❝ 나야 나 ❞ : MEET [ SHAYLA ]

author's notes
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shayla c. scott
( missxox / ayana / five out of ten / イッカク。 )
the basics
( full name ) : shayla chidimma scott
( nicknames ) : 
「♥」 her best friends  shaybae  affectionate nickname for her friends. it started as a joke but, shayla's two besties still calls her like that. shayla is so used that she is weirded out when they use her full name.
「♥」 her father  dimma  it is from her nigerian name, chidimma. it means god is beautiful in igbo.
「♥」 yongguk  shay  he randomly asked her if she minds if he calls her just shay. she didn't mind at all. she found it cute haha.
( date of birth / age ) : 01 • 02 • 1995 (23)
( birthplace ) : atlanta, georgia, us
( hometown ) : atlanta, georgia, us
( ethnicity ) : african american & quarter nigerian
( languages ) : 
「♥」 english  this girl was born and raised in atlanta. / fluent
「♥」 korean  she just knows few sentences and random words in korean. / basic af.
( height ) : 165 cm
( weight ) : 54 kg
the face
( fc ) : ryan destiny
( backup fc ) : justine skye
( appearance ) : shayla is a gorgeous dark skinned black woman. she wears her melanized skin filled with gold and sunshine with proud and loveeuh. she has charming dark brown eyes and full lips. she wears her natural black hair straigthen most of the time. her hair falls to her bra strap straighten but, curly it goes to her collarbone. in its curly state, her hair falls into the 3b category. she wears her hair curly only during summer due to the humidity. 

( style ) : shayla is known in her university because of her fashion style. she's a girl who can go from comfortable style to a classy baddie. her day to day style is more boyish. she likes to wear sneakers, sweatpants, hoodies and crop top. then, when it is time to really dress up, she'll go in. she's a dress to impress girl. (thanks to her nigerian mom who does the most 99% of the time.) it is in her blood. haha. here's two instagrams of her fashion inspo: 
「♥」 foreverflawlyss 
「♥」 sherlinanym
the deep end
( persona ) : shayla scott; atlanta's beauty & brain. (Because she’s more than a pretty face. Shes very intelligent too.)
( personality traits ) :
「♥」 bold, creative, sociable, confident, independant, blunt
「x」 insentitive, impatient, intimidating, flirty, dirty minded
「♥」 estp / 8wing7
( elaboration ) :

「♥」 shayla has always been a real ESTP personality type in the MBTI or in a enneagram type8 wings 7. she always stood out because of her personality. nobody could think that shayla had such a strong personality behind that gorgeous face of hers. you are wondering what that thing is all about but, alright. i'll explain everything to you.

「♥」 one day, shayla was on twitter stalking random accounts and laughing at memes when she saw a post about the MBTI personality test. curious about it, she clicked on it and did the test. her result was surprising but, it described her well; ESTP - extroversion, sensing, thinking and perception. shayla is someone who is easily spotted during social situations. she can be seen laughing and joking with her peers. she loves to be the center of attention. she's a real social butterfly. since the beginning of her young age, despite being the youngest children in the family, she was always the one who suggested interesting and brand new ideas in. even in her group of friends. she loves to give fun and risky suggestion of activity or ideas but, they always worth trying. shayla is a risk taker. her boldness does make her stand out easily. she finds her joy in doing things out of common or using new ideas. she's always ready to try something new. if you put her daring and boldness and mix it together then, you can see how creative this girl can be. she is always searching for something new. that's probably why her fashion style grew quickly. she always tries to put things together that nobody tried. her clothes is part of her and she simply loves creating new outfit and altering the clothes when she gets tried of it. 

「♥」 this girl's mouth can be quite sharp. she's direct... an ESTP isn't the type to play mind games. she is very blunt in the things she can say. she always communicate with people directly, clearly, and factual answers or questions. since she's someone who's very blunt and direct, she can be quite insensitive sometimes. emotions tends to be second in her mind. facts and rational thoughts are over the emotions which is why her comments can be quite hurtful. she has difficulties to express and aknowledge her emotions. shayla can be sometimes intimidating with her very confident and her blunt personality. she comes across very strong when you don't know her. shayla ain't about the bull around. she doesn't like playing around, she goes straight up to the point. if you come wrong across her, then, she'll turn up real quick and you'll learn to shut up. she can be pretty impatient time to time. she had people trying to mess with her and she would snap real quick. shayla is known by her friends for being a big flirt around guys she finds cute. her boldness and her confidence never fails to make her the center of attention. whenever she's around a cute guy, her flirt button get activated and she'll be right there flirting with that guy casually. she does know how to flirt effectively to get that guy.  

