✶ || Drive - Woo Kerry || ✶

woo kerry 우케리

USERNAME — missxox

NICKNAME — ayana.



NAME — woo kerry 우 케리

STREET ALIAS — Kiyoo [ it's her korean name that she made up for herself.]

BIRTHDATE — Feburary 1st, 1992.

BIRTHPLACE — montreal, canada.

HOMETOWN — seoul, south korea.

ETHNICITY — korean-afro american.


- French [ Native ]  ; she was born and raised in montreal and it's part of the province of quebec. it's a french speaking province of canada. her mother uses french to talk with her.

- English [ Conversational ] ; she learned english during high school.

- Korean [ Fluent ] ; she learned it with her father a lot when she lived in montreal. plus, she moved in south korea when she was 5.



FACE CLAIM — Shizen Wong. here

BACKUP FACE CLAIM — Samantha Maria. / beautycrush. here and here


APPEARANCE — Kerry has an unusual look for korean people. She has a tanned skin, big curly hair dyed blond and light brown. She can easily be spotted in the streets. She get often stop by people downtown because of her unusual look. She has typical asian almond eyes that are dark down (if using Sammi as face, change it to green). She has a round face. She isn't a very tall girl. She is 162 cm. She weights 55kg. She has a fit body that she train a lot when she has spare time. She has that fuller body that makes some girls jealous which are the blessings of her afro-american mother. Yes, she has the and the chest. Her body isn't perfect. She has three moles on her left shoulder that makes a triangle. She has two scars on her right leg due to her working as a mechanics. She has a little of hyperpigmentation of her back.


PLOTLINE — the brain. 

TRAITS — Backstabber, y, Dirty Minded, Flirt, Fun, Confident, Smart, Hardworking & Athletic.


↪ ( First Impression ) Her appearence is misleading.  She isn't like that. She is like a mermaid — mermaids are beautiful from the outside ,but inside the beautiful creature there's a demon hiding. This fabulous girl has always a plan behind her. Dangerous inside — Beautiful outside. Most of the time, you will see her with a smile on her face — this smile is a facade, a trap and your death.

↪ (  Negatives  ) You can't trust Kiyoo easily because it might stab you by behind and you will be stuck in her trap. This sentence is leading us to Kiyoo's personality trait which is backstabber. What's a backstabber ? A person who pretend to be close with you and are the source of your downfall. Backstabber is pretty self-explicanatory. A person who stabs you in the back. You will never notice that this personality traits is going to make you fall in her trap and badly. Everything that is going to be told, do and thought is going to stab you by behind. She can use you for her benefits — to her advantage. Her smile and face is going to betray you — it seems like she care about you, but she don't. Talking about being y, Kiyoo is a real — not the animal, dubass. It's her personality trait. Kiyoo speaks her mind and doesn't care much about anyone's though about it. She only says what she thinks abd doesn't care alot about the way she said it. Her word is stabbing you like no tomorrow and you are going to feel like a piece of in front of her — sorry, I mean a piece of meat in a butcher. Rude, when she wants, blunt when she wants and annoying when she wants. She don't give a about you. She shows no mercy when she dislikes you. She will make you eats your words and give your stocmach the worst ache ever. People says that her words is a poison — the source of your psychologist death. She is dirty minded. She isn't affraid to make a y comment. She is pretty open to talk about rated things and she often makes inappropriated comments with her friends. She often shocked many person because of her ert personality. Kiyoo has the habit to slap her friends when they are in front of her.  She isn't afraid to say something innapropriate. This girl can flirt. He has to have a y body and confident. Sometimes, she has fun and start flirting with the most shyiest one. It's making them feeling embarassed, but she doesn't mind. She has a thing for confident and mature boys She isn't the ty one, she can flirt until the guy cannot handle it and after leave him ***ally fustrated. She knows what she is doing and she totally knows the limit, but most of the time, she prefers to go over the limit.

