An Unexpected Turn

Snow Globe

Jungkook's POV:

Another day of life. Another day of school. The same but I was extremely rapturous. My euphoria inexplicable. But the only reason I could think up was that conversation I had with Harim yesterday.

History class was usually my favorite but I couldn't concentrate yet again. How do you manage to make me think about you this much, Harim?

But it was no sooner that my mind kicked me awake due to the different sensations the atmosphere brought. A weird whiff that was piercing up my nose, shrilling sounds from the corridor. Screams, and a siren going off. But worst of all was the black smoke that was now spreading and unfurling in our classroom air. Engulfing the students in its merciless self, choking them. We all started to cough and our eyes had started to sting.

In that moment of urgency we all flooded out the classroom door. To escape this suffocating smoke. But today, God had completely different plans for us.

Stepping out the room we realized all the escape routes were blocked by the spreading blanket of incandesce fire. Nowhere to escape this sizzling inferno of doom. I could read everyone's thought and feelings as if their faces had become open records of emotions; Terror, horror, despair, fear, fright, trepidation and..................... death.

As the raging fire and heat touched my body I knew it was the end for me too. It burnt my skin torturously slowly, enjoying my sobs and cry of pain. I was completely engulfed in excruciating pain, drowning in the dark river Styx that was taking me to the underworld, to where the dead sauntered.

There was no hope. Only despair.

The last thoughts my brain chose to show me was Harim calmly smiling at me, reaching her hand out for me and asking me to join her and her other friends to have fun. I was desperate..... I needed to live.

I refuse to die right now. Please God, all I need is another chance. Just a few more moments would be enough. I just needed to tell her how I feel about her. I WANT TO LIVE! I was desperate to cling onto life just for her. I reached my hand out to her fading image......

"Harim....... I- I love" I managed to wheeze out. But my words were quite inaudible in the moment.


Her long copper brown hair swayed gently from left to right and she walked further and further ahead. I could only see her slender and short figure from the back. She continued to walk ahead into the light.... further away from me. I tried to reach my hand out to her again, trying to call out her name but no sound escaped my throat, only stuck in my mind. But she walked even further, without looking back, gradually fading away...... disappearing into the light.

I had to stop her from leaving me like this. I had to call out for her, make her turn around and look at me. I tried to shout out her name and it's the same. No sound.

I decided to run after Harim, but as hard as I tried I couldn't catch up to her pace. My legs refused to move fast. It felt as if I was trying to run in knee deep water with strong waves flowing opposite of my desired direction, forcing me back.

I feared she might disappear soon. Summoning all my will power I ran, ran as fast I could to stop her from leaving. I finally reached her. She turned around...............

My heart climbed up to my throat as I saw a wave of unfamiliarity in her deep brown eyes that used to shine with rapture and hope. Now they only gleamed with uncertainty and unfamiliarity as if she didn't recognize me. Her soft, pink lips quivered a little as she tried to think who was the person standing in front of her.

"Harim. It's me......." I tried to remind her. But there was no sign of recognition on her face. Thump Thump..... My heart beat as it quivered and writhed in pain. So this is what will happen if I just leave the world without a word of goodbye to her. She'll forget me.

I had to prevent this.

I had to tell her what my heart felt.

But where was I? I wondered as my eyes remained closed. I must be dead.... 
I tried to open my eyes only to close them once again as bright light pierced through them. My heart started to palpitate....... I really must be dead to end up in heaven. No! Jungkook be strong! I refuse to accept this fate!

I forced open my eyes, only to find myself in a bleached room, a room denied all colors. I tried to breathe ....... every  breath was painful and difficult to draw out. As I breathe harder and harder I hear my own breathes being echoed in my ears. I realized I was in bed with an oxygen mask strapped around my mouth. I was in a hospital.

I survived. 
Thank you God!

And I had to tell Harim.


I already felt so dead. So empty from the inside. How could I be so selfish? Only to think about Harim when I first opened my eyes. How selfish. How stupid. How selfish. I  called myself names over and over in my head as my tears wouldn't stop flowing for Taehyung and Hoseok. Both my idiotic best friends, always pulling pranks, laughing around, supporting me through thick and thin, making me laugh even when I felt dejected or exasperated, my amazing friends they.......... no longer existed. They were only a long gone, sweet memory.

I looked out the window that was close to my hospital bed. The sky was blanch and grey. Nothing like the clear, vivid blue sky my friends and I used to walk under, laughing or playfully shoving each other back to race each other to a certain place. And also nothing like the blue, vast sky under which Harim and I had spent time together at the festival this weekend.

In fact, the sky I was viewing right now was strangely bleak. No colour. Only a sad shade of grey that reflected my feelings of emptiness and sorrow quite well. It was about to rain. Perfect. Because my heart was already shedding tears. God was defining my emotions through the weather.

And there on the dim grey sea above I could see it. A crack on my glass dome. A crack in the glassy sky. I smiled a lamentable smile and sighed. I had finally decided. For the sake of my best friends and for my own sake, for once I'll stop being a coward and I'll confess.

So I grabbed a pencil and a paper. And with my burnt hand I spilled out my tormented heart on the previously, white, blank sheet.

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Chapter 4: Beautiful yet a sad story. Huhuhu(╯︵╰,)(╯︵╰,)(ㄒoㄒ)
Chapter 2: Hearing Jungkook tell his story is like listening to the wind- it's pleasant to the ears. (#^.^#)
Chapter 1: This is beautiful. There's a few grammatical errors but they're only a few. I like your story so far (#^.^#)
Chapter 4: This is so beautiful. I wish more people could read it. I'm so glad I decided to scroll through my wall posts XD
peuntee #5
Chapter 4: Omg this is so sad and a great story. I cried very hard >.<
Chapter 4: This is interesting. But I don't think she would wait that long to call him back. However, I appreciate how the story is built. It's sad, yet it is pretty. (Can you say a story is pretty? No, eh?)
Chapter 4: Kookie... TT_TT
Let me be honest with you. I'm not really into straight fics, let alone the IdolxOC ones.
You posted the link on my wall and I was bored, so why not try this one and see what it's all about. Besides, the main cast is my baby brother xD
Turned out I kept reading and clicking the next chapters :D
This story was so heartbreakingly beautiful, that's all I can say.
Thank you ^^
Chapter 4: omg this is so sad that i even cried !!! i had no idea it would end like this ......
seriously you are an incredible writer !! well done xx
Chapter 1: wow!! your vocabulary is amazing !! ill make sure to continue reading :) well done so far !!