
That Awkward Moment.....with Super Junior.

For the first time in forever, super junior's dinner time was actually as quiet as a graveyard. Not a single word said, not a single head turned. The news about hyeyeon's betrayal has came worse than a shocker. After donghae stormed out of lee soo man's office just now, super junior suddenly experienced like ...this type of...mood swing? Literally PMS if only they were girls. Sure, they had their fake smiles natural on stage, but once they got off, all of them just needed some time alone. Staring into space or zoning out at a corner.

Right now, the only sound to be heard over the dinner table are munching, chewing, spoons clanking and slurping.some of them weren't even eating. Technically just poking into their food and playing with their soup actually.

''pu-xing'' hankyung slams down his chopsticks and headed for his room only to come out a few seconds later with his bag and sweater.
''where r u going?'' heechul asked. Only to be ignored as hankyung leaves the house without a word.

Hankyung went all the way to his usual kung fu practice room and got his gear ready. He stood in front of the punching bag with a sigh.
Bam! The punching bag swung left and right vigorously when hankyung landed a quick strike.a couple more fast punches and the bag almost managed to push him down had he not snapped out of his daze and dodged the swinging object.

Hankyung's p.o.v

maybe to stella i am just another friend. But to me she was one of my only friends. She held her hand out to me even when i didn't ask for it. Why must his happen to me?why is my fate so bad?

''urgh!'' i kicked the punching bag hard enough to hear my ankle crack, but still that was not enough to vent out my frustrations.the heavy pants, the threatening tears,the boiling frustrations.And coincidentally, at the corner of his eyes, I spotted something familiar.

(start flashback)

''i dare u to try that.'' hyeyeon gestured to the wooden board held up by a  6 to 7 feet high pole.
''that! U want me to smash it? Sure.'' hankyung tightened his wrist gear.
''no uh. I want u to do your flying kick!!'' she claps excitedly.

''f-flying kick?'' hankyung gulped.'' sorry, but i can't.'' ''why?'' '' i can do a normal flying kick, but if u ask me to aim the kick at something...i can't do it. It's one of the only skills left that i still cant do over the years.'' hankyung lied. He could smash that board to pieces with a flying kick even with his eyes closed, but the reason he dosen't want to do it anymore is cuz of a recent injury.

Due to stupid sasaeng fans.But of course hakyung would know better than to mention about sasaeng fans in front of stella . 

''excuses.'' she threw him a look.

'' i'm serious! >.<''

''sure u r.'' she said with a roll of her eyes before standing up.'' where r u going?'' 
''call me again when u r brave enough to break that board.'' she giggled. ''i  thought u were better than sungmin, but i guess i was wrong. ''
''hey, what happens if i could break the board?''Hankyung felt challenged. He never really liked it when pople mention about sungmin being a better fighter than him. Yes, he is jealous. But only due to technical reasons. Hankyung has been training kung fu since kindergarten while sungmin had only started when he was in in highschool. clearly, hankyung had waaaaaaaay more training. So it feel unfair somehow. Hearing the statement that sungmin is a better fighter ticks him off.
''then i promise i will do anything u want. As long as it does not involve breaking the law or killing myself or anything that would make me lose my job"she placed the bet.

(end flashback..)

actually hyeyeon knew well about the sasaeng fans injuring hankyung. She only asked him to break the board with a flying kick only to test if he was stupid enough to do so. Even if he had wanted to do it anyway,she would have sternly stopped him.

Hankyung breathes in deeply as he eyes the square board. Almost at his eye level , 3 feet away from him , with only the size of a mini magazine.
''hya!!'' he does a tuck jump, spins 180 degrees, stretches his foot out and...


The board smashed to pieces. The tiny brown and red pieces scattered all over the floor.wait...brown...and red??!! Hankyung's eyes widened to see red drops of liquids on the floor.
He followed the trail of blood all the way to...his ankle? His ankle is bleeding but yet for some reason, his body turned numb and didn't even react to the pain.
Without another word,hankyung slowly walked out of the room. Leaving a trail of blood on the way.
*i broke it hwang stella. U owe me a favour now.* the door closed behind him with a soft click.
kibum glanced at the door once again  for the thousandth time in the past 10 mins. He has to shoot the crying scene for his episode now and his nervous system is definitely not giving him any mercy or chance to calm down.

