CEO Couple

That Awkward Moment.....with Super Junior.

With pure luck, a taxi came driving by as soon as hyeyeon reached the road.

''stella!!!'' donghae managed to catch up around 20 metres behind her as she was about to get into the taxi. He ran towards her as fast as his legs could carry him but too bad she had already gotten into the taxi and drove away before he was even close enough to reach out to her.

No, he didn't give up. Picking up the pace, donghae ran the fastest he could ever have in his life and managed to run next to the taxi at the same pace.
''stella, jebal.'' he knocked on the window.

''uncle, please drive faster.'' hyeyeon told the taxi driver. The driver stepped on it and slowly donghae fell behind and  eventually became only a dot in the distance.
''i'm sorry oppa.'' stella slowly closed her eyes.

After the show, Donghae and Lee Teuk was scolded for disappearing to nowhere for no reason in the middle of the show. The staff even had to go through the trouble of rearranging the schedule last minute as the others tried to find the two who had chased after stella.

This isn't the first time that they got scolded for doing something stupid, so no one really took it seriously. But what really pissed lee teuk and donghae off was that they were very close to catching stella. Very close. Lee teuk managed to see hyeyeon as she was about to enter the taxi at most.

''i am going out now, if u two fight again, i swear i will beat the life out of u two when i get home, arasso?'' heechul threatened them both. He was veeeerrryyyyy uncomfortable and unsure about leaving these two alone at home. But he has no choice. He needs to get something at a nearby mall himself and everyone else was out cuz of schedule.

''aasso hyung.'' donghae noded. Lee Teuk rolled his eyes and casted his look away. ''ne.''

As soon as heechul closed the door behind him, lee teuk and donghae gave each other a glare.
''give it up lee donghae, u won't win.''
''this wasn't  a game in the first place lee teuk hyung.''donghae bit his lip.


heechul had planned today to be an exciting shopping trip. But everything was ruined .
Donghae and Lee Teuk pissed him offf first thing in the morning due to their quarrels? *it's okay, i can distress by shopping later*

 The rain poured down heavily just as he was on the way to the mall and made him soaking wet? *No problem, i can just get new clothes in the mall.*

The shirt he had wanted to buy was sold out? *breathes heavily*

He ran into the sasaeng fans-
*that's it.*heechul pulled out his umbrella and walked up to them.

''what do u guys want now? A good beating up or just a broken neck that i owe u?'' he breathed heavily.

''heechul oppa.'' jianfeng smirked.apparently, a smashed phone and a scar was not enough to teach her that she should never mess with Super Junior.
''jianfeng.'' heechul's eyes blazed in anger. Still remembering what  jianfeng and her stupid sasaeng gang has done to stella and hankyung all this while.if it was legal or even possible, heechul wouldv'e stabbed her to death with his umbrella.
''where's your pretty little girlfriend? U guys broke up?'' she smirked.
''yah, my mood is already very bad today. So i shall show mercy and suggest u leave before i get nasty.'' he waved them away.
''well your girl friend still needs to pay for my smashed phone-''
''stella is not here anymore. And she probably never will. So seriously, leave me alone.''honestly heechul did believe that stella will come back, he only said what he did out of annoyance.
'' u guys DID break up.'' she chuckled as she  placed a hand on his shoulder.

''Don't. Touch. Me.''his breathing hitched.
Anyone around could see that heechul was almost gonna explode. His pale face turned red and his breathing became loud.*no heechul. No. People are watching. Don't do anything stupid.* heechul breathed deeply as his fists gripped so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He really just wants to slap the girl right now, but ...well..he is a celebrity . And right now, ruining his idol image isn't gonna be good for super junior's comeback soon.

''what if i don't?'' she .at that moment, in pure anger , he drops his shopping bags and was about to hit her when suddenly 2 eggs 'fell from the sky' and smashed right on jianfeng's head. Drenching her in eeky gooey raw egg.

''what the  *#%&¥§£€!!!!!!'' she gasped in disgust.''who was that?! Yahh!!'' she screamed in anger as looked around the passerbys for anyone that could have done that.''whoever that did that better own up now before i find who u are!!'' she yelled. Slowly the passerbys started avoiding her and giving her weird looks.