↪ ( Positive ) - Beside that, Kiyoo knows how to have fun.  She enjoys herself most of the time. She likes to laugh around her friends. She hang out a lot with them. She is always ready to have fun with her closest friend. She is mostly always laughing and she has a bright smile ,only if she is surrounded of her cool friends.She is pretty and athletic. She knows that. She feels good in her body and everyone knows it. She takes care of hier body and make sure that her clothes suit her well.  She is confident about herself and she loves her flaws. Beside her shocking personality, Kiyoo is pretty smart. In Elementary School in Canada, Kiyoo used to be the smartest student. She had multiple IQ test and received an IQ of 160. She is a math, science and trigonometry lover. This is because of her smartess that she became an engineer. Kiyoo has an impressive logic. She thinks well and make up complicated plans. She love saying complicated words that no one understand. Kiyoo is a hardworker person. She never gives up easily. When she wants something, she will work her to be able to reach her goals. When you give her a work, she will do anythignt to finish it. She can stay all night long to finish what you asked her. If you give her a week to finish something, she isn't ging to say, "Oh, I have a lot time to do it." and end up doing it the day before. No! No! Kiyoo is going to do it all day long and she only takes a pause when she is hungry. Right after, she finished to do her work, she will eat and go to sleep . Like that, she isn't going to forgot anything and have a lot free time to party. The next day, she is reviewing everything to make sure that she didn't let a single details go and after, she is showing her work to the one who gave it to her. Kiyoo is an athletic woman. Yes, she loves shopping, like every girls of the world, but she is a lover of sports. She goes to the gym. She works hard to keep her body line and to have that magnificient goddess body. That's why if you ask her to run, she would be pretty fast and enduring.




[ Welcome on Earth ] Kerry was born in Montreal, Quebec in Canada. She was born in the middle of winter on a stormy day. She was the second child of her family and she had an older sister. She was born in an couple of a korean man and an afro-american mother. They named her Woo Kerry. 


[ Living a good life ] Kerry received a lot of love from her parents and she loved it. She was a pretty much spoiled baby. She grew up being a little girl loud and funny. They thought that she would stay like that all the time. Her father worked as a doctor and her mother was a nurse practitioner. She lived in the middle class and she could eat whatever she wants. She thought that she would still have all the attention of her family. But, it all changed when the whole family decided to move in South Korea. She was only 5 years old when her family went to South Korea.


[ Being different isn't fun ] Unfortunately, everything changed back in Korea. Her Korean family members wasn't quite in love by the fact that she was mixed with afro-american. Her sister on the other way, she received more love than Kerry. It was because of all their difference. Her sister was the lucky one because of the genetic. Her sister had long straight black hair and a lighter skin tone than Kerry. Everyone saw Kerry's older sister better than Kerry. Even in elementary school, everyone were bullying Kerry and loving her older sister. Her parents couldn't do anything with it. Kerry's mother decided to straight Kerry's hair every weeks so she wouldn't be bullied because of her hair. The bullying was now less intense than before but it was still there. Growing older, Kerry became tired of this and she hated going to school. So, because everyone were having fun putting Kerry down, when she went to middle school she decided to make it stop.


It was now the time to not let anyone put her down. That's how she started with her y personality. On the first month, some students were gossiping together about Kerry and how "ugly" she was. Anyways, no one did say those words in front of her so, she let it pass. Then, one day, some girls come to her and start saying to her how ugly she is. Kerry gave them one of these i'm-gonna-beat-yo- look and gave them the iest lesson ever. After this, she wouldn't let anyone put her down. She would totally make the person feel really bad about themself and it would make the persons regret all the words that let their mouth. 


She started to let her hair curly. She wouldn't care that her hair was getting all big. It's part of her and no one will make it change that. Few teachers wouldn't like the fact her hair was big like three persons' head. It would totally hid the students behind her so, she would sit at the back chilling.


In High School, that's where everything became interesting. She was known as someone badass who didn't cared about the others except her friends. She did backstab some people in school. Her friends would spread rumors of the other students. Makes the others' life miserable. She doesn't care about anyone. Despite her y reputation, she was one of the best students of her class. 


[ A special passion ] It was in High School that she found out about her car passion. Everytime there were F1 races in Seoul, she would go with her guy friends. She would know a lot of things about the car, type of wheels, the mechanics and the fonctions of the cars. She was quite a "genius" about it. She was totally into cars. That's how she started to think about doing a a degree in Mechanic Engineering. When she became a senior in High School, her parents gave her first car. It wasn't a dream car, but something normal... It was a Chevrolet Spark grey. It wasn't that bad for a first car. She finished her High School with amazing grades and she got accepted to her the Seoul National University in the Mechanic Engineering.


