Let Me Know

Snow Globe

Harim's POV:

It hurt. It stung. It ached. It pained. But eventually it hurt a lot. What have I done?! Why had I been so selfish? Why had I been so blind? Why Harim? 

I felt so tormented as my heart felt like it was being squeezed too harshly and brutally. I felt it was going to burst with unbearable agony. Why was I so stupid?

I was going through all this pain and yet......... no tears.

I'm so stone-hearted.

"Why the long face, Harim?" My best friend came over to me with a concerned expression.

Receiving no answer she repeated her question the second time. Third time. Fourth. But I was still lost, drowning away in the insatiable clutches of depression.

At last, my only reply to her was handing her the piece of paper that in a matter of seconds had silenced a jolly person as me, dragging me into the shadows, away from the comfort of the colorful world.

I could see Sunhi's eyes gliding over every word as she was absorbing the letter's meaning. I didn't need to look at it again with her because, I already knew it by heart. Word to word. Each sentence was like a stab in the gut. Even if I read it the tenth time, rather than getting used to the pain, it seemed even sharper than before.

I just couldn't erase Jungkook's letter from my head.....

"Dear Harim, (hahahah how clichéd is that?!? XD) Wait..... lemme start again!!! 
Annyeong hasayo harim!!! How are you?!?! I hope you’re doing super great!!! I know you're thinking that why am I writing you a letter when I could just call, right? Ani, ............. I can't call you. Not because I'm busy or I lost your number (which is practically impossible as it's strongly committed to memory, I know I'm weird =P)

The reason I can't call you because your big brother has been in an accident. There had been a fire in my school due to some mismanagement in the chemistry lab which happened to be near to my class. Our escape routes had also been blocked by the spreading inferno of doom!!! *insert sound effect* Hahhahh XD sorry I know I should be serious about it. Well, unfortunately many of my classmates got badly injured and I bet all of us are hospitalized right now. I wouldn't be surprised if I step out the door and find rooms full of familiar faces all the way down the white corridor.

Also, I don't want to make you sad or anything but I feel like sharing my pain with you. After all we did that all the time........ telling each other about our troubles and sharing both happiness and sorrow. You're a really great friend you know?

My reason to write to you was not to depress you with my life story but to tell you something I have been meaning to tell you all this time.

Have you ever watched those animes where there is a love triangle going on. Unrequited love and weird stuff like that? I didn't like those kinds of animes much. But now I think I am getting really addicted to such stories. And the reason being that I personally feel the characters' pain of not being liked by someone you like.

I really loved how you looked up to me. But
"Big brother" ................ those words you labeled me as, stung. Because......Harim, I really really like you and not as a little sister. I'm sorry for being a creep big brother but I don't think my heart accepted that. It hurts to have someone in your heart that you can't have in your arms.

And I had been a coward all this time, thinking that it might destroy our friendship or worse, it might make you hate me. But now I don't regret this confession. Not even a little. Because I truly love you.

I always had this feeling you liked Hoseok hyung more because of his funny personality and him making you laugh all the time when we gathered for events.

So can I request something from you? Can you please call me and tell me how you feel about me. Did you ever like me the other way? Because if you did, it would make me the happiest man alive. But if you feel awkward about telling me your feelings on the phone you can write me a letter which.................
my mother can read over my grave.

Yes, I don't have much time. I'm positive about that. As I said before, I believe that each one of our lives is represented by a snow globe and once it breaks God simply removes the characters within it.

My best friends', Hoseok and Taehyung's snow globe already broke as they died immediately at that moment. But God gave me a few more days to tell you what had been bothering me for so long. I'm so happy and grateful that I got this much time before I join my best friends in heaven. Haha, it's funny how I picture them right now, telling the already dead people their weird and lame jokes. Well, I need to go and check they don’t do something stupid right?!

If you call me and tell me it would make me really happy because I would really like to hear your voice one last time. Although I, myself wouldn't be able to reply as I can't talk, my lungs have been damaged so it's really hard to breathe, you know?

Also, don't worry about telling my mother your answer because she already knew my feelings for you. And also, I hope your best friend, Sunhi is doing great too! Make sure to enjoy life and stay happy! Tell Sunhi the same thing.

And..........even if you don't feel the same. It's completely okay.

Lastly. I know I'm fading away but I'd like to tell you to move on. Don't ponder too much over my death. It would hurt me to see you like that, wasting your time on the past and not moving forward. Still, It's weird how in a matter of seconds you could just be a memory. But I'd prefer it that way because you got to live your life, okay?

Always remember, life is like an interesting novel. You start at page 1 and proceed further every day. There are some thrilling parts to the story while some are full of happiness and joy but there are also many parts to the story full of melancholy and sadness. That's life......... not always happy. And one day you just have to read the last page and close the book, and think about the whole story, like how amazing it had been. I personally believe that this novel of life is not about the ending. But more about the story.

And I am satisfied with my story, regardless of the ending because I was able to meet you, get to know you, be friends with you. I'm happy and I can't stop smiling and I blame you for that. :)

~Jeon Jungkook

"This is......... I mean I feel so horrible about the fact that he knew me while I had no idea he existed until the very end." Sunhi finally spoke after a long silent pause. Her voice trembling a bit.

And I started feeling even worse as I realized that Sunhi was right. I always talked about my best friend and school with Jungkook whether he was interested or not and yet I never mentioned him to anyone. How terrible a friend I was. How indubitably terrible.

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Chapter 4: Beautiful yet a sad story. Huhuhu(╯︵╰,)(╯︵╰,)(ㄒoㄒ)
Chapter 2: Hearing Jungkook tell his story is like listening to the wind- it's pleasant to the ears. (#^.^#)
Chapter 1: This is beautiful. There's a few grammatical errors but they're only a few. I like your story so far (#^.^#)
Chapter 4: This is so beautiful. I wish more people could read it. I'm so glad I decided to scroll through my wall posts XD
peuntee #5
Chapter 4: Omg this is so sad and a great story. I cried very hard >.<
Chapter 4: This is interesting. But I don't think she would wait that long to call him back. However, I appreciate how the story is built. It's sad, yet it is pretty. (Can you say a story is pretty? No, eh?)
Chapter 4: Kookie... TT_TT
Let me be honest with you. I'm not really into straight fics, let alone the IdolxOC ones.
You posted the link on my wall and I was bored, so why not try this one and see what it's all about. Besides, the main cast is my baby brother xD
Turned out I kept reading and clicking the next chapters :D
This story was so heartbreakingly beautiful, that's all I can say.
Thank you ^^
Chapter 4: omg this is so sad that i even cried !!! i had no idea it would end like this ......
seriously you are an incredible writer !! well done xx
Chapter 1: wow!! your vocabulary is amazing !! ill make sure to continue reading :) well done so far !!