ᛇ Eir Has Been Summon-Reincarnated...?! Σ(°ロ°)

Background: #f5f5ff
Outline: #cce
Title: #d7a
Text: #448
Link: #f9c
Into the Spider Verse Soundtrack Cover
Eir's Theme
♬ Familia
✎ Nicki Minaj (ft. Bantu)
Generally, mom friends, if there's a crash, rush in asking if everyone's alright. Eir is not this mom friend. She is the one who, instead, is in the room already, does not look up from her book, and ignores the idiots she for some reason calls friends (aka family). Eir is the friend who rarely smiles (or emotes), looks perpetually #unimpressed, and roasts people without hesitation. Despite her demeanor, people who know never doubt how terrifying she is nor how fierce she is in protecting those who she deems as her own.
The members of Hiraeth, after a certain Incident, liken Eir to a dragon - doesn't do anything she doesn't want / have to, deadly possessive of her "hoard," can be lazy, doesn't care what others think, but dangerous when provoked - and take amusement in telling people who learn and watching the horrified realization light their eyes. (Eir, when she was told, blinked rapidly, tucked hair behind her ear, then returned to her book of the day. Idun laughed madly when told before agreeing wholly with the comparison.)
milky way, night sky
Rosamia (Granblue Fantasy)
We are stars wrapped in skin - the light you are seeking has always been within.
Name: Eir
Previous Name: Wilhelm Arkwright
Hjordis It's a title based on her weapon, name (since it is the same name as a goddess), and ability to utilize runes. She doesn't like it much, but it stuck following her forced rise to B-rank-hood.
Veli It means "brother" in Danish. Idun uses it most, but sometimes a guildmate will dare to use it - when Idun isn't in earshot, of course. The name gets some strange looks from the locals, but no one explicitly questions Idun about the different-gender title.
Dragon of Hiraeth A title kept spoken in surprised gasps and dire realizations that this girl is the dragon in the rumors. It refers to (as said in the intro in the top-left) Eir's powers, possessiveness, and general devil-may-care attitude. While those in Hiraeth usually only bring it up after her temper has been triggered - in a, "You just angered the Dragon of Hiraeth, you idiot" kind of way - most not of the guild only know rumors.
Birthday: 24 February
Age: 16
Previous Age: 25
Biological Gender: female
Previous Biological Gender: male
uality: demiromantic, demiual
Pronouns: female
Race: human
Magical Affinity: neutral
Previous Nationality: English (UK)
Previous Ethnicity:
half-German, half-European-mix
Eir's Talented Tongue
(aka the languages she can speak)
English His native language from Earth. Completely fluent in all aspects.
German His mother tongue. His relatives used it with him growing up. Completely fluent in all aspects of it.
Welsh Because UK road signs and natural curiosity, decided to learn it. Initially only learned how to read and vaguely write, but with his family's support in his interest, he ended up learning continuously until fluent.
French The language he took in school and was top of his class for. His accent wasn't great, but he could read, write, and speak relatively well.
British Sign Language Several of his friends over the years had deafness in the family. It took time for him to learn but his simple signs eventually became full conversations. When asked, his friends said he was as fluent as anyone could be while not attending actual classes on it and kind of shrugged.
(Nothing to speak or literate.)
Polish Because it is one of the largest immigrant communities in England, he decided to learn it to communicate with them. Only learned how to speak basics and was slowly starting to learn how to read and write it before.
Random, Earth Languages Knows standard greetings and short phrases Enough to hold a short conversation for his parents' travels, but could barely speak, let alone read and write in them.
Allspeak Can now understand and speak every language with fluency.
(Since it does not have a written language, as far as the guild could tell, nothing to read or write.)
Midgardian languages As a lover of languages, she sat in school, practiced with natives, and learned how to read and write Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish fluently (on top of speaking due to Allspeak). She is working on Icelandic now and is planning on learning Finnish after she finishes.