Hyeyeon had promised him that she would be there when he wants to shoot this special scene that she has rehearsed with him before.the rehersel that he had with hyeyeon and suju was the first and last time he rehearsed that scene.

He could still remember the bloodshot of her eyes and how passionate her acting was that it seemed real for some reason. *even someone who has never gotten acting classes in their lives  like stella could do a crying scene so awesomely.what would i be if i can't even do this?* he sighed.

And even though he knew that the chances of her coming is smaller than a wormhole, he still had to admit that he needed her there and hopes that she would just appear now and give him the usual motivational 'hwaiting!' or a least have a last minute rehersel with him.

as time ticks away and hyeyeon seems to be nowhere in sight, kibum's hope and confidence slowly disintegrated.

He'll be so dead if he can't conjure the tears for the scene later. Ottokhae?

''kibum-shhi, please get ready on set in two minutes.'' the staff called out to him.
''woah, don't be so nervous dude. You need tears to flow later, not sweat.'' lee seunggi, a fellow actor in this drama, gave him a pat.

"But ...what if i can't make the teears flow?" Kibum hoped for a good advice,
e" this scene, your best friend suddenly laves you without warning and u feel nothing but frustrated and betrayed. Hasn't that ever happened to u at last once in your life?" Seunggi asks.

" has.." The though of stella came to mind.
"hen think of that person, and center your feelings. trust me, i twill work." Seunggi winked and left the set just like that as the diretor called the for the shots to be ready.

''eunyoung-ah, can't u stay a bit longer? We have only been friends for a month.'' One of the actors started the ball rolling.
''mianhae,but...some things are unavoidable.'' eunyoung (the girl that hyeyeon acted as in rehersel) sighed.''i really love u guys, but i have to go back to family.we will always be friends, i promise.''

''will u?'' kibum gave her  a look. Holding his breath a bit as his eyes successfully turned pink.''seo yi jeong...u came like a loner and we treated u well and u are just leaving us like this? Doesn't all our times spent together mean anything to u?''

Ever since Hyeyeon left,Kibum was deeply hurt, thinking that he has been betrayed.But since he has always been at a corner by himself quietly all this while, no one actually realized his sadness, For that short moment,he really imagined that Hyeyeon was standing in front of him.Using his deep feelings as a momentum, he squeezed every drop of his true feelings into the act.

''no oppa. I-''

''r u happy that u r leaving us? Didn't we mean anything to u?''technically, those words were just something from the script, but to kibum, those words were the exact same words that he wanted to ask Stella since she was gone.

''before i met u all, i never had any friends..'' her voice had already cracked and her sobs slowly kicked in.

''u guys mean more to me that anything in my life. My ever lasting friends.''Eunyoung sunk into her seat and pressed her palm against her eyes , exactly just like how hyeyeon did.

''even if it was for a moment..i wanted to believe that i could stay with u guys forever. It was fate that brought us together..and now it's fate that seperates us-" Eunyoung, was taken aback when Kibum suddenly yelled at her. That wasn't in the script , but she went along with it anyway.

''then just stay! Defy the world and stay! We promised to be there for u no mater what and we WILL be there for u no matter what! Why must u leave?!'' kibum's heart and tears literally flowed out like liquid through the words. 

''cut!''' the director shouted, satisfied.''that was a good take, good job!'' he applauded. Immediatly the staff came into the set and touched up on the actor ad actresses' make - up. A routine that was so familiar to them since they practically had to do it after every scene take. '' good job kibum-ah. Your acting was so good, even i thought that u were really angry. Ad the adlibs were perfect too.'' lee seunggi applauded the boy. Though kibum still had his head down and tears flowing off his chin.

'k-kibum? R u okay?'' lee seunggi was flustered to see the non-stop tears.kibum was really crying and it wasn't just small sobs.
''joisonghamnida.'' kibum whispered under his breath before running out of the studio. Passing by hyeyeon who was hiding by the exit on his way out, but was too busy wiping his tears to realize that.hyeyeon immediatly ran off after him.

''everyone take a break,we shall start the next scene in 20 minutes.'' the director said as he called up a nearby chicken delivery service that was already on speed dial on his phone.

