ᛟ Adaptive Appraisal Ability Elaboration

Does the appraisal ability still confuse you? Well, hopefully this helps!
1.1: Analogy for Adaptive Appraisal Ability
Describes why there are different types of appraisal abilities between the Summoned-Reincarnators.
1.2: Examples for the Analogy
Continuation of 1.1. Helps apply the analogy to the world.
2.1: Important Reminder
Throwback about the Adaptive Appraisal Ability.
2.2: Examples for Unconscious Influence
Let's say we're surrounded by books and looking at a flower.
A book on law will say it's a white flower. (Thanks book.)
A book on flowers will say it's a daisy, which signifies this and that.
A book on white magic will say it's a daisy and gives luck when dried.
In none of these cases are the books wrong.
It's a matter of what information the book is for.
Essentially, the appraisal ability is like one of these books.
Based on what the character thinks should be appraised (aka what's important), that's the information that will appear. What each person thinks is important may differ - the different types of books - but books for the same information might show slightly different ways to do the same thing - like different editions of a math textbook teaching multi-digit multiplication - based on what technique people prefer.
Examples for the Analogy
If your character really wants to be a chef and cook good food, his "Recipe" will show him how to do that with this flower.
If your character is a scholar who wants to write a book on all living things, his "Definition" will explain the flower's structure - how it gets water with its roots and why it is white.
If your character is another scholar, his "Definition" will describe the flower's habitat - where it grows and how much water is ideal.
In the first two examples (the chef and scientist), entirely different information is presented, like two different subject books. In the last two examples (the two scholars), both of them are talking about the flower in a scientific manner, but prefer different parts of the science so show different information, like two editions of the same / a similar textbook. Can there be overlap in the two editions? Absolutely. Will every edition have overlap? It's not required.
Important Reminders
From the cheatsheet, the Adaptive Appraisal Ability is "an ability, shaped by the user's personal understanding of their appraising ability, to appraise something." In other words, this ability is shaped by what the character thinks the information should show - not just by what they want, but what they unconsciously think it should do.
(If that's still confusing, hopefully the examples below help. If not, comment below about what you're stuck on and I'll elaborate.)
Examples for Unconscious Influence
Let's take a character who played a lot of video games pre-summon-reincarnation. If you ask them what should be in an appraisal ability (say, for a sword to sell), they'd probably say things along the lines of: buffs / debuffs like magic attack / weight, material, and rank.
In contrast, let's take a character who spent most of their life in the market industry. If you ask them what should be in an appraisal ability (also for a sword to sell), they're likely to throw out: market value, material rarity, and craftsman who made it (for brand name or to find / avoid the craftsman depending on how the sale goes).
In both cases, they're appraising the same object (sword) for the same purpose (selling). However, what they think should be appraised in an appraisal ability changed what they saw. It's a difference in what they think should be evaluated, because of what they think it's allowed to show them.
Would the merchant like to know what the gamer knows? I'm sure they do. Could the gamer take the merchant's information and use it somehow? Possibly. But would the gamer think an appraisal ability would show them market value of an object? Most likely not. Would a merchant think that there was a limit on what the appraisal ability could show them (like the market value) or that there's such thing as buffs / debuffs on a sword? Also probably not. Their unconscious biases affect their appraisal abilities based on their own experiences with appraising things - as a gamer and as a businessman.
That's all I have so far. Hopefully, that helps people who were confused.


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and i'm done! https://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1280958
yas! i hope you like my baby and also, i hope you get a lot more apps.
this is a really good applyfic

sort of sad i'm the only one who's turned in anything; ;; i hope you like her and pls excuse any bullting i did on tiredness uwu