◜ ♕ summer `09 ◞ — lee jihyun

replace with your face claim 1. 170x173
9 out of 10
◜ ♕ NAME ◞ — Lee, Jihyun

◜ ♕ NICKNAME(s) ◞

            XUEHUA- her chinese name. her brother and her likes to call each other without the honorifics just because. the boy she likes somehow learns of this, and ends up calling her this along the way.
     SNOWFLAKE- the meaning of her chinese name. her grandpa insists on teasing her with this- she kind of dislikes it but somehow likes it if it's her grandpa calling her.
             JIHYUN- her friends tells her she needs a nickname but she insists on getting called with this name, atleast she could be called normally by some other people in her life.

◜ ♕ BIRTHDAY & AGE ◞ — 27/09/93 // 16

◜ ♕ ETHNICITY ◞ — Korean


             Chinese ◞ — mother tongue
             Korean ◞ — native language
             English ◞ — a bit fluent // studied in school

◜ ♕ FACE CLAIM ◞ Baek Sumin

◜ ♕ BACK UP FACE CLAIM ◞ Krystal Jung

     Standing over 163 cm and weighing 54 kg, Jihyun had long jet black hair (blonde if krystal though) that contrasted her pale skin and had dark brown eyes they said people in a trance. She had a tattoo on her right wrist which was a crescent moon with intricate details (like this). Other than that, she refused to wear accessories except a watch because she liked keeping track of time.

She's insecure about her hands, although it wasn't that big a deal, she hated that she had not-so-soft hands unlike every other girl she met that had soft  and delicate hands.
She's confident about her legs (they said she had perfect legs), and her eyes (maybe the compliments did kind of get into her head).

◜ ♕ STYLE ◞ — Her style is in a variety of black and white, although she wears some other colors too. She wears everything as long as it made her comfortable, loose shirts and sandos, croptops over something like jackets or coats when needed. When she's slacking off, she would usually wear sandos or something cool over a pair of shorts. But when she's out on a walk or something more, she wears something casually, and sometimes that meant putting an army jacket over her croptop or replacing her usual shorts with jeans, and she's done. Plus, she also likes beanies, this meant war when you ask her why she's wearing a beanie in the beach. (seriously, she's a er for croptops and beanies)

◜ ♕ EXTRAS ◞ — she thinks it's okay to wear sweatshirts during summer although she doesn't wear it to the beach, because that's just plain weird.

      (+) calculative, strategic, spontaneous,
smart, straightforward, passionate, loyal, tactful, risk-taker
       (-) mischievous, has narcissistic tendencies, a bit childish, impulsive, slightly dependent on people, lazy (at times), easily distracted, forgetful

(Despite her aura that looked and felt like she was always serious and/or badass, she is actually very slacked-off, a bit on the lazy side, and is always looking for fun.)


    1. Blood - terrified is the right term she feels towards it. Once she sees one, she feels queasy  and gets lightheaded.
    2. Chocolate - stress-reliever- chocolate solves everything.
    3. Coffee - who doesn't love coffee? the smell of it is enticing, how much more is the taste? Not too much though, or she'll end up becoming too hyper for her own good and end up exhausting herself to sleep.
    4. Greek Mythology - the only book genre she will probably read all her life, even if she had to read the same book over and over again.

    5. Strawberries and Pizzas - she hated those. No further questions (she didn't know why either)
    6. Dogs, cats... fur - She loves dogs, likes hamsters and cats. Too bad she's allergic.
    7. Sunrise, sunset, and the rain - the three things she loves most in the world.

    8. Nuggets - when your life is threatened by a furred animal, you have to take desperate measures. So, Jihyun's brother bought her a stuffed (furless) dog to hug at night. His name is nuggets.
    9. Kiel - the pet plant she has outside the surf shop. No one asks why it has a name, but she says she's been bestfriends with the plant him since she lived here. The plant was a cactus.
   10. Dancing - besides surfing, Jihyun finds solace in dancing and is very passionate towards it (maybe even more passionate than surfing- ah, how to choose. no, don't ask.)
   11. Piano - this instrument has great value for her, but it's been so long since she last played it. She used to play it for her brother, but since he was away, she haven't played since.
   12. China - Jihyun loved China, but it's okay. She's learned to love Korea too, because of her friends.
   13. Physical Contact  - she doesn't hate it, but she doesn't love it either. That is until a certain someone holds her hand, and it fit perfectly with hers, no matter how romantic or cheesy it got. She had learned to like physical contact as long as it was him.
   14. Sleep - when she's bored or doing nothing, she easily falls asleep, that's why she always need to move or else you'll just hear someone snoring by the corner.