( background ) : 

shayla was born on feburary 1st, 1995 atlanta, georgia. she was the second child of her family. she has an older brother named solomon. she grew up being pretty much the center of the attention because she was the youngest one. when shayla turned five years old, she finally started school. that was when things became different for her. shayla was in a school where not a lot black people in general. she only knew maybe two other black kids outside from her brother. she was often picked on because of her darker skintone, her big curly hair and her facial features. shayla started asking her mother to staight their hair all the time to be more "accepted" by others. two years later, shayla started to gain interest in soccer. her mom took her to play in a soccer team. it was pretty fun for her and that was how she slowly started to gain confidence in herself.

in middle school, shayla started to looove science. she was pretty much the best student in this class. she was the student who would do all bonus numbers in the exams to get higher grades. shayla also met her best friend, jailee who was korean-american. because of her being picked on during elementary school, jailee started to go against bullies at school. she would make them eat back their bad words all the time. she was also part of anti-bullying projects at school. in high school, jailee started to be tired of looking like everyone else. she first started to dress up better because she felt like it plus, also, she dyed her hair in dark red, blonde and even light brown. as a student, shayla was well known for helping younger students in sciences and maths class. she started to let her hair grow longer and finally cut her heat damaged hair. shayla's hair was slowly in longer and healther everyday. as soon she graduated high school, she went to college in science programs. she got in a private college to be able to get her diploma before going to university in forensic science. 