Hiraeth's Guide to Handling Eir
Quick Summary of Eir
(aka if you have no time to read this before meeting Eir;
in which case, good luck 'cause you'll need all of it)
POS calm, observant, self-sufficient
NEU diplomatic, guileless, curious
NEG passive, logical, ruthless
#lookslikeacinnamonroll #butcanandwillkillyou
#fantasticallyindifferent #secretlytheparent
The Rules of Interaction
(aka knowing what to do in all of the so-far-
encountered Eir-related situations for the
new Summoned-Reincarnators in the back)
For those of you who are currently laughing that someone needs a survival guide? I pity you because you're going to be the idiot who breaks one of the rules and regrets it. For those of you who didn't listen to your Hiraeth veterans and decided to finally read this guide after breaking one of the many rules, I don't even pity you because it's entirely your fault. Now to the smart children who read this guide early, good job. Now, I know there might be some confusion. Are we talking about the same Eir? The same Eir who prefers to sit in the corner of the chaos that is named Hiraeth with a book? The same Eir who takes everything - even the entire summoned-reincarnation situation - into stride with quiet serenity? The same Eir who is the exact opposite of the anxiety-inducing chaos named Idun? Yes, that Eir. Because, in case you forgot, Eir is Idun's sister. I can hear you now, but yes, her sister. And - I'm going to blow your mind again - if you really think about it, is there anyone who says no to whatever Eir orders, including Idun? (For those of you who have not yet seen the rare instances of Eir giving orders, the answer is no. No one ever refuses Eir's orders.) Now, I just want you to think of why all these different and strong (and crazy) people would all never deny one person, why Idun (quite literally, why and possibly how), and why Eir might look so calm amidst the chaos known as Hiraeth. And now, I'm sure you understand why someone needs a guide.
1. Never anger Eir.
I could go on and on about why this is a bad idea. Every member, once they realize why this is the first rule, could write you a full-on essay as to why this is a bad idea. Because the fact of the matter is Eir is exactly what you see most of the time: the eye of the storm that is Hiraeth, calm yet going with the (crazy) flow; the diplomat within this wild guild who, despite her curious streak, always seems to know what to do; the bookworm who'd rather sit in the corner than even touch anything Hiraeth drags itself into. It's very true. But that's only most of the time. And the Eir who comes up that rare moment? Well, then, I suppose I should inform you (or remind you, which if you've forgotten, is terrible since it's unforgettable), Eir was the Adventurer who put her foot down during the Incident involving Thor and Jormungand. Yes, the Incident you're thinking of. That was Eir. That's only one of her Incidents. Yes, there's more. Now if you still think you can face her fury after hearing that? You're a liar. Don't do it.
2. Never decline Eir's orders without a legitimate reason.
Now, let's preface this with a clarification. Eir's orders and Eir's requests - or whatever you want to call anything that Eir asks for that are not orders - are clear and distinct from her one another. The biggest clue is the lack of a "please" or question. If there's a please, a question mark at the end, or anything of the like, you're free to decline, no reason necessary (though appreciated). If you want, you can even do the opposite with minimal repercussion - though not necessarily without any repercussion. However, if it's an order - an obvious call of the name with a firm action (The most dire yet beautiful of examples includes, "Idun, leave him / her / them alone, and come here.") - then you better accomplish the action on pain of death. Now, if you have a reason to not do so like, say, being in another country or lacking the skill set necessary, you're allowed to tell her and politely request to not follow through. Eir is, in her words, "not a dictator" and will accept the reason if legitimate. If she says to do it still, then you're out of luck. If she says you should / can, there's a reason that you're not privy to so trust her. Word of warning, however, if your reason lacks substance? Be prepared, because you just broke rule number one with that.
3. If Eir's manners seem to have gone missing, so should you.
If there's one thing I'm sure you've noticed (among the many other things), it's Eir's manners. Among adults, it's adorable and polite and, most of the time, "their due" as adults. Among children, it's reputation-building that a "big kid" is so nice and polite to them. Among other Adventurers, it's unnecessary and unexpected but not quite unwelcome. Among Hiraeth, Eir's manners are also known as "Eir's Thermometer" (and yes, it probably needs a new name). When Eir's manners slowly disappear from her speech, that's your sign to either stop whatever is making her upset or escape because the blowout is going to be spectacular. She's not the kind of person to curse or forget her "please"s and "thank you"s or even make a deprecating joke without a smile and wink to assure you that she's only teasing. If any of these signs (or other polite habits she has) are missing, this is essentially a yellow card and a sign to ask Eir politely or use your sleuthing skills to figure out what it is. If it continues, there's the red card and a warning to hurry up. If her manners seem to disappear or her lack of manners worsen, you should remove the problem or yourself for survival. If Idun is escaping, you're late because Idun is always last to leave Eir.