It was during the summer before university that she got to meet "The Veteran". Kerry was watching a crazy F1 with a guy friend that she was knwon during another F1 race the year before and Kerry was pretty much talking so much about the best type of car and the mechanics. "The Veteran" came in the conversation and they became friends. That's pretty much how Kerry got introduce into the racing world. "The Veteran" got her into it. Even thought that Kerry is an all confident lady, she isn't much confident about her driving skills. "The Veteran" tired to push her a lot, but she wasn't trying to push it further. Kerry moved to her own appartement when she was in university and she would work in a quite popular garage of Seoul. She finally got her degree in Mechanics later on. For her degree, she changed her car for the Mitsubishi Eclipse GT V6. She works now as the mechanics for the girls and sometimes for the neighborhood.



✘ her big hair - that's litterally her life. no one can touch it except herself. 

✘ cars/mechanics - that's litterally her second life... [imturningherintoacathaha.]

✘ parties - ok. how is a car race without parties... this is her third life.

✘ lemonade and ice tea - her fourth life. it's her favourite drinks.

✘ nike and jordan sneakers - she has a hugee collection of them.

✘ black, white and grey - her three favourite colors.

✘ y boys - ok. i am sorry, but not sorry. she litterally rinses her eyes on hot guys and she always spot one for the girls. hahaha... [lololol]



✘ forcing her to drive on a race - girl, even thought she is confident... she don't feel confident about one thing, and it's racing. don't force her... she might cry if you do. 

✘ taking about the fact that she is mixed - hate about her y 'fro and her tanned skin and you gonna die. thank you.

✘ aegyo - seriously, who do you think she is. yo mama?!

✘ insects - ok. i am a girl... you are a girl... you understand. thanks you very much.

✘ car accident / accidented "beautiful" car - be ready to hear a lecture from this girl. how DARE YOU to break this car?! even if it's a scratch. you don't make a scratch on a beautiful car, you just don't.

✘ when the guys are making ual comments toward her when she isn't interested. - bruh. [no comments.]

✘ talking about the girls squad - idfwu [sorry. i had the song in my head haha.]



✘ making miracle in the garage *^*

✘ reading books about cars *^^^*

✘ partying at the club - sorry...not sorry.

✘ training at a gym - ybooteeyy

✘ hanging out with the girls and her friends



✘ she smiles and drools when she sleeps

✘ loves using popular internet expression [ bruh / dude / idfwu / please etc...]

✘ always use complicated words that no one understands for fun.

✘ use those y quote from gossip girl - blair *^*- when someone is annoying her.

✘ raise her left eyebrown when she is really annoyed.



✘ she is extremly dirty minded and she loves giving a little tap on her squad's . haha

✘ she sings every dirty minded songs her favourites are body party by ciara, do what we do by jay park and turn off your phone by jay park.

✘ she is a beast in african dancing... especially azonto, gweta, shoki and zouk [this dance is so hawt im so sorry.]

✘ she has a collection of the book - best car of [ the year] - 

✘ she has a collection of sneakers [ j's and nikeeey]

✘ her hair is her life and no one can touch it.

✘ she is a puppy lover, but she don't want to buy one because she knows that she has no time to take care of it.



—  Woo Kyung Hoo | Hardworker, Calm and Kind | Father - she isn't much close with him. he is pretty much busy with work. | 


—  Robinson Sammi | Funny, Outgoing and Caring | Mother - she is a little close with her. She calls her when she needs advices [she never mentions the races... so mommy don't know about it.] | 


—  Woo Kimberly | Loud, Confident and Rude | Older Sister - they aren't close that all. Kim is blessed with "beauty" and Kerry isn't.  | 



— Park Kyungri | Flirt, Funny, Confident | That's Kerry's partner in crime. They are two fools together and sometimes, they act like to lesbian in public which it scares people/friends [haha] away  | 

— Yoon Bora | Outgoing, Athletic and Confident | Bora is Kerry's Gym partner in crime. They train together like no tomorrow and they have crazy moments. | 

— Thomson Dean | Kind, Funny and Smart | He helps her a lot in the garage. He works with her and he is dating Kyungri which is surprising. | 

— Spinello Jack | Rude, Confident and Flirt | He's Kerry's best friend. Totally two partner in crime and they can have stupid moments of inside jokes. | 


LOVE INTEREST — Hart Jay. [ He's Canadian-Korean. their future babies are gonna be beautiful ok. stop haha. ]

BACKUP LOVE INTEREST — My Love interest is an OC.



