the truth? I pondered over this issue aggressively as I paced back and forth my room. Then my eyes fell on my shelf and I saw it........ the snow globe Jungkook had bought for me on the day of the anime festival.


I just stood on my balcony as the gentle summer breeze blew through my hair. The only smell that surrounded me was of my shampoo. I absent-mindedly viewed the beautiful sunset as I resolved to call Sunhi and ask her what to do. She was my only solution.

We talked a little bit. And thanks to her I finally built up my confidence and came to the conclusion that I will call him and ....... right now!

I dialed his number with a shaky hand and pressed the speaker to my ear. The sun was setting and it was gradually getting dark. There was silence in the air as the only audible sounds were the consecutive beeps of the phone and my palpitating heart. I felt nervous as I continued to twiddle with the snow globe in my free hand. Come on Jungkook pick up.

I knew exactly what I was going to tell him. As they say.........

"It's better to tell people the truth than to make them smile with a lie." I repeated what Sunhi had told me, partly to assure my own self.

Why isn't he picking up? I thought as the exaggerated beep on the other end continued as well as my fiddling with the snow globe.

The beep stopped, Jungkook finally picked up.

"Hello, Jungkook how are you?!" I said trying to start in our normal tone of conversation. There was silence. I already knew he couldn't talk as he had mentioned in the letter. So I just carried on,

"You know, I received your letter!"

There was a sigh and unexpectedly someone spoke.

"Umm, Hello sweety. Jungkook had been expecting your call since the past few days. Although he couldn't talk but I knew he was eagerly waiting to talk to you again." replied his mom.

"Then can I please talk to him?"

"Sweety," There was another pause and I had started to dread the silence but then. She continued, "He's no longer with us." Her voice quavered with every word and every breath.

"He passed away just yesterday." She weeped while I just stood there, petrified. Paralyzed on the spot.

Time had completely stopped for me. The wind stopped blowing, no birds chirped, laughter of children inaudible and the sun had set. No more light, only darkness. I felt so numb. In that very moment nothing existed but sheer agony and remorse. Nothing existed but a strong feeling of denial and regret and a broken heart. I just cut the call without another word.

But despite all this incomprehensable pain I felt my eyes were still dry. My brain still processing, processing ......... processing, processing. CRASH!! I snapped out of it when I realized what had been the source of the sound.

It was the beautiful snow globe gifted by Jungkook. I had dropped it and it shattered into a million pieces just like my heart. I Bent down to pick up the pieces that's when I realized what he meant all this time......... The glassy sky is fragile one day it has to break and his broke just yesterday.

I picked up the shattered crystals with clenched fists not even feeling the slightest pain as blood ran down my hands. And just like that ........ my tears fell in sync with my blood drops. Drip drip drip. I was just blood and tears.

"Jungkookie, I'm so sorry......." I whispered continuously. Repeating it again and again and again hoping it would somehow reach him in heaven.

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Chapter 4: Beautiful yet a sad story. Huhuhu(╯︵╰,)(╯︵╰,)(ㄒoㄒ)
Chapter 2: Hearing Jungkook tell his story is like listening to the wind- it's pleasant to the ears. (#^.^#)
Chapter 1: This is beautiful. There's a few grammatical errors but they're only a few. I like your story so far (#^.^#)
Chapter 4: This is so beautiful. I wish more people could read it. I'm so glad I decided to scroll through my wall posts XD
peuntee #5
Chapter 4: Omg this is so sad and a great story. I cried very hard >.<
Chapter 4: This is interesting. But I don't think she would wait that long to call him back. However, I appreciate how the story is built. It's sad, yet it is pretty. (Can you say a story is pretty? No, eh?)
Chapter 4: Kookie... TT_TT
Let me be honest with you. I'm not really into straight fics, let alone the IdolxOC ones.
You posted the link on my wall and I was bored, so why not try this one and see what it's all about. Besides, the main cast is my baby brother xD
Turned out I kept reading and clicking the next chapters :D
This story was so heartbreakingly beautiful, that's all I can say.
Thank you ^^
Chapter 4: omg this is so sad that i even cried !!! i had no idea it would end like this ......
seriously you are an incredible writer !! well done xx
Chapter 1: wow!! your vocabulary is amazing !! ill make sure to continue reading :) well done so far !!