Embarrased by her own yelling, she gave heechul a final stare and ran off .

Heechul stood there.confused. 
''s-stella..'' his feelings flipped for a moment.''s-s-stella!!!!!!!!!''  he immediatly ran in a random direction and searched around. Leaving his shopping bags behind.He ran and ran and ran. Very sure that that was Hyeyeon's doing just now. Only she could have done something like that. 10 minutes of a fruitless search and his hopes have been drained dry.

''hyung! Why r u running around?''kangin who was doing his usual morning jog was on his way back afterhis 10th round around he neighbourhood when he saw heechul frantically running around.
''stella...'' heechul panted. '' she is here. I know it. We have to find her.''
''hyung no. It wasn't her. If she has a brain, then i'm sure she would use it to know that coming back here would be her worst move'' kangin was 
part of the second half of Super Junior that did not believe that Hyeyeon will come back. he gets pissed off just by the mention of Stella. But not as much as siwon of course.
''r-really?'' heechul was too exhausted  to think straight and was panting too much to talk.
'''s not stella.It' not."

''urm..stella...why are two eggs missing from the carton?'' , hyeyeon's guardian, EunSang ,asked her. She had sent hyeyeon to go to the market to get a carton of 30 eggs , but now there was only 28 left in the carton.
''it....dropped.'' Hyeyeon quickly started a new topic. '' seongjo oppa home?''
''nope. Not yet. And he probably won't be soon.'' continued taking out the grocerries from the bags one by one.
''oh well...'' hyeyeon sighed.'' i'll be upstairs if u need me.''she snatched an apple from the fruitbowl and headed upstairs to her room.

@super junior's dorm...

''L-Lee Teuk hyung...'' Donghae nervously looks up to he male who was sitting across him at the dinner table with his eyebrows knitted.
''shut up and eat.'' Lee Teuk had meant for his words to be sharp.
''hyung, i seriously don't want to fight with u anymore. Why can't u just let me confess to stella?''
''cuz u DON'T love stella. U r just using her to get over Hyeyeon.''
''No hyung, i am not-''
''Do u still love Hyeyeon?'' Lee Teuk's sudden question silenced Donghae for a while.''Do u still love Hyeyeon?'' Lee Teuk repeated himself in a higher tone.'' do u still love the girl that u fell in love with at first sight during middle school? The girl who became the reason u worked so hard and overcame all the hardship just to become what u r u still love her?'' 

Donghae had wanted to say with confidence that he had gotten over hyeyeon, but once Lee Teuk had put it that way, Donghae felt a pause in his heart as he remembered all the precious moments of his life where he could enjoy everyday just by looking at hyeyeon from a distance.Remembering how heart broken he was when he found out that Hyeyeon might not forgive him reminded him hat Hyeyeon wasn't just a first love of his that will one day turn into a memory.perhaps she was something more.

Seeing how Donghae could not come up with a confident answer, lee teuk threw down his chopsticks with a cluck of his tounge.
''bastard'' he got up and went into his room.

donghae sat frustration.and confusion.he wants to patch up with lee teuk but that means he has to let go of stella. If he goes to stella, then lee teuk might never talk to him again. He dosen't wanna lose any of both.


TheBlindBandit : -online-
GameKyu : stella!!!!!please don't go offline after reading this!!! I beg of u!!!
GameKyu : it's okay if u don't wanna reply, but please at least play one game with me!
GameKyu : Please
GameKyu : please
GameKyu : please please please!!!!!
GameKyu : Just one game !!!!
TheBlindBandit : -accepts game with GameKyu-

Kyuhyun jumped in his seat a bit.Without hesitation, he started the game.Usually he would try his best to beat her ASAP, but since this could be one of the only games he could ever get to play with her again, Kyuhyun purposely procrastinates some of his moves and slows down his attacks. a round that would usually take not more than an hour ended in 1 hour 45 mins with Kyuhyun winning in the end.