   15. Soccer - she is obssessed with loves soccer and would stay up all night to watch a soccer game on the television.
    16. Children - she doesn't like them since they don't mix well, and when she does try, the kid ends up crying.
   17. Aegyo - Despite her refusal to do aegyo, she is a master of it although she only uses it for her brother and grandpa in times of desperate need.


◜ ♕ PAST ◞

Jihyun was of Korean descent but was born in Beijing, China. Her parents, with her older brother, moved there a year before she was born. Her parents were both known doctors in China and her older brother practically raised her with her parents ignoring her existence and if they did, they'd only compare her achievements to her brother's, but nonetheless she never thought of disliking the boy and only ignored her parents' (hurtful) comments.

She was a mischievous kid while growing up, always up to something just to have fun, although she was dependent on her brother. By the time she reached the age of 11, she was sent to Korea with her brother who was aged 16 to live with their grandfather. She became close to her grandfather and coped well even when her brother moved away to college (coped meaning locking up in her bedroom for 5 months only going out to eat until the older had the chance to call her). She met new friends and found comfort in reliving her brother's hobby which was surfing. She also stopped playing the piano that she learned as a kid, since she said she didn't have anyone to play it for.

Her studying was far from difficult, there were no language problems since she learned korean while she was in China too. The only problem was her being home-schooled from birth but it wasn't too hard to cope when she found people who she could call her friends, and she had too much enough confidence to get her through school. She had her fair share of suspensions and community services. Mischief ran in the blood.

When she was old enough, she found a job enough to add more money to her allowance and at the same time, get to enjoy the beach with her friends.


Jihyun moved to Seoul with her boyfriend during college to study Architecture in Seoul National University. Every summer, she would go back to Jeju just to surf and revisit old memories, both bad and good. She'd try to redo every activity she had missed doing provided that she had enough time before she had to go back to work.

She pretty much had a stable relationship with her boyfriend, despite the challenges they faced, they always managed to fix it together. Jihyun wasn't saying anything, but she was getting a little impatient waiting for a proposal. They've graduated and all, she wasn't getting any younger.

◜ ♕ WORK ETHICS ◞ — She's hardworking, no matter how slacked-off she looked or how she always seemed to be free of work. That's because she's already done with her tasks. She always wanted to finish everything so she could have freetime for the whole day, she believe laziness could be balanced that way. Work everything out early, and slack off sooner than you could.



◜ ♕ FAMILY ◞

BROTHER : Lee Jongsuk : 21 (2009) : caring, overprotective, mischievous, a genius : Jongsuk and Jihyun are almost perfect siblings, if you didn't know, you'd probably think they were dating because of their closeness. He moved away to college in Seoul but Jihyun still turns into a child whenever they talk. He is willing to beat up anyone who tries to hurt his sister, he implies he's the only one that should make fun of her. What a perfect relationship. Most of her traits are from him since they grew up tied to the hips. Sometimes she calls him Jongsukie, sometimes even oppa just to , or just plain Jongsuk.

GRANDFATHER : Lee Soonjae : 71 (2009) : loving, mischievous, humorous, warm-hearted : Him and Jihyun had a fatherly relationship as he stood as her biological father, a responsibility his son failed to do. He calls her snowflake because he thinks it's funny and at times, he even plots pranks with her just out of boredom. But when seriousness is needed, he is always the one who comforts her at the end of the day, even if that meant sleeping infront of her locked door to see if she was snoring or crying. He'd always love her like her own daughter, he just wished his son would someday be able to make it up to the young girl.

PARENTS : Lee Jinhyuk, Lee Jihyo : 34, 32 (2009) : hardworking, workaholics, smart, perfectionists : Jihyun has the most distant relationship with her parents, she doubts her parents even remember when she was born. Although told so many stories about them, it's like they weren't the ones she grew up to know when she was still living with them. They were a lot different in the stories her grandad told her. Maybe fame did sometimes blind us.


FRIEND : Park Shinhye : 19 (2009) : thoughtful, sweet, soft-hearted, compassionate : Shinhye and Jihyun rarely met because Shinhye lived in Busan. But they were good frends that met during the early summers when Jihyun just came from china and Shinhye still lived in Jeju. shinhye was always the good kid between the two of them, always the righteous one that kept her balanced out, and helped her when she was in need.

CHILDHOOD FRIEND : Kim Jongdae : 17 (2009) : caring, creative, crazy, happy-go-lucky : Jongdae was Jihyun's only friend in China. They were both Koreans and understood each other. They know each other like the back of their hands. Jongdae moved earlier in Korea and they only got in contact again in 2007. He was still the sweet and protective Jongdae she got to know (and still the one who creates brilliant pranks). Jihyun had a small crush on him when they were younger.