( family and friends ) : 
「♥」 mother  chioma scott / 53
 meet the woman who made her the one she is today, her mama. shayla and her mother are very close. She is the reason why shayla is very confident of herself. Growing up being a dark women wasn't easy for her. So she worked her best to make shayla into a confident women and it worked! chioma loves shayla a lot because she reminds her of herself when she was younger. She is always the first person that shayla goes to when she needs an advice or when she has problems. They are quite close.
「♥」 father  benjamin jerome scott / 54
 Her amazing father who never fail to make her feel loved. He treats his girl like princess all the time and loves giving hard time to his only son. He was the father know for cheering on shayla on track like his number one fan. He will always be protective toward his kids. If someone dare to hurt his child, he'll be taking a trip atlanta to seoul real quick. He loves to call shayla, dimma all the time even if she hates it. She always ends up screaming because of this ugly nickname.
「♥」 older brother  solomon ezeudo scott / 27
 He pretty much made the life of the younger girl a hell during her childhood. He made her believe anything and everything. He made pranks on her, he even cut once shayla's hair. While growing up, he became less prone to make pranks on her. He is always there helping them on their homeworks. It is impossible to count how many times he was there for shayla during middle school and high school. now, big brother is a doctor resident.
「♥」 best friend  jailee kim / 22
jailee is shayla's best friend since their first day in middle school. maya is korean-american girl. let me tell you that jailee and shayla are inseperable. if you are looking for shayla and you see jailee beside her. you'll be sure that shayla isn't far from there. anyways, jailee is a very outgoing girl which shayla loves about her. jailee is the one who alwaaays put shayka in very funny situations because of that her personality. but, you know what? they make funniest conversations that starts from nowhere and finish to another point completely different.
「♥」 best friend  damien manni / 23
damien is shayla's best friend since junior year in high school in science class. they became lab partners and they stayed close firneds since. damien is a canadian - italian boy. they are very close, he's like an older brother for her. he is very funny, kind and protective to shayla and jailee. shayla and damien loves to tease each other for anything and everything. they have awesome competitions together and they are quite funny together. fun facts, he's also studying forensic science and they are lab partners all the time.
( likes ) :
「♥」 spicy food  bring anything spicy, this girl can eat it no problem. she eats spicy everything...ok not everything.
「♥」 babies/ kids  they are her weakness. the innocence of babies and kids make her want to have 1000 babies now.
「♥」 vegan food  she says that you are what you eat. if you want to feel good, eat good. her eating habits are very calculated. she thinks of everything and how many calories she's going to eat for the amount of energy she's going to need today. everytime she's eating junks her stomach get upset. her body feels the best after a very healthy food. 
「♥」sports  shayla = lover of sports. she watches every matches of any sports even golf.
「♥」black and white  those are her two favourite colors. you might call her boring because she loves those two colors. she says that the world for her is black and white. there's good and bad. she thinks those two colors goes with everything and you can never go wrong by choosing those two colors
( dislikes ) :
「♥」 people who smack their mouth when they eat  she can't stand the sound. it irritates, discust her so bad.
「♥」 insects  this girl cannot with insects. she has a phobia of butterflies also.
「♥」 meat  since this girl turned vegan, she cannot stand the smell of meat at all. once she did ate a piece of chicken and she ended up throwing it up because it couldn't stay down.
「♥」being ignored  this girl is going to be mad af. she loves attention from people and she will not like being ignored. you must love shayla.
「♥」insects  insects goes everywhere, on , in the toilet, on flowers then, they go on you? do you know how many bacteries they have? they craw, jumps, fly, dougie, shuffle, whip, naenae, twerk and shoot. they ain't cute!
( hobbies ) :
「♥」 running track  meet a champion of track running. this girl loves this sport!
「♥」shopping online or going shopping  a girl will always be a girl. shopping is her third life haha. she shops a lot online especially shoes and accessories.
「♥」watching documentaries  she rather watch documentary than trash tv and youtube videos. so, she can drop some real facts when the time comes. her friends say that she can make someone feels stupid when she's explaining concepts and all that stuff.
「♥」 hicking  it is her second favourite thing.
( habits ) :
「♥」 midnight snacks  even in the middle of the night when she wakes up, she has to eat something. she says that she sleeps better when she's full rather than empty.
「♥」 she drools and smiles in her sleeping   tends to open itself when she sleeps letting the saliva escape from . she wakes up with a white line of dried saliva on her cheeks almost every morning. also, her 200 facial muscles just decide to contract itself to make a small grin when she sleeps. so a lady-alike.
( fun facts ) :
「♥」 she's ambitextrous  her grandmother hated the fact she was left handed as a kid and forced her to use her right hand. now, she is an abitextrous. she writes with both her hands perfectly.
「♥」 future forensic scientist  shayla dreams to be a forensic scientist. yup, that gorgous girl has a smarty brain. she's going to albany state university in a bachelor degree in forensic science. she's graduating in june 2019 and she has already a job waiting for her to finish where she's working as a secretary.
「♥」 paris vegan  she's a paris type of vegan which means that she usually eats vegan on daily and tries to stay vegan when she goes out. if she has zelo option then, she's pecestarian.
「♥」 she has a fear of butterflies; lepidoterophobia  people thinks that butterflies are cute and . shayla is deadly scared of them. when she was around 8 years old, it was raining outside and she decided to go outside to "eat" the rain drops. she opened and suddenly, a butterly went in . by reflex, she closes . the butterfly was still in "flying". she ended up coughing it out and ran back home with huge tears. that's why she's so scared of butterflies. so when she sees an actual living butterfly flying she would run her life out or end up crying like crazy. she fainted once because a butterfly flew too close from her.!
「♥」 vegan dessert and pasty expert  she makes the best vegan dessert. she's a mini-cooking chief. 
「♥」 her ideal type is someone who loves her for who she is. physicallly someone taller than her and a super cute smile, plus a nice sense of style.
「♥」 the countries that she wants to go are thailand, australia, nigeria, south africa, uk and spain. she wants to visit them all especially south africa and nigeria. she seriously wants to go there and visit, learns about the history and culture. she wants to eat the food too.
「♥」hiphop, rnb and african music are ger favourite type of music  hiphop is full of raw and meaningful lyrics. she loves it because of the rawness of hiphop music. rnb makes her want to fall in love over and over and over again. the emotions are real. african music never fails to make her dance her life out.
the interview
( how and when did you get into kpop? ) : hm.. it was quite a long time ago. i've started listening to khiphop first. tiger jk and tasha were the first korean artists that i loved. then, i ended up listening to 2NE1 and i really liked it. slowly and surely, i started to listen to some kpop music. 
( how long have you been into b.a.p, especially bang yongguk? ) : i've been into the group since they debuted. yeah, at first, zelo was my favourite in the sub-unit, bang & zelo. later on, as i watched the group's reality show, i prefered bang yongguk's personality better. the more, i was listening to them, more i liked bang yongguk. his work ethics and his passion made me really love his work and him as an artist.
( how did you find out about sbs' online contest? ) : i believe it was my best friend's younger sister who found out about the contest then, my bff told me about it. we joked around thinking '' what if one of us ends up on the show with your ultimate bias?'' then, we both entered the contest to see.
( how did you feel when sbs contacted you to let you know you were one of the lucky winners? ) : gurl! i thought it was my girl, reina playing around. i had them telling me twice that i was chosen. i was excited and a little bit anxious at the same time. it's not everyday that you get the chance to meet one of your favourite artist. 
( how was your first meeting with bang yongguk? ) :  it was very awkward. i mean, it was the first time that i saw him for the first time. ha! i'm pretty sure that i had huge eyes and my mouth was open *laughs* he is even more handsome in real life.