4. Never do anything threatening or harmful to a Hiraeth member.
Now, hopefully, as a Hiraeth member yourself, I hope this never occurs to you or crosses your mind too seriously. However, this is more of a warning for you to tell others. If there's someone that you're even partially fond of, don't let them do this in front of Eir. Now if they're teasing or only saying it in the heat of the moment, Eir will most likely let this go. If there's anything remotely serious about this, Eir will not take this lying down, especially if said recipient of threat is hurt or not taking it seriously where Eir is. If this is someone you hate, you should still probably not let them do this, because no one deserves Eir utterly destroying them. If for whatever reason, you have to get between Eir and some idiot who broke this rule, all the luck to you and, hopefully, a blessing from the gods themselves because this is going to be the most difficult thing you've ever done, yes, including death and all.
Side Note: The rest of these rules are helpful for the future of Hiraeth, for your relationship with Eir, and all-around something you should keep in mind. However, you're less likely to die for breaking the rest of these rules. The above are known as the Core Four.
5. When Eir is lying, just go with it.
I know. She's a terrible liar. She knows too. So when she lies, she knows that you know. In most circumstances, she won't lie to you in the first place. When she does, play along initially and do whatever she tells you to do. You may just do so or try and deduce what's going on while following her badly-excused instructions. Most of the time, you don't need to figure it out (like surprise birthday parties), but occasionally, it ends up with Eir trying to do something deadly and trying to not get Hiraeth involved (like the time with Vali and Vili). Use your best discretion.
6. Don't ask Eir about runes.
Save yourself the headache and time. Will Eir answer you? Yes. You might think it'd be cool to figure it out. And it would be. But will you understand? No. Even other gods and goddesses don't get so technical about runes. Some even come and discuss / argue about runes with Eir. Just accept that she'll know more than you and move on with your life. If you need runes for whatever reason - like making a magical product or for an adventure - just tell her what's going on and ask her. She'll help for free, and you won't be confused. So don't ask her about it. Just don't.
7.. . . to be updated as necessary
Things of Note
(aka if you done messed up
and need to resort to bribery
among other facts about Eir)
YES tea, books, music,
....cuddles, quality time
MEH food, compliments
NOT being called babe / baby
hums pleased
chews bottom lip
blinks rapidly
tucks hair behind her ear
tilts her head
awaiting explanation
photographic memory
mild allergy to avocado
Words of Wisdom
(aka key phrases and how to react to them)
"Is that so?"
Her most neutral reaction. Signals little to no interference on her part unless the situation changes.
"That sounds [adjective]."
A slight bit of reaction you can use to guess what will happen depending on the adjective:
Interesting: absolute chaos imminent
Nice: harmless; perhaps inconvenient
Amusing: mildly annoying
Dangerous: bad news because the last time she said it, Var had to be involved
"[Name], [command]."
Move. Do what she says. Pray you aren't about to regret your life.
The Biography of Wilhelm / Eir
Life on Earth
Act I, Scene I: Childhood
Enter the life of one Wilhelm Arkwright, a few minutes past midnight, in a lovely town to an absolutely normal and average family. Not. Perhaps the Arkwright couple was average - a husband pilot and wife flight attendant who fell madly in love at first sight - (if you could call their movie-worthy love story average,) but in no way were the two normal. With wanderlust near insatiable, jobs that gave them plenty of access, and several stable homes - grandparents on both sides of the family and a house in England - the Arkwright couple took trips all over the world at the slightest whim. His parents were loving parents and good people, but they weren't great parents. As much as Wilhelm loved them and the adventure, their sense of responsibility was lacking, so it was his grandmother who put her foot down because he "needed stability whether [his parents] were going to stay with him or not!" So, whenever school was on vacation, his parents would come whisk him away to another country - more adventure to be had and sights to be seen - but when classes were filled with children, Wilhelm was right alongside with them in England, his grandmother a steady and responsible presence who taught him everything he needed to do and more - whether it be how to cook and other chores or what the second language on that signs were. Living life like this, with both the tame and wild, Wilhelm thought himself blessed.