◜ ♕ OTHERS ◞

FIRST LOVE : Kim Minseok : 20 (2009) : smart, athletic, funny, kind : Minseok was Jongsuk's bestfriend from China to Korea, they were trios who never separated. Although admittedly, Jihyun'was just a third wheel because Jongsuk couldn't let her be alone. And that was good because that meant she could stare at Minseok all day long, and the boys wouldn't notice it. But when they both moved away for college, after a few months, she'd found put from the boy himself that he's already gotten a girlfriend. Her heart was beyond broken but it didn't stop her from smiling and telling him to be happy. She couldn't even confess, but she soon got over this one-sided love.


"I'm bored." Jihyun would always say. She'd be the one incharge of the energy reviving. With a grin on her face, she'd somehow persuade her friends to go surfing or just walk on the beach during some parts of the day.

"I mean... he's just so cute." Jihyun is the type to play along if ever she gets teased by her friends with a boy they see that she seemed to take interest on. She would entertain them by fangirling and piss them off by squealing with a high voice until they stop and she laughs.


  replace with love interest 2. 178x100 replace with a picture quote/ picture of your relationship with love interest. 178x100

◜ ♕ LOVE INTEREST ◞ — Kim Woobin | 17 (2009)

◜ ♕ WHY IS HE IN VERANO  ◞ summer vacation to visit his cousin; partly, a punishment


(+) straightforward, smart, loving, creative, confident, carefree, protective, competitive (sometimes a little too much), athletic, humorous

(-) stubborn, mischievous, proud, sarcastic, prone to jealousy, lazy (at times), comes off as arrogant, a bit rebellious, troublemaker

(Woobin is a slacked-off man, almost like Jihyun (it is horrifying how alike they are). Like Jihyun, she tends to be a little cold on first impression (yes, and he loves himself too much.), but he is a really sweet guy beyond those looks.)

                ◜ ♕ HOMETOWN & CURRENT CITY ◞ Seoul, South Korea


Korean ◞ — mother tongue
English ◞ — fluent // lived in Australia for 5 years (6-11)

◜ ♕ FAMILY ◞ — 

COUSIN : Kim Jongdae : 17 (2009) : caring, wise, mischievous, happy-go-lucky : He and Jongdae were close cousins even back when they were kids, and even if he was in Australia and Jongdae had been in China.

MOTHER : Kim Jinhee : 33 (2009) : compassionate, warm-hearted, sweet, funny : Jinhee and Woobin had a relationship like they were just friends (Woobin's raging height didn't help either). Plus, she really likes Jihyun. Although she's in Seoul.


◜ ♕ FRIENDS ◞ — 

BEST FRIEND : Wu Kris : 17 (2009) : narcissistic, funny, attractive, kind : Kris accompanied Woobin in Jeju, they were best of friends that met during kindergarten. Almost like Jihyun and Jongdae. But because of Kris' capability of conversing with Jihyun in Chinese, this caused a small conflict between woobin and him, we could call this jealousy.

◜ ♕ HISTORY BEFORE 2009 ◞ — 

Woobin was born in Seoul. Their family owned several restaurants around Korea, China, and Australia. This is why he resided in Australia back when he was still a kid because they were establishing business in the land. Despite a business environment and being an only child, he was smart and his mother took care of him.

He thrived in school getting on top of his classes, he was the soccer captain in his school, and despite of his troublemaking ways, he has never been threatened to be expelled nor repeat a grade (just because he's a star). This types of things made his head inflate and cause him to be a little bit narcissistic and proud. But when it all became a little too much, even reaching his father's ears. The next thing he knows he's being shipped off to Jeju instead of soccer camp. Well, at least his cousin was there, right?


Jihyun met Woobin in the beach. She was quietly walking when a soccerball hit her harshly on the feet causing her to stumble and fall. She stood up and kicked the ball hard too causing someone to get hit, again. Jongdae yelped in pain and ended up getting hit when Woobin was the one who kicked the ball in the first place. Somehow, Jihyun and Woobin end up laughing together at the wincing boy who cursed them to the pits of hell. They both exchanged names, forgot about the earlier incident with Woobin apologizing, and going on their own ways. Jihyun thought he was a pretty cool guy (he plays soccer and he looked handsome!), Woobin thought she was pretty adorable (but a strong kicker).

