ᛟ Magical Affinities

I got a question on the magical affinities so, hopefully, this clarifies.
1.1 Reminder / Summary
Literally just a list of the magical affinities of the races.
1.2 Magical Affinity Meaning
What it means to have a magical affinity towards an element.
1.3 Balanced vs Neutral
The difference between the two elemental affinities.
1.4 Main and Side Rules
For main and side magical affinities (aka for the mixed races).
Reminder / Summary
Humans: neutral
Giants: fire or ice
Elves: light or earth
Dwarves: dark or air
Aesir or Vanir: ??? (aka we don't know, man. Maybe they don't even know)
Land Spirits: balanced
Spirits: various
Magical Affinity Meaning
Magical affinities make it easier to do spells of a certain element. This affinity may be overpowered by a Blessing, but the affinity influences the ease of doing certain daily / lifestyle magics. As a whole, it is not a big deal unless trying to learn magic of the opposite affinity, which tends to be more difficult.
Balanced vs Neutral
For balanced magical affinities, no element is harder to learn than another; it is all equal and, generally, natural. The magic itself comes to Land Spirits naturally, and it's merely a matter of gaining enough mana (or whatever term you wish to use to describe magical power) to use them.
For neutral magical affinities, there's no element that is particularly harder or easier than another with work. For example, someone may have a slight easier time learning water, but it would not be significantly easy or noticeable. The other side is that no element should be significantly hard to learn unless for a reason like a mental block or curse-like blessing. However, neutral magical affinities must train to use each element as it isn't natural (that is, instinctive) for them (or their bodies) to utilize.
Main and Side Rules
Each living creature may have one main elemental affinity and up to two side magical affinities. If the creature has a neutral elemental affinity, they cannot have any other magical affinities since that goes against its very definition.
For example, they cannot have neutral main and fire side. Nor can they have water main and neutral side.

Having a main magical affinity means that it's difficult to learn spells of any other element without extreme training, except for the side magical affinities which require more training than the main but are still graspable.
As a whole, someone with a main magical affinity will have a greater grasp of the element than someone with a neutral magical affinity who has trained in that element. (Ex: fire magic by magical affinity > fire magic by neutral affinity)


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and i'm done! https://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1280958
yas! i hope you like my baby and also, i hope you get a lot more apps.
this is a really good applyfic

sort of sad i'm the only one who's turned in anything; ;; i hope you like her and pls excuse any bullting i did on tiredness uwu