Act I, Scene II: Exit Grandmother, Enter Jacob
Despite what he wanted, Wilhelm knew he couldn't keep this life forever. He was ten when his grandmother collapsed one night and, after a harrowing experience getting her to the hospital, found out that she was dying. For the next year, Wilhelm alternated between going home - where his grandmother was on good days - and visiting the hospital - where his grandmother was on bad days, which became increasingly common as time went on. His grandmother finally passed in her sleep, his parents there but not, having limited their trips to within the UK since she had gotten sick but in Scotland for the weekend. By the time they had returned home, Wilhelm had already said his goodbyes to his grandmother alone. His parents stayed with him for half a year, but the itch was too strong. They asked if he wanted to travel with them again, but he wanted to finish his education and his wanderlust had never been strong. His paternal grandparents moved in but spent most of their time out of the house except to sleep - if that. For the most part, he was alone. It was six months later, when he was fourteen, that his parents came back one day with a purposefully bright smile despite the nervous tremble in their fingers. His parents made excuses about the impulsive adoption - the Grimm brothers and the perfect name - but Wilhelm knew it was for him. A nine-year-old boy stepped in, then, eyes weary and skin too tight against brittle bones and weak muscles. He thought of the warmth of wrinkled hands and the kindness in crow's feet. Brotherhood was new territory no matter how he saw it, but love? Love, he knew more than enough about.
Act I, Scene III: Favour
The Arkwright couple stayed for dinner before leaving that day, intent on giving the brothers time to bond. Unfortunately, things didn't happen so smoothly. Jacob, Wilhelm's newly adopted brother, kept his back to walls and eyed Wilhelm (and, when he met them, their paternal grandparents) with suspicion. He kept away from arm's reach and spent as much time in his room alone as possible. He ate with a vigor that soon added weight to his bones but struggled with sleep in a way that darkened the shadows around his eyes. Jacob, Wilhelm could tell, had never had a family. With persistence, patience, some trial and error, and a careful good cheer, Wilhelm slowly accustomed Jacob to his presence as a friendly - or at least neutral - presence but failed to become the family Jacob needed until a few months later when Jacob had gotten into a fight in school and Wilhelm had come, because his paternal grandparents were unavailable. Wilhelm didn't know exactly what it was about the incident endeared him to Jacob, but it was after this day that the younger definitely started opening up to him.
Act I, Scene IV: Educational Years
From a young age, Wilhelm had always had an interest in languages and had more than passing talent in the field. In fact, he spent a majority of his free time - when he wasn't with Jacob or being the responsible house owner figure - learning another language or two. By the time Wilhelm had graduated from high school - barely passing science but with honors in language and history - he spoke three languages fluently, one acceptably, and was learning yet another on top of all the random phrases he'd learned over the years, traveling with his parents and, initially with trepidation but with increasing enthusiasm, Jacob. Over the years, he had had a few relationships but never seemed to care for romance more than he did his friendships. It took, ironically, a confession from a close friend and several internet searches (and a few talks with some of his other friends) to realize he was demiromantic and demiual. He took it like he did everything else in his life - in stride with the knowledge of a new fact about his life. Just another thing to learn about, when asked how he viewed it.
Act I, Scene V: Exit the Arkwright couple, Enter Parenthood
No one was surprised when Wilhelm decided to double major in linguistics and history in university. Everyone was surprised, however, when his parents passed in an airplane accident his second year. By then, his paternal grandparents had moved into a nursing home, so Wilhelm gained guardianship over his adopted brother. The brothers had more than enough money from savings, insurance, and compensation from the travel agency his parents worked for. And despite how the Arkwright couple was never home for longer than a week at a time, it still took a bit for both Wilhelm and Jacob to stop looking up, expecting the duo to walk inside with the same carefree smiles on their faces. Wilhelm continued pursuing linguistics until, before he knew it, he was working on his dissertation. He'd wanted to study Latin and how European languages descended from it changed over time or Greek and its permeation of many fields like mathematics and physics, but his professor was pushy and self-praising, leading Wilhelm to writing about runes and how Nordic and Scandinavian languages diverged over time. He was out for break, only a few months until the end of the program and his dissertation, when he and Jacob decided to visit Los Angeles, keeping up the family trip tradition and picking the week specifically for a game convention Jacob enjoyed. Neither expected the speeding car running into their taxi nor what came after.
