
Angels in the Shadows
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Laying out everything they were going to do before leaving, they finally settled near a place of their choosing. He couldn't remember the last time he had went out like this. The suddenly change of the environment made him adjust the way he did certain things. The area they were staying in was nearby their destination, which so happened to be the area of guardian angels. 

Honestly, walking into their territory unprepared for what to expect made him feel very uneasy. He was high on nerves and more alert with his surrounding than usual. He couldn't lie and say that he was confident about what they were doing or if they were even going to succeed at all. Right now, he could only hope for things to go as planned. 

They were suppose to introduce themselves with one of the members of the Council of Guardian Angels. Approaching the meeting area with Taeyeon, they came face to face with a female. Just looking at her, he could sense that she was naive and wouldn't be a threat to their mission. 

"Oh hello, I see you're the new people that I was informed were coming today. I'm Jessica and it's nice to meet you two. Care to introduce yourself to me?" She smiled with every word she delivered and nodded her head encouragingly to us. 

"I'm Kai-" and I motioned to the girl beside me, "-and this is my sister, Taeyeon." He kept his words short and delivered them swiftly. She held out her hand for us to shake and he observed Taeyeon's face who seemed hesitant on any sort of contact. He nudged her and she grabbed her hand abruptly and he didn't miss Jessica's surprised expression. After letting her hand go, she proceeded on to Kai, who unlikely Taeyeon gently shook her hand and apologized for the girl. "I'm sorry for that. She's just not very open to new people."

She chuckled and replied, "It's fine, Taeyeon reminds me of my own sister. She's not one to trust anyone very easily as well." This new piece of information definitely caught him off guard for a moment, but didn't let his emotions show through. If her sister was as she described, she could become a very big problem for them. Only he didn't know just how much of a problem she would become just yet. 

"Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys in on what's happening here right now. We aren't exactly in the best condition at the moment. I'm a bit stressed at the moment, so if I say or do anything wrong, please excuse me. There's been some issues going on and we are trying to figure out a solution, but in the time being we are trying to make the most of it."

Though she was smiling, it didn't quite reach her eyes this time. "What's going on right now?" he decided to ask her even if he had a theory about it. 

"Just something dealing with the fallen angels, so there isn't anything you need to be worried about," she quickly responded and didn't say anything more. Her answer confirmed his suspicions and didn't bother to probe further into the matter. 

Jessica's face lit up looking at something behind them, so being naturally curious he turned around to see exactly what was making her excited. He noticed a girl with long hair and a slim figure, who was in many standards considered beautiful to many. He didn't disagree with that thought, but that wasn't what caught his attention. They were her eyes. Her eyes were sharp and calculating, giving her a strong image and powerful aura. Nonetheless, he found her interesting to say the least. 

He didn't refrain from staring at her and she turned her head to look at him. When she made eye contact with him, she narrowed her eyes at him. He didn't know how to react to her hostility towards him and they had barely met.

"Jung-ah and Baekhyun! Come here! I have some people I would like for you to meet," Jessica shouted towards the two. 

He was so focused on the girl, that he didn't bother to notice the male walking beside her. If there was a word that he could use to describe him it would be innocent. Very soon they reached the spot that we were standing and the girl stood near Jessica. 

"Jung, these are the people who will be

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Congrats sis! I must say you have flawless taste in choosing otps since both became reality!
Chapter 4: daebak!!! update soon please^^
Chapter 3: this is so amazing story!!!:) take your time authornim.. don't rush, i will patiently waiting for your update^^
loveKD #4
Oooo interesting... fighting author nim and hope u will update soon
Chapter 2: wow daebak!!!! update soon please
Sundress24 #6
Chapter 2: This is so goooood ;____; please keep it up <3
EliMeow #7
Chapter 1: Is it going to focus more on kaistal or baekyeon?
Chapter 1: interesting!!! update soon please^^
Cool story, pls update soon, I'm waiting for you :)