On My Mind

Snow Globe

Jungkook's POV:

"Have you ever looked up at the sky and thought how beautiful it looked? But more than beautiful it looked like....... glass. It's something so fragile and brittle and something that is different for everyone. That's what I believe at least and -"

"Big brother, what are you talking about? Do you realize that you’re not making sense at all?" She smiled that breathtaking smile I loved.

"Whatever, let's get back to the others and," she fidgeted a little and I could see a slight blush creeping up her face like it did in awkward situations. "Thank you, for buying me the Snow globe."


Back to normal life. I sighed waking up to a cold December morning and another day of school. 
While changing and getting ready, while having breakfast, while walking to school. Every moment I thought about her. Her gleaming eyes, her long, ravishing, silky copper bronze hair that were most of the time tied up in a pony tail, her smile, her melodious laugh, her sweet, alluring voice.

What's wrong with me? Why can't I stop thinking about her? Why? Why? Why? She is just my....................... friend.

During the whole day at school I couldn't help but think about her and the time we spent together on this weekend. The smile she gave me while thanking me for the snow globe was truly stunning.

Just a friend. Back to math class.Jungkook, no more zoning out!

Finally, it was recess and I just went with the regular routine of following my friends to the ground for lunch. Maybe some fresh air might help me think of something else other than her. With the thought of her popping up in my mind I beamed. I couldn't help it and my heart just did something strange. This was a completely new situation, I had no idea what was wrong with me these days. But this fluttery feeling in my stomach generating with the thought of her I think........ I like it. But still she's just a friend.

"Jungkook-ah! Are you zoning out again? You have been doing that quite a lot today. What's on your mind?" My ingenuous friend, Taehyung asked me, strangely a little bit perturbed yet curious as a cat to know what was poking in the insides of my brain. I sighed and thought how should I explain? Thinking of a cool and understandable start I tried to muster up some words, words that might explain this inexplicable emotion. Words that might define this indecipherable and yet beautiful feeling.

"Taehyung, that's a stupid way to ask, man!" Hoseok hit the former on the head. "Ask him straight, like a true man!" He turned to me with glinting eyes and a mischievous grin that already put his unspoken question in my head even before he could say something.

"Is our little, innocent Jungkookie in love?" Who's the special lady?" He waggled his eyebrows teasingly, at me. Hoseok....... an incompetent fool, mischief maker, a moron, a drop out of class and a delinquent but also a physic..... not just being able to read your mind but also reaching his hand deep, down to your soul and merciless pulling out fragments of your thoughts like they were old long gone memories he was so eager to go through slowly and thoroughly.

"Spill it already bro!" Hoseok insisted.
Yes. Yes I do like someone.

"Pfft, nah what are you talking about?" I let out a nervous laugh. "Me? Like someone? "Special lady"? Bro, since when have you gotten so funny?"

Hoseok was about to comment on this topic but was interrupted when we heard some jeers and catcalls. I went immediately to where a crowd of students had gathered, to see for myself what was going on. The only words that came to mind were 'Stupid Bullies'.

Uncontrollable emotions of hatred and rage engulfed my heart and mind. A poor soul was getting bullied and bashed by kids double his size. I didn't need to know the reason. I didn't care. These callous, cold-hearted people in the crowd are going to continue to watch and feel entertained until he got beaten to a bloody pulp. What's wrong with this world? What's wrong with these people? Does no one have a heart? Have we sunk so badly in satan's welcoming arms? Whatever it was.... I refused to play by Satan's orders. I refused to work for his plans. With that I jostled through the crowd and stood in front of the bullied boy who was bleeding from his lip. My friends at first tried to pull me away from the fight by jerking and tugging at my coat. No use I was stubborn as hell. And no sooner my fist collided with the face of the first rotten person among the trio of bullies.

Even in a situation like this Hoseok kept his cool demeanour and in his usual some-what funny style said,

"Well if you can't stop a jerk. Be a jerk yourself." He nonchalantly shrugged.

Both of my friends flashed that smile towards me. A smile that spoke loud and clear, we stand with you. A smile that confirmed our true friendship. A smile that telepathied their words to me. I wish I could read her as easily I could fathom Hoseok and Taehyung.

The fight continued until someone called for the teacher. Three versus Three. The boy protected and safe behind us.
But obviously all of us got in trouble.


"Aish, what a rough day it had been." Taehyung grumbled as we left the school building.

"It'll get rougher as soon as we step in our houses." Hoseok reminded.

Yup........ parents had been called. A completely normal life.

I wondered what would you think of us if you saw us fight, Harim. Would you hate me for flipping out like that? For being so violent?