Inspirations: Kudou Shinichi (Detective Conan), Sig and Izumi Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Life on Midgard
Act II, Scene I: Summoned-Reincarnation
After the lackluster explanations the Norse deities had given, Eir - a name she had chosen back when she had been a he and gotten mildly buzzed with friends and chose names for their other gender selves - went with her now-sister to the nearest cities and towns, intent on gathering their own information. Armed with more extensive and detailed knowledge, they registered with the prominent Adventurers Association then explored their powers while taking simple, low-ranking missions nearby. Fortunately, blessing usage - for the two of them at least - was straightforward and easy to use. They used the money they earned for basic supplies to travel and, since there wasn't much they wanted as of yet, a set of beginning language books - Norwegian - for Eir to feed her constant love for written and spoken words.
Act II, Scene II: Language of the Gods
Over the two years SPS, the two sisters took many missions as bodyguards between towns, gatherers from the wilderness, and simple odd-job-doers in the many, different towns all over Midgard. In hindsight, it should have been obvious that the two would gain a name for themselves, but it hadn't occurred to either of them at the time as they rose through the ranks, becoming C-rank adventurers and, once they realized the trailing sounds of awe, stuck with low level missions to prevent their ranks from raising further. Unfortunately, Eir's ability to read, write, and utilize runes - considered the language only usable by the gods - was discovered and her rank was forcefully elevated to B simply for that. Idun, not to be left behind, took a few higher missions to join her.
Note: These are the bare bones. Other Summoned-Reincarnators are completely welcome to have joined the duo in their adventures - entirely or partially.
Act III, Scene I: An Idea
Eir, despite what others think, did not come up with the idea of forming a guild out of the blue. It's many moments together, snatches of referring to Earth in some form - idioms, social norms, even slang or the technology - with longing for someone to understand what she'd been referring to. Idun helped, but Eir thought about the others who too were summon-reincarnated and wondered if they felt the same way.
Act III, Scene II: Invitations
Eir brought up the idea to Idun eventually, and Idun, always one to support her sibling and anything chaotic, agreed. The two scouted where headquarters would be, filed the necessary paperwork, etc, etc, and sent letters to the summoned-reincarnators (which was honestly probably the hardest part - to track all of them down; they may or may not have asked a certain valkyrian friend blessed by Hermod for help). There was something freeing about her second life so far, and so, Eir decided to leave all the responsibilities to someone else for once. Sure, she could give out messages, and of course she'd help if things were dire, but on a daily basis? Someone else could be in charge for once. She had enough duty her first life.
Act III, Scene III: Hiraeth
Choosing to build their home base a little outside of Rjukan, a small Norwegian town where tourists and passing travelers outnumber actual residents, Eir paid forward the construction of the guild home base - a basement mostly full of training rooms, communal rooms like the kitchen on the first level, and two floors of bedrooms and bathrooms above - fully and spent a majority of her savings on it. Her logic, when asked, was that if the guild didn't have enough people to, well, be a guild, she'd have a super awesome house to live in instead. (Idun simply shrugged and took a high-paying mission when she heard Eir's answer.)
Compendium on Eir's Magic
Hjordis, the Magic Adventurer of Blade and Runes
(aka her Functional Fashion, Magic, and Adventure Style)
As a whole, Eir has separated her active blessings into three stages or levels. The higher the level, the stronger her offense and, unfortunately, the weaker her fine control (aka the more likely someone may accidentally get caught up in her attacks). Her defense decreases between levels but not drastically despite the change in outer clothing. Her magic is, interestingly, shades of purple-pink - often within the spectrum of her hair but more vibrant in hue.