''guys, hurry and call kibum back, we need him for the next scene.'' one of the staffs called out to the rest.'' no, it's okay. I'lll go after him.'' lee seung gi threw down his water bottle and ran off towards the exit.

Hyeyeon had wanted to approach kibum who was bawling his eyes out at a park bench alone, but immediatly detoured and went behind a bush when she saw lee seunggi coming their way.

''kibum-ah, u okay?'' he places a hand on kibum's quivering shoulder and took a seat next to the crying latter. Lee seunggi is kibum's senior in acting by a lot of years, but he and kibum practically treat each other like friends since they don' have much of an .

''j-joisonghamnida.'' was all kibum could say.
''i know what u r going through.'' seunggi places a hand on kibum's nape. ''people think that acting is a profession for being fake. But what they don't know is that sometimes when acting gets too passionate, our real feelings could pour out.i can tell that  u yelling and shouting just now wasn't an act. It was u pouring out your heart.'' a few seconds of silence drifted by before seunggi asked a question that made kibum suddenly lift up his head. And so did stella.

''r u vexed because of stella?''
''h-how did u-''
''she promised that she would come today right?''
''how did u know?''
''she never fails to come to any of your acting schedule. What big reason would there be for her to miss out on the shooting of the last episode of such an important drama  of your career?''
''she.....''' kibum's eye fell onto his pastel coloured sneakers, custom made to match his hoodie.not a word said.
''she will come. I know she will.'' 

''yes oppa, i did come. I'm here, just as i promised.i'm sorry'' hyeyeon whispered to herself.

"If that is what u think." Seunggi said with a shrug.

As hyeyeon sank into bed that night, the only thought to flow through her mind was super junior. R they eating well? Is sungmin sleeping late to write songs again?what did ryeowook cook for them tonight?has zhoumi finally able to solve the rubik's cube? What about the sasaeng fans?is kangin still doing his usual morning jog?

''urgh, no.'' she got up and looked around her room. She needs to get her mind off those guys for goodness sake.something that could make her be so into it that she won't even realize that her pants were on fire.

''starcraft.'' she noded. 

''heechul hyung! Play starcraft with me! '' kyuhyun yelled from his room as he logs into his account.
''no! It's late! Go to sleep!if u wanna play so much, then ask stella!!!'' heechul yelled back from across the house. As the word 'stella' kind of echoes around the house, just so suddenly, the world became quiet.

''i would if i could.'' kyuhyun mumbled under his breath.''kyuhyun-ah, why don't u go and sleep? It's late and we have a show to perform tomorrow.'' siwon walked into kyuhyun's room without a knock. He was actually on his way to bed when he heard heechul yelling and he figured that maybe he could play a game or two with kyu before heading off to snooze.
''siwon-ah, just one game please?''
''if i don't , r u gonna keep on pesking us to play with u?''siwon picked up a controller.Good thing that Siwon is okay with Kyuhyun's informality towards him.Usually koreans are sensitive about being formal to your elders and all, BLAH BLAH BLAH. but well, seeing how siwon let's kyuhyun mess around with him shows how much siwon really cares for kyuhyun.

''yeap, as long as stella is gone.'' kyuhyun joked. Though instead of a laugh, siwon lets out a sigh.
''then i guess u would pesk us forever-''

''siwon! Don't say that! I believe that stella will come back >.<'' 
''kyuhyun-ah, u dunno stella as well as u think u do.''

''no, i DO know stella well, and i know that she will be back!'' kyuhyun raised his voice. Out of all the super junior members, kyuhyun is the person that believed in hyeyeon the most. He may seem like a cocky idiot on the surface, but deep down inside.....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy deep down inside, he really treasures friendship.he is also a rich man's son and he knows well of people who treat him with 300 percent pure fakeness just cuz of his wealth and popularity. So kyuhyun could differentiate wether  a person is being fake towards him (like those mini skirt b*tches who has enough money in their cash card to buy ten houses but yet 'does not have enough money' to buy clothes with at least enough cloth to cover their ) or if a person is genuinely sincerely  being friends with him. And in this case, he was 100 % sure that hyeyeon is being true.

