
Angels in the Shadows
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The night proved to be longer than Taeyeon imagined. It wasn't easy for her to fall asleep with her mind spinning with the thoughts of upcoming events. A bystander witnessing her future actions wouldn't be able to understand the reason. It became very complicated the moment she took her very first step into this place. The place for people like her. The fallen angels. 

After experiencing her first day in this place, it brought nothing but despair and resent to every fiber of her being. It wasn't quite noticeable to her at the beginning, but soon she caught on to what was happening around her. The constant whispering through the corners of the hallway came ringing into her ears. Everyday she had to deal with being mocked and laughed at just from her own silly mistakes. They judged her by her looks, calling her y and rude because she refused to speak to anyone but Kai. It wasn't her fault that she was introverted and had a hard time expressing her feelings to anyone. At times, she herself didn't even know how she felt. 

She knew that it was best to just ignore them and go on about her own business. Taeyeon kept trying to tell herself that when she needed some reassurance and believing that those words were true was a challenge all on its own. It became harder and harder to ignore as their remarks to her soon became bruises and wounds. There was an empty pit in her stomach that was filling with something she had yet to discover. Then she realized that it was anger that she had been harboring for everyone all this time.

She was just a ticking time bomb waiting to exploded and explode she soon did. Taeyeon soon reached her own limit after a couple of months. She couldn't remember the day very well, it was all just a blur to her. All she could recall was that she was screaming, just screaming. That morning when she woke up, she realized that she had spent the night crying and for once in all that time that she was there, she was calm. Not so sure if she should have been scared of that or not, she came to terms that it wasn't something to be afraid of. 

Things quickly changed and she wasn't the naive girl everyone believed her to be. She wasn't the same person anymore, but someone was walked with confidence and spoke with authority. She improved in her training and gained the skills and knowledge needed that made one fearful of her.

The talk about her died done almost as soon as it had started, thankfully for her. It caught her off guard when anyone would try to befriend her in an attempt to gain attention and she saw right through them and their motives. Taeyeon wouldn't be able to forget everything that happened that easily. Deep inside she still had the anger that was buried inside her that wouldn't come out just yet. Was it really that easy for people to switch sides? Clearly from her experience, it was indeed very easy. 

Her sudden improvement definitely sparked the interest of the Master and she had the chance to speak to him unlike so many of the others. She was curious about him and all she was able to gather were the rumours about him. When she walked in t

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Congrats sis! I must say you have flawless taste in choosing otps since both became reality!
Chapter 4: daebak!!! update soon please^^
Chapter 3: this is so amazing story!!!:) take your time authornim.. don't rush, i will patiently waiting for your update^^
loveKD #4
Oooo interesting... fighting author nim and hope u will update soon
Chapter 2: wow daebak!!!! update soon please
Sundress24 #6
Chapter 2: This is so goooood ;____; please keep it up <3
EliMeow #7
Chapter 1: Is it going to focus more on kaistal or baekyeon?
Chapter 1: interesting!!! update soon please^^
Cool story, pls update soon, I'm waiting for you :)