Baseline aka No Blessings
Image: Main Image at Top Right (minus cards, sword, mask - otherwise identical)
Based on experiments, Eir's hair can be cut but will grow back to its waist-length while she's asleep, along with its subtle yet vibrant gradient. Her entire outfit - inner clothes, armor, skirt, cape - is permanently equipped and comes with a magical repair function, which allows the outfit to, drawing on her magic, repair itself from any damage it sustained. (Her inner clothes are the shorts visible in Level Two and the top worn in Level Three.) All parts of her armor are surprisingly supple and remain soundless. Her skirt reacts to magic that is not her own such that its purple edge designs turn bright pink - the shades a match for her hair - depending on the strength of the magic being used. Her cape regulates temperature such that she neither overheats nor freezes despite the armor and can be worn by other people. The clasp of the cape is a small item-box-like crystal that can bind up to five things smaller than her torso that return to the crystal when it leaves her person for five seconds. (Think Riptide from Percy Jackson.) The caveat is that no one else will be able to hold / use the bound items even temporarily.
Rosamia R Base (Granblue Fantasy)Rosamia R Second (Granblue Fantasy)
Level One: "Lend me your sight, Gatekeeper."
The first level of blessing gives Eir a sword, a mask, and the floating cards. Her sword is a straightforward, if not interestingly shaped, blade. It can channel some magic (aka light itself on fire) but only a single spell at a time. The blade also has an auto-repair function such that it slowly repairs itself while her blessing is not active, but unlike her clothing, it does not depend on her own magic. She may also use it to draw large magic circles onto surfaces while imbuing the symbols with magic if necessary. Her mask shows her what she wishes to see on the inside surface, a weakened version of Heimdall's own
supreme observation limited to two scenes at a time. If she releases the mask, it floats beside her out of her sight. Her cards float around her, almost reading her mind as they dodge her attacks. Cards can be used to hold / pass information from her Compendium (detailed below) or cast magic using runes. If she runs out, she may use her hair to create more as necessary or deactivate and reactivate her blessing. Her entire outfit, additionally, becomes both magical and physical damage resistant but not immune.
Rosamia SR Base (Granblue Fantasy)Rosamia SR Second (Granblue Fantasy)
Level Two: "Fortify my hearth."
Eir's cape disappears to avoid damage in battle and remains away for while her blessing is active in this level and the next. Parts of her armor reform into cards to increase her "deck count," which now have the ability to link together to form various barriers or runic circles. Her mask now displays ten different scenes she wants to see at once at a time, and her remaining pieces of armor and skirt now absorbs and allocates any of the damage that surpasses its resistances. This allocated damage stores itself in cards that she can use but cannot be modified.
Rosamia SSR Base (Granblue Fantasy)Rosamia SSR Second (Granblue Fantasy)
Level Three: "Chaos."
Known as Eir's ultimate form, all of her armor dissolves into cards, which greatly increases her deck count. Her skirt changes, losing its magic detection. Her entire outfit loses its resistance and mild allocation, instead gaining complete magic and force absorption. Although she can retain and reuse the attacks in cards as she does in the second level, she may also modify them before use or convert them into pure energy to fuel her own attacks. Her mask, in addition, affixes itself to her face and gives her approximately half the sight of Heimdall. Usually, she self-limits it to what is most imperative due to processing problems. (Often, the max of ten scenes from the second level is plenty for her purposes.) Her hair also becomes more pink in proportion to the amount of magic she uses, possibly a reaction to automatically refilling her deck as her cards are being used. Two belts and pouches also appear at her waist. The miniature item box (since it holds things many times its own size) seems to hold whatever it is she needs, even if random. Only Loki, if anyone, knows where the objects come from and how.
Summary / Hjordis's Reputation
A one-woman army who doesn't collaborate with anyone other than her sister (if at all) because she doesn't need to. (A few know, though, that when push comes to shove that she can be a brilliant team player who anticipates the others' moves as if she has eyes on the back of her head.) A magic adventurer who is strongest in strategizing and reacting rather than straight out brawls or pure power plays. Tends to take guarding and delivering missions or odd jobs but not subjugation. Will take some gathering missions, but noticeably prefers not to fight creatures.