↪ ( positive ) - hardworker, confident, funny

↪ ( negative ) - rude, cocky, ert

↪ Jay is the one who has the typical bad boy. He is someone who's very cocky about himself and his own skills. He isn't afraid to go a brag about his skills and how good he is. He wouldn't listen to anyone and he wouldn't be afraid to turn you down because he thinks he is way better than you. In his work as an agent, he is mostly the type who will be be 100% sure of his skills, but fail at the end then, he will be complaining about something else. Jay is also a ert. Like every guys of the world, he has a dity mind. He is even worst than you think. The most innocent thing happens and he might bring it into the dirty way. Jay is also a flirt. Like Kiyoo, he flirts a lot with girls. He doesn't mind that all to flirt with girls. Complimenting them and taking those stupid pickup lines from movies or cheesy words. He will totally do it. He is the type who wouldn't let his chance to meet a beautiful lady. His weakness are girls and he can't stop it.

↪ Jay is a hardworker. He works hard to get what he wants and he knows exactly what to do to get it. He might take hours to finish something because he wants to make it perfect. He doesn't give up easily as soon if there's any difficulty. Even if he is pretty cocky, he is the one who's confident in himself. He feels good in his body and he knows it. When you see him for the first time, you know that he is confident. He won't let his weakness show through him. Jay has a funny personality. He loves making the people around him laugh. He makes up awkward and lame jokes when it's not supposed to do a joke. It can make a joke at the worst moment. Even if it's the worst moment, you can still laugh of his jokes.



They are pretty much interested about each other so much. Everytime they are at the same racing meeting. They spot each other like 100 km away from each other. They would do anything to get the other's attention. When they finally get in front of each other, it's turning all about flirting and teasing each other. Which is Kerry's habit to flirt with cute guys. Kerry loves to flirt with him because she sees him like a boy version of her and she loves it! She would try to make him jealous by flirting with other guys or having skinship with another guy and she ALWAYS make sure that he sees it. It does work very well and he would totally do the same thing. So, they are pretty much playing the "i'm flirting with you, but i am still playing around so i can make you jealous." The girls' see how much they are playing around and they know that things wouldn't get better between them if no one does something. 


Since Kerry loves going clubbing with the girls. They would bump into each other again and when you mix drinks and party together. gets real! Surprisely, they can spend a lot of time around each other during the parties. They dances a lot together and their flirting gets to another level which is all about being dirty minded. Thanks God that the girls are always keeping their eyes on Kerry and they always pull her away before gets too far. So, they are pratically like two magnets that are always attracted to each other. 


They both meet during a car racing event where "The Veteran" was racing and Kerry was the one who was pretty much observing the other's engine so she would make sure that the veteran had the better chance to win and she could take some ideas of modifications for the girls' cars. She was bending to look well inside of a beautiful Lamborghini Aventador when he stood up beside her. Kerry felt a presence beside her and looked up to see him. She raised her left eyebrow and he said, "Nice engine right?" She replied with a smirk, "Not that bad. Except that ugly transmitter you got."After this, she turned around and left him shocked. After this first meeting, they kept bimping into each other. One day, he went to see her and said, "Hm...so I got a fangirl?" She laughed loudly and said, "Lol. You ain't the dude." He never got directly her name. He got her name because one day, the girls yelled her "name" loudly.



COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS — I got to finish my application! YEEESS. I am a big fan of car racing and Fast & Furious *^* Hope you like my character. If anything is wrong, feel free to tell me!

SCENE REQUESTS — If I have any ideas, I'll tell you.

PW — Lamborgini Gallardo Green



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