''Wwwhhhhaaatttttttt??!!!!! '' Hyeyeon choked on her saliva. No way broh. *How can kyuhyun win?! This can't be happening!!!* hyeyeon's pride was crumpled worse than Sungmin's sheet music yesterday.out of pique, she typed to him,

TheBlindBandit : One more game!!!

Kyuhyun rubbed his eyes to see the new message for him. * she actually replied?!*

GameKyu : no

Kyuhyun purposely declined since he knew that hyeyeon is the competitive type. He did so,so that hyeyeon would spam him with messages , asking him for another game. He would rather that happen than to have hyeyeon win a game and leave just like that.

TheBlindBandit : whhyy??!!
GameKyu : Cuz i said no.
TheBlindBandit : Just one game!!!
GameKyu : No.

Kyuhyun couldn't stop laughing his head off sas he with rejection.untill hyeyeon asked a interesting question.

TheBlindBandit : What do i have to do so that u would play another game with me?!

Kyuhyun took a while to think of a perfect answer and finally typed in,

GameKyu : Come back to us.
TheBlindBandit : -offline-

Kyuhyun sighed. *that was fun stella.* he closed his laptop shut and went down to have dinner with the rest. They probably have started dinner without him.

''ryeowook-ah, bring out some salt!!'' yesung ordered ryeowook who was still sipping down on his drink.
''salt? Why? Is my soup too bland?'' ryeowook tasted a spoonful.
''ani, i want to have a competition with stella to see who can finish up-'' yesung slapped his forehead and immediatly slumped back in his seat. He was always initiating competitions with stella that it eventually became a habit.though this isn't he firs time that yesung accidentally initiates a battle with hyeyeon who was apparently not there and ends up sinking quitely back into his seat when the reality of her being gone struck him.some of the other members laughed along with him, while the others remained silent. Especially the ones who considers stella to be the last topic on earth that they wanna talk about right now.

''it's okay hyung, i can challenge stuff with u until stella comes back.'' ryeowook  stood up to head to the kitchen but stopped and turn back when siwon said something.
''i guess u would have to challenge him forever then since she would never come back.''

''hyung, how ca u say that?!Stella WILL come back!!'' kyuhyun starts getting into his believeing-that-stella-will-come-back-no-matter-what mode.he practically believe that stacraft gaming with her was one of the first steps into bring her back.
''no. She won't.'' kangin's answer was simple ad blunt.
''yes, she will!'' heechul yelled. * i know that the egg accident was by stella. I am sure of it.*.
''u guys are wasting your time and feelings.'' Lee Teuk was calm. At least calmer than kyuhyun and heechul who was already off their seat.

''guys, let's not argue about this. Please calm down.'' shindong tried to calm the mood.he never really liked argument among the members.''it dosen't matter now wether she will come back or not. We just have to wait or see. And we also can't jump to conclusions too.What  if the rumours are true?''
''what rumour?'' kibum asked.
''there is a rumour going around that hyeyeon wasn't really a spy.she is some rich girl that went undercover for some reason-''
''rich girl?'' siwon asked. Feeling somehow anxious.he had promised stella that he would keep the fact about her wealth a secret, if word gets out about she,the daughter of Hwang corporation,working under SMentertainment, then he would be one of the first to be suspected for leaking the info.

*wait...since i can't contact stella directly....* siwon suddenly runs into his room and frantically searches for his phone. Rummaging through his contact list, he finally found the person he wanted and called him up.

''oppppaaaaa!!!!!'' hyeyeon excitedly picks up the phone when she saw her brother's name flashing on the screen.
''hyeyeon!!how have u been?'' seongjo seriously missed his one and only little sister so much that just her voice made him wanna cry.  Everytime he glanced at her chilhood pictures that he had hung up in his office, he could feel his tears welling up.
''it's been....interesting. What about u? R u calling to tell me that u r  coming back soon?''she asks excitedly. Anticipating something positive.
''actually...i want to tell u of good news.Do u remember choi si won? That guy that i introduced u to at that party?''
''y-yeah....'' hyeyeon's voice grew small. She did not like the topic of the current situation. At all.
''he told me that he has grown an interest in u.''
''u mean...''
''yeap..he has a crush on u.'' seongjo applauded.
''in what way is that good news?''
''i was getting worried that perhaps u would be lazy to actually find a life partner. Now i don't have to worry about u getting a life partner.''
''woah!!!!!!!'' hyeyeon raised her voice. '' i am not marrying choi si won. In fact, i don't even want to see him!!''
''oh well too bad, cuz i have already sent him our address and he may arrive at our door anytime soon.''