"Jungkook hyung!" The bullied boy from the afternoon episode came sprinting towards us.

"Thank you so much for saving me." He managed to wheeze out between heavy breathes.

So he had ran all this way to catch up to us morons just to express his gratitude. I was touched.

I simply patted his little head, "No need to thank us. Your hyungs are here for you. Just call for us whenever you need us." I flashed him a very cheerful smirk to let him know I meant everything and I'd be glad to help even a million times.

"Omo, you guys are the best. You’re my hero Jungkook hyung!" And with that he rushed away down the street. His stance, his demeanor, his last expression, everything were expressing gratitude and felicity. I felt exuberant myself as if his emotions had automatically connected to my heart.

Harim, would you think of me as a hero too? Would you think of me like that if you were here? I just don't know and I'd like to know.


I sighed as I continued to absently stare at the ceiling of my room. What a waste of time. But yet again my head was inflated with thoughts all about....... Harim. Ah, sometimes I really wished we didn't live so far apart. Completely separate cities with rare chances of meeting each other; only on a weekend because of a festival we planned for months to attend with a group of friends. To aggravate this further, she hardly kept contact. Another sigh escaped my lips. So frustrating. So annoyingly frustrating.

Later, my phone on the table vibrated and to my utter disbelief and shock the caller id bless fully displayed that beautiful name "Harim".

"Hello!" Her cheery voice reached my desperate ears from the other end of the phone. I was lucky to have her call me so soon after we had just met this weekend. It was a miracle. I was happy. But what made my smile waver was......

"So big brother," BIG BROTHER was a label I wasn't able to remove even after so many years we had spent together. Since the time of running after each other on our chubby legs, with a fist full of mud till today, being last year students in high school.

"The reason I called you was that I thought it over and I felt bad for not properly thanking you for the snow globe." I knew her all too well; her statement was only half-way true. With that I smiled because I already had prognosticated her next words.

"But, yahhhhhh this was my mom's idea!! I actually wanted to ask that did you keep the snow globe I gave you safe. It was really expensive you know?" She continued, "Now keep your pair safe ok? I placed mine safely on top of a shelf."

"Of course, I kept it so safe that's it's on a shelf where I can hardly reach or even see." I said a little teasingly.

"Aniyo! Put it somewhere where at least you can see, so every day you can be reminded that I actually spent some money for you, bro."
We continued to tease each other like that for a few more minutes until she asked me,

"Why do you like snow globes so much?"

"Hmmmm, I guess because they are snow globes!!!" I replied rather sarcastically.

"Yahhhh, be serious for once! And tell me the truth!"

"I guess that's because they are a big metaphor for a person's life. A synecdoche." I tried to explain.

"Could you be more specific? Elaborate?" Her tone had a tinge of playfulness and sarcasm but I could also hear her curiosity loud and clear.

"Snow globes are like a representation of one's life. They are fragile and beautiful. I perceive all the humans to have a snow globe that represents their life and they all are decorated on God's shelf. When one's brittle glass sky breaks...... that marks the end. Then God just pulls out the characters from his broken globe for his own reasons."

After a small pause she managed to say "That is deep." I could tell she was left awestruck.



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Chapter 4: Beautiful yet a sad story. Huhuhu(╯︵╰,)(╯︵╰,)(ㄒoㄒ)
Chapter 2: Hearing Jungkook tell his story is like listening to the wind- it's pleasant to the ears. (#^.^#)
Chapter 1: This is beautiful. There's a few grammatical errors but they're only a few. I like your story so far (#^.^#)
Chapter 4: This is so beautiful. I wish more people could read it. I'm so glad I decided to scroll through my wall posts XD
peuntee #5
Chapter 4: Omg this is so sad and a great story. I cried very hard >.<
Chapter 4: This is interesting. But I don't think she would wait that long to call him back. However, I appreciate how the story is built. It's sad, yet it is pretty. (Can you say a story is pretty? No, eh?)
Chapter 4: Kookie... TT_TT
Let me be honest with you. I'm not really into straight fics, let alone the IdolxOC ones.
You posted the link on my wall and I was bored, so why not try this one and see what it's all about. Besides, the main cast is my baby brother xD
Turned out I kept reading and clicking the next chapters :D
This story was so heartbreakingly beautiful, that's all I can say.
Thank you ^^
Chapter 4: omg this is so sad that i even cried !!! i had no idea it would end like this ......
seriously you are an incredible writer !! well done xx
Chapter 1: wow!! your vocabulary is amazing !! ill make sure to continue reading :) well done so far !!