That Awkward Moment.....with Super Junior.


Taeyang needs a girl. Miss A dosen’t need a man. Hyeyeon needs a life.

Hwang Stella (you)...

whose korean name is Hwang Hye of the smartest and most popular yet most bullied in school.

She is also the only daughter of one of the richest family on earth.Her family owns the Hwang Corporation that eventually is one of the most successful business of all time.
Her parents died even before she learned to crawl and her only family now is her older brother, Hwang Seong Jo.
As a child, hyeyeon hid the fact about her wealth and got bullied for being an orphan.
For a long time, She succumbed to her fate and was a dumb idiot who backs down like a frightened mouse around the bullies.


“ just u watch, I am gonna be rich and powerful one day. Then u guys would be begging me for mercy.” Cried the 7 year old hwang hyeyeon with tears streaking down her cheeks. An obvious bruise on her arm.
Only receiving laughter and finger pointing from the latter.

“What? U gonna go crying to your mom ? oh wait…u don’t have one!”  Le Hyuk Jae, one of the bullies who has been bullying her since her first day in school laughed in her face. 
“common hyung, we gotta leave her alone before she asks her dad to beat us up. Oh wait…she dosen’t have one too!” Lee Dong Hae, hyuk jae’s partner in crime laughed along at hyeyeon.

But once she reached the 7th grade and puberty hits her in the face, Hyeyeon woke up to reality and became her new self with a smirk. 
Armed with an IQ bigger then the bullies' ego,nothing in this world can bring her down…except for her phobia of birds.

Lee Hyuk Jae…

Big ego.small brain.

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In charge of bullying u in school for fun. (But always ends up losing in the end.)

“oops.”  Hyuk jae ‘accidentally’ sticks his foot out to trip the unsuspecting hyeyeon who was busy reading her book while walking through the crowd.


She fell over. Her face flat on the floor and her book sliding all the way down the hall way, getting kicked here and there by students who were busy getting to their next class before the school bell rings.

“Lee Hyuk Jae!” She bursts. Ignoring the fact that Hyuk Jae was a few years older than her. ( In korea, they have a very very very very strict ‘hierchy of politeness’…so calling hyuk jae with his full name was already considered very very very  rude)

*no. don’t get angry.don’t*she chanted to herself in her head. True, even she knew herself that the reason hyuk jae was doing this to her since the first day was to enjoy her frustration and anger. She ain’t gonna give him the pleasure that easily.

“hahahhaha.” Hyeyeon forced a fake laughter.” Good one Hyuk Jae.” She trotted towards him.

“ I would really want to do the same thing to you and let u feel the pleasure of falling flat on your face and scrapping your elbow till it bleeds.” She smiled.” But too bad I don’t abuse animals” 

“What? How dare you-“ “ annyeong.” Hyeyeon left Hyuk Jae to stand there, boiling in anger.


Lee Dong Hae…

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Hyuk Jae’s BFF and his partner in crime in bullying you.
His deep secret was that he had a very deep crush on you. Love at first sight. But well…it’s Bros before Hoes for him. Sure he always gives u a fresh new bruise to add to your ‘collection’ but he always has his way to be nice.

Hyeyon looks at her scraped elbow with a sigh. She finally got the bleeding to stop, but how was she gonna hide such a large scar from her bother? *haish*

She brushed off that issue for now and took out her physics text book for next period and realised that something was slipped in her pencil case.

A band-aid--with the initial DH written at the corner of the plastic packaging.    





Hyeyeon continues to hide her multi-million wealth to work in one of the most successful entertainment company in the world : SMentertainment.

The plan was simple : 

Work hard, gain money, get promoted, and laugh back in the face of the kids who used to bully her.

The hard part was that….the bullies ARE working in her workplace : SMentertainment.
Not as colleauges. As her boss.









i am still sick but managed to force myself to write a chapter. mian


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average_aqua #1
I don't know if i understand it wrongly, but you said in the description of hwang stella that "her parents died before she was even born..." Who gave birth to her then? @_@
Norhane #2
Chapter 58: OMG author-nim that's it i'm n love with you and i love more suju oppa than ever i was into enhyuk oppa but now i'm also into donghae oppa this is the best story ever...... you need to write the after story i wanna know their kids lol
thank you so much for this story reading it was literally the best moments i had
i had a fight with my friend and we needed to stay in the shop where we work together everyday and the silence was killing me , reading your story made my days better soooo much better thank you i love you author-nim <3 <3 <3
i'm looking forward your new stories
2114 streak #3
Chapter 58: Hello there author-nim ^_^ A new reader here. I started reading this story thinking that it is on Leeteuk. However, as I continued to read more I found out that it is on Donghae. And let me tell you that I didn't hesitate even a split second to read any further. The story was quite nice and I enjoyed reading it :)
nurnadira #4
Chapter 57: Finally they are together Yahoo!!!!!
Chapter 56: Yes he finally is going to be selfish for once and do what he should have done long ago and so glad that she finally came around to knowing that her Donghae is SJ's Donghae and let's hope this is not a dream and the members can accept the situation and she should come clean and tell the members why she did what she did cuz that is the reason why they are mad at her ...Thanks for the Double Update and by the way you posted this chapter twice :)
Chapter 55: At least Hae is okay now thanks to Hyeyeon ..he is still stubborn he still loves he deep down in his heart but is afraid to love her because of the members's hoping someone will knock some sense into the both of them like lock them up in room and throw away the key ...Thanks for the update :)
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 54: what happened?!
Chapter 54: Oh No! They got Hae hope he will be okay ...Thanks for the Update :)
seoyuna #10
Chapter 54: what happened to donghae? is he alright? plz update next chapter soon..