*SION OPPA IS COMING HERE??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* she panicked.
''oppa!!!!!!'' hyeyeon screamed.She is trying to avoid Super Junior at all cost and now she is actually getting a call from her brother telling her that choi si won is coming here in a few minutes and that he might also become her husband???!!!!!! WTH!!

Rich people  in korea usually go through an arranged marriage by their parents instead of finding their true love. The main reason is only so that their family company would grow bigger if their child gets to marry a child of another rich family with a ridiculously large company.
She and siwon knew that their parents might end up forcing them into an arranged marriage.All this while she and siwon had sometimes brainstormed together to avoid this arranged marriage thingie and little did she expect that siwon would even have feelings for her.

''just try to meet up with him, he is not that bad.''
''no, oppa. I know that choi si won is a really nice guy. He is also very sweet and caring too! But seriously, i CAN'T be in a relationship with him, ever!''
''why not? I am gonna send u overseas for training for 9 years in a few months anyway. So u should get him to be a boyfriend that u could look foreword to marrying once u come back. U and him can be a ceo couple of -''
''i don't want to be a ceo couple!!!!! Oppa please-''

ding dong! Ding dong!


Sorry for the cliffhanger ..heh.

Once again, thanks so much for supporting this story guys, please don't forget to upvote this story ok?I am seriously sorry that this is such a crappy chapter.I promise i will try harder for the next chapters.

New topic to discuss : 

this story is ending soon and i wanna start on my next story, i hope u guys can choose a group for me to put as the main characters. thanks.

(damn~~ i m so sorry that this update is very boring. It's already past midnight and i am just plain tired, i hope u all understand. saranghae.)

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Thank you!
i am still sick but managed to force myself to write a chapter. mian


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average_aqua #1
I don't know if i understand it wrongly, but you said in the description of hwang stella that "her parents died before she was even born..." Who gave birth to her then? @_@
Norhane #2
Chapter 58: OMG author-nim that's it i'm n love with you and i love more suju oppa than ever i was into enhyuk oppa but now i'm also into donghae oppa this is the best story ever...... you need to write the after story i wanna know their kids lol
thank you so much for this story reading it was literally the best moments i had
i had a fight with my friend and we needed to stay in the shop where we work together everyday and the silence was killing me , reading your story made my days better soooo much better thank you i love you author-nim <3 <3 <3
i'm looking forward your new stories
2034 streak #3
Chapter 58: Hello there author-nim ^_^ A new reader here. I started reading this story thinking that it is on Leeteuk. However, as I continued to read more I found out that it is on Donghae. And let me tell you that I didn't hesitate even a split second to read any further. The story was quite nice and I enjoyed reading it :)
nurnadira #4
Chapter 57: Finally they are together Yahoo!!!!!
Chapter 56: Yes he finally is going to be selfish for once and do what he should have done long ago and so glad that she finally came around to knowing that her Donghae is SJ's Donghae and let's hope this is not a dream and the members can accept the situation and she should come clean and tell the members why she did what she did cuz that is the reason why they are mad at her ...Thanks for the Double Update and by the way you posted this chapter twice :)
Chapter 55: At least Hae is okay now thanks to Hyeyeon ..he is still stubborn he still loves he deep down in his heart but is afraid to love her because of the members's hoping someone will knock some sense into the both of them like lock them up in room and throw away the key ...Thanks for the update :)
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 54: what happened?!
Chapter 54: Oh No! They got Hae hope he will be okay ...Thanks for the Update :)
seoyuna #10
Chapter 54: what happened to donghae? is he alright? plz update next chapter soon..