Compendium on Eir's Compendium
Compendium is Eir's adaptive appraisal ability. Unlike most other appraisals commonly seen in games, hers is all relative. (For example, a monster may have "Magical Capacity: weak" or "Health: dying" instead of numbers, which ranges from helpful to absolutely not.) The initial level of her ability gives her a summary of the appraised thing / person / etc. Other information is available to read but needs to specified, like "Compendium: Culinary Edition," and though she can only specify five editions currently (culinary, component, magic, market, and adventurer; note not all editions can be applied to both things and beings), her ability's potential for growth is surprisingly high. The basic information from the initial level for living beings includes: name (including, at times, titles or alternate names), age, species / race, magical ability, health, and runic name (which is why no one messes with Eir given magic and her runic prowess). For nonliving things, the initial level includes: object name (like sword or rock), age (if a created object), magical capacity (how well it can conduct / hold magic), and miscellanous (which literally holds random facts that she might find useful). Underneath all of this data for both living beings and nonliving objects is a paragraph about the compendium target summarizing what is most important at the current moment.
Blessings Given to Eir
Heimdall, God of Sight & Guardianship
Both Eir's first and second active blessing, Heimdall volunteered to give Eir's blessing when the entire group was first summon-reincarnated, because her attitude was literally "whoever wants to give me one," and his instinct told him to for some reason. During their conversation, he found out about Eir's ability with runes and incorporated that into his blessing (sight) too. It consisted of, essentially, all of her first level and some of her second level active blessing abilities. The second blessing came a few months later when he had runic circle problems. He blessed her again (guardianship) after. The second layer of the blessing separated her active blessings to the first two levels.
Var, Goddess of Contracts
Eir's first passive blessing gives her the ability to read contracts better (and spot loopholes). She gained it about 1 year TSPS after helping two business-contract holders for a business with a runic spell that bound them in a way they didn't expect / want. One of them had a blessing by Var, and he called her to help him escape, but it was neither her direct domain nor something part of the contract in the first place. Var was impressed enough with Eir's runic abilities (and probably appalled enough by Eir's contract inabilities) to bless Eir for her assistance.
Loki, God of Chaos & Monsters
Eir's third active blessing and second passive blessing, Loki gave them both around the same time as Var's passive blessing after Eir rescued and cared for an injured baby creature. The dragon monster was definitely not tame but was also fond of Eir and accompanied her around (and Idun who he tolerated). Although tame enough (or at least fake-tame enough) to follow Eir into town, the dragon was poached by black marketers a few months after the rescue. She searched for him and arrived just in time to see the lawbreakers near-kill him before her eyes. By the time she finished battle, he took his last breaths in her arms. The dragon's spirit told Loki who then blessed Eir (chaos) for her love of monsters, giving her the third level of her blessing abilities. The second passive blessing (monsters) gave her magic a "scent" that marks her as friendly to most monsters, signaling that she isn't likely to fight them. In turn however, it prevents her from initiating an attack from any creature that doesn't attack her first.
Important Files
[Transcript 01]
TSPS: -01 y, 11 m, 02 w, 03 d, 04 h, 57 m
Mrs. Arkwright: Who knew dying generated so much paperwork, right Dear? Wait. This packet here. It says Wilhelm and Jacob on it.
Mr. Arkwright: Let me see. It shouldn't be. They- . . .
Mrs: Is this what I think it is?
Mr: "Application to Transfer Souls to a New World"
Mrs: A new world?! That sounds just like a video game! Who wouldn't want to go there?
Mr: You're right, Honey. Looks like our boys are going on a long adventure without us.
Mrs: It'd be boring for them to have to go through all these papers though. Why don't we do it for them? Paperwork is old news for the working class.
Mr: Let's do it. Their arthritic hands won't be able to hold the pen steady anyways.
Mrs: Oh, Sweetie. Don't make old people jokes. They're both not even over 20 yet. Let's see. Permission for magic transference maximization . . . Applying for all people involved . . . Audience with world local deities . . . Initial gifts . . . We'll let our children decide that one on their own. It's their lives. Hm, and done!