The next time they meet is when Jihyun was going to surf and coincidentally, Woobin was too. They were walking from both opposite sides of the store choosing what board to rent since Jihyun left hers at the storage room and she couldn't find the keys plus she was too lazy to try finding it. So in the end, she ended up having to choose from a rental store. "Could you get more slower?" Two voices had said. Kris to Woobin, and Jongdae to Jihyun. They ended up choosing and pulling the same surfboard causing Jihyun to stumble towards him since he was obviously the stronger one between the two of them, only then did they notice each other's presence (talk about oblivious. pfft.). This caused them to become friends since Woobin insisted it wasn't coincidence they met again, and it was actually fate that brought them together once more. And even when she didn;t really believe in fate, she found herself accepting his hand (coughs-him into her life-coughs). After that, they got a little more closer everyday. With or without friends, they'd find themselves enjoying together. Day by day, people could see how they started liking each other and how they were really happy together (more happy than they usually were).

◜ ♕ LOVE LINE ◞ — Skinny love — two people who love each other (everyone knows, except them) but are too shy too admit it, yet they show it anyway.

◜ ♕ BACK UP ◞ — Oh Sehun, Kang Minhyuk


answer this in first pov.


Well, uh. I pretty much do the distributing stuff and storage. What do you call those things? I'm not sure myself. But I'm the one who runs around the beach getting errands, and yeah, I advertise too. Does my answer make sense?


I guess it's alright, as long as I earn money with it. I mean, I could surf all day, but I have to work. I think it helps me balance my life out, plus it's close to the beach. Just being able to see the sands and water makes me calm. The staff are good, I guess. I don't really interact much.


It makes me feel alive. The adrenaline excites me and I feel a sense of satisfaction just being able to touch my own board. I learned it from my brother, when I was a kid, he said it was like his life, it made him happy. And now I understand him.


No, not really. I have never thought of it, but I don't dislike the idea of it too. It's just that all the times I surfed, I was never really keen on getting it on with anyone or compete. I'm a pretty bad competitor, let's just say I get a little too competitive.


Hmm. I'm not expecting much of it. It's funny how my granddad said I'd find romance during summer. I'm not up for another heartbreak. But then again, who am I to stop romance?
Ah, I meant it's alright I guess. But my brother knows wushu... and he isn't really keen on me being in a relationship.


...I have. It was all good at first, I felt all fuzzy and warm when I was with him. It's like I just stare at him, my day would already be perfect. Or maybe just get a glimpse of his shirt or hear his name, I would already be contented. But when he went away to college, he found a girlfriend who fit him perfectly (i met her, she was so pretty and nice). It hurt so much like my heart was physically and mentally aching. I had moments when it was really hard to breathe (I don't even know how that was literally possible). But I'm okay now, it's already in the past. But who could forget their first love? The memories are stll there, but not the feelings.


I actually have. I lost it to Jongdae (that little ), well it was really unromantic and icky. I mean I asked him to kiss me so I wouldn't lose it to some stranger (kissing strangers is gross for me back then, okay?). Since every boy was a stranger besides Jongdae (not bloodrelated), because who knew me more than I know myself, right? (and yeah, maybe I did have a little crush on him then, but that was two years ago!) So, I let him kiss me. End of story, that boy is icky. Well, not what I imagined. but honestly, it was okay, and maybe I forgot to breathe that day.


I don't... really believe in those types of things. Maybe I would if I saw it myself. But as of now, no. I think it would be okay for books, but in real life? Uh. Text me when you see one.


Woah. Isn't that a bit too far off? I never really thought of it, but now that I do... I guess I would probably be working by then although I'm not sure what I should do in the future yet. I want to be in a relationship at that time, maybe visit Jeju once in a while. Grandpa said I'd have to go to college and work in Seoul. And that's what I'll be doing, and let the rest go with the flow.

◜ ♕ COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS AND ALL THAT JAZZ ◞ — I'm laughing because I managed to atually make my characters' surname match lol (except for the parents). I'm such a child cx Thank you for reading this all the way. Haha. And I'm sorry if I made any errors, it's been so long since I applied for something (lol this is actually my second time). I wish you all the best with writing your story. Fighting! ^^ and thank you *^*

Jealous Woobin. Woobin finds Jihyun and Kris in an unfathomable (because chinese) conversation and gets infuriated. He thinks Kris is the one Jihyun likes but when he's confronted by Kris after the argument, he reveals that they were talking about him and how he can't believe someone as pretty as Jihyun liked his dork of a bestfriend.
Snowflake. Woobin finds out from her grandfather that her chinese name was Xuehua and it meant snowflake. With blessings from her grandpa, he starts teasing her and calling her xuehua the snowflake.

◜ ♕ PASSWORD ◞ what.


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