as you spend more time with your idol in person, do you ever feel disappointed that maybe he was not the perfect person you expected them to be? why? ) : yeah of course, we as fan we often think that we know the idol very well but, we only know a small piece of them, like the surface of their real self. but, i ended up liking his real self more than the one i see on my computer. 

after your 100 days is over, you will go back to your home country and your everyday life. how do you predict you will feel and what will you do? ) : meh! i ain'T psychic but, hopefully we can be good friends after the show. i'll go back to my senior year university student and work as a secretary in a laboratory center.
the romance
( love interest ) : bang yongguk
( backup ) : kim himchan
( nicknames ) : 
「♥」 bbang  mostly fans and bap members call him like that.
「♥」 cookie  shayla started to call him like that because she uses to call him gukie at the beginning. at one point, she messed gukie to cookie, making them laugh like crazy. after that, she kept calling him like that.
( date of birth / age ) : 31 • 03 • 1990 (28)
( on-cam ) : yongguk on camera is mostly calm and kind of awkward at the beginning which is very different of his image you see on stage. he has always a big gummy smile on his face. he's often the most quiet one around people. he's mostly observant on what's happening in his environnement. despite being the funny one, he will be the one who laughs at people's craziness around him.
( off-cam ) : yongguk is quite shy, sensible and very kind. that is his real personality. he doesn't much enjoy attention and he isn't used to get a lot of attention outside from his idol work. he can be fun to be around when he is with someone close. he would make fun jokes time to times. he thinks of people's happiness before his all the time. even if he has that strong look, he is very sensible in his heart. he is a teddy bear trapped in a huge hulk body. 
( first meeting ) : their meeting was quite awkward. you have shayla who has a shocked face like :o for like thirty seconds and him being surprised to see a black girl who choose him as her bias. it took quite a minute before to intoduce each other. shayla does tries her best to speak some korean but, thanks the lord, yongguk can understand a little bit english well. him speaking english is quite hard for him haha.
( interactions ) : ooouh let's start talking about how the beauty and brain act around this fineeee man. after a single day being around him, shayla became more herself and not scared to show her weird and funny personality to him. opening herself to him wasn't hard for her that all. 

yongguk's side was more different. it did took time for him to be able to know shayla's full personality. after that, he became more confortable around her. he would ask her questions about her life and what she likes to do. as soon, he'll hear her love for hiphop music, then, everything clicked with them. 

they were literally like best friends despite a the languages problems between them. shayla would make skinship there and there without realizing it. k-netz would see that something is happening between them, but those two wouldn't realise anything until the show will be done.

( status ) : they aren't dating, but they are in the grey zone of talking on the phone, texting and some occasional facetiming. shayla is hesitant about it... 
the goodbye
( comments ) : hayo! hope you like shayla as much i do. everyone needs a fabulous lady like her! haha anyways i ran my life out to finish this app! i'll pray that everything is alright.
( questions / concerns ) : here
( scene suggestions ) : 
• start here!
( password ) : chanceux.
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )


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