'' kyuhyun stop it. She.won't. Come. '' 
''she will.'' for some reason, even though kyuhyun hated it, he would rather  lose to stella and see the words '' TheBlindBandit won'' flashing on the screen right now, cuz at least he would be able to get in contact with her.but well...she hasn't been online eversince she disappeared, and he isn't expecting a surprise tonight either.*why is the game taking so long to load?!* kyuhyun impatiently tapped on the controller.
''she won't,'' siwon's answer was blunt but stern.

''well i-'' kyuhyun's eyes grew bigger than his ego when he saw what was flashing at the corner of his screen.

TheBlindBandit :  - online -


sorry i haven't been updating in a while *awkward smile*

I have been very busy lately and my computer keeps giving me problems.
But still, i really wanna apologize to all of u once again.
I will try to update everyday starting from now since my holidays have already started =)

gomawoyo, hwaiting!

New topic(s) to discuss :

1)Who in da world is Got7? Why is everyone liking them? Can someone please give me a good reason to like them. Their mv , so does their dance and song. And if i judge them by looks, i can honestly say that exo is waaayy more handsome. i am sorry if i have offend anyone out there. this is just an opinion.

2)Am i the only one pissed off with exo literally being EVERYWHERE in CFs and everything? I barely follow anything exo on fb and twitter, but even so, i keep seeing exo posts and stuff LITERALLY EVERYWHERE.
Someone please tell me that i am not the only one going through this TT.TT No, i do not hate exo, in fact i really respect their talents.But no matter how delicious ice-cream is, there will be people who gets sick of it. SO please understand.

3)Even till now somehow see Kibum as a betrayer . How can he leave Super Junior for so long ? TT.TT i would beg him to come back if i could.Were any of u ever frustrated or angry with kibum for 'abandoning' Super Junior?

And some other stuff.....

1) Let's hang out guys=) I promise i will accept all friend requests and follow everyone back .

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2)In order for me to be able to finish up with my school stuff faster so i can concentrate more on this story, i really need a favour from u all .

i want u all to send me your own personal favourite inspirational quote from someone wise (e.g " Failure is a step towards success / Sometimes the only blessings u need to count is your heartbeat) or perhaps relatable yet motivational song lyrics (e,g : B.A.P Unbreakable : Failure is what makes me stronger.Fear is what makes me run ) . Yes, i can be k-pop or e-pop or j-pop or anything type of music on this would also be fine (in fact, it would be awesome) if the quote is originally created by you =)

3)What awesome dances are there in k-pop? Exo? B.A.P? BTS?Please choose for me~~~

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Thank you!
i am still sick but managed to force myself to write a chapter. mian


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average_aqua #1
I don't know if i understand it wrongly, but you said in the description of hwang stella that "her parents died before she was even born..." Who gave birth to her then? @_@
Norhane #2
Chapter 58: OMG author-nim that's it i'm n love with you and i love more suju oppa than ever i was into enhyuk oppa but now i'm also into donghae oppa this is the best story ever...... you need to write the after story i wanna know their kids lol
thank you so much for this story reading it was literally the best moments i had
i had a fight with my friend and we needed to stay in the shop where we work together everyday and the silence was killing me , reading your story made my days better soooo much better thank you i love you author-nim <3 <3 <3
i'm looking forward your new stories
2034 streak #3
Chapter 58: Hello there author-nim ^_^ A new reader here. I started reading this story thinking that it is on Leeteuk. However, as I continued to read more I found out that it is on Donghae. And let me tell you that I didn't hesitate even a split second to read any further. The story was quite nice and I enjoyed reading it :)
nurnadira #4
Chapter 57: Finally they are together Yahoo!!!!!
Chapter 56: Yes he finally is going to be selfish for once and do what he should have done long ago and so glad that she finally came around to knowing that her Donghae is SJ's Donghae and let's hope this is not a dream and the members can accept the situation and she should come clean and tell the members why she did what she did cuz that is the reason why they are mad at her ...Thanks for the Double Update and by the way you posted this chapter twice :)
Chapter 55: At least Hae is okay now thanks to Hyeyeon ..he is still stubborn he still loves he deep down in his heart but is afraid to love her because of the members's hoping someone will knock some sense into the both of them like lock them up in room and throw away the key ...Thanks for the update :)
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 54: what happened?!
Chapter 54: Oh No! They got Hae hope he will be okay ...Thanks for the Update :)
seoyuna #10
Chapter 54: what happened to donghae? is he alright? plz update next chapter soon..