Mr: Perfect, Honey. As wonderful as always. (0:05 - unintelligible muttering)
Mrs: (0:02 - flirtatious giggling) No promises you can't keep.
[End of Transcript]
Gretel (SINoALICE)
(aka Eir's Sibling / Family in Every Life;
for more information, click her name)
Idun can be summed up simply: a wraith. With the appearance of a not-quite-teen human, no one is ever quite prepared for Idun who appears near harmless from afar. There's something . . . unnerving about Idun that sends a chill down spines and brushes against survival instincts long thought dead. Her eyes dissect and tone teases, unfailingly poking at sore spots and touching last nerves. Nothing seems to dissuade Hiraeth's poltergeist, especially when most of her actions seem to be done from whimsy and curiosity. When in trouble, however, it's awe-inducing to see the amount of chaos and fear she instills upon mutual enemies with her sadism out to play.
It's obvious from first glance that Eir is important to Idun. It almost seems extreme, except there's nothing but sweet relief when Eir prevents Idun from leaving disconcerting trails of chaos wherever she goes yet again. With Idun's potent aura, adventurers argue whether Eir is immune to Idun and her mischief or simply sees it through the same can-care-less lens she views the natural disaster known as Hiraeth. (The bets are, unsurprisingly, split down the middle.) Some tease that it takes a dragon to control a ghost, but they don't seem to realize how true it is and how it occurs in reverse as well - exactly how much Eir acts as Idun's socially acceptable measuring stick or how Idun takes eyes off of Eir who, in this life, wants to simply enjoy it with responsibilities that she can choose and rest from. Eir is important to Idun just as Idun is vital to Eir.
Mary (Granblue Fantasy) R Base
(aka the Honorary Hiraeth member)
One of the older valkyries (though no one is quite sure how old since she insists that she's not yet 400), Solfrid - or Sol - is best summarized as the cool older sister or aunt. She's my-pace with a hint of tact but also a pound of who-cares-what-they-think. If Hiraeth is a natural disaster, Sol is a passing and crashing meteorite who comes and goes as she pleases, leaving behind wreckage from all sides of the worth-it spectrum. She is, in a way, what you would expect from a strong, independent woman who need no man - confident and competent with a touch of fury when necessary - but she also has some old lady tendencies, like her sensitivity about her age. Regardless, she's the person you want in your corner and fear when she's not.
To Eir, Sol tends to remind her of her mother in her previous life - the same variety of devil-may-care attitude paired with a competence that brings about results - minus the obligation to the elder female. Despite the occasional flashbacks, Eir finds Sol to be a guaranteed source of entertainment and, when it suits the valkyrie, a wise soul; in summary, an older friend who oscillates between storm and calm sea. Sol, on the other hand, looks to Eir with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, because how can someone so young act so old? Sometimes, Sol likes to imagine how Eir would get along with the other Valkyries and concludes that it's a waste that the reincarnators can't join them, especially since Eir would doubtlessly fit in with the group. (Especially, Sol mentally adds looking at the chaos that is called Hiraeth, after handling this group just fine.)
Malinda (Granblue Fantasy) Second Art
Hiraeth Members
(aka Eir's hoard / hatchlings)
A wide variety of personalities in an enclosed space? Whose great idea was that? Eir's, of course. Every Hiraeth member is one who knows and understands Eir to the extent of, at least, understanding why people liken Eir to a dragon. They know that, even with her relatively unchanging expressions and her general appearance of apathy, that she cares for them and that though she may not, say, stop Idun from driving them crazy, she would swiftly step between them and certain death - or an offended god(dess) (same difference) - without hesitation. It's in moments of gravity that the members of Hiraeth remember that the female who sits in the back isn't merely any member or even a regular teen, but a slumbering mother dragon who allows her hatchlings to fly freely but will unhesitatingly burn any who succeed in grounding them, even if temporarily.


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and i'm done! https://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1280958
yas! i hope you like my baby and also, i hope you get a lot more apps.
this is a really good applyfic

sort of sad i'm the only one who's turned in anything; ;; i hope you like her and pls excuse any bullting i did on tiredness uwu